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Main point: they knew they couldn't kill the army of the dead, so everything they did was ultimately for the purpose of drawing out the Night King
I'm going to watch episode 4 at the very moment it first becomes available. I bet quite a few things that seem like bad writing in episode 3 will not look so stupid after episode 4.
18 minutes!
3 hours later…
Q: Did Bran Stark actually do anything as a warg in the final battle with the White Walkers?

Joe CBran told Theon he'd be going then warged into a few crows. What did he accomplish as the crow? It didn't look like he posed any threat to the Night's King. And if it was reconnaissance he didn't debrief with anyone about what he saw. What was the strategy there?

Q: How many days have elapsed since the Battle of Winterfell?

KharoBangdoIn Game of Thrones S08E04, we see the aftereffect of the Battle of Winterfell. The fallen heroes are laid to rest, then a big feast to celebrate life, then the battle plan to defeat Cersei & then they depart from Winterfell. Exactly how many days have elapsed since the battle till the time Da...

Apr 29 at 12:42, by Jolenealaska
Do we know that Arya is the Prince(ss) that was Promised? Yeah, she killed the Night King, but does that absolutely mean that she "brought the dawn"? It isn't dawn yet. I mean, that's the prophecy, the dawn.
D&D aren't idiots.
Q: Why didn't she end the war during the meeting of hands?

KemilioIt's obvious that could have killed with the Are there any legitimate in-universe reasons why she didn't? Seems like the writers just don't care anymore to me.

I love this show.
1 hour later…
Q: Why did Missandei say Dracarys?

KharoBangdoIn Game of Thrones S08E04 The Last of the Starks, Euron When Dany agrees to a parlay with Cersei, she demands Dany's surrender in exchange for Upon refusal, she decides to Missandei says Dracarys. Dany has uttered it many times & I am assuming it means "Breath Fire". But why ...

Q: Why did Gendry call himself Gendry Rivers?

DuskGendry was born in the Crownlands and should therefore be referred to as Gendry Waters. However, he refers to himself as Gendry Rivers. Did showrunners forget or is Gendry ignorant of the customs?

Q: Where was Gendry born?

KharoBangdoIn Game of Thrones S08E04 The Last of the Starks, Gendry is When Gendry finds Arya, he tells him that his earlier name was Gendry Rivers. As far as I know, Gendry was born in Kings Landing. Bastards of Kings Landing are named Waters. Bastards of Riverrun are named Rivers & Bastard...

Q: Why didn't Missandei just yeet Cersei off the platform?

QwanearWhen Cersei leaned in for the talk Missandei could have easily thrown her off the platform to her death. Instead she decided to be dramatic and feed into Daenerys's worst impulses. There were no restraints on her arm or legs. She was not even kneeling. It was the easiest thing to do but she did...

Q: What happened to the Horn of Winter?

StarseekerDoes anyone know what happened to the horn? Since if I remember correctly it was shown in the tv show, found by Sam and I think he took it with him when he left south, or Idk if it was just in the books that he took the horn south, especially since from my understanding it should have been import...

1 hour later…
@Aegon Is that your reaction to the episode?
well, can't blame him, there are still teleportations and some weird things
like how could Dany didn't see the iron fleet?
Also, I noticed something. I assumed that travelling times were not correct, but at least there were several weeks between or even inside episode. Problem is, Cersei seems to still be few weeks pregnant, gilly baby is still a baby and so on. They are trully traveling around whole Westeros in days
@Jolenealaska The questions this season. Haven't watched the episode yet but I have read about the painful stuff anyways
@Kepotx I don't know. I don't have an aerial map, nor did the show show how the Iron Born were hiding.
Not like I had any higher expectation tbh. It's like they just want to get it over with
That seems unfair.
I'm enjoying the hell out of it.
@Kepotx Tbh the timing doesn't bother me at all. The clumsy writing does
But I'm truly fanboying.
@Jolenealaska several ships could see her, why couldn't she see the boats?
@Jolenealaska I am not saying you shouldn't. I just find it all rushed and botched. They chose to have 6 episodes, rather than more. I find it hard to believe that HBO wouldn't finance the endgame of one of their biggest shows ever, heck one of the biggest shows in history.
@Kepotx Because Euron has 100 stealth. Dany has 20 situational awareness. And that 20 comes from Drogon.
@Aegon twice she comes to dragonstone after long time, twice she didn't send any scouts
The only good thing to come out of the season so far remains Jenny's song.
guess she is learning the hard way
And how's it that no one asked about the song here. People would have found it even more beautiful had they known the background story
Have people started googling stuff before asking? :O
We are ruined
The Iron Fleet had the element of surprise on their side. A mountainous island could have provided cover. But that's beside the point for me. I'm into the feels of the whole thing.
@Aegon this, but seems like they can't google "dracarys" or "gendry"
Pretty sure Dany explained Dracarys in Show too
But too lazy to find the script
Euron killed Rhaegel or did Rhaegel die of his wounds against Viserion?
Euron killed him.
@Jolenealaska Well, if you have Aerial recon and still someone on an open sea manages to surprise you, you might as well slit your dragons' throats yourself
"Is it a bird? Is it a plane? It's Euron Greyjoy"
Yes, Dany explained dracarys in the show.
@Jolenealaska Magic totally-innovative-not-inspired-from-dorne-at-all scorpion bolt?
seriously, it was clean sky, and dragonstone is tiny island, there is no way that she could be trapped
All of the ships had very improved scorpions.
It was actually a very compelling scene.
either she is uttelry stupid, or it was a deus ex machina, again. Guess it's both
Gorgeous CGI
more than improved, those scorpions managed to destroy ships with bolts
this scene, just like dothraki scene, and lopt of other scens from this seasons seems to be the bittersweet they were promising
good looking scenes for the spectator, but stupid in-universe
May 3 at 6:55, by Aegon
user image
Amazing artwork. Lannister family portrait a few years after Joanna's death. Keep an eye out for details ;)
only thing that bother me is that it's a bow, not a crossbow
@Aegon That's seriously harsh. Don't get me wrong, I agree that the show has had some serious flaws since they ran out of material from the published books. But it's not like show Jon and Dany have spit on and killed GRRM's Jon and Dany. It's like, a bonus. When we read WoW and (hopefully) ADoS, we won't be spoiled. I still totally love the show. I REALLY loved Arya's big moment.
So, I don't get the venomous dislike.
I just accept that it was not ASOIAF adaptation anymore, but a paralel thing based on same universe
but still, there are some heavy tv tropes that bother me, that weren't on previous seasons
it's not the fact that characters or actions are diferent, it's that they are quite dull
@Kepotx That's enough for me to really enjoy it.
tv show had made awwesome thing. I loved Arya scenes at Harrenhall in TV Show, even if it was not on the books
@Kepotx yes. I loved Arya and Tywin. Even though it really doesn't make any sense. In much the same way, it's wrong for the characters. He knows she's from the north and suspects she's highborn. He doesn't find out who she is before leaving her with The Mountain? I'm not buying it. I don't care, I love the scenes.
@Kepotx Daenerys is becoming a tyrant who believes it's her destiny to kill Cersei - she expects to just walk in and kill everyone without a hitch, so no, she's not expecting boats to have those dragon killing crossbows. Yes, the boats were hidden behind some large island or another and can move. You're not going to use a queen as a scout (how ridiculous would that be?)
@Kepotx And if the Dothraki charge succeeded in bringing out the Night King, would you have called it stupid? Because that was part of the point of the charge - they knew they wouldn't destroy the army of the dead, so that was never the aim
Q: Is this really a Starbucks cup?

DunAm I going insane or did someone really leave a coffee cup in a scene?

@Jolenealaska This is easily one of the best fiction TV shows ever. Not as good as the books, sure. Maybe not as good as Breaking Bad (I've never seen it, but I've been told great things about it). Arguably no better than a couple of other shows I've seen (Line of Duty?), but way ahead of anything else I know of
I'm glad someone agrees!
Everyone else I've spoken to really enjoyed it as well (one didn't particularly, but watched it a second time and did), so as I've said before, the hate that it gets in this room is incredibly confusing
@Kepotx Well they do call it "Based on" rather than "adaptation" officially.
Like, it feels like it can only do wrong
@Kepotx Everyone loved that change. Even I did and I am probably one of the biggest critic of changes around these parts. Just goes to show that the problem isn't about changes, the problem is about senseless changes which contradict the basis of the world they are based in
If the Dothraki are outside the walls: 'what are you doing? They're all going to die in open battle!'. If they're inside the walls: 'what are you doing? The army of the dead will starve them out!'... Just can't win
@Mithrandir24601 Why not? Kings and Queens have fought and scouted for their armies on dragons. Literally see any Targaryen war before death of the dragons
@Jolenealaska maybe off-character for tywin that should have investigate more, but Arya was great in it, also, it forge his character for further episodes
Daenerys is becoming a tyrant who believes it's her destiny to kill Cersei, and that's why it's horrendous. They took one of the few characters, the only one wearing the crown who actually cares and wants to improve the life of her people. And they made her into this crazy old entitled lady who broods on feuds and violence
@Mithrandir24601 if it succeded, I would found it odd, and easy win
@Aegon OK, so use Daenerys as a scout - what happens? She flies over the island, see the boats directly beneath her. They see her and shoot. Not only are both dragons dead, but so is she
3 mins ago, by Mithrandir24601
Like, it feels like it can only do wrong
@Mithrandir24601 Oh I forgot, Dragons are made up of Papier-mâché.
How silly of me
@Mithrandir24601 the best thing for dotharkis should be twanging arrows at wights/WW
Of course, the Dragons would have been downed
@Aegon Against bolts designed to kill them, yes
Surprising that they don't die when someone speaks loudly in their vicinity
light cavalry is made to harass ennemy, usually by the flanks, not making a frontal charge
@Mithrandir24601 No bolts can pierce a dragons hide. If they could, Valyria would never have risen
No bolts are designed to penetrate their scales
@Kepotx In GoT (not aSoIaF) universe, are Dothraki archers? Nope. I do agree, this is a flaw of the TV show
They simply took away their OP stats just because they couldn't figure out a plot which was interesting enough
@Mithrandir24601 Last season. Dothraki charged with arrows before closing in with arakhs
@Aegon Don't you think GRRM plans to have his dragons vulnerable to smart weaponry?
@Mithrandir24601 they were lot of sothraki archer attacking the convoy of Lannister in season 7, no?
@Jolenealaska It won't be a "totally innovative" scorpion bolt. Nor would it break internal consistency and precedents from history. He's a much better writer than that.
@Aegon So you're saying that technology never changes over the course of a millenium? If medieval people can create things designed to bring down walls, is it really that unreasonable in a fantasy universe that they can design something that can bring down a dragon
@Mithrandir24601 It literally hasn't changed in Planetos ever since their Bronze Age ended.
8000 years ago: Rhoynar flee before dragons
8000 years later: Rhoynar still have no answer for dragons
@Aegon 1: That's not the same as being horse archers with very different tactics and 2. How do you know they didn't?
@Mithrandir24601 They were ahorse and shooting. How's that not being the same as horse archers?
@Aegon And? The real bronze age lasted thousands of years
@Mithrandir24601 I remember a scene were a dothraki stand up in his stirrups to twang arrows. You need skill for that
@Mithrandir24601 They didn't what? Charge at the dead with arrows? You're right, given all the dark, who can say anything?
But if anyone had to make a guess, if a dude rides off carrying a burning sword, he's not gonna put it back in his sheath
Qyburn was the architect of the improvements. He's kind of bright.
@Mithrandir24601 Yes and what is your point mith?
There are no changes in the weaponry and tactics
@Aegon Would you expect to see in the middle of the night in I dunno, Scotland in the middle of Winter?
Non Valyrians do not have any weapons to bring dragons down
Which is why they remain a highly coveted and feared weapon
also, they didn't expect mellisandre. arakh would be totally useless, obsidian arrows would be usefull
@Aegon Because their main method of attacking is still hand-to-hand combat
@Mithrandir24601 Sure. We saw Battle of blackwater fine alright
@Mithrandir24601 Everyone's main method is hand to hand combat
No one relies on archery alone
I get the "lets bring NK to WInterfell and kill it there", but the "Lets make 0 strategy so he can take more risk" is very risky
@Aegon Which didn't take place as far north and in summer
Where does your information on medieval warfare come from, I am curious?
@Kepotx I'll admit that one is better if you don't think about it too hard. (Mel and the Dothraki)
@Aegon So, you're actually saying that the main method of combat for archers was with their side-arm?
@Mithrandir24601 Why do you find it so hard to admit that the shooting could have been better? You keep building legs for them to stand on.
@Mithrandir24601 Dude you're talking about mounted archer. Stay consistent
That doesn't make it awful.
Mounted archers have secondary weapons
And they are used in harassing roles
they use ranged weapons until they close
And then they switch to their melee weapons
Dedicated archers on foot however mainly have bows and shortswords
They remain behind shieldwalls
And stick to their main role
@Aegon And this isn't how the Dothraki do things in GoT and as I've said is a flaw of the TV-world
@Mithrandir24601 They evidently did things that way when they fought the lannisters
The only other time we saw the Dothraki fight was at Meereen
Where they were riding down civilians with daggers
@Aegon I didn't see them 'harassing' much
Not riding headlong against armoured regular armies
@Aegon That's exactly what they did against the Lannisters. Releasing a volley of arrows before charging straight into them doesn't change that
@Mithrandir24601 Uh....That's what mounted archers do
See the mounted crossbowmen mercenaries hired by German Kingdoms
@Aegon Mounted archers harass, not charge head-on
That was their prime tactic
@Aegon crossbow =/= bow
@Mithrandir24601 Seriously man, read the histories
Light cavalry, which mounted archers were, often collided with each other
The Mounted Crossbowmen of Germanic Kingdoms clashed with Altaic mounted bowmen
@Aegon And now you've changed what you're saying
The traditional role is to harass the flanks and baggage train.
But that isn't always true
@Aegon Yes, that's what I keep saying
Archery is still a powerful weapon
@Mithrandir24601 Only in your mind it would seem
And as I've said, that they didn't is a flaw of the TV-world
@Aegon OK, I'm leaving this room
I fail to understand how that kind of minutiae (and yes, it does seem like a very inconsequential flaw) is so unforgivable that it ruins the show.
@Mithrandir24601 That wasn't meant to be a personal attack on you. It rather seems like you lost the track of the things over the discussion. Review the transcript. My point was that mounted archers carried other weapons that they used once they engaged directly. You on the other hand argued that if a light cavalry with bows closes in, it's no longer mounted archer unit. Then you claimed that apparently I had changed everything I said which I don't believe did.
It is quite possible that I am the one who lost track of the things. Don't take it personally. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@Aegon So, essentially, my problem isn't so much about this specific thing (you're actually right in the sense that I'm not good at getting things across, so you telling me this is fine :P ) The problem is really that in here, I was trying to have a discussion and I was trying to make some point (more or less, that the Dothraki don't harass as much as I would expect them to given that they're horse-archers, which is a flaw etc.)
It appears that you're agreeing with this, only the problem is that, in order to make that point, I then have to be super-precise about what I'm saying so that it doesn't come across in some other way that I'm not trying to make (e.g. I'm not trying to say that the tactics they use are generally good or bad or were or were not used by other horse archers, although I am trying to say that, given context of the TV-universe, they're believable tactics).
Problem is, I spend virtually every day having to be precise about things and I watch GoT and participate in here for enjoyment and enjoyment only. Once I start having to be more precise about things, It's often just not as enjoyable for me, so I often don't bother, except as an occasional joke or something
As an example, instead of writing 'That's not the same as being horse archers with very different tactics', I could have said 'That's not the same as using standard harassing tactics, which I would generally expect them to use at least a reasonable amount of in order to e.g. buy them more time to reload or give the bulk of the (non-Dothraki) army more time or wear the opposing enemy down more etc. ...
and instead releasing some number of volleys without any form of withdrawal tactics before immediately charging in (as light cavalry, as opposed to heavy cavalry)' but blimey, it took me 10 minutes just to write that and that's still not really exactly what I'm trying to say, so I really just couldn't be bothered
@Mithrandir24601 No harm done I hope. I suspected once or twice that we might have been arguing for the same thing but couldn't be too sure, it was pretty confusing. We can try again if you want. Say what your point is (I promise I won't butt in and derail the discussion ;) ) And then I'll read it up and figure out what exactly were we arguing about lol
@Aegon That's part of the problem - it would probably take me about 2 hours to figure out exactly what my point is, then another to write it down and I wouldn't really enjoy those hours, so I just don't see the point to be honest - I'm sorry for just getting up and leaving and yeah, we're probably saying the same thing (isn't that always the way?)
Ah okay, that's fine. No problemo
Q: Is all of the 3 Game of Thrones twists have been revealed?

Kesavan MaharajanIn the long night episode the night king is killed, does this mean all 3 twists has been revealed?

@Kepotx Umm, I'm good thanks :P
I do feel bad for just leaving in the middle of the argument but ah well, that's what it's like to be human
user image
@Kepotx Well at least it wasn't "Give me twenty good men and I'll kill the bi***"
The way her dragons keep dying, Dany must be thinking how the heck did Aegon I conquer Westeros with those fire-lizards
@Aegon some caracters have plot armor, but somes have the opposite
@Aegon he had two sisters ;-)
and in season 7, the scorpion just hurt Drogon a little bit, and she manages to take out the bolt by hands. But know, those ballistae shot from really far away and still get troughthe whole dragon
@Kepotx I don't if I would call Dany's dragons mature yet considering their life span is hundreds of years iirc.
sure, it wasn't balerion the dread
@Aegon needed to pull a Top Gun, pull up on their 6 from the clouds and be directly above them. there were no scorpions mounted on the back
Q: Why is the episode called "The Last of the Starks"?

Anu7The latest episode of Game of Thrones Season 8, episode 4 has been named "The Last of the Starks". Why was it named so? I couldn't fathom the reason behind this intriguing episode title.

I don't watch GoT myself, but I heard about this and I thought it was hilarious
🕹️💺⬆️👽 *clears throat*
I'm not sure if you guys noticed this, but there wasn't any discussion of it and the only question about it was deleted
They probably got paid for that cameo.
A long read but this guy sums it up perfectly
@Skooba Dany has a nephew.....Well okay the nephew just kept watching his men trying desperately to light up the fence....while he had a dragon. Pretty useless 2nd head.
third head already gone and sorry folks this aint Hydra
But "What is dead may never die, but rises again harder and stronger?"
It is hydra! boom
Dragon/Kraken hybrid coming up?
In the books at least, it might yet happen
@Aegon Martin was semi-publicly done with the show too around the same time. To me that is still a big reason for the decline. Martin could guide them and tell them more details so the plot would flow better/make more sense
A silver Kraken on a dragon, an Ironman on the Iron-throne
@Skooba A lot of people keep saying this but I doubt he was contractually bound to provide such services. Maybe D&D could put more effort into learning the source material or hire writers who actually read the works they were supposed to base their scripts on?
@Skooba well, viserion died in the water, and rise again. guess what? rhaegal also died in water. Coincidence? I think not!
Why should George care about the show? He's made it very clear that it is its own thing, he has no say etc etc. He just got the money
@Aegon oh yeah I'm sure he wasn't "bound" but you gotta show the creator some love which I think D&D stopped doing so Martin stopped showing it as well
@Skooba he arleady strule to write books, and tv-show couldn't be delayed
I still stand by Winds is done and has been done hehe
I mean in no way do I put the blame on George for the show's failures.
Like talk about tactics, sure Drogon was out of range when Dany went to meet Cersei, but Dany wasn't. Why didn't Cersei just blast her lol.
not even sure drogon was out of range. Euron wipe out dragons from far away
plus, scorpions have the high ground
Dany better ring up Anakin on how that goes down
Q: Would a legitimized Baratheon have the best claim for the Iron Throne?

starseeker29In S8E4 of Game of Thrones, Doesn't that indirectly mean that outside of having the best claim for Storm's End, he also has right now the best claim for the Iron Throne since he is now the legitimate heir of Robert who was the last king, and could create a lot more problems than solve, so in t...

just realize know that Gendry is now the heir of Daenerys
@Kepotx Jon: Am I a joke to you?
@Aegon officially, he is still a SNow
Official succession of line => 1: Dany, 2: Gendry
Lawful succession of line => 1: Jon, 2: Dany, 3: Gendry
@Kepotx As per show he's not a snow. I know, I know, I feel the same
He is apparently, Aegon Targaryen, who shall be sixth of that name to sit the throne
In the point of view of Dany, she is Queen and Gendry is the heir
That pushes Dany one position lower in LoS for Aerys II
@Aegon as per the show, not everyone know this, thus the both succession line
@Kepotx The question is tagged with show 🙈
I know
Alright then, I thought you might have done that by mistake so wished to give you a head's up
But even in the show, there are two succession line, one if you believe Jon is Jon SNow, the other if you believce Jon is Aegon
well, if it wasn't clear for you maybe I should rephrase my answer
oh, by the way my answer is false becaus Jaeherys is inexistent in show canon
Yup, Aerys is apparently Aegon V's son
And Aemon's nephew
@Aegon can't ride rhaegal anymore "You have always been my good boi"
Q: Why does Bran continue to do this (8.04)?

Darth LockeIn episode 8.04 (The Last of the Starks) of Games of Thrones, the story continues to march along with the characters continuing to prepare for the future by playing 'The Game of Thrones', But Bran mentions to Tyrion that he But if this was really the case, then why is Bran Besides ...

Q: Why didn't Cersei kill Dany, Tyrion and rest of others?

Govinda SakhareIn S08E04 we see a face-off between Cersei and Dany. She could have could Dany during the first meet before the great war also but possibly didn't because she was terrified of dragons. But now as we know she has a weapon to kill the dragons also she has the backing of people of the kings landing...

Q: Where and what is Storm's End?

StackOneIn Game of Thrones S08E04 Gendry was named the Lord of Storm's End. Where is this place? In Westeros? In the northen part or the southern part? Does this place have any history behind it? I don't think I have seen this place on the opening credits or in the show.

Q: Technological Advance in the Game of Thrones

dano-akiliIt seems as if technological advancements in the GOT is unduly slow if it occurs at all. Humans appear to have the same level of weapon and transportation technology etc. in the current timeline (Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryean as King of the North) as they did prior to the original Long Night which o...

well, we didn't see it in the tv show yet
Didn't we?
Shadow baby happened there?
wasn't it at a war camp?
I may be wrong
Why did Davos row her?
I thought they mixed Courtney Penrose with Renly in the show
oh, yeah, you were right
1 hour later…
Q: Samwell Tarlys status after S08E04 and punishment

starseeker29In the episode: From my understanding he is still part of the Night's Watch and cannot father any children, this being a really big treason to the oath he took when he joined the Night's watch, especially since from my understanding it can happen to "sleep around", but this feels like a way bi...

Q: How is it believable that Euron could so easily pull off this ambush?

avmohanDaenerys has Varys on her side who is some kind of master spy. She also has Bran who can scout for her easily. She was up in the sky from where she should be able to see Euron's fleet where they were hiding before she was in range of the scorpions (if the ships could shoot at her, she should be s...

Q: What did Varys actually mean?

MJ13In Game of Thrones episode s08e04 we see Varys and Tyrion having a conversation about who would be the best heir for the Iron Throne where Varys seems to try to conspire against Daenerys. Here are the last phrases of their dialogue: Varys: You know where my loyalty stands. You know I will nev...

2 hours later…
Q: Could Bran Stark be the rightful King under certain circumstances?

JanuaryBy Rhaegar and Lyanna's marriage the Starks are now technically members of the royal bloodline. Therefore if by some twist of fate Jon ends up killing Dany and goes to live in the north renouncing his claim, would it be correct to say that Bran would now be the rightful king of Westeros? He is th...

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