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New information has come out (they released an official statement that it crashed 100m from the carrier into the ocean) that question is no longer opinion based.. im not a part of that SE though... someone want to vote to re-open?
1 hour later…
@JesseBarnett Done, althought the right place to comment on that would be in The Pod Bay the official Space Exploration chat room as opposed to this one mainly dedicated to aSoIaF and *cough* game of thrones *cough*
:D yeah my bad, thanks though
Althought, that's an interesting way of spelling the word
But Welcome to the Tankard!
A: Why was this question about maester chains closed?

KevinAnswers should not determine whether a question is closed. Questions must stand alone. I would like to highlight a specific comment which was made on this question: @Randal'Thor If [Valorum] ever edits [his answer to the dupe target] to remove that whole section, not just the quote, then I ...

Well this just isn't true^^
@JesseBarnett reaction from one of the close-voters:
@JAD Yes, now it’s merely trivial. — Russell Borogove 54 mins ago
I kind of have to agree with that
@JAD So is the seatbelt question, far more trivial in fact, watch for about 30s more and you see the seatbelt.
hmm, I didn't see that one
Out of curiosity, what do the experts in this channel think of TLC and I duping those two questions? (@Aegon @Kepotx @Skooba @amflare @Möoz) (Not pinged you, JAD, because I'm assuming you'll see this) Were we wrong to close it? Was it a dupe? Should it be re-opened?
@JAD Got me to the repcap, even if it is a poor question.
hmm, I think the meta paints it badly
Basically, an answer shouldn't be edited, and then be pointed at as the dupe target
but I don't think thats exactly what happened here
But you do think they're dupes?
@Edlothiad If you ask me, On one hand, The titles are essentially different. On the other hand it has an answer in the target answer. I have voiced my concerns about that before I believe (That Question statements should be taken into account), I recall you replied that I had grossly misunderstood our dupe policy.
That seems like an aggressive thing to say....
Sounds exactly like me.
So since the other answer does contain the answer for this one but I have reservations, I refrained from weighing in on this whether via hammer or at meta.
While the questions should be taken into account, and should be the main test, if an answer to a new question exists as a significant portion in an older answer then they are duplicates.
I see no reason in duplicating information.
@Edlothiad now the big question is whether one sentence is a significant portion
and, maybe equally important, whether that information is findable when looking for information about double chainlinks
@JAD I expressed my opinion of the significance in my meta post. I'm of the opinion that earning multiple links of the same metal drastically changes the conditions for reaching the "quota" to becoming a maester
But arguably, since exact relevant quotes were added afterwards to make the piece of information complete, the information as presented was merely a bit of trivia, but not a significant part of the answer.
@JAD Well, whether or not the OP saw it fitting to pad there answer out with quotes or to merely provide a link, it's in my opinion significant, and something that should've been amended regardless of the new question.
Looks like today the Death of Star Wars was announced: starwars.com/news/…
When's Star wars franchise going to stop making movies?
Absurd really. One fandom wouldn't give the fans the long due next book, the other just keeps popping movies out every 15 seconds
@Aegon when people stop throwing money at disney
Disney owns to much, we need an inside job to take it out
@Edlothiad “David and Dan are some of the best storytellers working today,” said Kathleen Kennedy, president of Lucasfilm. “Their command of complex characters, depth of story and richness of mythology will break new ground and boldly push Star Wars in ways I find incredibly exciting.”
I think that says it all, goodbye SW
She clearly hasn't read the books...
I think even show watchers agree that the later seasons are poor
So maybe she hasn't seen the show too haha
She's busy running an empire...
Lol, accidental ba dum tss
Coming up to a double rep cap on Space.SE, this Falcon Heavy nonsense is easy rep.
Haha works for you though
Is it bad that when I saw that DON'T PANIC question I thought of Dad's Army first?
I have no idea what that is, not a fan of that question though.
I downvoted the Q, don't see the point in it
And Dad's Army is an old British comedy about a group of old men as the home guard during the war
Might've been more relevan on space.se
Aye, it's also laid way for some pretty poor answers looking at it
Lot's of "Here's some random extra information on the logo/text"
And cap.
@TheLethalCarrot Agreed. I don't like lots of the questions we have. I also like the support Valorum's gotten for downvotes, although controversial Qs stay in the HNQ forever (*cough* gates *cough*)
Did you also see that meta answer?
Yeah this one is likely to stay
@Edlothiad About the dupe? Yeah
Wise words here, this is the next Nelson Mandela:
@Pryftan "The politics of SE" is why this network thrives - it has a much higher signal-to-noise ratio compared to the old forums it has replaced. Nuke all crap - this includes poorly researched questions, poorly written questions, duplicates, bad answers, etc. — pipe 28 mins ago
Yup he's hit the nail on the head
I also like that Valorum, DV'd the Q and refrained from answering, shows he doesn't need crappy answers to crappy questions to still be the top user
TLC in a nutshell ;)
Hahaha, funny thing is I've only seen most of the episodes once too :P
oh hey, my question was reopened
@JAD *bows*
Oh god the cross over memes from this Star Wars announcement are hilarious!
uh oh
"Always two there are; no more no less. A Master and an Apprentice"
@Edlothiad I don't get it
@Edlothiad That one was up yesterday. I was 50/50 about posting it
@TheLethalCarrot Was it? I thought it was funny
Yeah I liked it, wasn't sure if you lot would though haha
@JAD Dany and Jon, on a boat, you know
@TheLethalCarrot Every one else probably doesn't. But I am loyal to the QOTN
haven't watched the latest star wars yet, so idk about any porking kylo might have done
Although I guess I can guess
@Edlothiad Is she the master or the apprentice?
I think it was just bad picture placement
Or it's a leak :O
Ep9 leak Kylo and Rey pork
T'is confirmed
Nothing happened in Ep 8. It's about the D&D announcement.
Also the Sad Kylo twitter account is really quite funny.
inb4 I repcap of that question
? Is new day... Man needs 40 q votes to cap
I already got 11, and the day is young
@JAD 15 hours, and you got 6 in very short succession
Who wants to post a Q to help this lovely carrot grow? :P
hmm, I had a question, but I'm not sure if it's interesting
Is it gate related?
basically, how did the knights of the Vale manage to pass the Neck?
Did the Boltons really leave nobody to guard there?
For battle of bastards?
They had all their forces waiting for a big battle and they didn't think anyone would come to Jon's aid
Why would the guard it?
@TheLethalCarrot because there might be an army taking you in the back unawares
If Sansa weren't there Jon would be dead. It is known
(it's kinda why I hesitated to ask it)
Plus the Vale are a pretty big/strong army so any force guarding it would be decimated anyway
Because it is trivially explained by: Ramsay was even dumber than Sansa ;)
Ramsay was cocky but I don't think he was dumb
@TheLethalCarrot from what is said in earlier books, the neck is pretty damned strong
He relied on Jon being stupid and more numbers
let's call it, he got ahead of himself
He was mainly winning because of number superiority and better discipline
Leaving 1/4 of his army to defend the Neck when he's not expecting anyone to come to Jon's aid could have turned the tide for Jon to actually overcome the numbers
I guess
> It's said that the old Kings in the North could stand at Moat Cailin and throw back hosts ten times the size of their own."
Kind of implies that 1/4th is maybe a bit much though
Oh yeah I only picked an arbitrary amount
@JAD We had a question on that
But I can't find it now because probably some genius changed the title to "Why did this House do this?"
HNQ idiot*
It's a tide ad
The essence, as I recall, was that Boltons expected the Arryns and Baelish to be on their side
Something along the lines of Ramsay thinking to himself "Huh? Baelish? He's here a bit early isn't he?"
Aye forgot they'd "allied" with LF giving them Sansa
@TheLethalCarrot nearly murdered you. But it turns out I got the enlightened badge too
@Edlothiad I actually thought to myself "Haha! Giving Ed a bronze!" Until I realised you'd get a silver too
Q: How could the Battle of the Bastards end that way?

JeanPaulHow could Ramsay Bolton be taken by surprise by the Vale Army? They had taken the Moat Cailin, so I don't believe the Boltons knew nothing about the invasion from the south.

Here we go
Good lord, at least they didn't change it into "How could this battle end that way"?
At least it started out with a similar title
Yeah just saw the edited history
Not sure if this is the one I was talking about tho
When did he get royal decree?
back when he told her about Ramsay marrying Sansa.
it's right there ;)
He got the support of Cersei but did he actually get a decree or just word?
@TheLethalCarrot words are wind
@Edlothiad No idea.
My memories of the seasons after S03 are hazy
@TheLethalCarrot Word to your mother
That just makes me think of the Muller Rice advert now
BAELISH: Name me Warden of the North.

CERSEI: I’ll speak to the king this evening. Have him issue a royal decree.

BAELISH: I’ll not rest until the lion flies over Winterfell.

CERSEI: And I’ll l know you’re a man of your word when I see Sansa Stark’s head on a spike.

BAELISH: As I said. I live to serve.
He likely got the decree off screen
@TheLethalCarrot You mean to say... it's a tide ad?
I haven't looked into what all this tide nonsense is about
Some bloody good tide advertisements. They had tens of millions of dollar worth of slots, good thing all those kids were buying tide pods to eat so they could afford them.
Ah lucky them then
Shout out to a great underrated question :P
Q: Has GRRM ever confirmed that he named some ASOIAF characters after the Muppets?

AegonIn The World of Ice and Fire, we are introduced to few historical Tully characters, which are: Lord Kermit Tully Lord Elmo Tully Lord Grover Tully To those who may not be familiar with the Muppets, these three Lords share the same names as Puppet Characters from the cast of popular shows like...

that could've been a bit more subtle
Shout out to every answer by @Möoz ever, just bring some of his nation’s humour into every one of his posts!
He does have good answers
I think I need to come up with some self answers, I've looked through 2 pages of ASOIAF Q's and found nothing to add
2 hours later…
@TheLethalCarrot Heh I had the same thought myself. "TLC has the right idea. Instead of crawling through the entire collection, I should post my own questions and then answer those."
Yup, instead I can't think of any now though haha
Feb 4 at 8:24, by Edlothiad
@Aegon Unless you're amflare, then you just say "Trees in GoT also grow on trunks and have leaves, therefore faithful" and get 250 million upvotes
I trust you can derive a question out of that excellent answer
Do trees in Game of Thrones have doors?
Also I've just been looking through our stars and noticed something most terrible...
@JAD here are 4 picture of random trees. give me some upvotes
*Initiation complete*
Congratulations Kepotx, and welcome to the Kingsman
I am honored, sir
You still have much to learn young padawan
sure. including english by the way
Well sir is the English spelling, ser is the ASOIAF spelling haha
I know, but still, i make some basic mistakes
But yeah, you definitely know more English than I know other languages
To be fair, you probably know more English than I do haha
Apparently we have 601 stars, why are only 578 stars showing up
:thinking: We have proof!
I wondered that the other day when Amf moaned about the star count going down
the mods are bored that wi give stars for meaningless messages so they decide to remove somes
Ranger's Log: 07/02/2018 13:14 UTC, 578 Stars shown, expected 601 based on previous data
Damn I should've called it Ranger's Log...
I bet it's Skooba removing pro Sansa stars...
@TheLethalCarrot Ummm......
That was quite funny, even with my limited french
by the powers conferred upon me, and by this sword
I make you companion of the brotherhood
of the cut ears
chop chop, now rise ser
That had me laughing more than it should
lol, that small "the queen is: in" sign
Haha didn't even notice that
Do all Targaryen's have blonde-silver hair?
@JAD Nopes
No not Tyrion
Some have pure silver, some have streaks of gold running
Is King in the North an example of the seed is maybe not so strong?
That's of course excluding the half targaryens
Umm, the Baratheon seed is strong. Not all seeds.
@Edlothiad I know I know
Q: Why does Jon Snow have dark hair?

FedericoSpoilers for Season 6 Episode 10 and Season 7 of Game of Thrones. I have tagged this question also with a-song-of-ice-and-fire because I am interested about eventual book details that didn't make it into the show. I know that in the books Jon's ancestry is still a mystery, but I suppose it won'...

I don't get your point then
if the dark hair gene > blond hair gene, it can also beat targ hair
@Kepotx It can and it does. Not 100% but it sure does
Jon Snow is the #SeedThatWasPromised
does GRR MArtin ever say that Planetos genetics works the same way as our world genetics ?
@Kepotx He says "It's fantasy man, it's magic" to people seeking all sort of scientific answers
@Kepotx Well, no. Genetics is never as simple as A + B = A
The real question is does GRRM ever say what Aerys II's tax policies were?
@Aegon I say that, and then @JAD cries about "It can have some realism" and all y'all crazies go starring it
Man's just speaking WOG here.
@Edlothiad Raising taxes, blaming it on tywin, retracting the increase in taxes, look like a nice bloke
@Aegon Shut up :P
but there is a difference between fantasy and magic kind of non-realism, like a dragon shaped tower, like having your castle on the top of a mountain, etc. Sure, those things would be impossible, but are now explained with magic... fine.

What bothered me about Winterfell was the side of realism that required explaining why people built it that way. Explaining impossible towers and structures with magic, fine. Explaining dumb decisions with magic, not so much.
I forget what the "dumb decisions" was but I'm pretty sure we solved it.
Having a moat inside your walls
instead of outside
It's not a moat, it's a lazy river
that changes everything
but there are two walls, if the moat is between the two, it's ok
motte and balley castle have sometimes wall-motte-walls
hmm doesn't matter, I couldn't find any examples at the time
I just wanted to further explain my "cry about realism"
one thing that upset me in tv show is the flatness of winterfell roof
the more you go in the north, the more the roof are sloping, so the snow dont stay in the roof
but winterfell is flat, hope bran the builder make solid enough roof
Are they flat, or is Bran the Builder a wizard?
You're a wizard Branny
back then, they relied on dragons to melt the snow
@JAD Winterfell has two keeps. The inner keep has to have defenses as well
@Aegon Thats what I thought as well, but nope
It's laid out as follows: Wall -> Moat -> Wall
@Kepotx Wonder if the warm water running inside the walls would have some impact on that
no space in between
Winterfell is built on hot springs after all and it is never cold
@JAD I don't see the problem, maybe I am missing something. Care to elaborate?
That's why it's a lazy river, quite relaxing in the warm floating around
@Aegon I think the point is it's harder to get your forces to the outer walls in case of an attack
Wall->Gate->Drawbridge->Moat->Draw bridge->Gate->Wall
it is actually experienced by Theon
We discussed the bridge
@TheLethalCarrot Not as difficult as your foe sneaking getting their troops inside. Is it explicitly mentioned that the Wall-walks aren't joined by overhead bridges? Protected by gates? Or there are simply no draw bridges to allow your troops to the outerwalls?
It is weird tho, There should be Barracks right behind the outerwalls, for Soldiers who are supposed to defend the Outerwall and hold it until reinforcements could be called
We had this discussion a while ago, I'm not going to try and find all the quotes again
@Edlothiad Find the link then?
@Aegon there are no ways to get from the top of the inner wall to the top of the outer wall
@Aegon Protected by gates? @amf you around?
We found that to get to the outer wall, there were gates in the inner wall, with a drawbridge that led to the outer wall, but not through it
@JAD It shouldn't be hard get a swinging ropes and planks bridge going
but if you're short on men, that quickly becomes a one-way path
@Aegon FINE, but you're not my real dad!
You're grounded young man, for the sass
I think it begins here
Oh @Skooba is here. How's it going Skoobs?
> "The direwolves," Theon said. "Both of them, at a guess." Disgusted, he walked back to the drawbridge. Winterfell was encircled by two massive granite walls, with a wide moat between them. The outer wall stood eighty feet high, the inner more than a hundred. Lacking men, Theon had been forced to abandon the outer defenses and post his guards along the higher inner walls. He dared not risk having them on the wrong side of the moat should the castle rise against him.
@JAD But it doesn't imply that the moat takes up all the space between the two keeps?
not that one specifically
@Aegon going well.
Not sure how I feel about D&D getting a Star Wars contract
The Adventures of Luke Whitewalker, Han Drogo and Wun Wun the Wookie. Luke is a sullen orphan (so he thinks) being trained by Ol' Benjen Kenobi to become a Jedi Maester. But will he fall in love with Danny Organa? Why is she so familiar?
@Skooba Well, Star Wars is Sansa, D&D are Ramsay, Disney is Reek
@TheLethalCarrot (credit)
@Aegon I'm not getting this analogy
It's like this in my head
Still doesn't mean people can get from wall to wall.
@Edlothiad Not directly yes, but that's the point of having two walls
JAD doesn't like it.
@Edlothiad "Get her ready Reek"....no? kthxbye
Still not getting it...
Just a meme that I scrolled by moments ago
Visual media is helpful I suppose
OHHHH YOU MEAN Star Wars is Jeyne Poole?! I see.
Jeyne Poole
But yes
@Aegon You can say that again ;)
@JAD what's wrong with the drawing above again?
@TheLethalCarrot hmm?
Well you are our resident expert :P
How to get men on top of a castle walls? Well, if it is before 1853 they take the stairs
@TheLethalCarrot hah thats good
@Aegon you think star wars is dumb and never learns from its mistakes?
That D&D are cruel and abusive for sake of being that
that Disney is somehow subservient to D&D?
i might switch those last two
Disney is def. in "control"
The only "mistake" Star Wars has made is Solo, so we don't know if it's had the opportunity to learn yet.
@Skooba Nah I mean SW is effed...Interesting to see that Ed didn't get all worked up over your interpretation that Sansa is dumb and never learns from her mistakes
@Skooba Well Disney are getting it ready. By funding and all
@Aegon oh i get it now
light... bulb...
Anyone going to participate on Constructed Languages for dothraki?
@Aegon Was it? I'm pretty sure I'd mentioned the other day that i'm pretty bored of this faux admiration for Sansa and the anti-sansa circle jerk. I have my differing opinions on a character and it seems like it isn't going to change, I'm happy leaving it there.
@Skooba makes creepy guttural noises.....That's good enough
@Edlothiad Must have missed it then
Constructed languages is a poor name...
@Aegon Well don't miss this one then ;)
Oh wouldn't dream of it
How do different languages sound like in your heads?
@Aegon The same...
High Valyrian: Latin
Free cities dialects: Italian
Common Tongue: English (Duh)
Dothraki: Old Turkic
Lol Italian = Latin
High Valyrian sounds more like Sindarin to myself
@Edlothiad That's the point. It's close enough.....but not the same
Free cities I felt to be different to Free city dialects
Qarth would be idk something like Arabic
Ghiscari hmm some mixture of German with some oriental language cus it is supposed to sound rough with an eastern touch
@Edlothiad Sindarin is elf tongue?
like latin gave vulgar latin that gave italian, french, spanish, high valyrian could be the basis of free cities dialects, so close in sounds
@Kepotx You get it
@Aegon an Elven tongue.
@Edlothiad Do the Elves in Rivendale and those of the Woodland realm speak different languages?
@Aegon German is beautiful, you take that back...
@Edlothiad Idk always sounded harsh and rough to me
French and Persian on the other hand sound very sweet
All the languages just sound like the Clangers to me
@Aegon Well Rivendell is Noldorin primarily so they speak both Sindarin and Noldorin, the Woodland realms speak are Silvan elves which I believe speak Sindarin
@Aegon depends of the context, when you listen an opera and hitler speechs, both are german but the first seems more beatifull to ear than the second
@Aegon I've never thought french to be as "sweet" as everyone seems to make it sound
Especially when every other word that comes out of a Frenchman's mouth is uhhhh
@Kepotx Haven't heard German Opera. But did listen to some medieval songs l
I forgot the name but it was about Crusades
And had something like Ich bin Kommen an die stadt
And Gott menschlechen trat something like that
@Edlothiad personally I think it should not be dupped. The questions are nothing alike.
Dude, do you even An die Freude ?
Ode to joy, anthem of europe
and one of the best part of 9th symphony of bethoven
@Edlothiad haha for me every single word coming out of a Frenchman is "sh" or "gh" sound for some reason
@amflare The questions are alike enough in my opinion that they allow for the answers litmus test
gh you know the sound they make with r
not an opera though
The rolled r?
Sure Valorums all encompassing answer included the short answer @the, gave, but now no one else can add an answer that would be exclusive to the multi-link question
But I think that's common between Francais and Deutsch
@Edlothiad what are you on and why aren't you sharing
@amflare The newer ties relevantly into the first question, as outlined in my meta post.
@Kepotx Nopes, never heard Beethoven other than some tracks that come with Windows
Tie-in != dup
Did listen to Wagner some but that too thanks to the Valkyries
thats the ones that you post "related not a dup" in the comments
It allows for the answer test, which it then failed
The answer provided in the second, is in my opinion a major player in the answer given to the first, since it's duplicated info, we close as dupe. GG, no re.
@Aegon got an handy quotes for the construction of Dothraki language handy?
from the show?
I didn't bother reading it
That site looks like it's people asking about languages constructed in fictional universes (so all on-topic here) and not so much people constructing their own languages, I don't see a purpose
just realizing that there aren't many questions on SFF about Dothraki.....
@Skooba Nopes, I don't even know who is constructing the language haha
3 hours later…
@Edlothiad thanks mate, you're a right champion.
Q: Why didn't Robert keep the Stormlands after the rebellion?

AlienorAfter the rebellion, Robert give the Stormlands to his brother, but why didn't he keep the Stormlands for himself, to have much more power?

i like the fact that there is no answer since half an hour and 3 answer in just two minutes
@Kepotx lol
bow over ser Skooba
hmm if Robert was being fostered in the Vale, yet still Lord of the Storm's End, who actually ruling it?
was he still fostered when he became lord paamount ?
it is implied
because the whole reason the Rebellion started is because Jon Arryn refised to hand Ned and Robert over to the Mad King
I take that to mean they were still in the Vale...
but the Rebellion started in 282 while his parents died in 278
so that 4 years which even by their standards is a long time.
and Robert was 16 when his parents died, old enough to rule in his own right. Robb was 16 when he was crowned King in the North.
another point is that the first battle is at gulltown, in the vale, and not in the stormlands
hmm and that is a question I don't know the answer to..... @Aegon HELP!
Why did Ned and Robert think that Jaime would inherit the Rock? He was Kingsgaurd.... I guess they just knew Tywin et al would find a way to get him out of it?
where is it implied ?
"Kingslayer," Ned said. The rumors were true, then. He rode on dangerous ground now, he knew. "An able and courageous man, no doubt," he said carefully, "but his father is Warden of the West, Robert. In time Ser Jaime will succeed to that honor. No one man should hold both East and West." He left unsaid his real concern; that the appointment would put half the armies of the realm into the hands of Lannisters.
"I will fight that battle when the enemy appears on the field," the king said stubbornly. "At the moment, Lord Tywin looms eternal as Casterly Rock, so I doubt that Jaime will be succeeding anytime soon. Don't vex me about this, Ned, the stone has been set."
maybe, if it's just after the sack of KL, ned though he would be fired of the kingsguard
quite strange, yu are right
2 hours later…
@Skooba got it
they say he will succeed to that honor => he speak of the title of warden of the west, not lord paramount
as warden is a title and not a land, jaime can be warden of the west without being lord paramount of the rock
after 6 month, finally edit my profile picture
behold my hometown coat of arms!
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