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@BaeltheBard DANG IT. 9 hours too late
@Möoz Wait, it's not dawn?
2 hours later…
Silly Aeg
3 hours later…
Should I add the TWOIAF caption to one of those answers?
Ok I'm confused. I can chat here, but I can't reload anything?
So I'm clearly connected to the internet, but reddit, se and slack aren't loading
everything else seems to work fine
I get that all the time
Usually only SFF loads and everything else fails
Should I be worried that work is onto me?
Half the time I can't do anything but view new messages in chat but can't send my own
Stack overflow doesn't even work
Lol may have just borked
I think I got the caption right, I took a really bad picture of it last night on my phone haha
Can't procrastinate, therefore I can't work
My tweet about guardians made it to reddit
15k updoots
I probably shouldda posted it there myself haha
And linked to your answer and got the Announcer badge.
Yup too late now though haha
Let me onto reddit!!!! AND STACK!!! ARGH
Woohoo we're back!
55 seconds to slow for the Late Answer review argh
I get it all the time but it's just the shite work internet I think
Ugh guy at work wants to synchronise this afternoon, such effort
Oh congrats to me I've hit 100 silver badges
Pfft... Amateur
tbf I only have 183 so...
Haha I'm not bothered about badges like you though
Well bothered in keeping them in check, actually earning them would require effort, which we know I don't do
Yeah they are the words of House Lothiad
I was about to search AWOIAF for House Lothiad
"We do not Effort"
"Laziness is coming"
"Hear me roar... about how lazy I am"
"Duty, Honour, Laziness"
"Unbowed, Unbent, Unworked"
"Ours is the Laziness"
"Growing Lazy"
Right that's all the main houses.
Awww shit, I missed House Arryn
Haha pretty good
"As Lazy as BobbyB"
I had to search the Tyrell and Arryn words tbf
And we're rip again...
I don't know what the best one is
I like Unbowed, Unbent, Unworked
Me too haha
It's the only one that makes sense
Duty Honour Laziness has the same effect, you think it's going to be something good, but just you wait sonny
See if we went with my actual surname there's already a House for it just no words, though we do have an ancient Scottish/Irish clan to go off of
And we have a real life motto with that too
Clan McGregor
Ye my family has arms and a motto
Oooh apparently we have a tartan
The real life version arms is much better than the ASOIAF one too
Ye you showed me your real life one at some point.
If you're scottish you'll have a tartan
Even the chinese families have "tartans"
Clan Zhou
I know was trying to one up you ;P
I mean look GoT one
RL one
RL one is so much cooler :P
And we have a motto IRL: Mullach a-bu meaning Victory for the Dunns
It's a bit boring though
Lol, I can't research mine online cuz Switzerland and no one cares
I'd found most of my stuff a while a go
Can't even load the lunch menu
It be borked
It worked, and it's my favourite lunch, I'm excited
Oooh what you got
> Lamb stew with beer and sage Gnocchi with butter Spinach sautéed with garlic
Served by the Lunch lady that heaps food onto my plate, I'm super excited
Hahaha nice
There's not a single vegetable I like more than Spinach with garlic
Behold, his royal highness, King Edwin of SCATland, a good CATholic
Ye scat means something different in my country, capitalising all of it like that made it very strange
Huh google says kot
How it still has the lion too haha
What does it mean?
@TheLethalCarrot Reminds one of Tommen
Ah true
1. Go away/Leave
2. Improvised jazz singing where the mouth is used as an instrument.
3. "Droppings"
@Edlothiad Go away is in English tho
I thought you said in your country
1 and 2 are common English, not 100% sure about 3
3 Is common...
It's like following a scat trail
@Aegon Figure of speech
And well, I don't really know where my country is, I'm a person of the world.
@Edlothiad I haven't heard it but you're most likely right haha
If you're feeling old fashioned press Ctrl+Wndws+C
was king joffrey baratheon officially crowned by the septon ? i remember that the high sparrow refused to crown tommen, but don't remember if the fat septon crowned joffrey
He was certainly planning on doing it
he was totally corrupt so i dont see why he would refused but i dont have any memory of the high septon crowning joffrey, in the books and in the tv show
@Aegon what mod is it ?
@Kepotx it’s a scatmod
Q: Why doesn't Jon Snow just create a new undead to show to Cersei?

gdelabIn GOT season 7, Jon Snow and several other important characters feel the need to which is (obviously, and as it turns out) very dangerous. However, in Season 1, Othor's body is risen from the dead South of the wall, and attacks Jeor Mormont, so obviously the White Walkers' inluence works tha...

@TheLethalCarrot gosh, you beat me by 15 seconds
Lol, I'd have posted it earlier but I was talking with a colleague
same, the teacher was behind me ^^
didn't realise that othor hadn't blue eyes in the show...
Continuity error, they're not blue when he attacks Mormont either
Not that I can see anyway
@Kepotx Cats and Bears were introduced with the Jade Dragon DLC. Not a mod
Not loading?
Whats ctrl+windows+c?
Toggles monitor colour
DV'd question, no idea what it says
Or screen colour rather
Lol how would that help paha
Not doing anything for me
@Edlothiad It's not a good question but basically why didn't they kill someone and wait for them to be turned into a wight instead of going to look for one
@Edlothiad You on Win 10?
@TheLethalCarrot Well that's bloody stupid, I want to downvote it...
Dunno then
And yeah it's a bad Q, also based on a few false premises
Swapped from wired to wireless connection, still rip
Mine usuaully gets better after 10 mins
Looks like you're proper borked
I just want to thrash about angrily
Some people online are claiming it's malware
Run a scan then :P
dangerous files
Oh haha
Dunno then
This sucks, I don't think I have enough coins for a chocolate bar either :(
I do, I'm going chocolate shopping
Oh come off it
No haha the link works, not the theory
Good, I was starting to give up hope
The theory is silly
Silly is the polite way of putting it
Let's call it special
I can't see the reddit thread that the author copied verbatim from...
The reddit thread has less info in it and appears to be even worse
It keeps asking me to complete Captcha, must be legit
So I can't do any of my usual procrastination, I'll have to learn french :eyeroll:
The batshit insane theory site
Keeps asking
to complete captcha
Lol, that's weird
And then keeps asking again ... and again... and again.
Yup, no idea
You aint human Egg
If the theory is that Planetos is a tiny speck in the eye of a giant
Well that it's in a Giant's eye, they don't go into detail
@TheLethalCarrot Negative, Dear Human subject 093888xff. I am very much LifeStatus.alive and Species.Human
@TheLethalCarrot I say it's in Sponge Bob's pants. All those who deny it are my enemies
Sounds about right
Well considering they claim it's a dyson sphere, the land would be on the inner surface of the eye and therefore covering the iris.
Have you been looking into this EggBot?
@Edlothiad They state the poles are holes that the First Men came in through
@TheLethalCarrot Kill me now.
@TheLethalCarrot Nah, the "Tick here bruh if you really human or some shieet" captcha
Which then gets pissed at you and starts showing you images to select from
Ahh right
@TheLethalCarrot I can't even open that cuz it's an SE network link :(
Those ones are annoyinj
It's always check all the squares that contain a sign and then one square has the top edge of a sign in it, do I check it or not?
Half the time you should check it, the other half you shouldn't
Just check all the boxes
So the guy who wants to synchronise no longer has time because he's working on something else so French it is
Also I need to stay awake somehow :/
You guys seen this? I love this theory: awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Frey_Pies/Theories
@Edlothiad I think this is R+L=J tier theory
Hot "Frey" Pie!
Well most on AWOIAF are, but that's all I can read now
If this = SanSan, I'll be sooo upset:
> You will see, in A STORM OF SWORDS and later volumes, that Sansa remembers the Hound kissing her the night he came to her bedroom... but if you look at the scene, he never does. That will eventually mean something, but just now it's a subtle touch, something most of the readers may not even pick up on.
Sansaryen confirmed?
Now that I could possibly get behind.
Although it'd have to be fAegon
Or Jonsa, god that would make me sick
I thought fAegon when I read it
Hopeully not Jonsa
Hopefully no fAegon either...
@Edlothiad I don't think you need the theory to want to get behind.... ;)
And by that, dear transcript readers, he means I'm a big fan of Sandor Clegane so regardless of the evidence I will always support theories that lead to Sandor having a happy ending *cough* *cough*
Of course nothing else implied or stated at all
In S1 when Othor is brought back beyond the Wall he's a wight cos he's not rotting but doesn't have blue eyes yet, I've chalked this up to a show error. Can any of you see if he has blue eyes when he attacks Mormont/Jon.. youtube.com/watch?v=NjjJ-gwL1B0
I had a look and couldn't see blue but other people have said they are
Show messing things up
They got it right in the prologue too
That was tough with the limited websites I can visit lol
Seriously how hard is it?
> S01E08 - White Walker attacks Lord Mormont
Probably uploaded by D&D then
Go to 1:34 and move forward at .25 speed, looks blue to me
I'm almost certain they're blue.
but not the bright blue you see other times
Maybe actually yeah
Way too dark though
@Edlothiad ^Gif
in that scene though, why on earth does Jon grab the lantern by the side?
Ye they're blue as everything
2:10, very very clear
Yeah they are
Show messed up when he's brought back beyond the Wall then?
@JAD Cos he's a muppet
@Aegon Wrong reaction, that's more of the one to Jonsa, not what TLC about *cough* me accepting all theories that have a happy ending *cough*
@TheLethalCarrot That would be my assoomption
It is my reaction to jonsa
Oh, you should link it better lolol
It is linked to your jonsa comment
Well not the gif, the second comment. Gif didn't for some reason
I could swear sometimes gif replies work here
@Edlothiad Or probably so they could reveal he was actually a wight during the fight rather than beforehand
Still a mistake though
Oh that one
If you reply (:43284329) and then post the gif it works
Like mine did
@TheLethalCarrot do you remember which answer of yours Rand complained that it wasn't an answer to the question for?
Sometimes the gif upload retains the :xxxx. But nice tip, will remember that
A: Why does Maester Aemon get to cast the deciding vote when electing the new Lord Commander?

TheLethalCarrotThis appears to be a show only event and as such it is likely there just to build tension. As this is the case we most likely won't be able to find the reason as the show doesn't really explore the extended material and it doesn't appear to be addressed in the books. However, in the books Jon win...

@Aegon You don't need to type out the numbers though, just click the arrow then provide the link
that's always worked for me
@Edlothiad Gif direct links one-box?
In the text box it'll come up as ":43920342 https://fdsafdkfdk.com" but it will render
Oh they do
My God
It is beautiful
Your other one oneboxed as well?
No I did the stupid "Upload via url" last time
Or all the times before it
I've never even seen that before haha
That makes uploading images easier
AeG0N sHoUlD HAvE tAkEN rEAcH aNd WeStErLAnds....TaRg sTronk tHen aMiRitE LoL?
mUh ceNtrAliZed PoWeR
@Aegon gonna need a tl;dr because can't see
I think detainting the rebel lords by Joffrey is pretty assertive
@Edlothiad Apparently a guy goes "Meh why are there kings anyways? Why do the noble houses care? Kings are just as strong as they houses they marry into. So how Powerful is the Crown really?"
What? Where's that logic coming from?
And thus came along the Experts who claim Aegon giving back lands to Local Lords and raising them up was a huge mistake and had he taken conquered lands for House Targaryen, Targaryen would have been super powerful
Sure they'd have had a lot of land, but everyone would've revolted and banded together and GG house Targaryen...
@Edlothiad but then again, dragons
Umm the Dragon Pit was a good example of what would happen.
@Edlothiad Precisely. Plus Delegation of power and internal autonomy is a real thing when ruling a huge realm
A Dragon can only melt so many people...
Throw enough people at it and Dragon goes GG.
@JAD Dragons did not end the rebellion of the Faith or conquered Dorne
Silly JAD... Jarko would've known better ;P
Feudality is the key : you are only powerfull because your vassals are powerfull. if all vassals begin a rebellion, you are screwed
@Kepotx Yup, the King for all intents and purposes is just another feudal lord with a shiny hat
Only thing he really has going for him is the symbolic significance and perception of power
@Aegon just another tier
and as he NEED some vassals, to delegate power, the best move is to make old kings some vassals/lord paramount, so that other house accept a foreign king
Yup, you may be able to win with force but you can't rule with it
@JAD Just another animal?
constant rebellion and harassment/guerilla like the dornishmen did => no way to rule the seven kingdoms
@TheLethalCarrot Ironborn should learn that
@TheLethalCarrot Well Maegor did...
@Aegon but muh iron price
@Edlothiad For how long?
You can't rule by brute force for ever
@Aegon Longer then Aenys...
If you try, you end up like Maegor
Yeah I meant can't rule with power for long
@Edlothiad #VisenyaDidNothingWrong
look at how even "today's" people hate targs because the mad kings
Pre-Emptive defense of Her Grace against the slander that she killed Aenys
I would need to revise the succension post Aeg, I forgot Aenys was even king
if there are several mad kings/maegor the cruel kings in a row, there will be constant rebellion
@Kepotx Common people still have people who love even Aerys lol
"The old King would never have stood for this"

"King Robert?"

"No, King Aerys, Gods Grace Him"
yes, and other agree that even if he is a tyrant, at least the kingdom was at peace
Eugh, Eustace Osgrey, the bloody black dragon supporter
@Edlothiad Black Dragon, Best Dragon
a little bit like those who defend Al Assad/Kadhafi : he may be a dictator, but at least, the country is united and at peace, and not in a civil war
Wait did I get that the wrong way around?
@Kepotx Aerys may have been mad but he was smart enough to act like a nice bloke in front of public
Like when he raised levies for ports
When merchants came complaining
He said, "Oh no, when did that happen? Must have been Tywin's work. Good people, as long as I reign, you will never suffer such injustice. I revert my hand's unjust taxes on you"
People don't know much about what he was
History is written by the victors
I mean sure they knew he was slightly touched in the head, but that was the case with most Targs
Generations of porking your siblings would do that
The Targs are basically Cletus
@TheLethalCarrot "Dear Sir, I protest in the most strong words over the false claims that Targaryens wed their siblings exclusively. Sometimes we wed neices and nephews too, Yours Truly, King Maegor (Mrs.)"
"madness and greatness are two sides of the same coin. Every time a new Targaryen is born, he said, the gods toss the coin in the air and the world holds its breath to see how it will land"
@Kepotx For Daemon Targaryen, it landed on its edges. And kept threatening to fall on one face or the other but never did.
"Over the centuries, House Targaryen has produced both great men and monsters. Prince Daemon was both." Gyldayn
@Aegon Eggs brother?
love the fact that he is three times in the family three
we need to create a 3dimensional family tree for targs
Targaryen family tree
Maester iStock's work I see...
@Edlothiad Rhaenyra's uncle husband
@Aegon Was yoke...
@Edlothiad Lol the one I opened didn't have watermarks must have added them in the direct link
Cmon people... Maester iStock is a good joke...
Tough crowd these days
Odds on patches re-appearing with Davos' fingers
1 hour later…
@Edlothiad do we have a meta consensus on spoilers?
Ye don't
Titles have to be meaningful though
Which q, I have 2 minutes
I'm answering this
Q: Why was this edit to hide a plot spoiler rejected?

PanzercrisisYesterday I saw this answer, which essentially summarized an entire story in plain view, so I suggested this edit to hide the summary and require the user to mouse over it to read it. This edit was rejected, and the reason given was this: This edit does not make the post even a little bit ea...

with "because we don't need to spoiler everything"
I know we talked about spoilers somewhere recently
I just need to find it
We don't add spoilers to id
That's a horrible edit, I haven't even read it and it looks horrible
@Edlothiad do we have a meta on that?
or is it unspoken
Q: I'm asking a Story-ID question. Should I include spoilers?

ValorumI plan to ask a story-id question shortly. So far I've described elements from the plot and a description of the characters but what should I do about spoilers? Obviously asking "Space opera, floppy-haired hero fights man in black" is a less obvious match than "Space-opera, floppy-...

Well, It can be interpreted as "don't hide them"
Spoilers in answers are usually not needed anyway as the question usually covers the full scope of the answers
Not always the case obviously
its dumb to hide spoilers in story-id question
make no sense "i want to know the plot of the stry but hide me the plot"
The guys a fool
It's dumb to hide a full answer behind spoilers, exhibit A
Go back to SO.
That answer was posted at the perfect time :P
@Edlothiad Side note is that Q a dupe of this one?
I'm not sure I needed a tldr for a 50 word answer, but whatever
Oh well it covers the point pretty well
heh heh heh their sigil is humpty dumpty
yesterday, by Kepotx
Oh dammit
Its House Falwell
stupid quote box ruining my joke
Don’t think so, the new one is asking about timings
2 hours later…
Q: Have there been any ruling salt son?

KepotxA salt son is the son of an ironborn and a salt wife. According to both "salt son" and "salt wife" wiki page, a salt son can inherit, even if they are behind rock wife. However, I don't remember any mention of a famous salt son, ruling the Iron Island or even a major House like Harlaw, Drumm or G...

5 hours later…
Didn't there used to be 900 some-odd starred messages? Did a bunch of old ones get removed or something?
Q: Is the Westerosi heraldry similar to western europe medieval heraldry?

KepotxSimilar to our world, heraldry play an important role to distinguish noble Houses or singular character. But did the westerosi heraldry follow the same rules as ours ?

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