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5 hours later…
@Möoz I never knew about that site. Had to trawl through youtube. Thanks pal :D
@amflare You've got bugs my friend
2 hours later…
Speaking of cross over memes
"Now this is podracing"
@amflare I've got this horrible green too
Okay that ones decent haha
What hex code does your green have?
Mines #5fba7d
Q: Why does Peter Dinklage's name appear first in the opening credits?

Nog ShineOne of the important characters in Game of Thrones is Tyrion Lannister acted by Peter Dinklage. He turned into a crucial role in the series. In the season 1 of the show, his name appears last after all the other characters like Ned Stark, Catelyn Stark, Cersei Lannister but from season 2 to seaso...

@M&TVFeeds Because he's in your profile picture.
Too lazy to change to hex so here you are
rgb(141, 178, 98)
The font colour in the rep area is also different
Same in amf's screenshot
141 is much higher than 5f isn't it?
Yours has way more red, less green and less blue. Weird
I'm reading 98 as 62, sure you did that right?
Damn :P
Hmm I don't know what you're talking about
They're probably doing some A/B testing though what improvements they're looking for is beyond me
Either that or this is part of the effort to align themes across sites
What's the value for your colour in the rep area
I still don't understand why they can't theme SO so it's inline with everything else rather than changing everything else haha
Ye that looks gross
Oh wait I just realised, I've got that SO script runnng
rgb(95, 186, 125)
Hmm so does amf
That's font colour in the rep section
Ye that's the same as mine all round
Ah yes, it's the script that's giving me those non olive colours.
Ah right odd
Guess I'm going to start the script at home too
Haha okay
Yeah cos those colours are horrible
Yep the script is beautiful, it's my favourite version of SO.
At home I can have it say "SFF" instead of "SO", but anyways, at work it's a good cover
I'm answering a t-l question
Bloody hell!
It's really difficult, I started thinking about answering it an hour and 20 minutes ago.
Haha, this one I'm tracking down seems to be next to impossible and I'll be really impressed of myself if I get it haha
If you want some help just link it here.
I think I've tracked down what appears to be the best lead at the moment but it means sifting through a facebook page
I wouldn't wish that on my worst Enemy
I know that's how far I'm going for it
Looks like it used to be an actual website but they've shut it down might be able to web archive it though
Yup the last wayback machine entry has the redirect to facebook -_-
Now to trawl through the old ones till the redirect isn't there anymore
Oh gosh
Having to trawl, also I need to have a 13 minute lunch today cuz I rocked up to work 30 minutes late
No I don't 17
Oh damn, unlucky
But yeah it's horrid
Looks like parts of the site are blocked by membership and the rest of it isn't archivbed
Also looks like what I'm looking for is only on that site and the page I want wasn't archived :(
That awful, can you not quote it and say the source was deleted?
I'm tracking this one, so doubt it
Q: What are the lyrics to The Children from Game of Thrones S04E10?

Leo KingAt the end of episode 10 of series 4, a beautiful choral version of the Game of Thrones theme plays. It's called "The Children" by Ramin Djawadi. I can't find the lyrics for this song anywhere though. Can anyone else?

I've tweeted 2 people, messaged on FB as well haha
I was about to say couldn't I just transcribe it, but that's what everyone else did
And it's choral so you wont find sh*t
Well they're Valyrian influenced so even if you somehow knew Valyrian chances are you're screwed
What a film that was.
That's my favourite scene haha
The best lead is this, a group who performed it and started releasing the lyrics on their site, however, that's the site that redirects now
SW TFA is clearly just a bad spoof of Space Balls
I call this the Alley-Oop
Given they made the Lyrics available, they must exist somewhere
Exactly but it's how much they released and whether anyone managed to grab them before the site went down (which I'm sure they did)
That's what I'm saying, someone must've grabbed them, it's the bloody internet.
I know, just a bloody pain for tracking them down though
I messaged the ZyrahRose FB and Twitter to but the accounts aren't that active so we'll have to see
I also tweeted Ramin yesterday just in case haha
Spreading the seeds of knowledge
I might have to let this one go, just annoying that I got so close but just out of reach still haha
T'was but on the tip of your mouse
It really was
I might try again later if I find the motivation haha
Well I still have this question open
The TL one?
Ye, I've got about 1000 characters down.
Just a couple then haha
I mean I need to provide the best answer right?
Oof just read a long forum post, to no benefit, GG
Why was this starred twice... =.=
yesterday, by Edlothiad
I like attention. THERE I SAID IT! HAPPY?!
Cos you like attention?? :P
3 times now just to keep you happy ;P
MuaHaHaHa, they fall for my trap
I was certain you'd already starred it though
I was going to but saw it had 2 and decided not too
Now I'm trying to figure out who starred it? Probably Skooba, and amf? Maybe Jarko
(so basically everyone who regularly visits this chat room)
I thought it was Rand and Egg
Oh maybe.
I don't know what Rand's star habits are, and Egg is impossible to figure out.
Same here but they were my best guesses haha
God it's already long as hell and I haven't even started on why Aragorn was the only one who could claim back kingship...
Well it's lunch time, adios.
@TheLethalCarrot Nopes not me.
There goes my guestimate then haha
My front page is a bit messed up, so it doesn't update when things were posted, so every post just says "just now" if it was posted after I refreshed the page (via the banner)
Just looks funny
As if everything in the past 4 hours was posted instantaneously
Been a really busy period when you went for dinner
The first time in a year!
I just found this but who knows if it's true or not, I'm gonna write it into an answer though haha
But that's in English?
I'm assuming it's a translation haha
There's this too
But it looks like a bad transcript
I don't know about the canonical nature of that second one, lol
I know looks bad
It looks awful haha
Posted an answer anyway
For some reason your last source isn't subscripted
No I've noticed that on a couple of my posts
The only way to get it to subsrcipt that I've found is to have a subscripted quote after it haha
That's really weird, I've never experienced that, I don't think
I've only seen it once before when I was writing an answer at home
I just assumed it was something with my browser at home
Though now it's happened here I don't know
This answer too
Q: Do the Night's Watch's Maesters have conflicting Oaths?

joshInspired by this recent question, "Are the Maesters on the Wall always Members of the Nights Watch" and Jaime's speech on Oaths, do the Night's Watch Oaths conflict with those of the Maester's of the Citadel?

No idea, submit a bug?
SFF or main meta? Probs main meta right?
either or
What browser/version and OS did you reproduce it on?
Q: Subscript not working at the end of an answer

TheLethalCoderWhen formatting answers on SFF I generally include quotes for evidence to my answers, these are formatted like so. > quote text<space><space> ><sub>source</sub> An example of this working is this answer of mine. However, in two answers of mine, this one and this one the last subscripted source...

Chrome: Version 61.0.3163.100
Windows 10 Pro: Version 1607
OS Build: 14393.1884
Any other infos you need?
This must be a dupe
Q: Differences between the books and TV

Binyamin RegevMy 18yo niece and I made a contest: who can find more differences between the books and Game of Thrones TV show? My question is: What did we miss? Here are the differences we found (in no specific order): The Red Wedding is completely different between the book and TV. Dorn plays much greater...

It's either a dupe, too broad as list or something else I'd say
I'm sure I've seen a dupe though
I've VTC'd it as dupe
Q: Differences between the books and TV

Binyamin RegevMy 18yo niece and I made a contest: who can find more differences between the books and Game of Thrones TV show? My question is: What did we miss? Here are the differences we found (in no specific order): The Red Wedding is completely different between the book and TV. Dorn plays much greater...

Damnit Ed I was mid edit haha
My edit is better
That dupe target needs an updated answer though
Meh too long I can't be bothered
Oh it's closed as too broad, lol
And that too
I'll just wait for it to come up in the queues
If Egg was around or it was tomorrow (hopefully) I could have hammered it
that question is pretty broad
Meh it's a dupe anyway
yh, the dupe target is rightfully closed as such
Image not found
Oh I thought that was just me haha
Too late to edit the old one
Where's this bloody close vote
We have 2 close votes on it already at least
I know, but I want to do it through the queue
I have <30 till GOOOOOOLD
I know you do haha
Man likes gold, nothing wrong with that...
Ok finish this answer
In my desperation I even tweeted E&L about the lyrics for that song but they don't know anything either
By the way that Q is now a dupe of another question, let me find it
Linked two in the comments
The guy tried to edit his question and in doing so has made it unclear
I hit it with the other question in the queue, hopefully both come up.
@Aeg can you hammer that question please
Or if you answer 2 more questions you can re-open hammer and then close hammer as both
Otherwise I'll flag it for a mod to rehammer as both.
Gold badge allows you to edit dupe list anyway
Oh ok, didn't know that
Ed unless you want an argument, which you always do, probably best staying away from interacting on that question now
I'm in
Also this is a poor statement haha My question refers only to specific characters that appear in one but not the other. I am NOT asking about adaptation comparison! That is by definition an adaptation comparison
Put a little disclaimer in the duped answer that says "Will add characters that are in the books but not the show later"
@TheLethalCarrot Shh don't upset him more!
To be honest I'm pretty sure we already have a Characters in books but not show question already somewhere I just can't find it yet
I'm dancing cuz I get a re-open vote :D
He's not happy.
Oh god that last comment was just too patronising
aand the post is gone
After I spent all that time typing this out:
> Don't worry about your question being a dupe, that only means it was so interesting it was asked twice! Your question will help widen the net of searches that leads users to their answers, so thank you!
I hope he reposts the question
The SE format just isn't a good fit for some people
I got Q banned on SO when I first started out here
He's been around here for 11 months...
How does one get Q banned? Some guy got Q banned on Space Exploration
it's not a public algorithm, but a streak of bad questions can trigger it
Having a lot of negatively received questions
After 6 months of Q banned you get a chance at a new question, if that is well received the ban get's lifted
That Q isn't deleted though
Oh ignore me
My page was cached it is deleted
@TheLethalCarrot I've voted to undelete, it's a good question and should be open
I have too, same reasoning
Duplicates are good for signposts anyway
Oh dang, Ned could be Ed in this context
Quick edit, edit!
I'm only 2 answers away
@TheLethalCarrot Go go go
I'd probably have crossed the line already today if it wasn't for this damn lyrics question
I better find a ASOIAF themed fireworks gif
Does Wildfire on Blackwater bay count as sorta fireworks?
Lol I had the same thought
Well there we go, Ed's first step on the way to 200. 97 to go...
How much research was it compared to my damn lyrics one? ;P
I gave up with citations towards the end as one can see
Well it wasn't so much browsing around hopelessly rather than piecing together things I haven't read in 2-3 years
Pretty active OP, so should get some sort of response
It was effort though, considering I decided to answer it 5 hours ago, with only ~30 minutes out for lunch
Yeah a lot of it
Found a spelling mistake too! Haha it works both ways now
New dupe of this?
Q: Why do people go to the Wall in Game of Thrones?

CandyIs the wall a bad or a good place to be? Some people are sent there as punishment, others go because they want to (Jon Snow), others to get away from harm (Arya). If I am not completely correct, it is because I have only started watching the series recently, and it is a bit confusing! Please al...

Or a dupe of this
Q: What were Bran and Rickon Stark supposed to do when they grew up?

KreannAssuming neither of them ended up becoming the eldest living son (that is, had Robb Stark survived to adulthood), what was expected of the younger Stark sons, Bran and Rickon? As I understand it, Robb, as first born male, would inherit the titles of Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, an...

I haven't voted yet seeing what you guys think
Don't think it's a dupe
No prospects of inheritance part applies tho
But only in context of joining NW
I was writing up an answer and it's basically going to be a combination of those two questions
I was writing up an answer saying exactly that. no chance of inheritance, to better make yourself useful someplace else
yoandaime's answer is pretty much it
Jon believed that Robb would grant holdfasts to his trueborn brothers to hold in his name
If either of you is writing up an answer ^
Nope, I think it's a dupe
yondaime doesn't mention the NW though
I wish it wasn't cos I need that answer but oh well haha
@JarkoDubbeldam Yup. He missed that and Jon's quote
@Aegon i don't think that's related to this new question though
@JarkoDubbeldam Which one is the new question?
@TheLethalCarrot Oh poo...
NW one or Heir&spare one?
Q: What are ninth-born sons?

KidusIn the episode Breaker of Chains (Season 4, Episode 3) of Game of Thrones, one of the Night's Watch men mentions "ninth-born son" when listing the crimes of his new recruits. "Raper. Horse thief. Ninth-born son. Raper. Thief. Thief and raper." What is a ninth-born son? and is it a crime? If...

Q: What are ninth-born sons?

KidusIn the episode Breaker of Chains (Season 4, Episode 3) of Game of Thrones, one of the Night's Watch men mentions "ninth-born son" when listing the crimes of his new recruits. "Raper. Horse thief. Ninth-born son. Raper. Thief. Thief and raper." What is a ninth-born son? and is it a crime? If...

@JarkoDubbeldam Robar's quote will come in handy here
"A second son needs to find glory wherever he can. A Man grows weary of tourneys"
Plus the mention of Second Sons (Mercs), path Waymar and Jon chose, and of course other elements we discussed already
I wish I had the time to write an answer
Is there any point though? It seems to be a dupe of at least two questions, my opinion only though
@TheLethalCarrot I don't see how it has an answer from the Rickon and Bran question tbh
Idk, gives us one go-to-spot for all heir and spare discussion wrt NW
@JarkoDubbeldam Basically this:
There are a number of institutions in Westeros offering "careers" for younger sons of noblemen:

Night's Watch: They could have followed in Jon Snow's footsteps.
take the black is one solution given to rickon, and noble wo take the black by themselves are one minority in the wall, there is a lnk between the two question but not a duplicate for me
hmmm, sure. but it's not really as explicit as I would like
Poor wording doesn't mean it isn't answered though
@TheLethalCarrot tbh, better answer is look at Benjen
Well Benjen, Jon, Waymar Royce are all examples
by the way @Edlothiad, thanks for editing my answer. I am not a native speaker, so i make lot of mistakes, sot thank you for improving answer from guys like me
No problem, it's what I do.
I drink and I edit things, Bazinga
That question is a dupe of neither. That question is asking what a "ninth-born son" means, which neither of those questions answers.
Granted Aeg can easily put in a little line in his answer, but that's insufficient for making dupes
To me any information in the other answers will be duped into the new answers which IMO makes them dupes. If you don't think they are though (and it appears I've been overruled) I might write up an answer
@TheLethalCarrot Kepotx didn't dupe anything did he?
@Edlothiad What line?
About n-th born sons?
Oh bloody christ I got a bronze badge...
@Aegon about 9th born sons.
@Edlothiad Yeah Jarko's link is a more plausible target
It deals with cases of both nobles and lowborns
@Edlothiad No but I was going to write upa longer answer
But we don't have any reference to determine if inheritence for lowborns works the same way as it does for nobles
The man may not have been lowborn
@TheLethalCarrot Don't see a highborn recruit taking the journey with a wandering crow
Samwell was escorted by Tarly men
Waymar by his father
Jon by his uncle
True but this is show canon not book
@Edlothiad X-Y Problem really. OP really wants to know why 9th born sons are sent to the wall. Not what exactly are 9th born sons
He is under the impression that 9th born sons might mean something different in asoiaf
@Aegon Well, Jon en Benjen ended up joining a wandering crow on their way to the wall
And a wandering crow did ask knights to join the NW at the tourney at Harrenhall, so it might be possible
Oh golly, congrats TLC!
happy new badge \o/
offer an ale to @TheLethalCarrot
"Barman, a round for the Tankard if you'd bee so kind"
@JarkoDubbeldam Well they were on the same road.
(Sorry Aeg, I was tired when you earned it)
@Aegon well yeah, but that also shows it is perfectly possible to travel with a WC from free will ;)
@JarkoDubbeldam True, and Eddard asked the same in court "Who will do their houses honor?" before giving Yoren his pick of the dungeon
@TheLethalCarrot Congratulations. You already posted the wildfire gif so I am out of ideas now haha
Lol thanks
@TheLethalCarrot Good work! I'm jealous now, but awesome stuff!
Haha thanks, your turn now!
user image
It was supposed to be fireworks, but something went wrong
They obviosuly fell over
Q: How did Gendry start to work for Tobho Mott?

Bebs VWhile investigating Jon Arryn's death, Eddard Stark comes to learn that Jon and Stannis regularly visited Tobho Mott's weaponsmith to check up on a young boy, Gendry, Robert Baratheon's bastard son. It is not clear to me how Gendry ended up working there, especially how his identity was initiall...

Hi folks
How are you...?
I' m back in town
re-reading the whole series, waiting for Winds of Winter
@BebsV Hey Bebs. Been a while. How have you been
Hi @Aegon, fine ! Thanks
i'm reading in english this time
way better than in french
@BebsV I hope you're a slow reader.
hahaaa, you think the book will not be released in a few months ?
@BebsV Must have felt like a whole new story
@BebsV He thinks the book will never be out
Optimism personified, our Ed.
My theory being it'll come out after Season 8
@BebsV Ummm.... You do?
Oh my sweet summer child. Here, some lemon cakes
indeed, it's still interesting
the second time reading, I pay more attention to the details :)
@TheLethalCarrot Great minds!
@BebsV, im also a french reader, does it changes that much ? I have heard that G.R.R.Martin make short phrases while Jean Sola make much longer ones, bus is it the only diference ?
@Edlothiad I don't know... I hope he will not wait the tv-series ending
im guessing names as well
@Kepotx french translation is very weird, and names too
I can't help but cringe at the dutch names
@Aegon Well with all the optimism flying around here one of us needs to be a realist
GRRM writes simple sentences, easy to read, sometimes there is old medieval english expressions, but still ok
some tranlsation are not that horrible, and there is a medieval vocabulary
anyway, if you want to read a second time, I recommand to read it in english
Edd with all the optimism flying around (ca. 2018)
@Aegon yeah :)
@Aegon Colorised
at least he continue to write dunk and egg stories
Nah don't get your hopes up there, dead in the water too
@Edlothiad It's circa 2018. It was always colorized
@Kepotx, by the way, you know when it will be released, it'll take maybe one year to be translated
yeah, i will probably reads the winds of winter in english, but i dont know if i will read the other one in english before
Ed's timeline for GRRM publications:
2018 - Maybe F&BV1, MAYBE
2019 - Probably F&BV1, and some other non-planetos books
2020 - some more non-planetos stuff
2021 - TWOW Part 1, oh btw there will be 8 books.
2025 - F&BV2
2028 - George GG Martin (RIP)
2029 - ADOS and ASOIAFV8 Written by Elio and Linda, done and dusted
2030 - Full D&E by E&L done and dusted
2031 - Special on Rohanne Webber for one Ed of House Lothiad.
I think if E&L write anything else it'll be on Dornish history
They really seem to love Dorne and GRRM gave them notes for it they couldn't fit into TWoIaF
it's a little dark to say but i really hope he will not die before ending TWOW
Is it darker to say, I'd put money down that he would?
Is it wrong of my to say I think he's basically finished it and is just holding back until the show finishes?
If TWOIAF is any indicator, anything written by E&L won't be near as good as his Grace's works
But that's why he's the Lord of the seven Kingdoms
Well they said that themselves
In the reddit posts I linked yesterday they said half the stuff they came up with he scrapped and wrote something better
But the other half he kept so they must be doing something right
It would be a bad move, the TV show is just shit since D&D are making shit as they are just (badly) improvising. At least give some mains thing to D&D so that they don't ruin everything
Also, didn't E&L help to write the world of ice and fire ?
They wrote it, GRRM helped them out
The weird olive green is gone. Thank the good Lord above.
De man above
Oh hi amflare.
Didn't see ya der
oh hia ed
@Kepotx Are there other new Dunk and Egg books? I only know 3
Only 3 at the moment that I know of
There should be more, see Ed’s plan for when
Austin is still on amazon's list
I really don't want amazon to build its new HQ here
I don't need to deal with even higher rent or longer commute time
3 hours later…
So that's where you are!
Remember, Ed will always pay more rent than you, c'est la vie
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 23:00

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