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@NogShine Nice Question
I'm failing to see where you decide what the first act is @Aeg
@Edlothiad Renly's death
Ah ok, in honesty I'm too tired to read all the text so it was a quick skim for me
That's the first act that influenced Stannis to believe in her
Nice answer though to an interesting question
Completely unrelated, but lol:
> Once a little boy sent me a charming card with a little drawing on it. I loved it. I answer all my children’s letters — sometimes very hastily — but this one I lingered over. I sent him a card and I drew a picture of a Wild Thing on it. I wrote, “Dear Jim: I loved your card.” Then I got a letter back from his mother and she said, “Jim loved your card so much he ate it."
> That to me was one of the highest compliments I’ve ever received. He didn’t care that it was an original Maurice Sendak drawing or anything. He saw it, he loved it, he ate it.
I think it was DV worthy primarily because format and Historical inaccuracies but not delete worthy cus it does answer the question
@Edlothiad Lol. What's the context?
I don't understand how 95% of it answers the question, and one line throw aways are not answers, therefore it's delete worthy
But sure I guess you could just trim it down to fix it, but you'd have to remove all the "historical context" rant and anything not related to ST
@Aegon The Author of Where the Wild Things Are on "the highest compliment I've ever received"
@Edlothiad We could edit the irrelevant parts and make it salvageable. For historical context, not like it is the first time any of us have drawn inferences from real world history. Although admittedly, ours are inferences, his is more of an explanation as to why did Black Americans adopt Muslim attire i.e. as a way of unique identity in N.America.
I don't see value in the post whether it exists or not, so I won't bother
Doing nothing means I can't do anything wrong.
Oh well. I removed the historical context if it is uncalled for, someone might revert
I don't like the manner they undertake themselves
> I am way too busy with things other than Star Trek to care about editing this for your tastes.... It's not like it's required reading. I spent 10 minutes on it because I have more important things to worry about.
If you're so busy why are you re-posting the answer, or wasting time justifying it
@Edlothiad Dragon eating his own tail? House Toland!
"I swear to you, I was never so alive as when I was winning this throne, or so dead as now that I've won it."
That stuff with Missandei and as TLC puts it, "No Worm" is super cringey personally
I know it isn't illogical or against the books i.e. The Unsullied did seek female companionship but Idk I just keep going to the child Missandei in the books
Ye I just try and pretend I've never read about the age that Child Missandei is because I'd rather not throw up everywhere.
I let book Missandei be 17/18 at least
Then again, I read them once and probably won't again till after TWOW
TFW fans are like AFFC took 5 years, ADWD took 6, TWOW must take 7
Yo you don't have a trend from 2 data points...
@Edlothiad 11 years if you remember that AFFC and ADWD were actually one book
I have long accepted that he will die before he finishes.
HA! SUCK IT @Skooba!
What happened?
He's no longer the top user in TQAT
And mornin'
Ah congrats. And morning TLC. How did your trip go
It was good, I'm not that much of a fan of HP and I enjoyed it so must have been pretty good
5 hours of driving for the round trip though my legs are knackered haha
Was it the studio?
I remember 12 months ago seeing Aegon and being like "well isn't that an awful lot of rep" and now I see him I'm like "does he even try?"
Can I suggest y'all (especially Aeg cuz he's got delete privs) pop your head into the LQP and flag that trash a R/A and get it deleted, thanks.
The sign language one? I flagged outside the queue
Actually looks like that account has been created just for R/A posts
There's 3 from that account
Only saw 2 looks like 2 have been deleted so far then
Yes 2 have been deleted
The studios did go on forever though on a side note
It was interesting and all to see all the props/costumes/sets but god it was long haha
(insert rant about VTDing R/A posts here)
@Aegon Thanks
@Mithrandir I flagged the ones I found as R/A but like Valorum said we don't really have a problem with spam here so as long as its gone its gone
@TheLethalCarrot And I'll disagree with that. *shrug*
Well I've been active on this site for 6ish months maybe longer and I don't think I've seen more than 10-20 spam posts in all that time
There's undoubtedly been more but that's all I've seen
@Edlothiad I'll note that when spam or rude/abusive content pops up in the LQP queue I always click 'looks okay' because it should be flag-deleted, not regular-deleted.
@Mithrandir What happens if you flag and VTD?
@Aegon If it gets deleted via VTDs, the post and user don't get the punishments of posting rude/abusive content applied to them.
@Mithrandir You've said plenty of times and made a meta about it, there's no need, really, to come in here and repeat the same story again
@Aegon Our meta says just nuke them as quick as possible and the user can be dealt with later.
@Edlothiad Well obviously I didn't manage to get my point across... so...
If you're around the guys from Charcoal HQ who have made spam and Rude/Abusive posts there hobby, you must flag and not VTD otherwise you will be beat or whatever they do for punishment
We on SFF don't get enough spam or R/A to freak out about it, and if we have 5 active moderators it can be dealt with easily enough
Seems to me that it would be better if you laid forward this proposal at MSE. The Rude and Abusive penalties should apply even if the post is VTD'd
Go for it. But until then, it'd better to use the system as intended.
Lets not have this pointless Spam vs VTD discussion in here again, I'll note that we've had it twice already. There's a Trash compactor channel for such chatter.
On my final note. It'd be better to have a system that wasn't flawed, yet here we are.
@Edlothiad It's what we have. On that note, I'll take my leave.
I will be the captain today
If I can be bothered I'll go for gold GoT this week so we can have a fortnight of success :P
Argh I can't transliterate that tolkien question -.- Why is Tengwar so bloody complex..
Not helped with it being curved either
Ye the cursive hurts my head
Cursive, curved and all of the letters look similar haha
Q: Who put Mormont's Raven in the kettle?

TheLethalCarrotBefore the final vote for electing the 998th Lord Commander the brothers who bring the kettle over open the lid and Mormont's raven comes flying out and lands on Jon. The kettle was in the corner by the hearth, a big black potbellied thing with two huge handles and a heavy lid. Maester Aemon ...

@BaeltheBard Not a self answer, I was wondering about it when I was researching for that question the other day
It's the ringverse, BOOM
oh boy, I love that raven theory
Can anyone work out these sigils better than I can?
A: Where are the cast and crew logos in Game of Thrones opening credits from?

TheLethalCarrotIt Is Known Georgre R. R. Martin The answer by @RicoRicochet gives the reasoning for his in that it is a turtle because "Turtles have always been my sigil, I suppose.". Bryan Cogman This is allegedly a vomiting maester after Bryan had a bit too much too drink at a wrap party though I'm not ...

Strauss is Ostrich in German
Ah it is known
The posing bird might be related to casting in some way or costume design
Could you have found lower quality images hah!
My net is crap today
That's the only one I could figure out, Strauss
The video buffering was terrible haha
@TheLethalCarrot Fleur-de-lis for Nina Gold and Robert Sterne. Do either of them have French ancestry? Their names suggest otherwise
I don't know
Looks like Fleur-de-lis to me. Could be birds as you say cus low res. But it looks like that
Probably fleur-de-lis I did think it was that when I saw it but couldn't remember what it was called so said birds haha
Yay go Ed
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Are you pouring out a bottle?
I thought it was a vacuum cleaner
It's supposed to be pouring champagne haha
It was the best one I found in my 5 second google :P
And I couldn't do fireworks again, I did that for Egg
I was going to say, that was quick...
Oh right, I only saw the top line of the glass
Yeah gotta scroll it
Ah I can scroll
How can you can get so many lines, then when I'm rambling it always says "Your message is too long"
Probably cos there's not that many characters in that
It's probably close though I always get that message when I try and copy paste quotes in haha
Q: Why are the House sigils not "correct" in the title sequence for season 1?

TheLethalCarrotWhilst researching for my answer to this related question: Where are the cast and crew logos in Game of Thrones opening credits from? I came across something peculiar. In the Season 1 title sequence some of the characters have the wrong house sigils next to their names, for example. Emilia Clark...

@BaeltheBard It's harder than it seems to track down the source to the actors picking their own sigils
@Aegon Every reddit thread I found that discusses this at least one person as that comment haha
@TheLethalCarrot Because that's the logical conclusion.....Redhead->Kissed by fire->Fire and Blood->Targaryen!!!!!
Hahaha there's no other possible conclusion!
@Aegon Mmmm Secret Targ
25 to go :) I want to answer this one but I really can't be bothered because it's based on so many misunderstandings
@TheLethalCarrot Go you
You have just over a 1/4 if what I have left, and you've been gunning for this for a couple of months now, I definitely ain't ever hitting gold.
Well I've been on and off over that time at least
And my latest question is driving me crazy
So I'm researching that but turning up nothin'
Although if I get the 98 t-l, you can add 98 to the lotr tag count, which takes it up to 164 that would mean on 36 to do there
So really it's like 2 golds for the price of one.
Yeah it really is
There too closely coupled haha
Well I mean no one reads anything else paha!
If there was a universe tag for the show and the books you'd have a gold months ago
Yeah just there's no point in one
If only the show didn't deviate as much as it had
I'm both for and against it. Especially with spin off shows coming up, and all the D&E and short story possibilities
Should we have a and a
Yeah that sort of makes sense
So all the tv Adaptations can be in one block, and planetos can be in another?
I suppose we'll have to see when the spinoffs come out
And what GRRM's reactions to them are
The difference here is the story is all told on one planet, whereas t-l contains this Earth too, so we might get away with simply calling it whereas wouldn't have worked
Though a Planetos-verse works to include ASOIAF, D&E, TPATQ etc. Though I'm not sure if they fall under ASOIAF still...
Nah, ASOIAF is the tale of Jon Snow.
I'm calling it now.
I know but so far we've really been using it for the extended works too haha
I'm in favour of a book universe tag though that is 992 questions to add it to if we were to go back retrospectively.
I'm not sure we need a show universe one yet, that's more of a wait and see what they do and how they are accepted/where they fit
Though if we keep leaving it that's a lot of questions to add it to again if we go back, it's already at 1220
With I think there's a way to add a tag to all of them without having to go back and fix them, while also giving them a second tag, although maybe not.
It's fine, 992 questions only takes about a month.
Or 20 burst of 50 where I then restore the whole front page hehe
If there's not already there should be a way to bulk insert without bumping
I'm sleepy
1.25 hours
Till you finish?
Argh *thrash thrash* everything bloody broke over the Holiday
Can't care enough today, will sleep tonight and work tomorrow
That's sort of my attitude today, was a long day yesterday and I keep getting support calls from engineers distracting me
I think French for the next hour, go home, have dinner (yes I have dinner at 5 and it's great) go rugby come home pass out in bed at 10 and get up at 6:30
Sorry I'm rambling again
Are a bit :P
@Skooba change your profile picture to something about a loss
@TheLethalCarrot My eyes are barely open and my brain has shut off
@Edlothiad it was the first thing i did this morning
Although I found some tin foil
Haha I'm not that bad at least
Really low quality tinfoil. Like your Sainsbury's basics or someting: reddit.com/r/pureasoiaf/comments/7pkyr3/…
Also I 100% support his thread: reddit.com/r/pureasoiaf/comments/7pqb9y/…
okay so thought of the day
@Edlothiad That's some lovely tinfoil right there
Why did the Three-eyed Crow wait until Bran had fallen to contact him?
Because he needed Euron to reach him first, read the tinfoil ma dude
@Skooba Bran wanted to be a knight, it's less likely he'd put up a fight about having to become a tree if he can't walk
@TheLethalCarrot The phrasing of that makes it "becoming a tree"
Q: Was Bran's accident a precondition for his recruitment?

Bebs VI wonder if Bran would have had the same fate without having his accident. Bran started to dream about the Three-eyed Crow whilst he was in a coma. It appeared then that I don't know if the former Three-eyed Crow, Brynden, was himself injured and how he was recruited. Do we know if being cri...

With Bran's S3-S7 Growth spurt he would've made quite the night.
@Aegon Well i never it was and original thought.... lol
@skooba you missed a word or six.
@Edlothiad just one it appears.... "said"
i that all time
its an odd habit/malfunction of mine
Ironic that you did it when describing it.
@Aeg, Bloodraven = TER confirmed?
Hmm, seems certain enough.
Three eyed raven
@Edlothiad AWOIAF seems to think so: awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/…
@TheLethalCarrot looks like reverse-transcribing the banner by hand will get me 2 silver badges
@Edlothiad Intellectual take
Q: Why is the general discussion chat room not the first in the list of site chat rooms?

BMWurmWhen I go to chat via the SE logo I arrive at the chat room list of the particular stack I am on, the SFF chat room list in our case. So far so good, but how is the order in which they are displayed derived? For me it looks like this: Does the placement change with latest addition? Because t...

@Edlothiad Nice one, is a good answer :)
We da best!
We sure is
And there’s amflare’s quiet room at the bottom, wonder what he does there...
he is quiet
if you must know
Oh here's the quiet one
You and Jarko are such lurkers sometimes :P
perks of being 7 hours later then the rest of you guys
I never know when either of you are actually around or just hiding in the background haha
US working hours, yes. Otherwise unlikely.
IDK when it'll remove for inactiity
Wow I just received Reddit Silver for the first time!
@amflare 30d I think
@Aegon silver?
@Edlothiad wait, so you can lurk for 30 without actually ever being in the room?
@Edlothiad Free Gold.....For those who can't afford Reddit Gold
@Edlothiad is a joke gold, you "give" it by posting something like this as a reply
There is a bot for that apparently
Type !redditsilver et voila
Oh and just discovered there is an image like you describe
At least it's Freehand
@amflare wait I got confused, you’re shown on the side as long as you have the chat page open on a web browser somewhere
That's what I thought
Ah, okay
Well, I leave the window open at work overnight, so the 30d thing probably still applies to me
Oh i’ve Actually had Reddit gold, thrice. And once while in /r/lounge, so I got to go to /r/megalounge!
@amflare that was for chatrooms
er.... yes. I'm talking about chatrooms
@Edlothiad Do you actually get something with Reddit Gold?
Or is it like our Gold badge?
"Sense of pride and Accomplishment" - EA, probably
@Aegon "Extended features" and access to /r/lounge
@amflare Oh. If no words are said in a chatroom for something like 30 days then it gets frozen
Hah I was looking for that image @TheLethalCarrot. Gave up after a while
I looked under the tag, gave up and just searched for "we do not sow know" and it came up haha
Although I've never bought reddit gold
Has anyone had any luck with this?
Q: Why are the House sigils not "correct" in the title sequence for season 1?

TheLethalCarrotWhilst researching for my answer to this related question: Where are the cast and crew logos in Game of Thrones opening credits from? I came across something peculiar. In the Season 1 title sequence some of the characters have the wrong house sigils next to their names. For example, Emilia Clark...

I know I haven't haha
Just saw this article and got excited but it gives us nothing haha
@TheLethalCarrot my research turned up nothing.
near as I can figure, it was a production mistake that was fixed by the 3rd episode.
I've seen lots of people saying the actors chose their own ones but don't know
that doesn't really make much sense
Well before then I guess the characters hadn’t really been portrayed by their actors and a large majority of people probably wouldn’t have read ASOIAF
So they could do whatever they liked
Yeah another case of the show mucking up but I can’t track anything down about it
5 hours later…
@Mithrandir Clicking "looks OK" on spam or R/A content is an excellent way to get oneself temporarily banned from reviewing.
(late reply, but I only just saw that because it was linked on meta)
Belated congrats to @Aegon! :-D
There was a multitude of achievements to congratulate @Randal'Thor stop giving Egg preferential treatment!
Only one person has a gold badge in GoT or aSoIaF afaik?
(wow, too many acronyms)
I said achievements...
Well, come on: what are they then?
The new gold tag badge is the only one I noticed.
Although if you're only congratulating gold badges in GoT, set your timer for Sunday
Any preferential treatment is only due to ignorance :-)
I got a new gold badge too!
gold badges for everyone
Amf didn't you just get one
And I swear TLC got one recently
Anywhoo, it's late.
Gold tag badges?
Just popped in to say congrats @Aegon Yaay!!

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