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5:58 AM
@Möoz Nice meme
3 hours later…
8:30 AM
Q: Is Fantasy in spec for this site?

PearsonArtPhotoShould fantasy be included in this? I know many people mix them up, and there are definitely cases which can be very hard to distinguish. So, the question remains, should we include Fantasy, or not include it? Or where do we draw the line? What I propose is we have people present their proposed ...

according to policy everything is on topic
(you need to look at the top answer)
So as long as you can justify something being fantasy it's fine, sounds daft
I can just go well that wouldn't happen in real life so it's fantasy
It doesn't even say fantasy
So long as the community likes it it's on topic
> Anything the community wants to ask about here is fine. Let's see what the community itself finds interesting.
I might ask a question about the perfect time to cook pasta and link to the policy :P
Ahaha, but policy says!
I've started my compilation with icloud notes. That's how I can keep it all together between work and home
Decent compromise I suppose
8:39 AM
On iOS there's colour coding though which would be helpful for things like "scope policies" "policies about titles" "tag policies" etc
But I can do that at home at some point
Oooh you can have a lovely contents page and lots of topics with sub topics :P
I mean there's only 2500 meta posts, of which maybe 50% or less are policies so not too bad
@TheLethalCarrot Make it like a school girls notebook where every other line changes colour.
Yeah and pretty swirling patterns
When I started uni in my first couple of weeks I'd rush notes in lecture then go back to my room and write them up neatly with colour coding
After that I rushed my notes and that was it haha
Crackpot theory, get your tinfoil reddit.com/r/pureasoiaf/comments/78tik6/…
@TheLethalCarrot I stopped writing notes after about a week, probably why I bottled my course
I did nothing until like a couple of days before an exam and just did everything from past papers. Did NOT work well.
I was made very arrogant by my teachers at school telling me uni would be really easy for me and that I wouldn't have to work very hard
Gods was I naive then
@Edlothiad Gods you was
@Edlothiad Thats a bad one
8:51 AM
> Dragons on the hand...
Not being able to edit reddit posts annoys me
Yeah tis daft
@Edlothiad Good job I put the hat on for that one
Lol, got is leaking
I'm seeing freefolk everywhere at the moment on reddit
It's irritating imo, other subs have their own memes, keep your shit to your own
Especially seeing as it's essentially only "GODS I WAS RELEVANT THEN" or "FETCH THE RELEVANCY STRETCHER"
9:06 AM
Your mother was a reelvant with big relevance!
Forgot that one, nice catch :P
Explain this. Any issue with Got can be put to bed with "because the characters were so well written"
You know those subreddits are die hard GRRM fans
I know but I don't understand how it's relevant in this case
"The characters make a bunch of stupid decisions, it's frustrating"
"You're getting frustrated because the characters are so well written" wait wut?
I didn't read the context around it only the comment you linked but from that it looks like he's saying you get attached to the characters cos they're so well written that you invest more into what they do
2 hours later…
11:32 AM
Hmm my OCR doesn't seem to work for specific things
Like say there's a region that shows numbers
when its any 2+ digit number
it reads it
when it's a single digit, it fails
As in all together or wrong result?
Got any validation rules on it like [A-Za-z]|[0-9]{2,}
It just reads blank
No no regex rules
it just can't read an individual digit =.=
11:48 AM
What engine is it? All the ones we've ever used or tried have never had any problems with single digits/letters
I think is the answer to your question
Ah never used it but I've heard mixed things about it
well it's what the software uses so no choices here
Ahhh shame
Meh it was a known bug 3 years ago that has yet to be fixed
12:00 PM
Doesn't surprise me
I've bumped the thread to see if I can get an answer
In the meantime I could figure out a work around or do stuff on the site.
Easy decision imo
Easy indeed
How's your HTML/JavaScript?
I'm trying to add this to a html doc but I can't seem to get the JavaScript to work
Js is turd, HTML is p good
What's not working?
The JavaScript doesn't seem to be running, never tried in-lining it before though so I'm probably doing something wrong
I added the JavaScript to the head in a script and the HTML is in the body
In a couple of other divs
12:15 PM
The link you gave me is working fine
Oh this works but not when you add it in
Yeah on the link but I'm trying to add it to my own html file
Is that your link?
Cuz if it is you've just given away your real name lol
No someone else made it
Ah ok
Ah got it working
12:22 PM
What was the fix
Sorry was arguing with someone about getting a rugby top
I'm going to get it but might as well show you: lovell-rugby.co.uk/Rugby-Shirts/World-Beach-Rugby/…
I put the HTML in a $(document).ready(function() {...}); and imported JQuery. I might be able to do it another way but that's what I've gone with so far
@Edlothiad Haha that's quite a cool one
Nice hack
30 quid as well, that's a cheap rugby top
I'm don't know too mcuh about JavaScript so hopefully that'll be fine
It is
The guy I'm arguing with buy $7 shirts and is calling me a sucker. For a rugby shirt like that, I'm a sucker for not getting it at 40% off
Haha it does look cool at least
12:29 PM
@TheLethalCarrot More than me
Doesn't amflare know about JS, he wrote theuserscripts for us
I know basic JavaScript but I get a bit stumped when adding it into HTML
> Pre-order - stock due 24/11/2017
Still worth
It'll come in time at least won't it?
Oh ya, but I wanted it ASAP to wear to rugby trainings hahaha
It'll have to be saved for some cracking 2018 banter
12:37 PM
Oh you genius TLC I'll get it sent to my brother and he can bring it to me!
Yeah I totally came up with that idea
Well my current housing situation (I hope) is not permanent, so risky sending it to where I am now
Makes sense
I can get this one now though! lovell-rugby.co.uk/Rugby-Shirts/VX_3/…
First one is better
12:42 PM
I'll be paying 7 quid in shipping though
@TheLethalCarrot Oh I was going to get both :D
Ahh fair enough haha
1:26 PM
@Skooba Do @TheLethalCarrot and I not have enough "expertise" to weigh in our thoughs?
@Edlothiad I am offering juxtaposition to one of his answers, so his thoughts are most relevant. Feel free to weigh-in though.
Awww that JavaScript I've got doesn't quite work :/
@TheLethalCarrot ahh poo
I'd help if I could, but I can't
I'm going to try and re-write it now anyway
It works fine with one main option only
More than one and it messes up
1:40 PM
@TheLethalCarrot still trying to do something js?
@amflare Yeah I'm giving this a go myself though
Mkay. Feel free to ping me if you'd like some help.
Thanks :)
He just hides there, can't say anything bad about him
lol what a troll...
1:50 PM
@Edlothiad Just ran into this in the queue. wtf?
Ransara is top class troll
oh wait again
@Edlothiad what in the actual F?
If you thought SS was good, Ransara is number 1
who did it, what are they smoking, why aren't they sharing.
If my maths is correct, he just got off a ban
ugh the OCR changes have been bumped back to version 2...
1:56 PM
75% sale on Paradox
Damn it just used my wallet funds
I used this codepen earlier for nested checkboxes: codepen.io/96naveen/pen/PwVMJq
I'm trying to get it to work with multiple ones but it seems I've mucked it up, anyone know why?
@amflare Any idea on this one?
My JavaScript isn't the best as you can see haha
lemme take a look
@skoob s nice answer
@TheLethalCarrot - Your .checkbox-main-option is in the <label> tag and not wrapping around the <ul> or any of the .checkbox-sub-options. So when you try to mainOptionCheckboxes[i].getElementsByClassName("checkbox-sub-option"); is doesn't work because the sub boxes are not within the scope of the main box element.
2:12 PM
@amflare Ah thanks I'll have a look at fixing that
Sure thing
My web stuff is really rusty and I didn't know that much to begin with haha
Can a input have children?
Wrap each checkbox group in a div. Give the div a class. Then call teh checkboxes main and sub.
You'll know who belong to who because of the wrapper.
That makes sense
2:34 PM
For some reason I've got it working, partially, from my local HTML file but it doesn't work on codepen at all :/
What happens if you copy and paste the html file into the html section of codepen?
That gives them the same behaviour
Guessing it's the jQuery
It looks like the onclick isn't binding to the sub options
you can include jquery in codepen by clicking the settings button in the upper right corner of the page
Ah rightho
So the onclick isn't binding to the sub checkboxes and the checkboxSubOptions is being overwritten on each loop
Might post to SO main
2:53 PM
the checkboxSubOptions var is an array, not an element, you'll need to loop through and use checkboxSubOptions[i] for the onclick
Or rather, checkboxSubOptions[k] I guess
I didn't do that cos the initial code didn't suppose I'll have to now haha
I got it working in your code pen, but not the version you put on SO :/
Are they different?
They shouldn't be, I just updated the SO one to add the loop in though
So the main problem is checkboxSubOptions being overwritten on each loop
At least that's what I believe is happening
Huh... On SO the checkboxes are all acting independently of each other. No matter.
What do you mean by "overwrtiten"?
Well probably not overwritten I assumed the array was being updated with the next nests values each turn and that's why only the last one was working
On SO Main2 works fine and Main1 doesn't work at all
3:04 PM
so clicking on a sub checkbox undoes other subs?
Huh... so it does
By the way ignore the formatting on SO, Notepad++ has apparently added tabs in in some places but spaces in others so it displays odd on SO
3:26 PM
hoooo boy
that was fun
I learned something new today
lemme know if you have any questions about my answer @TheLethalCarrot
So have you essentially just added the function(i) in the loop? Odd that it does that though
(function(i){})(i) technically
Well yeah
Still doesn't seem to work on SO though
my code snippet works
(at least it does for me :/)
Yeah it does, there's 2 snippets in your answer, at least for me though
3:31 PM
wait what?
Haha Imma accept yours so I don't have to use jQuery at all at the moment
I'm okay with this xD
That's daft that you have to create the scope though
Well especially to me coming from C#
are scopes a big deal in C#?
Yeah but the value wouldn't be overwritten like that
3:35 PM
yeah, JS likes to make everything global unless told otherwise
Ahhh okay I get ya
Convenient for scripting, but not the best for web.
I can imagine
My job for tomorrow is to make the outer checkboxes collapsible so the inner ones are hidden, we shall see how that turns out
I've seen collapsible divs out there so I'll copy from them
Thats easy, you can do it with CSS and using JS to toggle classes
Yeah having a quick look that's my plan
3:40 PM
.open {height: 100pk}
.close {height: 0}
or even just have the natrual state be height 0 and add the open class to open
element.onclick if has class open remove class else add class open
Is there any easy way to do it to show all content in the div so like .open {display: inline} and .close {display: none}?
Might give it a quick go now then haha
I think <ul> is display:block though
you can use the wrapper .expandable-checkboxes ul {//css code}
and .expandable-checkboxes.closed ul {//css code}
if you don't want to have to add new classes to things
Ahh okay I'll have a look into it anyway
3:45 PM
though you might find it easier to add new classes to things
Yeah I'll have a look
but yeah, height or display works.
good luck
Thanks haha
4:18 PM
Wasn't too hard you were right
Had some troubles with classList so I'm using className at the moment
Now I just need to make it look pretty
Then do a script to load the checkboxes dynamically
Then do all the backend haha
what do you need dynamic, collapsible, indeterminate, checkboxes for anyway?
I'm looking into gameofsearches.com
So essentially the main checkbox is the season and the inner ones are the episodes
The dynamic part is easy, I'll do a PHP script for that
Essentially it'll be a copy of asearchoficeandfire but for the show transcripts
Hopefully it works out quite well
Ooooh. Nice.
@TheLethalCarrot oh now thats a slick website
like, I'm probably never going to use it, but I can appreciate how it was made and looks.
damn son
3 hours later…
7:43 PM
Q: Is the Lord of Light the Night King?

Robert MugattarovSo many spoilers ahead starting from Season 6 Episode 10: turn away!


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