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@jamesqf I think I see your point. The premise of the question mixes up the modern nuclear family, polygynous families, tribes sharing the duties of raising a child, and single mothers. It isn't a dichotomy, so asking about a child who "grows up without a father" may be mixing several ideas together.
@DVK-in-exile I agree that looking at hunter-gatherer tribes, and drawing conclusions from that that single motherhood therefore is not harmful to children is poor logic.
The claim, as worded, seems to be:

Premise 1: Early civilisation children had no fathers.
Premise 2: Early civilisation children generally turned out all right.
Conclusion 1: Having no fathers doesn't prevent children from generally turning out all right.
Premise 3: Modern children of single parents have no fathers.
Conclusion 2: Modern children of single parents will generally turn out all right.

We agree the logic is unsound.

The question doesn't ask whether the logic is sound. It asks whether Premise 1 is true, and Conclusion 2 is true, which we would need to answer with empirical evi
Side note: The OP hasn't returned to this site since asking the question. Looks like this one is likely to disappear.

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