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@Josh Yes - I am amazed at how well it gave order to that chaos. It really cleans up well and I truly appreciate the work - coding and hand correcting that long list of discussion.
3 hours later…
Yes!!! Closed my first question!
@jrg See above comment.
You asked awhile ago about me closing questions, and it has finally happened.
6 hours later…
@daviesgeek You'll never look at a "bad question" the same way ever again. ;)
@jaberg I think this is an example of a on-line answer to what (I consider) is a good question.
Q: Is there a way to monitor which disks are spun down in a Mac Pro?

wallratI have an 2009 Mac Pro full of disks, most of them seldom used (boots on a SSD). Is there a way to see which disks are spun down at a given time (currently running 10.6.8)?

1 hour later…
@stuffe unless your answer is a definitive "no, this can't be done and here's why", I think that it's more of a comment than an answer
@KyleCronin I kinda thought I put the "this is why", namely nothing stores that info, so you can't read it.
But I'm happy to take guidance
I'd say it is a definite no.
"I can't figure out how to do this" is different than "This cannot be done"
Yeah, always try to let them down easy. So many "No" questions around today. That's the 3rd I answered so far today which a straight up "no" would be correct.
This has got me thinking about Jabergs question. Namely, while I think it is possible, I don't think it should be encouraged, because the idea isn't just to provide the requested info as quickly as possible and move on like it was a support ticket, it's to educate at the same time. They need to go away knowing why not, not just no.
1 hour later…
Glad my idle musing has provoked some thought. I'm also coming to realize that expanding on the one-line answer (valid as it may be) can add value.
We need a new TOPIC OF THE DAY
Someone else's turn, we've had our go.
Next person in set one
TOPIC OF THE DAY: What's your favorite computer/computing device you've ever owned or used on a regular basis? Why?
That was quick!
Does that work?
You get to go first tho
My answer's boring. I wanted to hear Amiga stories :-)
But my favorite device is my current MacBook Air
It's so amazingly light and portable. Whenever I pick up anyone else's "portable" computer, they make me think of the Apple ][c, which, sure, technically was "portable"
But who wants to carry it around?
I think my iPad is my all-time favorite.
The iMac G3 had a carrying handle.
I've only held other peoples' for brief periods of time, but I don't get the appeal of the iPad. Can you tell me why you like it so much?
Okay, so I just answered a good question that could have been properly answered with a single line, but took the high road and expanded the answer with a how-to and screen shot. (Two line answer, one explanatory comment, one grab of a preferences pane
Screenshots always impress people.
I would probably shortlist my Amiga 500/Sony Vaio PCG C1F/Sony Clie UX50/iPhone 4
@jaberg Awesome answer.
A: How to omit apps from external drives in "Open With" menu?

jabergYou can prevent the applications on your external drive from appearing in the Open With… menu by preventing Spotlight from indexing the drive. To do this navigate to System Preferences > Spotlight. Select the Privacy tab and add your external drive to the list. Mutineer in the screenshot below ...

Daniel--It's great because it's there. Not trying to be vague or unicorn-teary about it. It's just a device that I've used constantly since I got it and it pleases me in so many ways. Yesterday I took delivery of a new "EDC" bag and was delighted t how small my daily load can be most days.
They would have a fight, the iPhone screen would crack, the C1f's battery would die, the Clie would crash and then the Amiga would crown itself the winner before slinking off with it;s caps lock flashing and refuse to ever work again properly.
Guru Meditation Error
Nice disk name :)
Yes, it reminds me of being screamed at at House of Blues. ;)
(We did an interactive TV Warren Zevon mini-concert in conjunction with SIGGRAPH)
@jaberg That was my thought about my iPod Touch for a long time -- I used it as my most frequently used computer for about four months -- until the lack of screen space and a keyboard got to me.
Unfortunately, I lost my Old Velvet Nose icon.
My all-time favorite error message was one I got while building a PC: "Keyboard not detected. Press any key to continue."
@Daniel Well, I don't pretend the iPad is perfect for everything, but if I'm traveling and need to write, I generally have the Bluetooth keyboard back at the room. And I can write reasonably well onscreen.
In my mind, the iPad is too big to fit in your pocket, but still small enough to not have a keyboard. I know people who love theirs, but I think my Air fits that role for me. I have trouble imagining a situation where I'd be able to take an iPad with me that I wouldn't take my Air.
I'm not trying to argue that you shouldn't like the iPad; I'm just trying to wrap my mind around why I've never warmed to it, when I wish I could.
I don't have an air, though I've borrowed one for an Apple Training trip that required a Mac. I love it--and plan to replace my MBP with one when the time comes....
I fully expect the iPad 3 to join this list. I have a 1, but really it's not mine, it's shared, as such I never take it out of the house and therefore it's never joined the pantheon of treasured dadgets
And I have an iPhone for pocket carry. I use that when I don't have my bag.
Yeah, I'm torn between an iPhone 4s (I have a 4) and a new iPad (I have a 1).
I don't have a cell phone.
wait.....GET OUT!
I see the appeal, but can't justify the monthly bill.
I don't understand the cost in the US
What do they cost per month in the UK?
I pay $15 (equivalent), it covers unlimited internet, unlimited sms, unlimited calls to same network, and 250 calls to any other number
As for "use case" where an Air doesn't work as well as an iPad --standing in a line, (or anytime I'm using it standing up), speed to deploy when I have "a minute", etc. I agree I could carry an Air just as easily, but I don't think it would as useful in some situations. (and in others it would blow the iPad away--but I need to set the balance for my workflow)
and last month I earned back over a months fees just for contributing in their support forum
@stuffe Wow!!! Like 9.50 pounds or something?!?
And I'd have to carry a charger for the air. With the iPad I just carry a keychain sync cable (most of the time) and count on finding a USB port or charger in the rare occasions the battery runs low.
If I could pay that, I'd get one in a heartbeat.
effectively free, for fielding 46 support posts. (OK, one was an epic that is the 3rd highest rep answer in the whole forum)
@jaberg You're right about the charger.
Cell phone is my only phone. I agree, the cost is "high", but then again, my long distance bill (anyone else remember those?) used to be too.
@stuffe Are you a computer professional?
I'm an "IT Service Continuity Manager"
My long distance bill runs maybe 5-6 dollars a month.
and have been for say 3 years, prior to that Unix Monkey
I just don't use a phone enough to have any use for the insane number of minutes you have to buy on any US plan.
There are lots of computer pros in this forum, I've noticed. Not surprising, really, but I find answering questions here appealing because it has nothing to do with my job.
I barely use the phone, and as more friends get an iPhone I use less sms each month. It's a mobile internet machine really, with a phonebook glued on the back
I like it because it's (to an extent) technical, and I miss rolling my sleeves up. These days I just tell other people to do stuff, I don't actually do it.
Sure. As I said, if I could get service for £10 a month, I'd be in in a heartbeat.
@stuffe If you're interested here's a scan of an article about that Zevon show show.
@jaberg That's really helpful. I keep trying to convince myself I made the right call getting a Macbook Air and not getting and iPad when so many people are so gaga over the iPad. Seeing people's use cases, I think I did make the right call for me, but I do see what's so wonderful for others about the iPad.
@Jaberg what year is this?
My 2011 Air replaced a 2005 iBook G4, and honestly, that's a faster refresh cycle than I usually follow.
Got my first comment I feel like flagging
@bmike you're very welcome. I'll tell Tim Stone you thanked him too, as he did the recent digest :-)
Got my first comment I feel like flagging
Had the "previous version" (as opposed to "original") Air been available when I got my iPad (at introduction) it would have been a tougher choice. I really ilke the Air--got one for my mom in fact. That being said, it doesn't do anything that my '07MBP won't do, it's just smaller and lighter.
"Symbian UIQ was able to do this 7++ years ago." < and your point is?
The poster is disappointed it isn't a feature.
I flagged it.
It's not an answer, yes, it's a bit of a rant, but not inappropriately crazy, I'd think.
"non constructive"
But it's a comment.
I left it, it was just the bit I highlighted. Add nothing to the debate, likely to annoy.
Not worth causing a fuss over, but it's an attitude I hate.
But it can be frustrating to find that a basic feature that's been around for years simply can't be done on a popular platform.
Particularly a platform like the iPhone that is known for usability.
My Amiga did soooo many things 25 years ago before any Macbook/Android/whatever did stuff, but really, who cares?
You know in context I think you're right Daniel. I was too quick to judge the comment in isolation.
Well, do you miss any of those features?
My ][GS did things that the Mac couldn't do for years after they discontinued the Apple // line.
And yes, it annoyed me.
I bet it was a total pain to acheive 7++ years ago that would likely be slower than retyping it, and the only reason you would edit it is because there was only one line and typing again would mean you couldn't reference it.
Sometimes getting a little steam off is constructive.
As REM said, "I know that this is vitriol; no solutions, but I feel better having screamed, don't you?"
It wasn't particularly nasty, just frustrated.
@Daniel I would argue it's not a basic feature, it's an example of old habits dieing hard.
If it was a "and thus Apple sucks and so do you", I'd be ticked.
Fair enough
I don't miss "features" per say, but I have to confess I've searched long and hard for a Mac painting program that combines the simplicity and features of Deluxe Paint. Fractal Painter comes close, and some of the new App store offerings are interesting.
I sometimes find myself missing ClarisWorks because... wait, no I don't.
@Daniel That explains Michael Sipes (sp?) decision that I cared enough about his problems to listen to a 45 minute rant about Delta airlines at a concert that I'd paid $200 (two tickets) to attend.
Oh dear.
I was a huge clarisworks/Appleworks user, but I've moved on.
I never liked it, so its demise never bothered me. But I get how it could.
Honestly, I'm a big MS Office fan, and always have been.
(Although I do miss WordPerfect 5.1 for DOS)
Shift F7 for print!
Word Perfect was the nuts.
Reveal codes FTW
It was basically HTML
F12 Reveal codes I think
In hindsight, sure.
But it was great to clear out cruft and make a document not do strange things.
I was so happy to install Lion and excise all of Microsoft Office and it's cruft from Mac. And then Microsoft gave me a copy so I could B2B presentations at Apple Business Centers. :(
I do too much in Excel.
All your stuff was enclosed in blocks of tags, like [BOLD] bold next here [ITALICS] bold and italics here [bold] [italics]
And I've never warmed to Pages or Numbers.
Can't remember how they closed the tags, wasn't with a /
I don't think it was a /
But I'm not sure.
I think it was upper case and lower case, or they could have been the same - but it's effectively markup like html. Genius
Well, Word documents are, technically, XML now, so it's the same thing, just a whole lot uglier.
I love Excel. Outlook get's a bum rap, but I'm sorry, if you work in a large organisation, it's unbeatable if you use it right.
(did someone sprinkle some borg dust around or something?!)
I'm not a fan of Outlook at all, but I'm also not a fan of large organizations. (Or organisations, on the other side of the pond)
I do most of my writing in Byword on the Mac or in Elements or Writing Kit on the iPad. I write in Markdown and export as RTF into Pages or Word if necessary
(Sorry for the delay, weird chat interface lockup here)
I do most of my writing in TextWrangler, then take it to Word if I need formatting.
Grr. Chat just made the last half-hour of messages disappear.
I started my switch to plain text in BBEdit, but find that Byword does the things I need to do without the extras of a "test editor". I still have it if I need it for pushing text around and bending it to my will.
What do you mean "test editor"?
There's over 100k work for my place, all over the world. Having everyone on the same system is the only way, and Outlook works a charm, especially when linked with Office communicator, which is iChat for domains effectively
I's also throw good old Text Edit into the ring for most peoples basic word processing needs.
Text Editor meaning a programmers text editor--BBEdit, Text Wrangler, EMACS (gulp)
@stuffe 100k employees?!? Wow. And I thought my workplace was uncomfortably huge with ~500.
Ah, I see the typo. I meant "text" not "test"
Byword is nice, you can shove any text input field into it with a keyboard shortcut and back again - great for web forms
Oh, I get it. s/test/text/. I do that all the time!
I'm too hooked on a really solid PCRE search and replace engine.
@Daniel yeah, it's crazy, maybe 200 in my location, maybe 8000 in the UK, the rest all over, a LOT in India/Poland and other cheap labour markets.
I don't love the appearance of TextWrangler, but when I press ⌘R, I want power.
I'm hooked on translating thoughts and ideas into words which are in turn output as type. ;)
That's why I like to write without worrying about formatting, columns, etc.
It's touchy feeliy, but Byword presents a clean interface conducive to my writing while text editors put me in the mind of writing AREXX or AppleScript.
(just checked, 115k)
I totally get the "mood" of an editor.
(Actually, I write AppleScript in AppleScript Editor, but you get the idea)
I love "typewriter mode"
In Byword or something else?
In stuff that supports it, Byword is one.
What is "typewriter mode"?
Keeps the focus in the centre of the screen, when you move the edit focus down, it doesn't move the cursor down until it's at the bottom of the screen with all your other stuff at the top, it maintains the position in the middle.
Like WriteRoom?
Your eyes stay stationary and the lines of text flow around it.
Lots of write room in Byword
like WR.
Quite a few have started using it.
Plus markdown Preview and Markdown Export to various formats without using terminal scrips
Not so much code editing editors, but prose editors.
If I'm writing a Bash script of more than a few lines I switch to BBEdit. (Not that I do this often, or am good at it, but even so, it helps to use the right tool.)
@bmike Reharding your iTunes store gift cards question
My answer is: "I have no idea"
But I thought you may be interested in this:
@jrg Yeah, I know....
@daviesgeek TOPIC OF THE DAY - go!
@stuffe I know - 20% sale sounds great to me
I kind of know the answer - but hope @Daniel or someone else just answers it.
@stuffe Umm....uh
Especially if you can spend it in store? I tell you, next time I am over the pond I am coming back with some serious stash!
You can simply answer and mark it community wiki or if it ends up getting edited 10 times by one user, it ends up a CW answer nonetheless...
No matter who answers it - I'll likely format it and keep it clean since I get pinged on all activity / edits as the OP...
How about backup drives....? (still thinking)
Backup drives? Best gadget ever? Are we cross talking here!?
I have no idea really......
@JoshGitlin Yes we like @timstone as well for the great work. I appreciate your passing him my thanks.
You said topic of the day, so I said the first thing I saw, a backup drive
(OK - I'll step away from chat and let you finish up backup / text edit / whatever was going on when I asked a softball question... )
Q: Which US Apple stores accept iTunes Gift Cards?

bmikeFrom time to time, retailers will discount iTunes Store Gift Cards and I'm tempted to stock up since discounts are enticing ways to shop. It appears that Apple has three sorts of gift cards available in the US. I am interested in the usually colorful or music related one. Originally, these car...

Ah. I mean we already have one (best gadget you ever had), you should answer it
@bmike It's a random conversation
@stuffe What do you mean by that????
@daviesgeek Which is why I want it to continue - i love randomness (randomly of course)
And...you can't leave until you answer the TOPIC OF THE DAY
I have no idea why I started caps locking that
@bmike Especially when it is so off-topic
@stuffe please fill me in on the TOD
@daviesgeek @bmike "Best gadget you have or ever had"
I see.
@stuffe can opener key ring - hands down
We got there in the end ;)
I must have missed that, sorry
My fault for misunderstanding you
Either my knife, or my multi-tool
Ah, nice tries guys, but...
I'm torn between the two
"TOPIC OF THE DAY: What's your favorite computer/computing device you've ever owned or used on a regular basis? Why?"
Did you mean electronic gadget?
I didn't quote it right, this is it in full
Hey @NathanGreenstein
@stuffe This laptop. Hands down.
Unless it's a computerised keyring can opener, maybe with a USB stick on it...
My knife and my multi-tool have no place in this discussion then..
@jaberg Electric Daisy Carnival bag? :o
@stuffe en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… - not only did I learn programming on this, but it did games and you could actually get real work done in assembly since the system was documented well enough for a beginner to boot strap their way into the system.
The Radio Shack TRS-80 Color Computer (also marketed as the Tandy Color Computer and affectionately nicknamed CoCo) was a home computer launched in 1980. It was one of the earliest of the first generation of computers marketed for home use in English-speaking markets. While the model was eventually eclipsed by the onset of the IBM PC clones, enthusiasts have continued to affectionately tinker with the "CoCo" to the present day. Summary Despite bearing the TRS-80 name, the "Color Computer" was a radical departure from earlier TRS-80 Models - in particular it had a Motorola 6809E processor...
@stuffe I didn't answer the why. Here's why: It is has an i5 processor, which means it's a considerable amount faster than our PowerPC G5 and I can do video editing on it. I also really appreciate the portability.
@daviesgeek More emotion, let's not do it on specs of your most recent will always win.
I probably need to pick one up on ebay again to start my own museum of obsolete computer technology. flickr.com/photos/stevenf/sets/72157625744634039
@stuffe Now, if you are talking about a device I own, that would be my iPod.
I love my iPod!!! It is a 5th gen iPod, which means it is about 5 years old. I have had almost no problems with it until the last few weeks, when it has been lagging.
@stuffe Ok, take two: the MBP that I use is amazing!! I love the speed and portability of it.
@bmike I don't have anything to share as cool as bmike's gadget, but that'll have to do.
@daviesgeek - you're sort of lucky, and also not - you've never had to use a SERIOUSLY BAD computer before I imagine, frankly I could likely happily get by on a 10 year old machine if I needed. Hey, I'm still on XP at work
But on the other hand, those awful machines were character building :)
Wow. Busy morning already.
@JasonSalaz EDC = Every Day Carry.
On that note, off to lunch. Catch you all later.
@stuffe Any learner today is TOTALLY LUCKY - you can still go back and get that old technology at a serious discount or have your pick of whatever newer platform to learn. I always have to wonder when someone makes a big fuss that the latest gadget X won't help people learn. How can more choice of platforms ever hurt the learning process?
OK - that killed the room - catch you all later....
We were all stunned at your humility and genius.
Q: Is there a quick way to lock my Mac?

longdaOn Windows you can hit the keys Windows+L to lock your computer if you step away. I don't want to have to remember if sleep currently asks for a password, if there is a time out where my screen isn't locked during a short period. Even with Lion supporting resume of many apps, I don't want to log...

soooooooooooooo many answers
@stuffe I've used a bad machine before
But not a BAD machine
@JasonSalaz I find that unplausable ;-)
I had an old '95 laptop that was made for Windows NT.
Fortunately, it ran 98, not NT
XP was horrific on it though...
@JasonSalaz Great question, though...
@bmike I said humility. Not some other word that I don't know.
@JasonSalaz ok - fair enough ;-)
faux egotism? maybe?
I dunno
I've been using the menu item to lock e screen for so long I forget that it isn't present on a default install.
there's a menu item?
Menubar item. Sorry
3rd party app I assume?
No. The menu bar item that's referenced one of the popular answers--available through the keychain access preferences.
ohhhhhhhhhh man I completely forgot about that one.
(And I skimmed some, not all, of the answers. I scrolled down to see the huge list, got overwhelmed, closed it.)
And I forget it's not sitting on everybody's menu bar.
It's an ingrained part of my "workflow" -- get up from desk, lock screen.
shift-ctrl-eject is wonderful for me.
fast, easy, reliable.
(Though for a while I was running the pref pane that locked the screen when your iPhone wasn't present.)
That app looked neat, never used it though.
For most tasks I'm in Tog's camp: Menu is faster than keyboard shortcut. There are exceptions (cmd-c/v/x for example).
It was cool. I'm sorry the developer's "hook" was removed and wish the equivalent would emerge.
3 hours later…
@JasonSalaz Likely the best option for those who have eject keys
Indeed. It's a shame the new airs don't have one.
I need to make a usb device that is just an eject key
2 hours later…
whoa, lots of activity
I hate it when I read the question text but not the subject, and the subject alone includes a very important modifier to the question not located elsewhere.
/me shakes a fist in @Daniel 's general direction.
Hi @SynestheticSymphony
oooooh, 13 rep left to go already
something seems out of place...
the buttons aren't rounded

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