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anyone following the discussion from EuroIA? currybet.net/cbet_blog/2011/09/euroia-mags-hanley.php
6 hours later…
@Erics It's Instapaper-ed until the weekend (maybe)
2 hours later…
@Erics: nice answer to the language localisation question.
@JohnGB Still up for this evening?
Where to meet?
Hmm, well, we're seeing a movie at Buitenhof so I think we'll probably get something to eat/drink there since there are tons of cafés
How are you planning to come to the Hague?
Train / tram, depending on where
Not going to the Pathé?
1 hour later…
Yeah, going to the Pathé at Buitenhof
I'm off with names
@Rahul: As in the one on Spui?
No, the one on Spui is called Pathé Spuimarkt
the one on Buitenhof is called Pathé Buitenhof :)
It's smaller and shows more indie movies, like the one we're going to see
/me uses Google maps
Aaah, next to the Hoofvijver
didn't even know that there was one there
Anyway, what you can do is come to our office at, say, 17:30, and I'll show you around, and then we can head up to Buitenhof. Sound good?
Yeah, it's kind of small and hidden away
As opposed to the lumberingly huge, obvious one at Spui
Waldorpstraat 17F, right next to the train tracks at Holland Spoor
central :)
yeah baby!
Hi @RogerAttrill
We should call it a UX.SE meetup, just so that we got the first one down
Good call
Thought on only allowing markdown (not on this site) for bold. No italics?
Think of small notes. Is it really important to most people to have bold and italics options for formatting?
Ask it on UX? :)
I'll save it for another day when I haven't reached my cap again :P
@Rahul Hi
Hi everybody!
Hi @BenBrocka
@Rahul: Edit the meta question on UX meetups pls
add the info in case other want to join
A bit short notice, don't you think?
That it is
It's in 3 hours :)
but short notice is better than not having one at all
Plus, then Roger will organise the first one, and we can't have that :)
err - unlikely :-)
True... no badge for it :P
Actually - there's probably are a few people on here around Cambridge (uk)
I think I mentioned/hinted before about trying to geo-locate users and find people nearby
I think they call that stalking where I'm from
I'm sure that google analytics live data has some interesting info in there (pic-link off the page above)
Can we access the analytics data for ux.se?
not a chance! :-)
but what do I know? - I'm not a mod
Are mods, mods for life or something?
Some of the mods I've never seen
We're moderators pro tempore. Once the site comes out of beta, there will be elections for moderators once a year.
I've been a mod for over a year now. That wasn't really the plan. The site was originally supposed to come out of beta after 90 days.
What's held it up?
Q: Coming out of beta

Vitaly MijiritskyI tried to find the answer to how we come out of beta, and eventually ended up on the Proposal page on Area51. So I saw that some of the stats weren't that great and thought that this was the reason for the site being stuck in beta for so long. But then I saw that it says "This site has finished ...

I was wondering why it's still in beta too, on area51 it's got "excellent" ratings for all criteria except for number questions asked
@PatrickMcElhaney That doesn't have any actual grounds for when we're out of Beta...it seems like we've met all criteria for ages
Except questions
11.4 per day and they want 15 per day
Yeah, our stats are better than most of the launched sites were at the time of launch.
Looks like we're still at the high end of "okay" though for questions asked...

Launched Q&A site for people who build and repair bicycles, people who train cycling, or commute on bicycles.

Okay, that's just stupid
We're way ahead of some of the launched sites
4 questions per day!
maybe we should have more questions on user's experience of various bicycles...
I think they're waiting for signs that UX.SE is getting picked up by the UX community at large
So far that is not the case
you mean some 'names'
Well there is no way that the bicycle one is picked up by the bicycle community at large
@JohnGB I was just going to say...
bicycles is a much larger field (in terms of people interested in it) than UX
I'm not really in a position to judge as I don't know anything about the bicycle community :)
orders of magnitude
Really? There are more people interested in expert questions about bikes than UX?
You live in NL. You get automatic membership :P
Gee, thanks
How many bikes do you have @Rahul?
I rest my case
Well then!
I only have them because of the bike plan at the office though
I also have automatic membership
I'm inclined to say that ux.se answers are more likely to be picked up on as requiring to be expert or authoratitatative (!) in the field, where as with bicycles - then there's more of a level playing field.
what do you think?
(mixing football and cycling metaphors - but hey!)
Possibly, but then who decides what is authoratative
Some things that big names in the UX field push, to me are silly UX
it's just an overall impression
Could be. But I'm not that stressed about being in Beta or not
I still like it, and it's not going to change what I do with it
Maybe there is a feeling that ux.se is a representative of se as a whole - where as bicycles obviously is not.
Although being out of Beta would give the site more credibility and make it more likely to be thought of authoratative
how many times do we say that it's silly if something on ux.se is not itself good ux
@JohnGB Exactly, though we don't look remotely like a beta site anymore
Great user experience: tryruby.org
@Rahul That's awesome!
I love the copy
It's written like you'd say it when you're explaining programming to your 13 y/o daughter
or in my case, my girlfriend
...who is not 13
nicely pitched yes!
Tell her I said happy birthday!
I recently had to convert some Ruby to C++ (don't ask!) - it unfolded and unfolded and became 10 times as long - I was impressed by the succintness of Ruby - it was my first dive in.
@Rahul: Was that a fantasy that you just let slip?
@RogerAttrill That surprised you? You HAD used C++ before, right ;p?
hah - sure - but I was expecting 2 or 3 *- not 10
At least it wasn't Java, I guess
Never played with Ruby
been thinking of giving it a try some time though
Oh wow, this is brilliant! I know what my 10 year old son is doing this weekend.
I shouldn't talk though, I'm spoiled by PHP and not really doing much low level stuff
PHP is spoiled by default :P
Woah, there's people here now
Hi :)
Hi Tom :)
Hey, another Dutchie
Someone else from the Netherlands guys!
white rabbit!
Delft actually
I feel like the only American here around you guys
At least some people have good places to be from
@TomvB We're meeting up at 6 at Buitenhof, if you want to join
Oh I would, but I have a bbq tonight :(
Next time!
happy anniversary Tom
Strange I had one in Delft tonight as well.
I'm jealous. I want to go to the pub and catch a movie.
@TomvB: YES!Delft?
@PatrickMcElhaney You're invited too!
@RogerAttrill And you!
No, at a student flat
Do you think Stack Exchange would sponsor us?
aaah... one of THOSE BBQ's
JVB is always fun
@PatrickMcElhaney I don't know if SE can sponsor time travel
catch a neutrino - you'll be there before you know it!
Only if you measure like an Italian :P
LOL. That would be a good name for a sports car. :)
@TomvB: Side question, but do you know of any decent design students looking for an internship?
Or have advice on how to find them
@JohnGB Not rasight now
*not as of right now.
If you think of any, please let me know
Guys, I have to run to get some stuff done before this evening
You could try messaging twitter.com/#!/cmdgroup and ask for a retweet
@Rahul: See you later
Thanks @TomvB
np, later john
Gotta go too - lunch didn't happen. Need to fix that!
have a good lunch :)
thanks! bye :-)
Setting up command line php is proving harder than I thought..still better than VB
Is it? Don't think I've ever tried it before
It's not loading the extension I need for some reason. And I'm also trying to find out to run it best with my cakephp setup. The actual php stuff executes fine
Oh, it was Wampserver's fault, wasn't using the right php.ini. I hate that file
Q: Improve my crud user interface

ParhsI have added labels for translation. I decided to go that way in order not to switch screens... I could have the listbox at the left only and when double clicking or pressing and edit button show the form... The problems that i have now are What should i do when the form is first opened? Sho...

this question needs all kinds of help
asks too many quesitons and is a critique
not to mention rephrasing the question title
I mean it's just asking for trouble!
Closed it
@RogerAttrill I've always found CRUD to be an odd acronym...then again I guess we have the GIMP as well
and WIMP
So I was using my WIMP to get to GIMP and then things got GUI
It's a perfectly normal interaction model
dont forget WAMP
Oh don't WINE about it
I think that the GIMP on macos might actually be the most unusable application I've ever used
It is horrible on so many levels
I never got the hang of GIMP but I've barely used it or Photoshop at all
MACINTOSH - Most Applications Crash. If Not, The Operating System Hangs.
maybe 10 years ago
not anymore
[It wasn't a personal criticism :-) ]
It uses X11 as a wrapper-ish solution or something. So it just puts every panel in a different window. So in the end you have to click on the toolbar window to activate it and then click on the tool you want to use. Then you have to click on your artboard and then click again to actually procede with using the tool.
It's so confusing
Yeah, the windows everywhere thing has always been annoying
I think an older Windows version used to do something similar - windows everywhere...
I just minimize everything before working with GIMP
Not used it for ages actually
Did it ever not use windows everywhere?
I don't know - I didn't use it for ages before I used it either!
Yeah, I've put it on a dedicated spaces screen
@Rahul: May be about 10 minutes late
Now I go o/
@JohnGB Sure, I'm just sitting here
new smiley!
You've never seen o/ before?
I'm not familiar with it, I assume it's a hand waving?
or a half note
hand waving yes
oh - hi 5
This is a list of notable and commonly used emoticons or textual portrayals of a writer's mood or facial expression in the form of icons. The Western use of emoticons is quite different from Eastern usage, and Internet forums, such as 2channel, typically, show expressions in their own ways. In recent times, graphic representations, both static and animated, have taken the place of traditional emoticons in the form of icons. Western The emoticon in Western style is written most often from left to right. Thus, most commonly, one will see the eyes on the left, followed by the nose and mout...
You guys need to use IRC more :)
I'm not sure about that :-)
Can't stand IRC
I'm off, later guys
bye - see you later
@Rahul helloooo
@Jin - he's supposed to be gone - meeting someone about 20 mins ago
@RogerAttrill okie. how are you?
good thanks - Friday afternoons always good!
I see our UX site is growing nicely
+ weather is fan-tastic
yes - there was talk earlier of why it was still in beta - still
it won't be in beta any longer
the stats are very good. but we're still monitoring the growth trend
so we'll make it a full site pretty soon.
hoho! this is 'news'!
is there hard/fast criteria for beta->full - some sites seem to be taking the plunge that have less...well...'complete' credentials
bicycles was one mentioned
so are there different considerations ('special') ?
well, some sites are pretty niche by nature. so they probably will never get super high traffic
Bicycles site stats are pretty seasonal too
@Jin Sweet!
we have a set of rules we use to graduate a site, but it's not concrete. there are other factors too.
Does that mean we'll show up in the list of SE sites at the bottom of SO and other non-beta sites?
@BenBrocka yep.
Awesome =)
I wondered if ux.se might be seen as a reflection on se itself in some small way
once graduated, the "beta" will be gone from the logo. the privilege rights will be adjusted.
more pertinent than bicycles, let's say
@RogerAttrill I for one always judge a parent company by it's bicycles
@RogerAttrill hm I don't know.
@Ben haha!
whoa we just moved up in Quancast ranking. quantcast.com/p-c1rF4kxgLUzNc
SE network is now #217 in the US.
it was #240+ last time I checked
@Jin Awesome
I need to participate on ux.se and graphicdesign.se more...
Those stats are fascinating!
I'm surprised we're only 40% business users really
I was surprised by the heavy Indian bias - Bangalore outweighs any other city by a good margin
@BenBrocka I'm not certain how accurate those stats really are. I've found that Quantcast stats are closer to our internal stats than say, Alexa
@Jin Did I hear that you guys started using Google Analytics?
[the live beta that is]
@RogerAttrill was that it? I wasn't sure if it was SE in general or what.
@BenBrocka we've always used GA
@Jin Not surprising, That's your "internal stats" then?
@BenBrocka yeah. i think our sys admins use something else i have no access to
btw, have you guys seen this? slideshare.net/jasonmesut/truth-and-dare-04
i wish ux.se had a blog..
i'd totally contribute
there are a lot of interesting UX related things that's not fitted for the Q&A format, but perfect for a blog
ha - yeah - I saw that - and Mike Athertons response to it
@Jin - re ux,se blog yeah - totally agreed
@RogerAttrill a dozen of our SE sites have their blogs set up already. if the community wants one, we'll set it up.
cool - I know quite a number of people on here already have their own blogs - some quite popular, and some like mine that no-one reads :-) I'm sure 'the community' is up for it - but that's just me talking :-)
a meta question
yeah if you guys post a meta question about the blog, i'm sure Rebecca will follow up on it
she's our community manager and she's in charge of the blogs
yay - I'll get on the case.
Q: Should ux.se have it's own blog

Roger AttrillAt the time of writing, about 15 or so StackExchange network sites have their own blogs Every now and then a comment comes up: It'd be good if ux.se had its own blog! It would be a good place to cover some of the news, events and topics of the day that don't make it into the Q/A format of the c...

@RogerAttrill "its" :)
@RogerAttrill i'll let Rebecca know
thanks - edited :o)
blog blog blog blog blog (:
oh btw, @RebeccaChernoff does the reversed ascii smiley face. she's not sad
@Jin damn, it really is a dozen isn't it?
my how we've grown!
Hi Rebecca - but also goodbye - sorry gotta go! Have a great weekend everyone
@RogerAttrill cya
Oh sure, I see. As soon as I join... q:
hi/bye! (:
1 hour later…
@Jin "Don't tweet soundbites" slideshow full of other people's soundbites
Interesting presentation to be sure, not that I agree with all of it
@BenBrocka I don't agree all of it either. but I agree that most UX celebs don't deserve the attention
@Jin I find his statements regarding keeping designers in-house most concerning...companies tend to treat in-house people in those positions like crap and there's no upward mobility, of course people are going to freelance
Regarding celebs I guess I'm too new to the area to be familiar enough with that situation
@BenBrocka a lot of companies don't treat freelancers that much better either
it all depends on the company. if the leadership is good, then it doesn't matter
@Jin If you freelance at a bad company it's not a big deal, if you work there then you have to break a commitment and tick some people off to be able to do anything
1 hour later…
@Jin You don't want to say that here. Certain people will have a hissy fit.
@CharlesBoyung :)
after working in this field for 16 years, i only judge a designer by what he/she has shipped
the actual work. i don't care about conference talks, blog posts, books etc
of course, many good designers ship and talk at the same time.
@Jin That's the best way to do things
Too many times people get all excited about getting "experts" on UX.SE like the one time that Jared Spool posted an answer (only to never visit the site again) and the one time Whitney Hess (whoever she is) did the same thing.
The funny thing was that in that second case, she posted a really poor answer and people were trying to defend her to get people to not downvote the bad answer just because she's "famous" to them.
@Jin And here I am with no work I'm allowed to use in a portfolio =p. Oh well, I'm just starting my career/life anyway
@BenBrocka you have to start somewhere :)
@Jin and unfortunately it's as a programmer...but it's just a start, looking to move on once finances are a bit more comfortable
@CharlesBoyung I don't see her on the site
@Jin ditto from a quick search, link?
I don't want the rock stars. I want their fans. :)
Don't we all =p
@PatrickMcElhaney i want their pay
@Jin Not sure where she went then. I can't find her either.
Here's the answer she posted: ux.stackexchange.com/questions/10121/…
Absolutely no idea why her name doesn't come up in the user search. Seems like a bug to me...
Not me, personally. I want rock stars to talk draw attention to UX.SE.
oh not a registered user
Didn't realize you could fill out all that info (picture and link specifically) without being a registered user.
I didn't either
it's a not verified account.
Matt's comment was great. This is how we should treat all new users.
It was quite nice
@PatrickMcElhaney I don't disagree with that sentiment. But as I said to him, would he have done the same thing with any new user? His answer then was no, he probably wouldn't. He did it because he felt she was a "famous UX person".
@CharlesBoyung Well that's less nice of course
Woohoo, first silver badge
@BenBrocka Yeah, I'm not saying that someone needs to sit there and watch for new user answers that get downvoted, but if you are going to respond to one that you see, you should do it for others (again, if you see them)
@CharlesBoyung Other first users are a lot less noticeable of course. I'm kind of surprised there wasn't more attention
i normally upvote a new user's questions/answers, assuming they're good quality.
@Jin I will too, but the key there is "good quality"
Same here
I do, however, dislike it when things are upvoted just because someone downvoted it.
Poor answers/questions should be downvoted. Doesn't matter who posted it.
If it can be salvaged, sure help them figure out how to edit it, but it can stay downvoted until then. Once an answer is decent via edits, the downvote can be removed.
@CharlesBoyung I agree. Not a fan of sympathy upvotes.
@CharlesBoyung I've noticed a sort of balancing act, I rarely see a post with lower than -1
@PatrickMcElhaney And we've got quite a bit of that.
I've downvoted things that were borderline to me just because someone upvoted just to offset a downvote (if that makes any sense)
@CharlesBoyung Not a fan of arms races either. ;-)
I gotta run guys. Have a good weekend!
@PatrickMcElhaney Sure, but poor answers should get pushed to the bottom. That's all I'm trying to accomplish
1 hour later…
@Jin Sorry I was out socialising with @JohnGB
@Jin I was here all day though, you just weren't
@Rahul i was here!
You were not, I left work at 6 and no Jin in sight
maybe i was sleeping
I got here as soon as I got your tweet. and waited 'n waited... like that lil dog in the Jurassic Bark episode of Futurama
I'm sorry bro
I'm back now
Let's hang
actually. i'm off to dinner. :)
@Jin Let's talk about this when you get back
A: Write an Elevator Pitch / Tagline

RahulNew attempt: I think we should try to capture why we do this stuff rather than just describing what we do. It's too hard to summarise user experience design but we can probably get an idea of what it is that makes us UX designers tick. So here's an attempt. Bear in mind that it's a little tongue...

@Rahul: Addict!!!
@JohnGB What can I say

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