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OT - more abandoned questions: 1 2 3
OT - abandoned questions: 1 2 3
This question seems clear and answered well in the comments
needs CW answer
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer (1): Deja dup not working in 20.04 by Felice on askubuntu.com
@Zanna How did that question get four close votes?
@Natty fp
This question has a close vote for being about an EOL release. Ubuntu 16.04 LTS is not EOL. (The question is also not unclear.)
I think this question is just correctly answered, rather than unclear or no repro.
OT Raspbian (not OT EOL)
Agreed and VTC'd, though the solution wasn't the same as those (it was easier, no install -f needed, possibly as Synaptic did that part when run again) so I think I'll keep my CW answer.
Actually there was an answer there that recommended that solution, but it was wrongly deleted as a duplicate of an answer that it is quite different from. That answer should be undeleted.
Why was this answer considered dupe of the accepted one?
@EliahKagan Yeah I was also thinking the same.
It's more like David's answer without -f.
Yes, though not a dupe of that one either.
@EliahKagan upvoted.
Please exercise caution when reviewing questions like this one and this one about Ubuntu 16.04. A troll reviewer has been flagging them as off topic EOL.
@karel Why should anyone think they are off topic? 16.04 is still supported. Isn't it?
It's fully supported, including on Ask Ubuntu. It reaches End of Standard Support in April 2021, after which point (assuming our policies then are the same as they are now) newly asked questions about it will be off-topic.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - please help; Low Length; IntelliBL - 0.5; Low Rep; Unregistered User; 3.0;
wrong canned comment, the post should be a new question, not a comment
@karel Both are now out of review queue.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - i have the same problem; Low Length; No Code Block; IntelliBL - 0.1; Low Rep; 3.0;
@EliahKagan .. unless the questions are about upgrading to a supported release.
@Kulfy Right, yes.
I should've said "newly asked questions about it that are not also about a supported release of Ubuntu" -- or just said what you said. :)
not off-topic - it's a question about a problem that occurs while using the toolchain in Ubuntu to build a program, not a general question about Fortran coding
not a dupe of the proposed target, it's not about the -y flag, and the answers on the target don't address either of the two aspects of the question (what the question means, and whether or not those packages are needed)
@SasukeUchiha It's OK now. Both misflagged questions have been kicked out of the review queue.
I'm reluctant to consider this question no repro, because the information provided in the question (from the Ubuntu system) excludes other likely causes, leading to the solution. I don't think questions where the problem can be diagnosed in large part by looking at information obtained from an Ubuntu system (like output of commands run in Ubuntu) are no-repro. Such questions are useful to future readers, and useful in a way that is on-topic here.
Edit button is now on close banner too.
Yeah, I saw that earlier. Probably a good idea.
OT Windows - after closure, maybe it should be migrated to Super User
"If the current user is the post owner, they will see "Delete question" if the question isn't already deleted or locked for deletion.": This is something for good
A: When is the "Edit question" button shown on close notices?

Brian NickelGenerally speaking, the logic is as follows. If the post is not locked for editing for the current user: They will see "Edit question" if they have the post editing privilege or are the post owner. Otherwise they will see "Improve this question". If the current user is the post owner, they wi...

not off-topic - this is a long-standing question with a valuable answer that applies to Ubuntu and that seems to be helping many Ubuntu users
We should have something for this.
@Kulfy Relating to that, if this question is closed, even if the last CV is for dupe, I think it will still be wrongly closed as off-topic. I'm not totally sure how the system currently decides which of competing close reasons to pick. Also... is the problem there really addressed in answers on the proposed duplicate?
@Kulfy I don't recall anything for that. For which aspect of it? We should have something for how commands placed in shell startup files don't take effect until the startup files are sourced either by starting a shell or manually sourcing them. But I don't know if we have anything about how paths are resolved in aliases. (They're obviously resolved late... but this is only obvious if one knows what's going on. I see that as at least as important as the first aspect of the question.)
@EliahKagan This seems like an error related to python. OP last visited the site on May 25 but didn't reply to the comment or updated the post. Seems like an abandoned question but I have already voted to close as dupe.
The error occurs in a Python script, but I presume it is triggered by a specific condition that interferes with the upgrade. It might just be due to a bug in the script though. I'm not sure.
@EliahKagan Sourcing aliases after they're defined. Should it be closed against "How do I define aliases?"? pomsky's answer deals with the path but the actual issue (which was about sourcing) was solved by bac0n in comments.
@EliahKagan I'm not sure. If the error happened to be with more users, it would have been reported mutiple times, I think.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains Blacklisted Word - Stupid question; Contains ?; Low Length; IntelliBL - 0.2; Low Rep; Self Answer; 1.5;
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, potentially bad keyword in body (294): Nerve Renew :- Might have finished by FeirostVirt on askubuntu.com
@EliahKagan idk :( nice edit!
Any target for this question? I don't recognise anything specific. Is there enough information?
what is this question asking?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad ip for hostname in body, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching product name in body, +4 more (594): Ultra Thermo Keto France - Let's Talk About The Basics by parus jamtions on askubuntu.com
@Natty tp
1 hour later…
@EliahKagan I voted 'cause I didn't check the comments. It was not clear from the question itself that it's a server installation, could've been a case of botched installation or other mishaps. steeldriver should've edited the question and posted an answer instead of leaving a comment. Retracted now.
@EliahKagan (unrelated) But it looks like a dupe based on the comments.
So dupe
@EliahKagan It's been migrated, thanks.
2 hours later…
1 hour later…
Do we have something for this
Can I have an upvote on this CW answer to mark the question as answered?
dupe. Might need multiple targets
@Natty tp
@EliahKagan Is sudo su; some_application different from sudo some_application?
If yes, a warning should be posted/commented on this answer. I haven't commented since I'm not sure after the release of 19.10 and change of sudo behaviour.
@EliahKagan OP accepted the dupe suggestion, so the question is closed now.
dupe. Comments contain ill advices.
@pomsky Looks like it was user waltinator who voted as OT-EoL.
Any way to ask for clarification from them? (cc @EliahKagan)
@Natty tp
@Kulfy OP didn't reply to my queries here, but it seems they actually want to pin a custom app launcher to the dock (from the third paragraph in the body and this comment). Also nothing indicates they actually have manually installed Unity.
So I feel it's reasonable for now to change the [unity] and [launcher] tags to [gnome-shell] and [ubuntu-dock] (and also a [.desktop] tag) and mark it as a dupe of the canonical question.
If you feel the same way, then please do the editing parts and ping me.
"There is no need for the .desktop file to be set executable.": seems like false claims.
@pomsky sounds reasonable but as of now, I'm not sure if they are really using GNOME. So, I'm reluctant to add that tag. I have voted to close as unclear instead. And added the .
(unrelated) Hit and run with tags: abandoned questions with tag preference. Maybe useful for tag gold-badge holders.
@Kulfy Sure. If they bother to reply I would ping you again.
Okay and thanks :)
(unrelated) dupe
seems unclear. No WiFi adapter details are given.
Target has typos since 5 years :O
Is it specific to mobile devices?
I didn't realise there's a policy like that.
unclear see muru's comment.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at beginning of answer (30): Verify if AMD Radeon 530 Driver is installed in Ubuntu 20.04 by Ayush Panwar on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
@Kulfy Yes, they are different, but I'm not sure what kind of warning you're thinking of.
If you're worried that it may be a problem to run a graphical information without resetting $HOME, that would apply (prior to 19.10) to sudo some_application, but it doesn't apply to sudo su followed (in the resulting shell) by some_application.
ek@Kip:~$ lsb_release -d
Description:    Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
ek@Kip:~$ sudo printenv HOME
ek@Kip:~$ sudo su -c 'printenv HOME'
The effect is not limited to -c, but applies when used just as in that answer:
ek@Kip:~$ sudo su
root@Kip:/home/ek# printenv HOME
I don't recommend opening a root shell just to run a single simple command with no redirections (and, less importantly, when one does open a root shell with sudo, I'd suggest sudo -s or sudo -Hs over sudo su, and sudo -i over sudo su -). But running a graphical application via su, even without -, is as safe as running it with sudo -H. Unlike sudo in Ubuntu releases prior to 19.10 and OSes derived from those releases (but like sudo in other OSes), su resets $HOME.
(By sudo su; some_application I'm assuming you mean running sudo su and then, in the resulting shell, running some_application. The actual command sudo su; some_application would not work, because some_application would not be run until the shell produced by sudo su has exited.)
Yes. some_application in root shell.
@pomsky And confirmed specifically that it did work. Excellent--thanks for casting the initial dupe vote. I wasn't sure if it really was that particular problem (or one that could be solved in that way).
I was thinking of adding your answer as a comment.
@Kulfy sadface
@Kulfy Well, what they're recommending doesn't have that problem, because su resets $HOME.
@pomsky I don't know if a good way to do so.
@Kulfy I vaguely recall something like that. Was it changed since then, though?
@Kulfy I think it's asking if that's technically feasible, rather than if it will be done, so I don't think that's POB (or "opinion based" as the close reason is now called).
@Kulfy What information should be requested there?
(I do agree it's unclear.)
@EliahKagan Well I'm not sure. At least output of wireless info script. But since it's been already 5 years, the question seems abandoned
@EliahKagan I'm not sure it's been 2 years since I have >10 reputation points :)
@EliahKagan Is the answer fine then?
Some Error Occurred on this post
@Kulfy Yes. It's fine. It could use a comment about how it could also be done safely with sudo. ...But it's just been wrongly deleted.
Should be undeleted then. Unfortunately I don't have those privileges as of now :/
(unrelated) IMO the current closure of this question isn't justified. Or could have been dupe of question about making Persistent usb.
@Kulfy I don't either, because it was deleted by a moderator. (The deletion is a mistake, but the moderator was not acting unilaterally--it also has a 20k delete vote and presumably was in the flag queue.) I've edited the post to clarify it and explain why the commands work, and I'm about to raise a custom mod flag on it to request that it be undeleted. I'll try to make my flag self-contained but I may link here (as the issues with sudo vs su are not central, but may appear so).
You may want to edit the post yourself if you notice shortcomings in my edit or anything else that bears improvement.
@EliahKagan "graphical information" is an odd and cringeworthy mistake in phrasing; I wonder why I typed that. Anyway hopefully it's clear enough. I'll still link here in case one of the concerns that contributed to deletion had to do with su specifically.
I've raised the custom flag.
at least you didn't type it may be a problem to run graphical informations
There wasn't room for my to mention, in my custom flagging message, that the reason I cannot myself vote to undelete it is that it was deleted by a moderator. From the flag text, one might even assume it was self-deleted. I think a mod who sees the flag (even if not the same mod) will be able to notice what's going on.
@Zanna I think "a graphical information" is just as bad.
Looks fine to me
@Zanna I would like three of those, por favour.
@EliahKagan hahaha true, it's the same problem only it snuck past the grammar alarm system
@jokerdino would you like strawberry, or vanilla?
@EliahKagan see, it was kulfy who started it
@Zanna chocolate
coming right up
@jokerdino -_-
Not to be confused with giraffeical informations.
That flag was handled quickly! :)
Hail jokerdino
@EliahKagan rofl
@EliahKagan I was just waiting for the flag to be created
Makes sense. This way there is a record associated with the post that moderators can look at. Also, thanks btw. :)
@EliahKagan The question was automatically protected due to that deletion, so I'm motivated to unprotect it. I suspect there are other solutions that apply in more recent times, as PolicyKit-related stuff graphically changes. But it has several other deleted answers (which brought it to the threshold where the recent deletion protected it).
We reject this kind of edits, right?
@pomsky I do
although, thinking about it, the paragraph break is an improvement
Removing thanks + inserting p break → Approve
Yeah, agreed it's an improvement, but wouldn't this encourage more simple edits like this → clogging of the review queue?
I don't think that queue ever gets clogged
If the suggested edit is an improvement and there is nothing much else to improve, it's OK.
if it's frivolous edits just adding in a rubbish tag, reject it.
our button clickers do a good job, so I am mostly not worried about it.
which reminds me I should review the close votes
some days ago I voted to close something as a dupe and nobody else has voted
I wonder if it even got reviewed
I'll check
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.0;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.5;
This question is a dupe, aye?
I believe so. I've voted to dupe it.
I've just unprotected several questions that have zero deleted answers. There are quite a few more. I'm not convinced that any of them should be protected or even ever qualified for protection, but I'm not going to unprotect them all at once myself. Anyone interested may wish to have a look though: askubuntu.com/tools/…
I certainly had a look at that page in the recent times and I am of the opinion it was probably a misclick or people trying their powers?
Nothing to justify the protection anyway
Quite a few hahaha
@jokerdino Should all the protected questions that have zero deleted answers just be unprotected then? (I mean, I would look at each question and its answers in case there's some big weird thing going on.)
My name popped up there and this was the q.
Oh. I didn't realize you were talking about a specific question you had protected.
I think it hit the HNQ equivalent and I probably protected it preemptively?
@EliahKagan Nah, I was indeed talking about the entire page and then I had a look at the mess I created.
We have the powers to protect and unprotect. So, we should go through the questions with zero deleted answers and confirm if it still requires that protection.
Thankfully, that's less than one page of items. We can have a look easily over the stretch of the week.
I was just taking a screenshot of that and cropping it and putting a big fat frc around jokerdino and switching to snark mode but you were 5 steps ahead of me
that means I should go to bed
@Zanna I feel like a giant freehand spiral centered on the name would be even better. :)
@jokerdino Sounds good. I'll try to take another look at them later today or tomorrow.
Can this question be closed as a duplicate of something? It seems familiar.
@Zanna Well, it was 5389 questions protected in total. Fortunately not nearly that many with zero deleted answers. :)
@Natty tp, link only (also undisclosed affiliation)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): Can't get Postman installed and working on Ubuntu by LinuxTech on askubuntu.com
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty fp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
dupe of "How can I find my hardware details?"
@EliahKagan Post already reported
OT 11.10 EOL
OT 12.04 EOL
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 2.5;
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Low Rep; 1.0;
@Natty tp

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