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[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; No Code Block; Starts with Keyword; Contains Whitelisted Word - You can; Low Rep; Unregistered User; 3.0;
1 hour later…
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
seems dupe (see the OP's answer)
@Zanna I'm wondering if the reason the script returns 127 should be explained differently.
(This is in the first example there.)
Based on this, the post-installation script script does run, but encounters an error while running:
/usr/sbin/update-info-dir: 3: /etc/environment: $: not found
update-info-dir sources /etc/environment but only if it can read the file:
if [ -r /etc/environment ] ; then
  . /etc/environment
So the problem isn't that /etc/environment isn't found, either.
Instead, it looks to me that someone added a line to /etc/environment that looks something like:
$ VARIABLE=value
When they meant what would have been expressed by:
The more common mistake would have been:
(Perhaps since that's what one would write in Perl, PHP, or PowerShell.)
Having the space, so that the command that the error message says is run inside /etc/environment is $, is a little weird, but I've seen that -- people do that when they copy code that shows $ as a prompt but think it's supposed to be part of the command instead.
The answer currently says:
> The lines before the dpkg line give a probable reason - there is no /etc/environment file to set the PATH variable so the shell that runs the script doesn't look for the necessary commands in the right places.
That had been my first thought too, until I saw that the . /etc/environment was guarded by [ -r and then looked more closely at the error message.
I'm not sure of a good, accessible way to change the explanation, though.
OT no-repro, OP hasn't signed on to Ask Ubuntu for 7 years
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url-only title, bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, body starts with title and ends in url, +1 more (591): mumybear.org/skin-science-cbd/ by emily.a2 on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
@EliahKagan yes I have been thinking about this for the last few days
I think what I wrote is totally wrong
but I didn't have a chance to look into it
2 hours later…
@EliahKagan enough for a speculative answer
@EliahKagan indeed, it does not @Kulfy
OT Kali 1 2
@pomsky did it actually help OP or do you think they accepted it accidentally or without knowing what they were doing? They didn't improve it that much
@EliahKagan Well TBH I also don't know how I would react in such situations.
@Zanna Yeah. Now, I've signed up on meta smoke.
I should log in there and see how they are doing on reviews
Their accuracy is about 99% 😳
@Natty tp
@Kulfy I know but I mean the review queue was pretty full last time I went there
Oh. I get "Do you have 10 minutes to review?" prompt. The posts that need review are in thousands.
@EliahKagan this type of question is very likely to get wrong votes like that here I think :(
(not about Ask Ubuntu) Is POB the best way to close trolling questions like that? It's not a dupe of the one it's closed against at all imho.
@Kulfy oh dear
I guess people got bored of doing that
not enough badges for it maybe XD
but I don't think people review here primarily to get badges or anything. Personally, I just don't have the thought of logging into MetaSmoke regularly
@Zanna xD
Not a duplicate, since my issue is not that of slimming the bar down, but that of making a too NARROW bar (on the right) BIGGER, to match the height of the bars on the left. I understand that the bar on the left is huge, but I intentionally exaggerated on the height to show my point. — rainer 4 hours ago
@karel I don't think that is off-topic
Although the answer is inspired from the linked question but the OP says it's not a dupe.
@EliahKagan I can't understand at all. What is 0b0?
@EliahKagan lol I would like to see that
@Zanna I believe the second one (OP is a new user)
They accepted the initial version itself
@EliahKagan I would also consider "cops" to refer to an institution I might consider potentially dangerous and whose actions I may often not support, so I wouldn't want to imply that the system of community moderation on Stack Exchange, which is something I feel more positive about and aligned with, is similar (cc @Kulfy )
@Kulfy oh, yeah! well spotted. I didn't go far enough down the rabbit hole (or down the page). Hmm...
@pomsky yeah, and then commented. I think we should delete that question
when possible
@Zanna Well the interpretation varies from person to person. I think.
@Zanna May be an edit be made to avoid such confusions.
@EliahKagan haha that's a great compliment :D
and makes it easier for me to talk about my posts, which I would probably like to do soon since I think that many of them are wrong and needing maintenance
@Kulfy I am looking at that meta post in the hope of editing it, but I still don't understand it well enough
maybe another break and a third look haha
@EliahKagan As far as I know this is still the case
@Zanna I'm editing
Or let me edit
I hope it's clear not. If something is left, feel free to re-edit.
@EliahKagan I think because it looks like a list that would need updates over time, which at the time was probably widely considered to be a type of question that should be CW to facilitate editing by low rep users (before the suggest an edit feature was implemented). Possibly see this blog post by Grace Note on community wikis
@Kulfy I still find it totally unclear, but perhaps it's just me :)
@Zanna agreed
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, body starts with title and ends in url, link at end of body, pattern-matching product name in body, +3 more (590): Additionally this supplement is not suitable by oliviaphillips on askubuntu.com
There are many (deleted) questions on the site in which OP tried installing katoolin and without realizing that sources.list is edited. Then OP faces dependency issues, Ubuntu turned into Kali or even broken system. The latter two are generally closed as too broad. Again after some days/months a similar question is posted and we are on the same position again.
So, I was thinking of posting a self answered Q&A in which all the "side effects" can be listed and may be a "safe way" to install those? and may work as a common dupe. What do you guys think about it? Should I post or is there any post like that existing? Should it be made CW?
@Kulfy You could post new answers to one or both of these existing questions. 1. How to stop Katoolin from crashing Ubuntu? 2. Updated Ubuntu 16.04, now I'm running Kali?
Agree with karel and I thought those questions were getting closed as dupes
If not, I hope it's because they really are unclear too broad etc
2 hours later…
@karel @Zanna I posted an answer on the first one.
Since Rinzy's answer on the second one looks ok to me. Also, I'm not sure if my answer fully goes with the title of the question.
May be a related comment be added on the second one?
@Kulfy good idea
@Zanna Not really. Once there was a question which was heavily downvoted and deleted by the reviewers within hours of posting.
well, questions about Kali Linux and Katoolin are often very bad
that may well lead to an automatic close-and-downvote-and-delete-before-reading effect
Yeah but aren't we making AU less welcoming then?
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Url-only title, bad keyword in body, body starts with title and ends in url, link at end of body, pattern-matching product name in body, +6 more (692): health2wealthclub.com/natures-choice-keto/ by chad993 on askubuntu.com
@Kulfy well it's worse than that even
if we are not even reading the questions
I wasn't condoning delete-on-sight actions
just suggesting why they might happen
you said a question was heavily downvoted and deleted quickly. I think you are implying that the post was not so bad that this was a rightful fate for it
so I'm suggesting that if that post deserved better, it was probably a regrettable consequence of similar questions being bad
Indeed. Let me see if I can find that.
which has led to an ewwww Kali Linux vibe
Unix & Linux came up with a great alternative to that. But I can't find their Kali Linux canonical post now. Maybe it was removed for some reason
@Zanna No. terdon JNat moved that to meta because it was wrongly used. terdon explained it in a meta question that why he closed that.
Q: Why I closed the "Why is Kali so hard" question

terdonAs the regulars will know, there seem to be many people out there who think that Kali is a good way of starting with Linux. As a result, we get quite a few questions from newbies trying, and failing, to do basic things with Kali. The community is understandably tired of these since it's sort of ...

@Kulfy well this articulates much better than me most of the things I was just trying to say :)
@Zanna Here it is. I can't see it.
I actually voted to close as unclear but wasn't expecting that it might get deleted.
is there a problem with the question being deleted?
Like I said in my previous message, I don't think we have a canonical post for that. We could have helped by marking as dupe of something. IMO that wasn't a very bad question.
@Kulfy is it not exactly the same situation as Updated Ubuntu 16.04, now I'm running Kali?
in any case, @karel is expert on this topic, not me
@Zanna Indeed but it could be a better sign post IMHO
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Low Length; Low Rep; 1.5;
It won't help. The claims made in comment aren't true as well.
@Zanna It was deleted before 48 hours were up, even though it was on-topic (about Katoolin, and what happened to an Ubuntu system with Kali repositories, not about a problem originating on a Kali system). Not only could the OP have improved it, but the OP did provide information during that time. It's far from obvious to me that the question qualified as unclear when it was deleted. I've cast an undelete vote.
@Kulfy Yeah, sh my-script will attempt to execute my-script whether or not the file is executable. The file only has to be readable. And you're right that it doesn't look like a shell script in the first place.
@Zanna Why so?
@Kulfy CV retracted.
@Zanna Well, the answer most people will use is to use the package manager's build-dep action, and that doesn't change much over time... though perhaps the answer about it should be edited to briefly clarify that python (selecting the source package python-defaults) provides Python 2 and python3 (selecting the source package python3-defaults) provides Python 3.
Back then, I think enough edits would make a post CW automatically. But I see what you mean; I guess the idea was to apply that to the question and all answers pre-emptively rather than have it happen with each individual answer. I think it's for the best that we don't insist as a matter of policy that things be CW anymore.
@Zanna That meta post makes sense to me now. Looking at the diff between the original and @Kulfy's edit, I think the last part clarifies that the OP really did want the post ID, because the OP wants something that can be added to the question URL to link down to the answer.
I think the meta question might benefit from another answer explaning why each post has a unique ID rather than answers using their authors' user IDs -- that is, I don't think the OP knew what a post ID was. But that's the information they were looking for.
@EliahKagan I don't know, we seem to have a wrong interpretation of "primarily opinion based"
@Zanna To mean... what?
@EliahKagan I don't know about that, I was just suggesting why it might have been made CW
Yes, I think you are probably right that this was why.
@EliahKagan I feel any time there is a question that even sounds like it could possibly receive answers based only on opinion it is likely to get close votes as POB. Anything like "is X safe?"
@EliahKagan ok :)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, body starts with title and ends in url, link at end of body, pattern-matching product name in body, +6 more (694): medicfitonline.store/alpha-titan-testo-canada/ by Whoem1977 on askubuntu.com
@Zanna Is there a solution for this?
maybe a meta post could be written about it if we can collect some examples
maybe over time
This is the OP's own answer, so I guess it should be edited to incorporate the source material. Also that question might be deleted on SO because it's off-topic there. Should it just quote the whole thing, with attribution?
Seems NAA, given what the question is asking.
@EliahKagan quoting the whole thing seems a good salvage operation :)
@EliahKagan can be delete-voted now
@Zanna Do you want to edit it or should I?
@Zanna I found it in the LQP review, where 20k users can VTD posts whose scores are nonpositive (rather than requiring that they be strictly negative), so I've actually already voted to delete it.
@Zanna I see you've edited the post. I've built on your edit. I'm not sure it really makes sense now, though. I'm hoping you might take a look.
Seems dupe, but in this case I don't want to use my dupe hammer while it has fewer than four close votes.
@EliahKagan thanks a lot for editing! I'm still not sure what it should say there and I'm still hoping to look into it further soon
@EliahKagan I'll do that :)
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; One Line only; Low Rep; Unregistered User; 5.0;
I've edited that answer. I changed the formatting from how it was in the original post. Does it seem ok? I am checking to see if I've introduced any errors....
@EliahKagan That question has four close votes now.
@karel Thanks. Closed.
@Zanna Yes--thanks! There was one thing with backticks. I fixed it and, I think, slightly improved the formatting overall. The existing quote formatting seemed like it might have relied on undocumented aspects of whatever Markdown dialect SE is using.
I feel like the question is probably a duplicate of something on the site...
Also, is this (based on the error message) a dupe of something useful?
@EliahKagan thanks :)
@EliahKagan we have so many questions about this but I can never find a really good one :(
going AFK but for the Netflix error maybe something here
Should this room have a pinned message with a few links that relate to or are otherwise useful in the room?
@EliahKagan Maybe something like this?
@EliahKagan Thank you for voting to "undelete" that :)
No problem. So far it seems I'm the only one to vote to undelete the question. Perhaps others will consider doing so as well.
If I was a 10k user, I would have voted as well.
[ Natty | Sentinel ] Link to Post Contains ?; Low Length; No Code Block; Contains Salutation - Thanks in Advance; Contains Whitelisted Word - try to; Low Rep; 2.5;
@EliahKagan I should've said, others besides us.
Is this an answer?
This doesn't look like an answer. And question seems to be unclear/no-repro.
@Kulfy voted to close
@Kulfy idk, but maybe OP's comment is and could be posted as CW. Or maybe this could also be no-repro, maybe it was a transient bug? Is it still useful or just a dead end in search? I'm leaning towards keeping it
@Zanna I'm guessing it was you who starred the message with the links (since I didn't)? :)
I did yes
Cool. :)
Did you find a way to do room-owner actions from mobile? Or was that from a desktop system?
that option was available from mobile
Btw, I wasn't sure if the link to the info page for the old Regulartors room should be included, because in practice we (or at least I) don't go thee hardly at all. But I figured it would be relevant to people wondering about the context of the room, plus it might be useful to search that room from time to time.
@Zanna Ah, good.
But it doesn't have anything for cancelling stars?
(I mean this in reference to a previous conversation; there are no stars that I think should be canceled now.)
Btw, it occurs to me that this is sometimes the most active room associated with Ask Ubuntu--even more active than AGUR--and if people find this room by searching SE-wide chat, rather than by looking at Ask Ubuntu rooms then they may not actually know about AUGR. I thought of including a link to AUGR in that message but I decided against it because I don't think the people who need it would ever find it there (also, the message was near maximum length and I didn't want to use URL shorteners).
But should the room description have a link to AUGR, at the end? Is there room for that in it? Should I attempt this? I feel deja vu, I wonder if I've asked this before.
@EliahKagan I have just tried looking once again and still haven't found that. But this doesn't constitute proof that the option is not there...
@EliahKagan that would be good
I don't remember you asking that before
@Zanna I will attempt this now.
but my memory has holes
@Zanna I might be thinking instead of a discussion of what should go in the description for the Island.
ah maybe
room topic changed to Raiders of the Lost Downboat: Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down. Trello board - trello.com/b/N4tGabC2/ask-ubuntu-abandoned-questions-cleanup Guide to handling Trello board - docs.google.com/document/d/… Looking for the tain room to ask/talk about Ubuntu? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room (no tags)
room topic changed to Raiders of the Lost Downboat: Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down. Trello board - trello.com/b/N4tGabC2/ask-ubuntu-abandoned-questions-cleanup Guide to handling Trello board - docs.google.com/document/d/… Looking for the main room to ask/talk about Ubuntu? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room (no tags)
(I made and fixed a spelling error.)
I just had a thought. This is the current text (in case what I'm thinking of looks worse):
Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down. Trello board - trello.com/b/N4tGabC2/ask-ubuntu-abandoned-questions-cleanup Guide to handling Trello board - docs.google.com/document/d/… Looking for the main room to ask/talk about Ubuntu? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room
room topic changed to Raiders of the Lost Downboat: Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down. Trello board: trello.com/b/N4tGabC2/ask-ubuntu-abandoned-questions-cleanup Guide to handling Trello board: docs.google.com/document/d/… Looking for the main room to ask/talk about Ubuntu? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room (no tags)
What do you think? Is it better with the colons like that? Or should I put it back to using hyphens?
It looks great like that
Regarding the first change, do you think "Looking for the main room to ask/talk about Ubuntu?" is okay? Obviously that's an accurate description (as far as SE/AU rooms) of AUGR and such messages are on-topic for AUGR... but does it mislead people into thinking they should use AGUR for things that they should post a question about on the site (and then possibly also bring up in AUGR)?
@Zanna I think it's no-repro. It got only 89 views. May be it was caused by a bug.
@EliahKagan I don't think it's misleading... anyway it will always happen that people try to ask questions in chat and they are usually helped to write a better question (or directed to something their question would be a duplicate of) I think
@EliahKagan IMO discuss is better than ask/talk
@Kulfy hmm yeah
Sry, was afk. Editing now.
room topic changed to Raiders of the Lost Downboat: Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down. Trello board: trello.com/b/N4tGabC2/ask-ubuntu-abandoned-questions-cleanup Guide to handling Trello board: docs.google.com/document/d/… Looking for the main room to discuss about Ubuntu? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room (no tags)
room topic changed to Raiders of the Lost Downboat: Place to sail the open sea, and search out boats to take down. Trello board: trello.com/b/N4tGabC2/ask-ubuntu-abandoned-questions-cleanup Guide to handling Trello board: docs.google.com/document/d/… Looking for the main room to discuss Ubuntu? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/201/ask-ubuntu-general-room (no tags)
OT Mint - see the lower-left corner of the first screenshot (or any of them)
One more close vote needed. I've commented it case it might somehow be on-topic, but I very strongly doubt the OP is running Ubuntu.
@EliahKagan thanks!
@EliahKagan unfortunately closed for the wrong reason :(
@Zanna Is it? They're both sub-reasons of off-topic, and I see the sub-reason we voted for listed first.
I thought this was an audit when I saw it. It's out of the queue, though who knows what'll happen. I've commented.
Well the question was closed as OT but now OP claims that they are now using 19.04 in place of Linux Mint. Should this be opened now?
In a previous edit, why had the OP removed the output of xinput list and lsusb?
Not sure. May be they actually migrated to Ubuntu.
I would at least not reopen the question yet, but this is not based on any disbelief. I'm not convinced the question has nearly enough information to be answerable, and at minimum the information they removed should either be added back or there should be some explanation of why it's not relevant (since such an explanation might shed light on the problem itself, I think).
More importantly, though--and this is why I haven't bothered to comment about that--the OP commented saying they posted a question for it on Unix & Linux.
If that question turns out to be about what is effectively the same problem on both systems, which seems likely to me, then reopening their question here could result in the other one being closed there. Unix & Linux actually has an off-topic sub-reason for questions posted on multiple SE sites.
Yeah. But they also say, "* I tried several Ubuntu distributions too with different results*" and they didn't show those different results.
Yeah. I think that's an additional reason to think the question may be unclear.
(unrelated) I had glossed over the first sentence of this question earlier and missed that it's probably an XY problem. (I'd gotten in my head, somehow, that the OP was just making a .deb package for isolated, perhaps testing-related, use.)
The question shouldn't be closed--even if it's not edited again, it could get a helpful answer, and the OP will probably edit it again--but I wish I'd noticed and commented about that aspect earlier. Oh well.
Not OT. I'm not sure why editing hosts solved the issue, but it's like an ok-ish answer.
Agreed. I reviewed it Leave Open.
I don't think the dupe target is correct here. The duplicate is about C program.
@Kulfy The similarity is that the shell does not run a command in the current directory when the command contains no / and the current directory (or an empty entry) isn't in $PATH. I suspect it may not be the best dupe target though.
@EliahKagan Here's another on-topic question that got recent close votes as off-topic. It, too, is out of the queue now. I am wondering if the issue there is that, to someone who is both skimming the question and not really familiar with what shell commands and shell scripts can do, it might seem like it's asking for some huge complicated thing.
That's just a guess, though, and I'm reluctant to edit the question based on that conjecture (and also I don't know how I'd edit it anyway). I've commented.
@EliahKagan Yeah indeed. There might be some other question which don't have C program.
Bash question often receive CVs.
This was posted again
I thought I forgot to review and clicked back, thus CV'd as dupe of the one in comments.
Well this is either duplicate or unclear since OP accepted the answer and I think it doesn't go with the question.
@Kulfy Good catch. I've VTC'd both the second and third ones, upvoted your comment, and commented on the other duplicate that didn't have a comment about avoiding deliberate duplicates. I figured it might be helpful to tell them that editing also draws attention to the post (since I assume they're posting new questions in part because they don't know that).
Oh there are 3? I didn't realize that.
Well there's an original and then two more that are dupes of it, all by the same author. Only two questions to close as dupes though.
@Kulfy I cast a dupe vote, closing it. I don't want to vote to delete the answer they accepted. If a while passes and the OP doesn't reply at all, then it may be reasonable to delete the question. Hopefully they'll clarify, and unaccept if appropriate.
@Kulfy After looking at the questions posted, I think this user is somewhat confused
@EliahKagan I was excepting that Graham may defend their answer.
Hmm, what do we have for this? @pomsky I think you may be familiar with this and know (or have seen) the answer, though I'm not sure if I'm vaguely remembering some post or why I think that. You have a lot of GNOME knowledge though so maybe that's why.
The answerer suggests to look at the logs since the error they got was because of the typo. This suggested edit corrects the typo. If approved, the answer might need to be restructured.
@Kulfy I've rejected it with a custom message explaining the situation.
> This answer is about troubleshooting the case where a misspelled option causes a problem. Fixing the typo shown here would make the answer wrong.
@EliahKagan Thanks :)
No problem.
Sorry sorry. This is the link.
@Kulfy Yeah, I'm not sure why that would work. I could be missing something, though. Is the other option Ubuntu with Wayland on most systems these days?
Yeah but it's not chosen by default.
@Kulfy The revision history suggests that the intent is to help the OP using Xorg instead of Wayland (or maybe instead of Nux... I don't remember what release had that). I've commented to request clarification.
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, potentially bad ns for domain in body, +2 more (494): Weight Loss Plan by donamarlis9 on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…

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