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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: The response to the impression Long Strong by ellenrbarton on askubuntu.com
1 hour later…
Have we got a dupe target for this question?
2 hours later…
the comment source userscript is working for me now :)
1 hour later…
ugh I definitely didn't vote for the dupe here so annoying
7 hours later…
@Zanna: Thanks! You can remove your comments on askubuntu.com/a/965562/175814 now.
@DavidFoerster thank you! :D
agreed and flagged
This is why I'm glad we don't have an actual "abandoned" close reason. I think that, only when there is some other reason to think a question cannot be answered anymore (or without the help of the OP), do abandoned questions qualify for closure.
6 hours later…

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