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[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +5 more: newmusclesupplements.com/testo-boost-rx/ by Deborahvance on askubuntu.com
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
I think this question describes a mistake people are likely to make when coming to Ubuntu from other Linux distros like Arch that don't use NetworkManager... Something to do with conflicting packages? I'm really no good on networking, but I remember setting up wireless on Arch and messing up by installing too many things. The answer has 36 anon downvotes (and 2 anon upvotes) and
there are some similar questions like this one and this one with the same error. Maybe the first one is a suitable dupe target, but I think an explanation of the role of NetworkManager might be needed... is it included in Ubuntu Server images? People use /etc/network/interfaces for some things, right?
44k people landing on that question and probably most of them didn't find anything useful. It stopped getting upvotes around May last year - before that it was getting them regularly see timeline so maybe this isn't happening any more, or the error message has changed. So, I don't know what should be done now.
"We are on path to release the new top bar for all users across all communities. Timing will likely be in the AM eastern on 10/10/17."
coming soon
yeah i am also useless at wireless questions
i usually just restart NetworkManager and hope for the best
@edwinksl haha often does the job
my query is flawed in that (I think) it will return all posts that were ever closed as Too Localized even if they have been reopened, reclosed with another reason etc. So using the raw query may be unworkable as posts will probably not disappear from it if reopened
2 hours later…
@Zanna Is there a way to filter out the posts that are currently open?
4 hours later…
I voted to reopen this "too localized" question
ugh new top bar D:
@EliahKagan according to the documentation, ClosedDate is null if the post is open (thankfully), so my query won't find open posts :)
@Zanna NOOOOO! new top bar it live :(
19 mins ago, by Zanna
ugh new top bar D:
yeah, horrible
1 hour later…
@Zanna I've commented there and voted to reopen. The "50%" number I've been citing actually understates the problem, because it's not that "too localized" failed to apply in 50% of cases where it was used, but that neither it nor any close reason applied to 50% of cases.
I wonder if we should just ask Stack Exchange to dump every non-deleted "too localized" question into the reopen queue.
haha that would be interesting
but now there's a new top bar, nobody would ever know about it
The advantage to doing it manually is that there will be less robo-reviewing because all of the question going into the queue will have a vote and, hopefully, an explanatory comment (such as the one you had left).
@Zanna Yeah that's a good point.
So, do you want to post a "How do I review?" meta question, or should I?
I would likely not get around to it until later.
I mean a self-answered question asking how to review and with an answer that describes and shows an image of the new review button.
should this question be considered off-topic? I'm feeling not really, but perhaps it would be better on Super User...
I am really hoping we can avoid the problem SO had with reduced reviewing.
@EliahKagan I can have a go at it... maybe it should be CW
@Zanna I don't know what CW means anymore, and neither does anybody else, so "maybe it should be CW" is always correct, always, emphasis on the "maybe." :)
Also thanks.
Unless you think it's important to make the question or answer easier to edit, I don't see a reason for CW. We don't get rep from meta anyway.
@Zanna I am not sure I understand that question -- where do they want to take input? Where do they want to send output?
I'll find an example of what I mean when I actually find the way to meta... oh it's on the right
i no like new top bar
But if the question is on-topic here--like, if it's asking how to do something in Ubuntu--then it's not okay to close it just because we think it might have been better asked elsewhere.
@AndroidDev Who does?
@EliahKagan here's a post I edited to add more ideas, instead of adding an answer, because it's CW...
I think CW status on meta at least is like "feel free to add stuff to this answer"
@EliahKagan dunno. the devs I guess. The "NO" meta answer has 31 votes
@Zanna Yeah, but that's open-ended. It's not like we're going to have an expanding list of ways to get to review, is it?
haha I guess not
@Zanna Yes, I think it means that on main too. Like I said, if you want to make it easier to edit the answer...
Anyway, there isn't really any hard reason to not make a post CW. Even on main.
I don't know if we have any on AU, but I recall there are very active users on some SE sites who make all their answers CW because they disagree with the reputation system.
Oh I didn't realise that :)
Well my recollection could be wrong.
The closest I know of to a reason to not make an answer CW is that CW is not an excuse to post something that's harmful or totally useless. But that's not really a reason not to post CW. It's a reason not to post.
However, I do remember having deliberately decided not to make an answer CW, to avoid the appearance that I was trying to weasel out of downvotes.
It was an answer about parsing HTML with regex.
I would make more of my answers on main CW if I hadn't noticed that people seem to upvote CW answers less.
I think some people value the effect increasing an author's rep, when they upvote.
I think maybe people think if the answer is CW the author is not sure
True. But an author can be sure and also wrong.
ooh chat flag :D
I think when I first came, I made at least one CW answer because the question asked for a complete list of something, and I had some good stuff for the list, but not the whole list
but nobody came along and completed my list... these days I only use CW for those times when it's not my own work, like the answer was posted in the question or in comments or found on another site, etc
Yeah, we have a lot of answers posted as comments. CW is good for making those into answers, even though not required (even if one just quotes and cites). It's good because it helps avoid anger (even if unreasonable), and because it's the situation where people are more likely to upvote it because it's CW.
People think the purpose of upvotes is to dole out well-deserved reputation.
I don't know if you're sighing with me or at me, but either way, it's okay. :)
I'm sighing because that's not what upvotes are for haha
Oh. Well as you know I agree.
Posting solutions from comments is something that's not done enough. Especially by me. I wish I had another thousand answers, all CW and quoting or otherwise closely based on commented answers.
another good thing about it is that CW answers aren't counted towards tag badges. I would be pretty disturbed if I started getting tag badges for stuff I don't know anything about
That is, I wish half my answers were CW answers based on commented solutions.
@Zanna Well, in posting the answer you have presumably read the solution, thought about whether or not it makes sense, and decided it's not harmful and at least potentially helpful. It's not obvious to me that they shouldn't be eligible for tag badges.
It would arguably make the system more complicated if they were, though. Tag badges are based on total score in a tag. It would be odd if that worked differently from reputation, other than the rep cap.
Also, it's sort of nice that there are measures score that aren't affected by the rep cap. So even if many of one's upvotes didn't give +10 due to the rep cap, they still contribute to tag badges.
I have a gold tag badge for on meta, but no gold tag badges on main, nor am I particularly close to any. This makes me feel like I should be rethinking some of my choices. Soul-searching.
I usually find out what is going on with my answers and the questions they are posted to (like more answers being added etc) from rep increases. Sometimes I get a badge or something for a CW post, and I'm like "omg, I totally forgot about this post"
Well, CW answers appear in your list of rep changes, just without any rep change associated with them.
I very rarely look at that though
ok this top bar sucks
I'm reading this featured MSE post about the new top bar
rest in peace, old top bar
it's about responding to feedback and it says "New Review icon sucks"
they could be spending money and time on better things
and I'm like, awesome! And there's a survey you can complete to say which of various alternative icons you like... and they all suck
None of them have the word "review" at the bottom!
please pretty please some text!
They should use the idea someone submitted about having fine print under all the icons. It looked really nice and everything!
also, is it just me or it takes a noticeable amount of time to load stuff after clicking on the review button
it's taking ages D:
That reminds me. Have any of you noticed how there's often a noticeable delay when loading an audit, giving away that it is an audit?
why wouldn't they show the damn numbers for the queues too
well I've downvoted the MSE post
noticeable delay only for suggested edit audits
@EliahKagan occasionally yeah
I get that for maybe 90% of audits.
@edwinksl hahaha and no giveaway delay needed there
yeah exactly
but i will take it anyway
I mean, the audits aren't supposed to be impossible to see through.
@EliahKagan yeah, it takes like 10x longer to load an audit
Yeah, that's about what I've observed.
imagine if SE spends some time on fixing that
wat. Google is removing support for Chrome apps on Win. Mac and Linux?
especially given the velocity of things in SO queues
@AndroidDev Linux? Even ChromeOS?
@EliahKagan everything except chromeOS
Is there any way that one can ever be banned from reviewing suggested edits if one just always clicks Reject and Edit?
I mean, except for a manual ban by a moderator with the accompanying notice, "You thought you could get away with that?! You even posted about doing it in chat, Eliah Kagan!"
(Or close the editing window if it's not an audit and actually review it.)
I think this question is a duplicate of the old canonical login loop question (see my comment).
@AndroidDev So... why are they doing that?
we might need a top bar support group soon enough
What we need is a user script that draws a freehand circle around the review icon periodically.
We have several questions, perhaps more, about the general topic of counting files in a directory, and a lot of the answers are wrong. I don't think most are duplicates. Can anyone find others than these?
Both ls and find produce different output depending on if standard output is a terminal, so using either to write names to standard output without customizing them to not print newlines from inside filename is wrong and fails on filenames that contain newlines. (This can happen by accident, so it's not really adequately to say, "If you know if you never ever ever name a file with a newline...")
It's actually much easier to do it safely with ls than with find.
I feel like we must have other questions on this theme, too.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer: How do I start the postgreSQL service upon boot? by user745986 on askubuntu.com
I am struggling to review O.O
haha it's just not occurring. But I think I've been very unfocussed today...
2 hours later…

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