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Thanks, voted.
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad pattern in URL answer, blacklisted website in answer, pattern-matching website in answer: noexec option enabled in fstab is not getting applicable for limited user. Is it a bug? by arbaradell on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +8 more: newmusclesupplements.com/vcor-male-enhancement/ by nicolebushway on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +4 more: nutrasunnaturalgreencleanseblog.com/alpha-x-factor/ by yhanpxknmavb on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +3 more: nutrahealthtrimsite.com/zenith-sleep/ by Hodgesr on askubuntu.com
@EliahKagan oops sorry... no that won't happen, you can always ping me with no worries
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +4 more: www.oralhealthplus.com/pure-cbd-hemp-oil/ by Oloplath59 on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, blacklisted website in body, blacklisted website in title, +4 more: nutrasunnaturalgreencleanseblog.com/alpha-x-factor/ by user258912 on askubuntu.com
@EliahKagan I voted to leave open when I reviewed it because it seems answerable to me - not really opinion-based & not off-topic
@EliahKagan why not close? closing isn't deleting... can there be new answers?
the Ubuntu SDK post is still in review
3 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] URL-only title, bad NS for domain in body, bad NS for domain in title, bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, +5 more: newsupplements2017.com/testo-boost-rx/ by airsdfr on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, blacklisted website in body, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Calorie Shifting-Burning Fat By Fooling Your Metabolism by judynison on askubuntu.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer, bad keyword in link text in answer: Samba suddenly stopped working by R. Cowell on askubuntu.com
this question doesn't seem at all off-topic to me, but is it unclear?
@Zanna So everything works except the the RDP server, which binds to the WAN interface but not the LAN interface?
seems so...
Well it might not have enough information, but I wouldn't feel good about VTCing it without requesting specific information.
Regarding a question you'd asked about what to do with earlier, do you think this title edit is reasonable? Also, I am not sure what the downvotes were for, since it's quite a well-asked questions and all the technical information necessary to answer it (which I have done) is included. I upvoted the question.
@EliahKagan yeah... I don't know what's needed
@EliahKagan good edit! yeah the question seemed OK to me... sorry I forgot about that one
upvoted Q&A. Seems very useful now
thanks a lot for answering it
No problem! If I had realized I would be able to write an answer that went beyond what people had said in comments, I would've answered it yesterday.
It just goes to show that I should practice what I preach link to.
I think this should be reopened
uh... too localized? the page views... kinda disagree?
anon feedback:
Post Link UpFeedback DownFeedback Score
32107          	12	13	7
36979	        16	10	2
160662	         7     	8	0
@Zanna I agree.
@Zanna Also the comments, and the absence of any actual reason to think it would have been too localized, would disagree with its "too localized" status.
The "too localized" close reason was always a bad idea. 50% of "too localized" closured appeared to have been wrong. Stack Exchange removed the close reason because it was being misused so badly.
A bit of history: There used to be a "too localized" close reason but Stack Exchange took it away because people used it wrong half the time. This is one of those clear cases of not being "unlikely to help any future visitors," given the many people who've posted here about having the same problem. Commenters elsewhere have sent people here where the answers helped. I believe this is relevant even today; I'm voting to reopen. @Ash — Eliah Kagan yesterday
Most of the wrongly closed "too localized" questions have probably been wrongly deleted too, either manually or by the system. But some remain closed and needlessly obscure, and will gradually trickle into deletion as they accumulate delete votes from people who see "too localized," don't read much further, and don't know the history of that close reason, or due to users who posted the question or answers deleting their accounts (which reduced the threshold for roombaing).
Even those that aren't deleted and will be rendered obscure by their "too localized" status.
Can SEDE be used to search for posts that were closed as "too localized" and were closed by fewer than five users?
Probably. The "Too Localized" reason is available in the CloseReasonTypes table...
I recall there was a moderator who closed a huge number of posts as too localized shortly after being elected, then stopped after some people objected. But maybe it would be best to just search for all "too localized" posts, since probably about half of them were wrongly closed, and if the roomba is actually helping us, it should've disproportionately deleted those, suggesting that well over half of the currently existing "too localized" questions on our site were wrongly closed.
I can probably manage that
It may be that I am actually in the minority to think moderators shouldn't close question on a whim and without explanation, though. This meta.SE answer of mine, in which I defend the existing close vote system and argue that it works well so long as moderators act with restraint, which they usually do, got 7 downvotes.
Although I think some (perhaps all) of the voters may not have actually read what I wrote (see the comments and edit history), I am inclined to take the downvotes as a serious expression of opinion nonetheless. That is, if someone only read as far as the point about how moderators should be accountable to their communities when they cast super close votes and thought I disagree with that, then it is reasonable for them to have downvoted even if they didn't read the rest.
That attitude scares me, and I wouldn't want someone who had it to be a moderator anywhere, nor even would I likely want to invite them over for tea, but that doesn't make their opinion not a real opinion that deserves representation.
@Zanna But does SEDE let you check how many close votes caused it to be closed?
Or do you think we should just look at all "too localized" questions?
there are apparently around 1600 questions on AU closed as Too Localized. Too many?
Do you mean, do we want to query for fewer, or do you mean, should fewer questions have been closed that way?
haha I mean do we want to query for fewer
Can you query for how many close votes it took?
Or, maybe only include questions where either (a) an answer was posted, or (b) there are at least three comments, or (c) the question was edited two or more times?
Wow, some of those have way more views than I would've thought.
I can easily add a comment count... or restrict it on the comment count, if you like
Maybe it would be better to include them all, but add more columns to see that stuff.
Can you add columns for total number of feedback +1s and feedback -1s, added up from the question and any answers?
anon feedback?
or all feedback?
that could be a project for the evening haha
let me see...
Well it may be unnecessary.
Probably good enough to sort decreasingly by views.
OK, I'll do that, but I think I can add some feedback, just maybe not child post feedback... I don't know how to do that
We can do a Trello project on it haha
The couple of those I've looked at so far clearly should not be closed and should be reopened, but I may not have the time (or energy) today to write the comments explaining why. I guess a generic "too localized made no sense here, let's reopen" could be used, but it might be able to give specific details on each for people in the reopen queue.
If you comment and vote to reopen and mention it here I'll click through and either add my reopen vote if I agree or mention it if I don't.
sure :)
There are some questions I had told people I'd ask, and some answers I'd told people (including you) I'd post, and if I have the time/energy today to do much more on SE, then I'll probably try to make a small dent in that. I wouldn't hold your breath, though. :)
no worries at all
I think were were wrong to VTC this question and I have voted to reopen it. See comments and the meta question about it.
1 hour later…
@Zanna maybe you can use your close hammer on this?
1 hour later…
I'll have a look when I get home...
@AndroidDev No hammer needed anymore. I added my close vote, so it just needs one vote from anybody. Should the answer be merged after closure?
I'm voting to reopen this question, which is not actually off-topic (see comments and linked meta answer).
Should this question be reopened as well, or should it and/or its answer be edited more first, or should we wait...?
@Zanna I found the full answer to what shells expand {}. Or, I should say, the two answers that, taken together, answer it about as well as it seems like it can be answered: one by Gilles, and the other by Stéphane Chazelas.
@EliahKagan yeah I would say merge it. I'll ping a mod in AUGR
@AndroidDev Cool -- thanks also for following up.

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