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I see karel edited it in
Sorry, I did go to sleep after my last message
That script could benefit from some \
line breaks
There must be a better way to sed that, if we really have to parse it
I don't like to see very convoluted commands like that because the exact output from APT or whatever changes over time I think, then the answer doesn't work, and if you know how to to text processing you can start chopping off pipes until it starts to make sense and find the mistake, but a beginner will be stuck
2 hours later…
Nobody seems to think so
can we close that? (hardware issue apparently, but pretty vague conclusion)
1 hour later…
That not-very-useful script to reverse excessive package removal got posted again
Custom flag that as a repost, mods will delete it.
I already edited the original post (maybe excessively) and it's still quite bad imho
don't duplicate posts get auto-flagged?
I think that flag might get declined
Nopes, if they're not exactly identical at the time of post creation, they don't get autoflagged.
And also why do they decline those flags? It's not upto the users to guess if it's auto flagged or not. Grrr.
we don't mind if the same answer gets posted to multiple questions as long as it's a valid answer to both of them and the questions aren't really duplicates
On SO, I've found only one case till now where the same answer was valid on two posts whilst the questions were not dupes.
(out of some 5k or so such flags which I think I have handled)
yeah it's quite rare. I am wondering if that question is a duplicate
I think it is
so I am just going to click this delete button I have here in the queue
btw, this was one real good edit askubuntu.com/posts/950424/revisions
thanks :) :) it still doesn't make much sense imho
I don't know the tech part, just the moderation part. :)
thank you for your support. It makes a big difference
the post was deleted by 3 votes
Good, now the OP can't undelete it. ;)
here's one of those "useful" "me-too" posts - the question seems to have another one that's already been upvoted
Looks delete-worthy to me, but hey I'm the "moar deletion" guy :D
yeah, me too
I wrote a huge meta answer about how we should delete those
I don't think that one really adds anything new
what am I missing? that looks like.... not a dupe at all
They reopened it again.
oh yeah sorry
damn, I thought I was going to be able to get my hammer out there :D
oh an answer I almost deleted because someone else posted a more succinct command just got accepted 3 days later
I'm glad I didn't delete it! looks like the more succinct version assumed too much about the input
2 hours later…
I don't think people should be downloading random stuff like that... risky
@Zanna voted to close as dupe of canonical post by David Foerster on checking storage medium integrity
Does anyone else here have intermittent problems logging in on SEDE?
sometimes I get redirected to the front page when I should be entering my credentials. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. With various devices (but probably firefox every time). Maybe there's some slightly different thing I'm doing when it works but haven't figured it out yet
Query returns 3857
the low was 3828. Why are people writing underwhelming underappreciated/NaA answers to their own questions faster than we can upvote/flag/close them?
Still, it's an improvement on 3872, last week's count :)
does that make sense? I don't seem to have such a module on my system...
woah I am slightly suspecting some sockyness
that's not a duplicate of either of those imho home directory empty? How did that happen?
I VTC as unclear but it looks like I agreed with the dupe, even though I wasn't the only one who voted unclear
I think this is unclear without hardware info. It's not useful to know which version worked for them in that case IMHO
3 hours later…
@Zanna OP did mention GT 635m
that may be enough hardware info for someone who owns the same GPU
oh is that the card?
oh hmm
I guess I should try to fix it later instead then
probably we can just dupe it to how do I install the nvidia drivers
i am tempted to CV this as unclear askubuntu.com/questions/815874/…
I edited the nvidia post
nice :P
thanks for reading it properly... do you want to vote dupe or should I just upvote the answer?
do you have a link to the dupe target you have in mind?
Q: How do I install the Nvidia drivers?

Richard RodriguezI just ordered the Nvidia GTX card. I have a dilemma, though. Should I keep using the driver which is available in "additional drivers" in Ubuntu, or should I install the driver from the Nvidia site? So which driver is the best for me?

i think we can upvote OP's answer since it appears that only one particular driver version works for his card
OK done :)
same, upvoted
2 hours later…
oops unintentional use of hammer O.O
post totally inappropriately tagged with command-line haha
not sure lol
I figured out what the problem with the script was, but someone beat me to it by a long way haha
2 hours later…
The one where what was intended as the closing " was escaped by a \?

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