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@Zanna a classic dup.
ah of course :)
9 hours later…
kind of in doubt about this one askubuntu.com/questions/521921/…
what do you mean
Not sure the upvote is justified... not OP's answer and could be a marginal situation, but I just don't know much about this topic
1 hour later…
@Zanna Earlier you said anything that solved OPs problem is an answer...
It was in my mind while voting
Now upvoted OP's answer too
@Anwar hmm yes it is an answer, not necessarily an upvotable one grin I was hoping you would explain how that would work, I thought maybe that person messed up their system and then fixed it, which is not necessarily what happened to OP?
That was my fault. removed the upvote. I wasn't thinking clearly. Thanks for the checking
it was indeed a LQA
Oh ok :) but if OP's answer looks alright that's even better...
I guess it worked for them
What I thought was the answerer installed xenial packages in trusty and removing them fixed the problem. I didn't think the question was 2 years ago and now I noticed that answer was posted on Sep 20!
I got +1 twice today!
Haha me too, we must be downvoting the same posts
It would be good if we knew what this missing package was Haha askubuntu.com/questions/520659/…
probably whatever sudo apt-get -f install needed
I was editing it
Oh sorry
Shall I put into left a comment list? I doubt they will be back, but you never know
Fixed a bit
I assumed they installed with dpkg -i
It's likely... shrug haha
I put in my list, maybe by the time you re-review, they will have replied
Could be improvedby edit, not by me though askubuntu.com/questions/520861/…
no idea
2 hours later…
Hmm I wonder if there are any lurkers who can fix that one...
Anyone care to add a downvote to this question? askubuntu.com/questions/520902/…
Can I dupe this to the canonical how can I free up space in /boot question? askubuntu.com/questions/520944
@Zanna ok
Variant property? Is that a thing? askubuntu.com/questions/521144 (PS homeboys??)
@edwinksl many thanks :D
@Zanna this homeboy here has no idea what a variant property is
OP is still active it seems
can ask OP to clarify
@edwinksl good idea :)

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