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Haha :) you didn't vote though...
It's only 3 months old. We can leave it for now maybe?
.... morning
@Anwar why leave it?
afternoon :)
@Zanna done.
I thought someone might get interested and answer.
I would vote too broad if it weren't easier this way, because I think "after update my system doesn't boot" is not a question we need more of...
I agree. I didn't read the question fully first
oh good, glad you agree :)
I hate these wall of text which finally ends in a question askubuntu.com/a/517860/61218
AU should have a jail system for posting too many crap answers
uuughh... are we no-repro-ing that?
I haven't still decided. but flagged NAA that one
what to do with the copy paste of the config file?
flag that as well
DV the Q
flag as NAA? will it work?
I've downvoted hoping OP will remove the answer.
ok, looks like they don't have any negative score answers except an accepted one, so maybe put in left a comment check it in a couple of days. I'm DVing question and answer and flagged answer by OP
Same here. Thanks
new query candidate - worth an upvote? askubuntu.com/questions/854852/…
@Anwar stronger if we both do it :)
@Zanna I won't
CVed it
agree with no-repro, problem went away by itself
Agree with CV
should this be considered as an answer? askubuntu.com/a/554859/61218
because if that is an answer, there are better answers on the site I think.
upvoted finally
I think it is an answer but if you want to find a dupe, that's cool
you are making fast progress lately :) soon we'll be in the Pending doldrums
2 hours later…
@Zanna i had to wait for you to do it first!
@edwinksl I had done it already, it was on +1 before my vote
I wouldn't ask if I didn't need help easing it into the roomba, although I probably should! I am wreaking more destruction these days than anything else... I did answer a new question this morning for the first time in a couple of days though
2 hours later…
this site has tons of junk that need to be destroyed
@edwinksl starred
@Zanna same here.
DV* ^^
wrong link in the answer? askubuntu.com/questions/261595/…
@edwinksl haha that makes me feel better about it
@Anwar no use unless the answer is going - did you flag? Remember, no open question will ever be deleted if it has answers
@Anwar hmmm...
needs a better title askubuntu.com/q/530516/61218
@Anwar downvoted it anyway though
sorry. I didn't
lol looks like an "answer" - case of VTC as no-repro I would have thought?
but We closed many questions like that before.
in the absence of mod powers, I think we have to VTC, no? I just voted...
Oh. Actually I did flag!
My actions:
downvoted Q
voted to close Q as no-repro
left comment saying why it's no-repro
went to LQP queue and voted "recommend deletion" on the answer
@Zanna sorry. Ironically I put the wrong link there :(
Flagged as NAA, DV the Q
@Anwar haha no worries
That answer we DV'd did get deleted... just got +1
1 hour later…
@Zanna nice. Hope the other one will also get deleted
the flag is disputed here askubuntu.com/a/520604/61218
@Anwar yeah... I think it is an answer, just not a very helpful one :( I think jokerdino said, if doing something fixed the problem, then don't flag, vote no-repro
I VTC this question as unclear, but it didn't get closed :( askubuntu.com/questions/183913/cannot-install-jdk-7
@Anwar I supported your flag in the queue... I will look at the history
3 people voted it looks OK
On the other hand... I flagged this answer... it should be OK as it is LOA askubuntu.com/questions/509821/… I left a long comment there!
Anyone care to support my close vote? askubuntu.com/questions/516084/…
Thanks to Anwar's epic efforts...
cards: to review / to check / pending / no fix
99 / 84 / 65 / 10
total on the board: 258
OP ignored my comment askubuntu.com/questions/492759/… what to do?
@Zanna done
@edwinksl thanks :D
I got one answer accepted by OP after comment. Very rare for me.
I found one accepted just now too
chilli555 ignored my comment here askubuntu.com/questions/503287/…
tempted to ping him in main room
Your call
done it... he is a nice guy :)
nothing too bad can happen from that I think
we have 2 cards in waiting that timeout tomorrow, we'll have to decide on other actions... shall we look at them now?
@Zanna just one those junk
@Zanna Added -1 to support
agree... added my downvote... but I don't get why anyone would vote to leave it open
and cVed the question
it won't allow me to CV again yet
is that even an answer?
flagged it too
link is broken anyway
nice. tell the reviewers that point
I left a comment saying so
downvoted answer just for good measure
You cruel people...
@Zanna I am bored
@jokerdino oh you are awesome, I was too lazy to edit it
Fixed the answer I guess.
hmmm fixed beautifully
He really was bored
hah I don't know about that, but that is what I should have done
fix stuff instead of destroy it
I saw 1k+ views and thought there must be some value in that post.
:) thank you for saving the post and reminding me to try harder
Anything with less than 50 views and a couple years older can be thrown away without much thinking.
hmm I am not thinking enough.
3 hours later…
@jokerdino thank you for teaching <3

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