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2 hours later…
@cocomac your blog seems to be broken ... 🤐
@matigo ?
Are you referring to Blast Off Network...?
@cocomac yep. I get nginx errors 🤐
@matigo Yep, I'm currently redesigning it, so it's half-broken currently. And the server it's running on (a cloud VPS) refuses to update. So... yeah.
@cocomac servers that refuse to update are no fun ...
@matigo Of course, I picked Arch as my server distro. I've fixed it, but I've learned my lesson about that...
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body (98): wi-fi adapter driver NW602 AC600 ✏️‭ by Crabby_boi‭ on askubuntu.com
OT no-repro (or possibly it could be a duplicate question) "I ended up reinstalling the ubuntu. Thanks for the comment!"
@karel it has 1 duplicate and 3 unclear votes. If I vote, it will be closed as unclear, so maybe @Zanna can close it as no-repro.
@BeastOfCaerbannog I can retract my unclear as it's now no longer reproducible ...
Oh, that's right. If I retract the vote, I cannot vote to close it again ...
Yup. Zanna to the rescue!
Or maybe the new mod ... 🤔
There is a new mod?
@BeastOfCaerbannog The OP admitted in a comment that the question is no-repro.
@andrew.46 you can't hide that ♦ forever 😜
@karel yeah, I'm just telling that if vote it as no-repro it won't be closed as such due to the other votes.
I wonder if it's worth the effort to create a "Based On Ubuntu != Ubuntu" meta question in a similar vein to the Why is Kali Linux so hard to set up? Unix Meta post. My goodness ... the number of Pop! OS and Linux Mint questions that get closed is remarkable.
Also, it would be nice if the person running Pop! Planet would fix his darn site at some point. I know that these things cost money to run, but there's no excuse for poor SSL certificate management in a world where Let's Encrypt and CloudFlare have made it just so darn easy ...
2 hours later…
@BeastOfCaerbannog I see it has been handled haha :)
@Zanna Hahaha! The first closing of our new mod! :D
@BeastOfCaerbannog :)
glad to have you with us in the Downboat @andrew.46
and everyone else! thanks for joining the Boat @matigo
@Zanna Doing the Northern Hemisphere night patrol I suspect. Night time here now and I am tired :)
well, take rest! plenty of time to get burned out later ;)
In fact the time has come for me to unplug. Nice to see Chat moving along a bit too :)
2 hours later…
^^ spammy comment
2 hours later…
Autoflagging disabled until restart
Does Natty have a check for questions or answers that are approaching Wiki-lengths? 🤔
Boot times are a non-issue. If people want fast boot times, they should stand up and use the bathroom or make a cup of coffee. Watching a computer boot is about as effective a use of time as watching paint dry ...
@matigo I don't think so, but Community♦ raises a flag on posts it considers "excessively long". There is also a character limit for posts
@Zanna a character limit for posts? Challenge accepted 👍‍
@Natty tp
@Natty tp
@Natty ne
@Natty ne
Hey @Zanna heard about the (soon to be) good news from catija. All the best!! Hope everything goes well, and without any problems or trouble!!
@BhargavRao :D thanks <3
@matigo Two possibilities on that -- Are Linux Mint (and other unofficial derivatives of Ubuntu) questions on topic? from Ask Ubuntu Meta. And Super User versus Unix and Linux versus Ask Ubuntu on Stack Exchange Meta.
There's also the related Why are questions about (specifically) Ubuntu based distros off-limits? that Zanna linked to in a comment on the first one.
@NotTheDr01ds yeah, those are legit questions and answers, though. They lack the "fun" of the Kali Linux meta post, which I would try to replicate 😬
@matigo That's a point. Worth a shot, IMHO. Of course, it's sometimes tough to get a "new" version to stick if it's technically a duplicate of older ones, but I'd personally support making a newer one the canonical (no pun intended) answer if it's better (and, definitely, "more fun" can be "better").
I do link to that Kali one often (on WSL questions), but I typically link to the answer If you need to ask, then Kali Linux is not the right distribution for you. Heck, I have that markdown title/link saved in Obsidian (along with a few others) for rapid copy/paste ;-).
@NotTheDr01ds I like to say: "Mint is like Ubuntu the way Subaru is like Ford" ... but then the car buffs come out and tell me something like: "Well, actually, it would be more accurate to compare Subaru to Toyota, because they use the same chassis for their mid-size and sport vehicles." ... which completely misses the point ...
2 hours later…
4 hours later…
@matigo I have half an eye on this one: askubuntu.com/q/1400077/57576
On the face of it a reasonable question, if the terminal output is legitimately from an Ubuntu machine
I take it the previous Pop!_OS questions were deleted before the user posted that one?
Q: "What topics can I ask about here?" in need of an update?

NotTheDr01dsOur What topics can I ask about here? help center page feels like it could use an update. The first section, "Questions that you may ask", looks fairly good. Apparently at one point in time, it also included the final line: There are no "dumb" questions ... but, well that's been removed in a p...

@andrew.46 this is the third time I’ve seen the question, and I would remember because I edited the first two to wrap the terminal output in code blocks.
^ Based somewhat on our "Based On Ubuntu != Ubuntu" discussion earlier. Still would love a good (fun) canonical post on the topic, but it seems like the general Help page could use some guidance in that regard as well.

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