[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, potentially bad ip for hostname in body, potentially bad keyword in body (194): https //ij.start.cannon by Henry Nikk on askubuntu.com
@BeastOfCaerbannog if I may butt in... I understood that matigo was role-playing someone changing their mind about applying for a job (as I think you know, in British English, and perhaps other Englishes, a summary of one's work and education related accomplishments and whatnot is called a "CV", short for curriculum vitae. In US English, for example, I believe this is called a "resumé"). matigo's character was disgusted by the prospect of working with Fedora because they use Flatpak, I think, and
therefore withdrew their application for the job that would have involved such duties...
@Zanna indeed, you are correct. As for Flatpak, I have no real opinion. People should use what works for them. If it's a Snap, that's great. If it's Flatpak, that's great. If it's a .deb installed via apt, that's great, too. There is no "One Perfect Solution" in the world of software ...
@matigo The Snap vs Flatpak war is stupid IMO. Both are OK packaging systems, so I don't understand the fanatics (reminds me of the init vs systemd war). What I understand though is the anger against Canonical for their aggressive marketing of Snaps by not providing the option to install apt versions of some applications. I have no problem having preinstalled apps as Snaps, but also give me the possibility to install them via apt if I want.
@BeastOfCaerbannog they are quite scary to me. They are as big as a 7 year old child. I once went to the roof to cut my hair, and two monkeys were sitting where I was heading. They just looked at me, like, "we were here first"... I was like "okay then" goes downstairs to come back later
@BeastOfCaerbannog they only come from time to time, not daily... have not seen them since last week