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@KeshavSrinivasan Btw, I've also many objection with democracy and yes I like monarchy as far as I've heard and read stories of monarchy in ancient times.
@KeshavSrinivasan By the way, one major problem todays according to me is "Varna Asharam system" is not followed. What do you think about it? /cc @Tezz
@Pandya Yes, I definitely think we should go back to following Varnashrama Dharma. I'm a strong believer in the birth-based caste system.
2 hours later…
@TheDestroyer we can ask for @Rickross to cast delete vote on that answer... has he visited this room ? ....
@Pandya what I think is destruction of Varnashrama Dharma is one of the fundamental characteristic of KaliYuga.. ..😀😀
@KeshavSrinivasan Oh.. nice website... it also gives Sutras of Devata Kanda...
@Tezz No, that is not the Devata Kanda Sutras. I should explain what that website is showing.
@Tezz Another name for the Devata Kanda Sutras is the Sankarsha Kanda Sutras. Now some time relatively recently, I think in the 1800's or something, several manuscripts were discovered which were titled "Sankarsha Kanda Sutras". But the thing is, the text that was discovered is not focused on Devatas. Instead it just focuses on the technical details of Yagnas, like the Purva Mimamsa Sutras.
@KeshavSrinivasan yeah. Hindu Monarchy is great thing.
@KeshavSrinivasan It is believed Britishers stole many Hindu manuscripts. They didn't even know what they had stolen.
@Tezz And most of the Sutras in the Devata Kanda Sutras quoted by Adi Shankaracharya, Ramanujacharya, and others, like "Athato Daivi Jijnasa", are nowhere to be found in the text that was discovered. So it may not be the same as the Devata Kanda Sutras.
@KeshavSrinivasan We should first conclude which system is true. guna based Varnasrama dharma or birth based varnasrama dharma. Then we can follow it.
@Tezz However, there is one Sutra quoted by Adi Shankaracharya and Ramanujacharya which does exist in the text that was discovered: "Na Na Va Devata Pritaktvat" which means "Prana and Vayu are different gods, because they are cognized differently."
@Tezz He didn't visit this room.
@Tezz It's there in Adhyaya 2 Pada 2 Sutra 36 of the discovered text: agnim.com/sankarsha_kanda/PDF_files/sankarsha_kanda.pdf So it's kind of a mystery what exactly is going on.
@KeshavSrinivasan What website is that?
@TheDestroyer We're talking about the site agnim.com It's a site devoted to the Devata Kanda Sutras.
@KeshavSrinivasan Uttara Mimamasa is Vedanta. Right?
BTW, i thought you were liberal.
11 hours ago, by The Destroyer
@Pandya Many of them are left liberals with our Keshava too. :P
@TheDestroyer Yes, Uttara Mimamsa is Vedanta.
@TheDestroyer Well, I'm liberal on foreign policy issues, i.e. I'm against war. I'm conservative on social issues, i.e. I'm against abortion, same-gender marriage, etc. And I'm agnostic on economic issues. I have a great deal of interest in economics, but I don't really have strong opinions on whether we should have high taxes or low taxes, capitalism or socialism, etc.
@TheDestroyer I suppose I'd want to study what Hindu scripture said about economic issues before forming a definitive opinion.
@TheDestroyer In any case, in America I support the Democrats over the Republicans due to the fact that Democrats are liberal on foreign policy issues.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes. Even i want to know. Capitalism is ruining this world IMO. Western Science is living because of this Capitalism. This is becoming an hindrance for Vedic Science in India as India is slowly adopting Western principles of Capitalism.
@KeshavSrinivasan I think America lives by exploiting others. It makes two friendly countries enemies and side with one country and sells weapons to others. It should face its karma.
@TheDestroyer Yes, I'm definitely against a lot of the things that America has done in the realm of foreign policy. Did you know that Al Qaeda was basically created by the U.S. Government? The U.S. funded Mujahideeen soldiers to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan. Those Mujahideen soldiers ultimately became what we now call Al Qaeda.
BTW, BJP Governement is Right winged on social issues and capitalistic in Economics. So, it gets Middle class and Rich people votes with some Hindu nationalists.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes. Even it is responsible indirectly for creation of ISIS.
@KeshavSrinivasan They also internally divide the other countries with their NGOs. Did you read "Breaking India" book?
@TheDestroyer I would definitely vote for BJP if I lived in India. I wish there was a pro-caste system party in India, but BJP would certainly be better than any other party due to its pro-Hinduism stance.
@TheDestroyer Yes, because ISIS was originally the Iraq branch of Al Qaeda. And Al Qaeda would never have gotten a foothold in Iraq if the U.S. hadn't toppled Saddam Hussein.
@TheDestroyer No, I've never heard of it.
@KeshavSrinivasan Though it looks like it divides people on name of religion, but left and congress was dividing the country based on Religion with their freebies and incentives to "minorities" and Dalits.
@KeshavSrinivasan Ambedkar played very little role in framing constitution of India. But History School books say Ambedkar is architect of Indian constitution to woe Dalits. Many political parties shed crocodile tears on him.
@KeshavSrinivasan Read "Breaking India". It primarly highlights how Britishers divided Tamilnadu. It talks about atrocities of British did in India.
@TheDestroyer I'm not really familiar with B.R. Ambedkar. All I know is that he criticized Hindu treatment of Dalits, and he converted to Buddhism on his deathbed so that he wouldn't die a Hindu.
@KeshavSrinivasan At his time, he was disciminated heavily due to his low birth. We cam't blame him. He also said reservations should be temporary. But vote bank politics live on Reservations.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes. He did research on many religions and finally converted to Buddhism.
@KeshavSrinivasan Bush's blunder.
@TheDestroyer Yes, Bush was a horrible President. But now we have an even worse President, haha
From Breaking India:
Sir William Jones wrote to his fellow Europeans in 1799, that:
The Sanskrit language . . . is of a wonderful structure; more perfect than the Greek, more copious than the Latin, and more exquisitely refined than either, yet bearing to both of them a stronger affinity . . . than could possibly have been produced by accident.1

Even Max muller opined Sanskrit might not be created language.
@TheDestroyer Oh, Max Muller thought Sanskrit may be divine? That's surprising.
@KeshavSrinivasan Britishers wantedly misinterpreted Sanskrit to divide Indians and created "Aryan Race". I suggest you to read "Breaking India" and other Rajiv Malhotra books.
@KeshavSrinivasan Time will say it. But Yajnas by Hindu right wing organizations worked it seems. He won. Haha.
Battle for Sanskrit is another good book.
The Battle for Sanskrit: Is Sanskrit Political or Sacred, Oppressive or Liberating, Dead or Alive? is a 2016 book written by Rajiv Malhotra which warns against the post-orientalist American indologist Sheldon Pollock. Malhotra pleads for traditional Indian scholars to write responses to Pollock's views. == Synopsis == === Introduction === Rajiv Malhotra explains why he wrote this book. He notes the hegemony of western approaches in studying India, and asks for a study of this western approach from a traditional point of view. His book is an attempt to provide such a reversal. According ...
@KeshavSrinivasan Ohh Sorry! It wasn't Max muller. It was William jones.
@TheDestroyer Oh ok
@KeshavSrinivasan but saddest thing is they say Sanskrit is derived from PIE.
Proto-Indo-European (PIE) is the linguistic reconstruction of the common ancestor of the Indo-European languages, the most widely spoken language family in the world. Far more work has gone into reconstructing PIE than any other proto-language, and it is by far the best understood of all proto-languages of its age. The vast majority of linguistic work during the 19th century was devoted to reconstruction of PIE or its daughter proto-languages (e.g. Proto-Germanic), and most of the modern techniques of linguistic reconstruction such as the comparative method were developed as a result. These methods...
4 hours later…
Jan 12 at 16:20, by Sree Charan
@KeshavSrinivasan While I was searching on the internet about our acharyas, I found a poem (taniya) praising Manakkal nambi as this We have three Ramas'. The first one is Dasharathi. He had a blemish that he killed all the rakshasas and done himsa(violence). Then Balarama who turned pink by drinking excessive alcohol. But we have our acharya Manakkal nambi who is the best of Ramas' and the blemishless one.
@KeshavSrinivasan See I found the source of the poem ANUJJITHA KSHAMAA YOGAM : ParasurAma had no patience. Out of
jealousy, he fought with 'Chakravarthi Tirumagan'. With an
uncontrollable rage, he embarked on destroying the entire Kshatriya
race. But, MaNakkAl Nambi never lost his composure and kept his
senses under absolute control.

APUNYA JANA BHAADAKAM: Dasaratha Rama destroyed the Rakshasas,
otherwise known as 'Punya Jana'. But, MaNakkAl Nambi never harmed
anyone but always did all the good he could to SAdhus who are also
It was written by vedanta desikan. It is shloka no. 7 in Yathiraja saptapadi. Anujjitha Kshamaa Yogam Apunya Jana Bhaadakam |
Asprushta Madha Raagam Thum Raamam Turiyam Upaasmahe ||
@SreeCharan OK I found the Yatiraja Saptadi: sriramanujar.tripod.com/yathiraja_sapthathi.html
5 hours later…
@TheDestroyer ^^
@Pandya Image is not clear. Anyways, that is crap. Sanskrit can't have predecessor.
All Languages have come from Vedas and Sanskrit came from Vedas. So, Vedas must be root of all Languages.
@TheDestroyer Yes, I agree. Btw, how about questioning on history.SE?
@Pandya No use. Answers will be from western perspective.
2 hours later…
@SreeCharan I messaged Sri kakunuri Suryanarayana Murthy on facebook about Varnasrama Dharma. /@KeshavSrinivasan
@TheDestroyer Great. About what specifically?
@SreeCharan birth based or Guna based?
What decides varna? Guna (Satvika, Rajasica or Tamasika) or birth?
@TheDestroyer Oho.. If you send an email to dharmasandehalu, it will be no use. I have sent few mails but got no effect.
@SreeCharan that fb page is maintained by his Sishya.
@SreeCharan ohh what's the email address?
@SreeCharan Ok. What time Dharma Sandhehalu program is telecasted?
@TheDestroyer Don't you watch it on TV? Only youtube?
@SreeCharan only youtube.
at 10:00 pm and 11:00 am.
@SreeCharan ok.
4 hours later…
@KeshavSrinivasan - What is exactly "Realization of Brahman" , if that means knowing the fact that Brahman is the source , then all the people realize this , or does this mean realising the nature , it is beyond our senses? .is It similar as the terms âž¡ "Samatva or sameness" OR SamaDrusti .

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