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@KeshavSrinivasan Hmm... btw does he gives any scriptual evidence/pramana that one is not allowed to read more than one Shakha... ?.. or he gives only logical analysis..?
@KeshavSrinivasan "which is emblematic of later developments in Hindu thought." haha...lol.. you are thinking Mahadeva is among 11 Rudras... It is not supported by Vedas also... 11 Rudras are son of Surabhi whereas Mahadeva is son of Brahma... see Harivamsha Parva this chapter:
surabhI kashyapAt rudrAn ekAdasha vinirmame |
mahAdeva prasAdena tapasA bhAvitA satI ||1-3-49
ajaikapAd ahirbudhnyaH tvaShTA rudrAH ca bhArata |
tvaSTuH chaiva AtmajaH shrImAn vishvarUpo mahAyashAH ||1-3-50
Hallowed by her own ascesis and by the grace of mahadeva, the daughter of daskha prajApati, and the wife of kashyapa prajApati, lady surabhi, moulded eleven rudrA-s. Apart from those eleven rudrA-s, ajaika-pAd, ahir-budhnya, twaShTa, and ruda are also the progeny of surabhi, and tvaShTA's son is the highly glorious vishva-rUpa.
@KeshavSrinivasan see above "By the grace of Mahadeva, Surabhi moulded 11 Rudras."
@KeshavSrinivasan however their names and characters are similar like of Mahadeva. (being the Amshas of Mahadeva):... See the next verse:
haraH ca bahu-rUpaH ca tryambakaH ca aparAjitaH |
vR^iShA-kapiH ca shambhuH ca kapardI raivataH tathA ||1-3-51
mR^iga-vyAdhaH ca sarpaH ca kapAlI ca vishAMpate | 1-3-52
Oh, king, the eleven rudrA-s are: hara, bahu-rUpa, tryambaka, aparAjita, vR^iSha-kapi, shambhu, kapardi, raivata, mR^iga-vyAdha, sarpa, and kapAli.
@KeshavSrinivasan and what do you think of Daksha Yajna described in short in this chapter of Shanti Parva: sacred-texts.com/hin/m12/m12b110.htm here Yudhisthira raises question and Bhishma answers it... It is witnessed by Parvati... "The daughter of the king of mountains, sitting by his side, shone in brilliance. "...
3 hours later…
While I was searching on Buddhism, I found an article. See public.wsu.edu/~brians/wcsyllabus/buddhind.html . Especially point 2 @KeshavSrinivasan @Tezz @TheDestroyer @SwiftPushkar @Pandya @KrishnShweta
@SreeCharan haha lol.. "whereas in Hinduism only the brahmins could achieve moksha."
@SreeCharan I think we should intrepret Brahmin here as "who knows Brahman"...
@Tezz Yes. But the author of that post doesn't do that.
@Tezz I will check Daksha Yajna in Bori Critical edition.
14 hours ago, by The Destroyer
@Tezz Do dead have only existence without Consciousness and bliss?
@TheDestroyer you mean dead body... ?
@Tezz yeah.
@SreeCharan yes... he doesn't know about Hinduism...
only Sat without chit and Ananada?
@SreeCharan half baked people are dangerous.
@TheDestroyer I think dead body is not different from a stone or table etc... now what do you call stone and table.. only sat not chid and aananda? In Vyavaharika level it may seem so... but in the Paramartha level everything is just Sat Chid and Aananda...
@SreeCharan @TheDestroyer he doesn't know Buddhism also "Mahayana Buddhism also introduces the idea of (temporary) heavens and hells." Theravada Buddhism also clearly talks about higher realms like Maha Brahma Loka and so on....
A: What is the difference between living beings and dead matter according to scriptures?

Swami VishwanandaFirst, your interpretation of verse 7.5 is almost there, but not quite, which leads to your confusion. It is best to read verses 4-7 together and not separately. Verse 4 refers to the apparent division of Brahman, the Self, when seen through Maya. According to Sankaraโ€™s commentary on this verse, ...

@TheDestroyer see Aitreya Upanishad:
III-i-3: This One is Brahman; this is Indra, this is Prajapati; this is all these gods; and this is these five elements, viz. earth, air, space, water, fire; and this is all these (big creatures), together with the small ones, that are the procreators of others and referable in pairs to wit, those that are born of eggs, of wombs, of moisture of the
earth, viz. horses, cattle, men, elephants, and all the creatures that there are which move or fly and those which do not move. All these
have Consciousness as the giver of their reality; all these are impelled by Consciousness; the universe has
@Tezz Does stone have consciousness?
@SreeCharan Either they do mean "who knows Brahman" (as Tezz said) by Brahmin or (However and) they don't know various paths to Moksha! Haha
@TheDestroyer I think in the Parmartha level it has consciousness...
@Tezz At Parmartha level, everything is Satchidananda.. I want to know in Vyavaharika level.
@Tezz Btw, do you believe/think that time (Samay) is/can only exist due to Maya?
@Tezz Also, is it possible to have only chit without Sat? Unmanifest "sat"?
@Tezz Did you see Swamiji's answer?
@TheDestroyer see this question: hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/13744/…
@Tezz yeah. saw that.
I don't remember where i saw this but saw this scene in a Video. BTW, how can insentient pot get Moksha? — The Destroyer Jun 21 '16 at 8:02
this story of Krishna hiding in Dadhipanda's pot and granting Moksha to Dadhipanda and his pot?
@Pandya I believe Time exists only due to Maya... what do you think... ?..
@Pandya You answered that question. Do dead bodies have only "existence" without consciousness?
@Tezz Haha I also think/believe same!
@TheDestroyer which question (where)?
Q: What is the difference between living beings and dead matter according to scriptures?

onephysI am trying to understand from a spiritual point of view what distinguishes the dead from the living. I read in Bhagavad Geeta 7.5 that there is an inferior and superior nature of the self. The superior living on the inferior. But what exactly is the difference? I am confused because this implies...

@TheDestroyer ok. Btw, you may have noticed that it can be concluded differently according to Advaita and Vishishtadvaita as I discussed in my answer.
@TheDestroyer yes, I read it...
@TheDestroyer Related:
Q: Do Sri Vaishnavas believe Vishnu is the direct or indirect sustainer of the body?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Rahasyatraya Sara is a work by the Sri Vaishnava Acharya Vedanta Desikan, concerning the meaning of the Rahasya Traya or three secrets of the Sri Vaishnava sect (of which I am a member). (One of these secrets is the Dvaya mantra used to surrender to Vishnu, which I discuss here.) In this exce...

@Tezz Did Swamiji say dead bodies only have existence without consciousness? I think they shouldn't have consciousness as they can't move on their own but they "exist".
GM All ๐Ÿ’๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒž๐Ÿ™
only one out of Sat-chit-Ananda.
@TheDestroyer Btw, while writing that answer I had not read the Adi Shankaracharya Bhashya on BG & BS!
I think @Tezz (and Kesahv) has completely read Adi Shankaracharya Bhashya on BG & BS.
@TheDestroyer I don't think he means that... what I think is he tried to say that unmanifested Brahman is seperate from creation...
@Pandya No, I haven't read BSB fully... just only some parts of it....
@Tezz ok
@Tezz i'm not clear with his answer. But, what about "future" of rocks? Do they get Moksha like Pot? How can pot get Moksha?
@TheDestroyer everything which has Nãma and Rupa are just modification of Brahman... same in the case of pots stones and etc... It may be that formations of pots stones etc.. are result of some previous karmas...
@TheDestroyer see this question:
Q: What is the Nyaya argument for Karma being the instrumental cause of the Universe?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Agama Pramanya is a work by the famous Sri Vaishnava Acharya Yamunacharya arguing that the Pancharatra texts, which are foundational to mainstream Vaishnavism as I discuss here, are legitimate Hindu scriptures. (He also composed another work on a related subject which I discuss here.) In th...

@Tezz "Hmm... btw does he gives any scriptual evidence/pramana that one is not allowed to read more than one Shakha... ?.. or he gives only logical analysis..?" Yes, he only gives logical analysis. I may post a question on whether it has a scriptural basis.
The idea seems to be that everything that happens in the Universe, including the formation of the Earth and mountains and so on, is a product of the law of Karma, being the phala or fruit of some good deed or bad deed that some person committed in the past. (In the case of the Earth's creation it would have to be someone living in an earlier age on a previous planet Earth.)
@Tezz But i never came across anything getting reborn as stone or mountains?
Himavat is exception i think. haha.
@TheDestroyer Parvatis father is Himalaya...
Mainak Parvat...
@Tezz Btw, have you read Panchikaranam of Adi Shankaracharya? /cc @KeshavSrinivasan
@KeshavSrinivasan haha you may post... but I'm sure you won't get answer.. ๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€
@Tezz But previously mountains used to move. So, they must have consciousness.
@TheDestroyer similarly Astras also have forms...
@Tezz @TheDestroyer The passage quoted in my question is not talking about mountains being created due to the mountains' past Karma. It's talking about mountains being created due to someone else's past Karma, for instance a mountain may be created so that someone can later climb it.
@TheDestroyer I think everything has consciousness to some level... we can't perceive it... eg. We can't perceive consciousness in mountain now also...
@Tezz Haha, I may get answers to my questions eventually if and when the site gets more experts.
@Tezz Then even hydrogen atom should have consciousness.
at Vyavaharika level.
@Pandya No, I've never heard of it.
@TheDestroyer yes, I believe hydrogen atom also has consciousness...
Panchikarana is the Vedantic theory of how matter came into existent originating from the primordial five subtle elements. It is the method and process of the subtle matter (or the prior stage of matter) to transform itself into gross matter. Intelligence is the subtle manifestation of consciousness and matter its gross manifestation. Adi Shankara wrote a treatise on this theory, titled โ€“ Panchikaranam, which was elaborated by his disciple Sureshvaracharya, and later on commented upon in 2400 slokas by Ramananda Saraswati, disciple of Ramabhadra, and in 160 slokas by Ananda Giri, disciple o...
@KeshavSrinivasan what does it mean by pot getting Moksha?
@Pandya No, I haven't read it...
@Tezz I'm talking about Panchikarana
@Tezz I'm planning to read Panchikarana recently...
@Tezz Then Darwin Theory of evolution must be correct. It says insentient molecules formed sentient beings. We do have conciousness like our building blocks. But i think Atoms realized in between which Darwin missed. Haha.
@Pandya By the way, the origin of material elements is also described in Adhyaya 2 Pada 3 of the Brahma Sutras.
@Pandya By the way, it seems the Panchikarana is really short: swamij.com/shankara-panchikaranam.htm
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes, it is very short: celextel.org/adisankara/panchikaranam.html /cc @Tezz
@Pandya It seems similar to the Mandukya Upanishad.
@KeshavSrinivasan How?
@Tezz You can get (read/download) Sanskrit+Hindi version at archive.org/stream/…
@Pandya The Mandukya Upanishad also relates the waking state and the like to Vishwa and Taijasa and all that.
@KeshavSrinivasan Though I've not read Panchikarana yet.
@TheDestroyer I don't think any Jiva can get unconscious body (say matter).
@Pandya Pot is not Jiva.
@TheDestroyer I didn't get what you mean by Moksha of pot.
@Pandya see this question
Q: What scriptures describe Krishna hiding from Yashoda in Dadhipandan's yogurt pot?

Keshav SrinivasanAs I discuss in this question, the famous Sri Vaishnava Acharya Ramanujacharya once visited the town of Thirukkolur in order to see the Vaithamanidhi Perumal Vishnu temple, when he saw a little girl walking out of the town. He asked her, given that everyone wants to go into to Thirukkolur to see ...

@TheDestroyer Hmm.. read it.
> Dhadhipanda also asked for moksha for his pot and Krishna acquiesced. As promised, Krishna gave moksha to both Dhadhipanda and his pot
@TheDestroyer sorry I can't understand "the worth/meaning of giving Moksha to pot". :(
How can one ask for Moksha of things? and How can insentient matter get Moksha?
@TheDestroyer Btw, you may be agree that Moksha can be attained by only who is in bondage....
Mukti and Bandhan are related thing and can't exist alone!
@TheDestroyer I mean if there is a Mukti then there must be a Bandhan and if there is a Bandhan then there must be a Mukti. (I mean philosophy of Mukti and Bandhana). What do you think?
@Pandya i think same. I have asked Swami Vishwananda in comments. If i don't get satisfactory answer, i post a question.
1 hour later…
@TheDestroyer oh! now I got you mean:
Swamiji, do you mean "Dead" have existence (sat) without Chit and Ananda (Consciousness and bliss)? — The Destroyer 17 hours ago
And are you saying I've answered your that question (by chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/34847550#34847550 message)?
@Pandya No. I didn't get clarity on this.
@TheDestroyer ok
@Tezz @KeshavSrinivasan Did you heard something like: "Guru come to help if one really needs help according to him/her spiritual level?" If there any scriptural reference for such thing, then I think we can provide answer to this question like: "If one really deserves (according to spiritual level), then Guru come and help him"... /cc @SwiftPushkar
@Pandya Yes. I think Suta Samhita says Dakshinamurthy will help us to get Guru or Dakshinamurthy alone comes for qualified aspirant if he is serious.
@Pandya You might know, Adi Shankara read Suta Samhita of Skanda Purana 21 times before writing bhasya to Brahma Sutras.
@TheDestroyer oh! I don't know! Thanks for informing..
@Pandya Previously, many Swamijis read Suta Samhita before reading Upanishads or Vedas.
@TheDestroyer ok. You may provide answer according to Suta Samhita. (Dakshinamurthy)
@TheDestroyer Then I think you can recommend me! Haha
@Pandya Suta Samhita is not translated into English. I'm not sure about exact verses. I read in a blog. I mailed Shaivam.org and Kamakoti people asking Suta Samhita in telugu or English. It's the best book to know Guru aspect of Brahman. Dakshina murthy.
@TheDestroyer Do you've/know Sanskrit+Hindi version?
@Pandya See this question
Q: What scriptures mention Shiva's Dakshinamurthi form?

Keshav SrinivasanOne of the most popular forms of Shiva worshipped in South India is the sage Dakshinamurthi, whose name literally means "the South-facing form". Dakshinamurthi is the subject of the famous Dakshinamurthu Stotram, a hymn commonly attributed to Adi Shankarcharya (although this is disputed) which s...

@Pandya I think i know Hindi version. Let me check.
@TheDestroyer Yes, I've read your discussion with Tezz. Let me ask : @Tezz Do you've/know Sanskrit+Hindi version of Suta Samita of Skanda Purana?
@Pandya- Yes , About Guru comming to help - I will check whether we can find something in puranas ,etc , their are lot's of such a stories we hear /read in books etc.but will find that in scriptures , like GuruCharitra , or from Saint literature , เคธเค‚เคค เคตเคพเค™เฅเคฎเคฏ etc. ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
@SwiftPushkar Yes, have you visited this?
@Pandya - One odd story , I remember is "Shukrachrya" warns Bali , but offcours thats not rescuing in real , but somewhat related๐Ÿ˜Š
@TheDestroyer I think this is in Tamil
@Pandya Yes. Tamil. BTW, there are many temples for Dakshinamurty in Tamilnadu. This is the reason, Tamilnadu is education hub for Enginering in India.
Marathi /cc @SwiftPushkar
@TheDestroyer Yes, I think Hyderabad is considered hub for GATE preparation and coaching.
@Pandya - I think in Hinduism we have indivisual guardian deties according to indivisual faith, belief , traditions etc.Some believe Rama as guardian deity (เคฐเคพเคฎเคฐเค•เฅเคทเคพ) ,Some Devi (devi-Kavacha) , Some believe in Lord Narayana (Narayan Kavacham) เคจเคพเคฐเคพเคฏเคฃ เค•เคตเคš also เคถเฅเคฐเฅ€ เคนเคจเฅเคฎเคพเคจ Hanumana protects us , Maruti stotra (เคฎเคพเคฐเฅเคคเฅ€ เคธเฅเคคเฅ‹เคคเฅเคฐ)๐Ÿ˜Š
@Pandya for Competitive exams hyderabad is good but for Engineering Tamilnadu is good. There are also few temples for Dakshinamurthyin Andhra. Famous is Sri Kalahasti Temple.
@TheDestroyer ok.
@Pandya - By the way ,about Gotra pravara question - Panchangas used to list all this Gotrawali in them some years bav
@SwiftPushkar Yes, of-course!
@Pandya - By the way ,about Gotra pravara question - Panchangas used to list all this Gotrawali in them some years back , but now they stopped printing that.
but still will check in books
@SwiftPushkar oh! which Punchanga publication do you use?
@Pandya - Its our local Marathi panchanga called Date Panchanga เคฆเคพเคคเฅ‡ เคชเค‚เคšเคพเค— , (เคฆเคพเคคเฅ‡ -surname)
@Pandya - Blogs are listing all that info :)-ramanan50.wordpress.com/2014/02/23/brahmin-gotra-list
@SwiftPushkar Nice found! Btw, I've many times come across ramanan50.wordpress.com
@Pandya -Ok , thanks , ๐Ÿ˜Š ,but i am finding old panchangas ,which we kept , we will surely find all in that , so in this way , i can give ref.to panchanga ๐Ÿ˜Š :)
2 hours later…
See this question :
A: What was Duryodhana's actual name?

Red'sAs per wiki it clearly says that he was having 2 names Suyodhana and Duryodhana.

Looks like What was the actual name of Sita. I came to 2 conclusions, 1. That her acrtual name is sita. 2. Her actual name is Janaki but later got the name Sita. :/
@KeshavSrinivasan Have you any idea about "who is the interpreter (or English translator)?" of the texts available at Vedabase? Prabhupada? ISKCON? /cc @Tezz
@TheDestroyer I don't know much about ISKCON except full-form. I've just read wikipedia page and found that it is founded by Swami Prabhupada in 1966 and belongs to Gaudiya Vaishnavism or Achintya Bhedabheda. Btw, I've heard many people are disagree with ISKCON. /cc @Tezz
1 hour later…
@SreeCharan In Sanskrit, i think people don't have actual names. People are named just after attributes they possess.
@Pandya ISKCON is brainwashing cult established by Prabhupada. It is based on Brahmavaiavarta Purana, most corrupted Purana among 18 Mahapuranas. But they fabricate and misinterpret Srimad Bahagavatam to prove Krishna is supreme God just like Abrahamic Religions. Followers of ISKCON believe, Bhagavatam is superior to Vedas. They aslo propose many wierd theories.
@Anyone here we need a support
@Sakthi What support?
@TheDestroyer do you know jallikattu problem in tamilnadu
@TheDestroyer it is practiced from 5000 years but now it is stopped and it is due to PETA and in tamilnadu college students and many of farmers over lakhs of people are protesting against it and if you share about jallikattu in your whatsapp and facebook it will be helping our state old tradition
@TheDestroyer i will upload the links now
@ChinmaySarupria hai please help by sharing this problem
@Pandya please share this
please share this two links to save our tradition:
@Sakthi what?
@TheDestroyer Hmm..... ok.
@Sakthi looks off-topic!
these two links are for our jallikattu all over tamilnadu and other about PETA
@Sakthi Btw, I don't use facebook or such social media :P
@Pandya This is tradition problem and our belief is that if we pratice jallikattu there will be rain from god
@Pandya Yes, Prabhupada.
@Sakthi ok. Btw, I don't know about that tradition completely and hence can't criticise.
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer @ChinmaySarupria read this and please share this two links
@Pandya its ok if you share this link to others because many people are protesting without food for 3 days and even now actors and government employees and IT employees and other departments and are protesting
@Sakthi Why should I care about preserving the tradition of bull-fighting? Is it a Hindu tradition or just a practice unrelated to Hinduism?
@Sakthi Btw, this is not a social chat room. SE chat is a:
In community building, the third place (or third space) is the social surroundings separate from the two usual social environments of home ("first place") and the workplace ("second place"). Examples of third places would be environments such as cafes, clubs or parks. In his influential book The Great Good Place, Ray Oldenburg (1989, 1991) argues that third places are important for civil society, democracy, civic engagement, and establishing feelings of a sense of place. Robert Putnam addressed issues related to third place in Bowling Alone: America's Declining Social Capital (1995, 2000). ๏ฟฝ๏ฟฝ2...
@Sakthi protesting without food! :(
@Sakthi In any case, the only context in which I know about bull-fighting in Tamil Nadu is the Rajnikanth movie Morattu Kalai (that's the movie with the song "Pothuvaga Yenmanasu Thangam").
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes, got it!
@Sakthi Oh, is it about praying to the gods for rain?
@KeshavSrinivasan I think @TheDestroyer is familiar and may explain us.
@KeshavSrinivasan it is said in our tamil scriptures but i forgot what is the scripture
It's related to mating. Jallikattu is part of cycle. Indian Bulls (with Bump) are sent to mate with cows on open fields for some days and "Bulls" being bit arrogant won't heed to farmers after mating. So, youngsters in Villages go and make them heed by chasing them by holding "bumps". After Jallikattu, bulls are made friendly and used in Agriculture. This used to happen in olden days. Now, after "white revolution"(Indians cows are mated with Jersey Bulls) and this tradition is lost.

But i think in rural Tamil Villages, same cycle is still happenning.
@TheDestroyer They don't think the Bhagavatam is superior to Vedas, they believe the Vedas is superior to the Bhagavatam. But it is true that they misinterpret the Bhagavatam to prove that Krishna is supreme. Regarding the Brahma Vaivarta Purana, it's not clear to me if Gaudiya Vaishnavas based their beliefs on it or whether they're the source of the interpolations in it. But yes, ISKCON has many strange beliefs and they're arguably a cult.
@KeshavSrinivasan PETA India gave half baked proofs to Supreme Court that this Jallikattu is same as Spanish Bull fight.
@KeshavSrinivasan No. My friend is follower of ISKCON. He says Vedas are not in original form and he says we lost true Vedas. So, ISKCON says them to follow only Bhagavatam.
@TheDestroyer How are you saying this jallikattu about mating
@KeshavSrinivasan Do you mean "sect" by "cult"? (I don't know the exact mean by cult).
@TheDestroyer I don't think that's the standard belief of Gaudiya Vaishnavas.
@Sakthi I read in some blog written by some Tamilian. Traditionally it's a part of mating Indian Bulls (the one with "Bump") with Desi Cows. But i think in some villages it became tradition.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yeah. I also don't think. But ISCKON Chennai may have that belief.
@TheDestroyer No it is not about mating and it is followed in our varna system was there before british came here
@Pandya Gaudiya Vaishnavism is a sect of Hinduism. (Just like Sri Vaishnavism is a sect of Hinduism.). ISKCON is a modern-day organization that believes in Gaudiya Vaishnavism. But I'm saying ISKCON is arguably a cult. A cult is a religious organization that brainwashes its members and the like.
@TheDestroyer did you see the link that i post
@Sakthi This is also a conspiracy of PETA India to decrease Indian bulls and increase their Jersey hybrid bulls which is part of Capitalism. These foreign NGOs always have hidden agendas which is earning more money and showing that they are superior to us.
@KeshavSrinivasan oh! ok. Then I think we should not recommend or cite their interpretations. What do you think?
@Sakthi In Andhra near Tirupati, jallikattu was performed and Police couldn't do anything. haha.
@TheDestroyer i agree with you completely in peta destroying bulls but that link i given has people all over tamilnadu protesting agaisnt it and do you think mating of bulls problem or our tradition
@TheDestroyer thanks
@Pandya Well, Gaudiya Vaishnavism is still a major sect of Hinduism, so citing Prabhupada's works is useful if you want to show what Gaudiya Vaishnavas believe about something.
@Sakthi I may not know complete history or tradition behind Jallikattu as i'm not from Tamilnadu. But i read that on Quora. I will also see your links. Yeah. I know many people were protesting near Marina Beach.
@KeshavSrinivasan So, are they properly teaches beliefs/philosophy of Gaudiya Vaishnavism?
@KeshavSrinivasan I think we should "proofread" their translations before posting here. See how they involved Shiva, even though Sanskrit verses have mention of Shiva (in your Lakshmi choosing Vishnu answer).
I've some work; will be back.
@KeshavSrinivasan didn't your parents tell you anything about Jallikattu? It's hot news in tamilnadu now.
@Pandya Yes, they do.
@TheDestroyer No, I've never heard of Jallikattu. Maybe Brahmins don't participate in it.
@KeshavSrinivasan Not all actually. May be in America but not here in India.
@TheDestroyer Prabhupada accurately conveys the beliefs of Gaudiya Vaishnavas, if you compare his works with the works of earlier Gaudiya Vaishnavas. If you have a problem with the beliefs of ISKCON then you really have a problem with the beliefs of Gaudiya Vaishnavism (which you should, because Gaudiya Vaishnavas believe in many strange things).
@TheDestroyer The only context in which I've seen bull-fighting in Tamil Nadu is the classic Rajnikanth movie Morattu Kalai:
Murattu Kaalai (English: Rogue Bull) is a 1980 Tamil film produced by AVM Productions. Directed by SP. Muthuraman, the film stars Rajinikanth, Jaishankar, Rati Agnihotri and Sumalatha in the prominent roles. This was the first film for Rajinikanth with AVM Productions. AVM had stopped producing films by 1970 and Murattukaalai was their re-entry into Tamil films. It was dubbed in Telegu as Oorikokkadu. This film boasts of the highest budget ever for a Rajini starrer at that time. == Cast == Rajinikanth as Kaalaiyan Jaishankar Rati Agnihotri as Kannamma Sumalatha Y. Gee. Mahendra Suruli Rajan S....
@KeshavSrinivasan Haha. I have problem with all philosphies except Advaita. But among all philsophies, i find Gaudiya strange. But what i want to say is, ISKCON temples in India are not strictly following teachings of Prabhupada. They sometimes knowingly or unknowingly deviate from their philosophy by saying random theories.
@TheDestroyer I think there are stranger philosophies than Gaudiya Vaishnavism, like Purva Mimamsa, although it has no followers anymore.
@KeshavSrinivasan i think everything gets corrupted with time.
@KeshavSrinivasan ok. Then strange or brainwashing thing is actually belifs of Gaudiya Vaishanava not ISKCON?
@Pandya The strange beliefs are a property of Gaudiya Vaishnavism. Brainwashing and the like would be a property of ISKCON.
@KeshavSrinivasan haha. Well said.
@KeshavSrinivasan ok. Haha
@TheDestroyer Btw, I've a copy of Bhagavad Gita (that they call "As it is") in Gujarati and yes, I don't like their interpretation sometimes.
@Pandya yeah. Even i have the same version in telugu. i regret now purchasing their version. I will soon replace it with Adishankara commentary.
@TheDestroyer "replace" Haha!
@Pandya haha.
@Pandya @Tezz @KeshavSrinivasan @SwiftPushkar @SreeCharan What do you think about TShirts with photos of Hindu Gods printed on them?
@TheDestroyer Though I've not thought much on it but I don't like it especially when personality of one not match with photo :P
@Pandya Do you mean those who wear it?
@TheDestroyer yes, I mean when him/her behavior doesn't match with the photo. Are you getting?
@Pandya ok.
@TheDestroyer btw, I think it is not good idea/thing to print photos of god printing on T-shirts that are targeted to marketing in public. What do you think?
@Pandya i don't know. This is the reason i asked your opinion. But modern paintings of Shiva/Rudra on Tshirts look cool. But not sure Dharmically.
@TheDestroyer Shiva and Rama always looks cool to me!
@Pandya Yes. same to me. I like Rama next to Shiva.
@Tezz Do you know any story of Shiva giving boon to Aghoras that "Aghoras have power to grant Mosksha (by killing)"?
@TheDestroyer - yes , T-shirts with Gods or Hinduism SE logo is grt.idea, but i think we will graduate first and then will uses this as PROMOTION , as done by Electical SE and pointed by @KrishnShweta :)
@TheDestroyer @Pandya - We also can prints HE SE logo Mugs and can print Calendars etc. Even with BETA mark also , that is also :) fine
@SwiftPushkar Lol. I'm not asking to promote our site by printing Hinduism SE on Tshirts but just asking opinion about "printing Hindu Gods photos on Tshirts".
@TheDestroyer - oh ok , i thought ... :)
like this
@TheDestroyer = Anyway i Dont think this is a good practice , unless one is going to keep that Shirt in a proper place and do take care of that , eg. only wearing while doing meditation ,puja , on festivals etc. also washing it in proper way , ..
@SwiftPushkar Yeah. I think washing is problem.
But many websites are selling them.
I think if i ask a question on this, it will be closed as opinion based question. Haha
@TheDestroyer - yes , they are popular among Teens and among many foreigner's , during kumbha-MEla etc.
@TheDestroyer - No it will not be asked as such , this is very IMP question :)
@ChinmaySarupria - Like ur new avatar photo :)
@SwiftPushkar Thanks.
@ChinmaySarupria Planning Shiva hair style? :P
@ChinmaySarupria - i am planing to visit RAJ.& GUJ ,next week , visiting Somnath , jaipur , Abu etc., but still not fixed :)
@SwiftPushkar what is Abu?
Mount Abu
@TheDestroyer - mount Abu , in Rajasthan
Mount Abu ( pronunciation ) is a popular hill station in the Aravalli Range in Sirohi district of Rajasthan state in western India near the border with Gujarat. The mountain forms a distinct rocky plateau 22 km long by 9 km wide. The highest peak on the mountain is Guru Shikhar at 1,722 m (5,650 ft) above sea level. It is referred to as 'an oasis in the desert' as its heights are home to rivers, lakes, waterfalls and evergreen forests. Nearest Railway station is Abu Road railway station which is 27 km away. == History == The conquest of Mount Abu in 1311 CE by Rao Lumba of Deora-Chauhan dynasty...
@SwiftPushkar Ohh..wiki says Vasista and Vishwamitra had fight there.
@TheDestroyer - HAHA and i think both of them turned into birds , its in puranas , read that story as footnote somewhere :)
@SwiftPushkar Valmiki Ramayana doesn't say anything about turning into birds.
@SwiftPushkar Spiritual tour?
@TheDestroyer - not sure , that is same story or not , but faintly remember the footnote abt this :)
@TheDestroyer - Yes , somewhat , visiting relatives in Ahamadabad , so will , see some places in that , and havent visited somnath so , that is priority :)
@SwiftPushkar ok.
@ChinmaySarupria - By the way , now a days why are u not taking part in chat ? pls. do visit often :)
@SwiftPushkar I've been busy developing websites and working on my existing app. But I do open the site atleast once a day.
@ChinmaySarupria - oh , ok , I thought u r not visiting .. , ok :) BTW i know some HTML basics also , and can create simple web pages :) with flash and css
@SwiftPushkar That's great :)
@ChinmaySarupria - but i really want to learn a prog. language , but find it difficult , tried to learn Javascript some years back ..
@SwiftPushkar Try to learn HTML, CSS and Javascript from here htmldog.com
@ChinmaySarupria - i know HTML and css commands , so now want to learn C# or java etc, BTW which languages are mostly used in apps developement ?
@SwiftPushkar Java is used for developing Android apps.
@ChinmaySarupria - ok , and is there any prog. such as we can write program in HTML and then that program will convert it in APP , ie. for those who dont know programming part , but still they can develop using readymade menus etc..?
@SwiftPushkar Yes, there are a lot of such tools through which app can be made without coding. One such tool is PhoneGap, using which apps can be made by html, css and javascript.
here is another one appinventor.mit.edu/explore
@ChinmaySarupria - ok , thanks , will look into that ...:) yes the site looks useful
@ChinmaySarupria @SreeCharan - will sleep now , GN , nice 2 talk with u TC and thanks to chinmay , he is always ready to help ...:)
@SwiftPushkar Good Night :)
@SwiftPushkarGood night.
1 hour later…
@KeshavSrinivasan Hello...
in Hinduism, 13 hours ago, by Sree Charan
Has anyone thought before why there is only a diamond beside a moderator in SE?
What do you think about answers on this question? @KeshavSrinivasan
Q: What was Duryodhana's actual name?

Amit SaxenaI have come across two opinions on this: This was his actual name His actual name was Suyodhana and he was later on known as Duryodhana. What was Duryodhana's actual name?

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