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@KeshavSrinivasan Humans can live upto 300 yrs as per Vedas:
III. 62. May we be endowed with triple life, as a truth-seer sage, or the custodian of knowledge through the grace of God, is endowed with, or as the learned persons enjoy triple life. See this answer: hinduism.stackexchange.com/questions/3298/…
@KeshavSrinivasan so living 100+ few years wouldn't have any problem..
@KeshavSrinivasan btw what do you think of other verses described in the answer:
Like: May sedate great-grandfathers purify me with a pure life of a hundred years. May I obtain full length of life.
Maybe that 1000 yrs Yajna is for Gods...
2 hours later…
@Tezz @KeshavSrinivasan In which dattatreya avatar of bishnu take place? How long did he live on earth? Where in bhagavata are these mentioned? Clarify me? I know it is posted already. Could you redirect me to that post?
@Pandya @TheDestroyer The above questiono for you too.
@SreeCharan I've read any Purans yet. Searching through tag may help you:
@TheDestroyer according to sanskritdocuments:
> The stotra is part of bhagavatIpadyapuShpA.njalIstotra written by Shri Ramakrishna Kavi.
@TheDestroyer ^^
> This stotra is said to have been composed by Ramakrishna Kavi about whom no details are available.
@TheDestroyer ^^
@KeshavSrinivasan Hello
@Pandya Hi
@Pandya "By the way I found similar thing to your this question from Bhagavad-Gita: Read Verse 4.1 and 4.2" Yes, that's describing how the Pancharatra tradition was passed down by the early kings of the solar dynasty.
@KeshavSrinivasan Have you studied Vedas in pathashala or sef?
@Pandya No, I've never studied Vedas in Patashala. Pretty much everything that I've learned, I've learned on my own from books.
@KeshavSrinivasan Ok, just asked as found some of your questions regarding linking verses of Brahmnas and Aarnykas to Samhita like this
@Pandya Oh, what questions? In any case, whatever information I gave in those questions would be things I've gathered from reading scripture and the like.
@KeshavSrinivasan sounds good learning!
@Pandya By the way, for more information on how the Pancharatra tradition was passed down, see this chapter of the Shanti Parva of the Mahabharata: sacred-texts.com/hin/m12/m12c038.htm
@KeshavSrinivasan Btw, Just imagine that you studied Vedas in pathashala and aso learned Vedic Sanskrit from Guru like Aacharya (in Sri Sampradaya). How such imagination feels to you?
@Pandya Haha yeah, I'm constantly reading and learning more about Hinduism, which is where my ever-growing list of questions comes from. Like if you look at my last five questions, they're based on the Anushasana Parva of the Mahabharata, a Shaiva Agama called the Nishvasatattva Samhita, a Sri Vaishnava work called the Yatindra Mata Dipika, the Baudhyana Shrauta Sutras, and three different Purva Mimamsa works.
@Pandya Yeah, it would be nice to learn Sanskrit. There are so many scriptures and other texts that I don't have access to because they haven't been translated into English.
@KeshavSrinivasan looks like India missing you and vice versa!
@Pandya And yeah, it would be nice to study the Vedas in a Patashala, and to learn all about the Sri Vaishnava Sampradayam from a Guru, although generally I like learning things on my own better than learning them from teachers, at least in academic subjects. Like I learnt calculus on my own in 6th grade, long before I took calculus in school.
@Pandya Haha yeah
@KeshavSrinivasan yes, Your calculas is applicable I see. What are your areas of interest in Calculas?
@Pandya Well, I don't really have areas of interest within calculus, calculus is a really easy subject for me. In any case, if you're asking what my areas of interest are in mathematics, my favorite area of math is mathematical logic.
ok, btw, one surprising thing for me:
in Room for sv. and Pandya, 10 mins ago, by sv.
@Pandya yeah, figured 'mythology' is not your interest :)
is the most popular tag on our site
@Pandya That doesn't surprise me. Hindu stories are the parts of Hinduism that most people know about.
@Pandya The whole reason I got so interested in Hinduism in the first place is because of my interest in Hindu stories. From a very young age I was watching serials like Ramayan, Mahabharat, Vishwamitra, Sri Krishna, etc., which led me to read Amar Chitra Katha comic books, which ultimately led me to start reading Hindu scripture.
Popularity of that tag isn't surprising, one figured out my interest in that is surprising for me!
@Pandya Haha yeah, it's pretty clear that you don't have much interest in Hindu stories based on the types of questions you post.
Also answer posts.
@KeshavSrinivasan @Pandya - Hi Vannakam ,Namaste , GM to both
@SwiftPushkar Vanakkam
@SwiftPushkar Namaste.
@KeshavSrinivasan btw, why are you not using"reply" button available at the end of each message?
@Pandya Yeah, I should use it.
@Pandya By the way, are you one of those people who believe that Hindu stories are fictional or metaphorical, or do you believe like me that the events mentioned in Hindu scripture literally happened the way they're described?
@Pandya - Mythology is the most popular TAG on our site , IMO , most users ask questions based on stories , so majority Q/A fall under this TAG , Even in Upanishads have lots o interesting stories like Nachiketa etc. Yes i will also use the reply button , i was not aware of it , and was wondering abt. that since long :)
@KeshavSrinivasan no, I don't consider them fictional always. Even if they may, there's always some significance behind them which leads one to spiritually ultimately - that's what I believe.
@Pandya @KeshavSrinivasan - i think the same , Our interpretation of mythology word is different , we do not consider them as myths & legend , but in Hinduism everything is true. Also they are written by Ved-Vyasa . From my analysis of sanskrit found in some puranas sounds some what different than todays sanskrit. Also they convey the massage of vedas & Upanishadas in intersting way.
@Pandya @Swiftpushkar You may be interested in my recent question here about the truth of Hindu stories:
Q: Where does the Advaitin commentator Anandagiri discuss the authenticity of Hindu stories?

Keshav SrinivasanAs I discuss in this question, by far the most popular school of Hindu philosophy is the Vedanta school, which bases its tenets on the doctrines laid out in the Brahma Sutras, a work by the sage Vyasa that summarizes and systematizes the philosophical teachings of the Upanishads. (You can read th...

I've read it. But as I had said earlier, I haven't read Sharirika Bhashya yet. Btw, good and interesting question @KeshavSrinivasan.
@KeshavSrinivasan - yes already , gone through that :)
@Pandya i think Rama Krishna Kavi is Tenali Rama Krishna.
@KeshavSrinivasan just look ^^ how @TheDestroyer replies message using reply feature.
@TheDestroyer - Tenali Rama krishna = Tenali Raman right ?or someone diff./
Tenali Ramakrishna is poet in Vijayanagara Empire. He got his skills in Sanskrit and Telugu due to grace of Durga or Kaali Maa.
@SwiftPushkar I think Rama Krishna kavi is Tenali Rama.
Tenali Ramakrishna, who was known as Vikatakavi (jester poet), was a Telugu poet who hailed from the present-day Andhra Pradesh region, generally known for his wit and humour. He was one of the Ashtadiggajas or the eight poets at the court of Krishnadevaraya, the Vijayanagara emperor (reign: 1509–1529). Tenali Ramakrishna composed works on Hinduism. Ramalinga, as he was originally called, is said to have been Shaivite by birth but he eventually converted to Vaishnavism and changed his name to Ramakrishna. == Early life == Tenali Ramalinga was born in a Telugu Brahmin family as Garlapati Ramakrishna...
@TheDestroyer - oh ok , we call him Tenali Raman , his stories are most famous :)
@SwiftPushkar Yeah. He is Vikatakavi and Astadiggajas. He was known for his witty replies. He was poet under Sri Krishna Devaraya of Vijayanagara empire.
> The great Tenali Rama was known as Ramakrishna Kavi and he was a great Bhaktha of Durga.
@TheDestroyer @Pandya - yes
@Pandya Thanks! My assumption is correct.
@KeshavSrinivasan - yes :)
@TheDestroyer Wow, Tenali Raman composed the Mahishasura Mardini Stotram? I never knew that. I thought he was just a comedian.
@KeshavSrinivasan The recent Tamil film of Vadivelu about him irked Telugus. They demeaned him in that film.
@TheDestroyer The Mahishasura Maddini Stotram is one of my favorite Hindu religious songs.
@TheDestroyer Oh, I didn't see that movie. I don't generally watch comedy movies.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yeah. It's very good to listen and as you know my city is known for Goddess Durga. I listen it many times in a year.
@TheDestroyer I remember Pune or Mumbai?
@TheDestroyer Yeah, I really like the tune. From a very young age I used to hum the tune before I even knew any of the words or what it was about.
@KeshavSrinivasan I like his famous witty reply. "kunjara yudhambu doma kuthuka jochen"
@Pandya What Pune or Mumbai?
@TheDestroyer In fact when I was little I thought it was a song about Vishnu, because one of the lines ends with something like "Vishnu vilasini Jishnu nuthe."
@KeshavSrinivasan Yeah. She is also called as Narayani. Even Vishnu is Durga and they are siblings too. But i'm suprised why you don't believe Her.
@TheDestroyer oh! that was for @SwiftPushkar. I forgot which is your city.
Download Mahishasur Mardini stotra from. you tube -mediafire.com/file/mo2ow5zwj5x/Mahishasuramardhinistotram.mp3
@Pandya - pune
@TheDestroyer "But i'm suprised why you don't believe Her." What do you mean? Obviously I believe in Durga. That's why I celebrate Navaratri.
@Pandya Vijayawada in Andhra. It's famous for Kanaka Durga.
Kanaka Durga Temple is a famous hindu Temple of Goddess Durga located in Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh. The temple is located on the Indrakeeladri hill, on the banks of Krishna River. Kaalika puraana, Durgaa sapthashati and other vedic literature have mentioned about Goddess Kanaka Durga on the Indrakeelaadri and have described the deity as Swayambhu, (self-manifested) in Triteeya kalpa. == Goddess legend == According to a legend, the now verdant Vijayawada was once a rocky region strewn with hills that obstructed the flow of River Krishna. The land was thus rendered unfit for habitation or ...
@TheDestroyer I know lots of Tenali Raman stories, along with stories of Birbal and stories of Maryada Rama.
@KeshavSrinivasan ohh. Sorry! I remember you saying you don't believe her. May be you told about Shaktism.
Yeah. You told about Devi Bhagavatam.
Sep 11 at 5:24, by Keshav Srinivasan
@TheDestroyer Well, you know my feelings about the Devi Bhagavatam. In any case, the reason I'm opposed to Tantric animal sacrifice is that it's a well-established principle of Mimamsa that when the Vedas state a general rule, you can only violate that role under the specific exceptions laid out in the Vedas. The Vedas make clear that the general rule of Ahimsa can only be violated under certain specified circumstances, in particular Vedic Yagnas.
@TheDestroyer The only "goddess" I don't believe in, or at least I'm uncertain of, is Radha.
@TheDestroyer Thanks! new to know for me. I think I've heard that name while my journey of Hydrabad and Tirupati (probably ongole near to you)
@Pandya Yeah. Vijayawada is famous for its Railway Junction.
@Pandya Yeah. Tenali and ongole are near this place.
@TheDestroyer Yes, I had travelled through train from Hyderabad to Tirupati.
@Pandya Oh, you've been to Tirupati?
@Pandya Do you live in Gujarat?
@TheDestroyer Yes,
@TheDestroyer @KeshavSrinivasan @Pandya - in maharashtra 1 ) SRI BALA TRIPURA SUNDARI DEVI 2) SRI RAJA RAJESWARI DEVI 3) SRI SWARNA KAVACHALAKRUTA DURGA DEVI forms are not much known, i think they are only popular in South indian states. Here we call " Kumarika" devi for SRI BALA TRIPURA SUNDARI DEVI. But we dont have pictures of the same ,
Saurashtra is a peninsular region of western India, located on the Arabian Sea coast. It covers about a third of Gujarat state, notably 11 districts; of Gujarat, including Rajkot District. == Location == Saurashtra peninsula is bounded on the south and south-west by the Arabian sea, on the north-west by the Gulf of Kutch, and on the east by the Gulf of Khambhat. From the apex of these two gulfs, the Little Rann of Kutch and Khambhat, waste tracts half salt morass half sandy desert, stretch inland towards each other and complete the isolation of Kathiawar, except one narrow neck which connects...
@TheDestroyer @KeshavSrinivasan ^^
@SwiftPushkar By the way, you can see a statue of Bala Tripurasundari on the top row of my Golu:
@SwiftPushkar In Andhra, 3 temples are famous. One is Tirupati Venkateswara, Vijayawada Kankadurga and Sirsaila Mallikarjuna but last two temples can't compete Tirupati in number of Piligrims or donations.
@KeshavSrinivasan I've visited Tirupati for about 10 years ago. /cc @TheDestroyer
@Pandya Yeah. I know. "Sourastra Somantham cha..."
@TheDestroyer :)
@TheDestroyer The other famous Andhra temple is Ahobilam. Have you ever gone there?
@Pandya I heard a movement about Separate Saurastra State. Is it true?
@KeshavSrinivasan No. I didn't visit. I visited Yaganti Umamaheswara Temple which is famous for a Nandi which will shout at end of Kali Yuga as per prophecy of Veera Brahmam.
@Pandya Oh, how did you feel when you saw the Venkateshwara statue? I always feel something extremely profound, reflecting the fact that I'm in the presence of something truly divine.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes. I feel it always. Some positive energy.
@TheDestroyer I've never known about such separation. See historical points:
Saurashtra, also known as United State of Kathiawar, was a separate, western State within the Union of India from 1948 until 1956, on Saurashtra alias Kathiawar peninsula, with Rajkot as its capital, on territory now part of Gujarat state. == History == === Formation as Kathiawar === The Saurashtra State was earlier named the United State of Kathiawar. It was formed on 15 February 1948, out of approximately 200 large and small Princely States of the colonial Baroda, Western India and Gujarat States Agency of the British raj. The name of State was given after the Kathiawar and Saurahstra...
@TheDestroyer How far is Ahobilam from where you live? If I lived in India I would be going to famous temples all the time.
@TheDestroyer But I don't think such separation supported today.
@Pandya Since you live in Gujarat, have you visited Dwaraka?
@Pandya ohh ok. A Gujarati friend told me. Yeah. I know now it doesn't exist.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes, but want to visit one more time recently. There is Adi Shankaracharya's Sharda Pitha also.
@KeshavSrinivasan It's 350 Km.
@TheDestroyer Oh, that's not that far. If I were in your position I would be rushing to see Ahobilam and numerous other temples.
in Hinduism, Dec 25 '15 at 13:46, by Keshav Srinivasan
@Pandya I'd like to go at some point, so I can see Somnath and Dwaraka.
@Pandya Have you been to Somnath?
@KeshavSrinivasan When? Do you want to know the city I do live in?
@Pandya I'm just asking whether you've ever been to Somnath?
@KeshavSrinivasan haha. Yeah. I am actually planning to visit all temples in near future. But now atleast i know something about their history and associated legends.
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes, we usually visit once in year.
@Pandya Do they allow you to touch the Linga?
@Pandya Oh, nice
@TheDestroyer Are they allowing to touch linga in srisailam these days?
@TheDestroyer Earlier (I think 15-20 years ago). Not now
@Pandya I will see live Darshan sometimes. But i watch Mahakaleswara Basma Arti and Kasi Avimukta Linga more.
@SreeCharan Don't know now. It's seems Linga is sinking down in Srisailam.
@KeshavSrinivasan Nice
@TheDestroyer By the way, there's a funny incident in the Venkateshwara story where when Venkateshwara is getting married, he has to answer all sorts of questions like who is your Kula Devata, what is your father's name, what god do you consider supreme. For the question of what god he considers supreme, he doesn't just want to say "I consider myself supreme." So instead he says "The god I consider supreme is Ahobilam Narasimha."
@Pandya Very bad. They should make us to touch Linga.
@KeshavSrinivasan ohh. didn't know this. What scripture says this?
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer let me give a hint about my city: Girnar is 10km from my home. (Guess which city)!
@KeshavSrinivasan I am listening to it first incident. I see that u have posted a question about venkateshwara's family tree. Is it inspired by this incident?
@KeshavSrinivasan BTW, do you know we can have live Darshan of some temples?
Is there any help regarding how to handle public rush in Temple in our scripture?
Is there any help regarding how to handle public rush in Temple in our scripture? I don't think!
*first time
@KeshavSrinivasan - yes, its nice murthy :) ( Bala Tripurasundari) @TheDestroyer - ok abt . temples in Andhra :) by the way what is the story of Bala Tripurasundar? ie. Bala form
@SwiftPushkar In this comment
@keshavShrinivasan - Yes , the Para Vasudeva concept is new to me. Thanks for the info. — SwiftPushkar 39 mins ago
You don't need to mention "@ KeshavSrinivasan" as it notifies him.
@TheDestroyer - ok , got that :)
@Pandya I heard Girnar for the first time now.
@SV. In Gita press version there is no mentioning of name shiva. I don't know abt the other versions though. — SwiftPushkar 1 min ago
@SwiftPushkar I think ISKCON is interpolating Bhagavatam by demeaning Shiva and other Gods and spreading hatred. Such as narrow minded organization.
@TheDestroyer ok. no problem search yourself or ask your neighbors may know.
@Pandya haha. Any other Hint?
@TheDestroyer It's described in the Venkatachala Mahatmya of the Skanda Purana.
@KeshavSrinivasan Ohh. ok. i will check it.
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer - yes i know abt. ISKON interpolation. But the comment was just for the clarification purpose.
@TheDestroyer Girnar also called/mentioned-as Revatachal in some Scripture
@TheDestroyer Girnar is also called/mentioned-as Revatachal in some Scripture
@SreeCharan Are you referring to my question here:
Q: Why does Vishnu tell Padmavathi that he is a member of the Solar dynasty?

Keshav SrinivasanThe Venkatachala Mahatmya of the Skanda Purana describes how Venkateshwara (the Vishnu deity in Tirupati, AKA Balaji or Srinivasa) meets Padmavathi for the first time. He saves Padmavathi from an elephant, and when Padmavathi and her friends ask him who he is, he says this (from page 24 of this ...

@SwiftPushkar Please do tell us any such interpolations.
@SwiftPushkar Do you have soft copy or hard copy?
@SreeCharan Or my question here:
Q: What is the temple for a "family goddess" in Tirupati that was established by Vishnu himself?

Keshav SrinivasanI think there's a temple to some goddess in the vicinity of Tirupati that was established by Vishnu himself. Let me explain. As I discuss in this question, the book "Venkatachala - Its Glory" by G.V. Chalapathi Rao is an English translation of the Sthala Purana (temple scripture) of the famous ...

@KeshavSrinivasan This question
Q: Why is the family deity of Venkateshwara the Sami tree?

Keshav SrinivasanAs I discuss in this question, the book "Venkatachala - Its Glory" is a translation of the Sthala Purana (temple scripture) of the famous Tirupati temple, and this temple scripture consists of excerpts from various Puranas that discusss the story of Venkateshwara (the Vishnu deity in Tirupati, AK...

@SwiftPushkar Anyways, In Shiva Purana, Shiva calls Lakshmi as sister. So, no point of choosing Shiva.
@SwiftPushkar Bala Tripurasundari is the daughter of Lalita Tripurasundari. She's described in the Lalita Mahatmya of the Brahmanda Purana.
@TheDestroyer - yes , know that and Actually there are lots of verses glorifying Lord Shiva in Shreemad Bhagvat puran. And nothing as such so that we can call them sectarian. Hard copy
@SwiftPushkar Ok. I think i can buy that or download it. I want to read bhagavatam but due to vedabase translation, i can't read it. Even i couldn't read BG from their site. It has more words praising Krishna than philosophy.
@KeshavSrinivasan - ok i will go through Brahmanda Purana. later on n will check the story
@SwiftPushkar Yeah. Volume 4 and Volume 5 of Brahmanda Purana.
@SwiftPushkar By the way, I've been to the place where Vishnu's incarnation Hayagriva told the Lalita Mahatmya of the Brahmanda Purana to Agastya. It's near Kumbakonam in Tamil Nadu. There is now a Lalita temple at that location.
@TheDestroyer - yes , see my answer abt king sagar story , its mentioned in Gita press version that he was Chakravarti king and His sons dug up the earth but on vedbase the description is absent
@KeshavSrinivasan - oh wht is the name of the place ?
@SwiftPushkar There is a belief(less known) that if you are performing puja to devi and a little girl comes there, it is believed that your prayers will be answered.
@KeshavSrinivasan Brahma performs a yagna for hayagriva at kanchi after he loses the vedic knowledge. Do you know that place?
@SreeCharan - ok , very Interesting
@SwiftPushkar The place is called Thirumeeyachur: temple.dinamalar.com/en/new_en.php?id=599
@SreeCharan The Kanchipuram Varadaraja Perumal temple is associated with Brahma doing a Yagna, but I don't think it's related to Hayagriva and the Vedas.
@KeshavSrinivasan What was the yagna for?
@SreeCharan This webpage says that Brahma was doing a hundred Ashwamedha Yagnas in the location of what is now the Varadaraja Perumal temple in order to get Darshan of Visnnu: thirukacchi.ramanujartemples.net/sp.htm
@KeshavSrinivasan I think you may not get answer for this question.
Q: Who is Mankila/Sankila, Rishi of the Vaishyas?

Keshav SrinivasanAs I discuss in this question, every Brahmana is a descendant of sages, which is why every Gotra or clan of Brahmins has an associated list of Pravaras, a list of the sages they're descended from. For instance, I am a Brahmin belonging to Vadhula Gotra, and my Pravaras are "Bhargava, Vaitahavya, ...

@TheDestroyer Well, it's worth a shot.
Sivalaya Ottam (Tamil Language:சிவாலய ஓட்டம்) is a ritual marathon undertook by the devotees to the 12 Siva shrines in the district of Kanyakumari on the day of Sivarathri. From this year onwards the day was announced as a local holiday for the district. == Ottam route == The Ottam begins at Munchirai, the first Sivalayam and goes all through the next 10 temples before ending at Thirunattalam. == Rituals == Special pujas will be conducted at temple at Thirumalai. The ritual begin after the devotees taking a holy-dip in the Thamirabharani river at Munchirai, the first Sivalayam. The participants...
@KeshavSrinivasan I even searched "Jara"in Southern recension of Mahabharatha. But no use
@TheDestroyer @KeshavSrinivasan @SreeCharan - found this very Interesting , ritual marathon
@TheDestroyer By the way, the Mankila/Sankila question is relevant to you, assuming you're a Vaishya.
@SwiftPushkar Oh, I've never heard of this marathon.
@KeshavSrinivasan I think I'm Kshatriya by Varna. I'm sure Reddys are Kshatriyas.
@KeshavSrinivasan @ He is a reddy
@Tezz Can you see whether"Jara" mentioned as rebirth of Vali in Southern Mahabharatha.
@KeshavSrinivasan - there are some stories related to this on blogs , its related to mahabahrata , beema and krishna , but they are saying source is unknown
@SreeCharan By the way, I'm curious are you a Sri Vaishnava? You seem to answer a lot of Sri Vaishnavism questions.
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer @SreeCharan - hindu-blog.com/2012/02/…
@SwiftPushkar By the way, the Tamil word ottam means "running".
@Tezz - oh , i have't seen u , Hi , Namaste क्या हल चाल है ?
@KeshavSrinivasan Yes I am a sri vaishnava too. Tenkalai
Following MMM.
@KeshavSrinivasan I think Kamban ramayana may have described jara as Vali.
@SreeCharan Oh, what Matham do you belong to?
@SreeCharan My Dad's a Thenkalai and my Mom's a Vadakalai, so officially I'm a Thenkalai, but my beliefs lean more to the Vadakalai side.
@SreeCharan Are you Brahmin by birth, if you don't mind?
@TheDestroyer which parva should I check in..?
@SwiftPushkar hi.. I'm fine.. how are you..?
@Tezz Mausala Parva i think.
@SreeCharan By the way, since you're a Thenkalai you may be interested in my question here:
Q: Do Thenkalai Sri Vaishnavas believe that liberated souls have powers of creation?

Keshav SrinivasanThe members of the Sri Vaishnava sect of Hinduism, especially the Iyengars (Sri Vaishnavas who are Brahmanas), are divided into two sub-sects, Thenkalais and Vadakalais. These sub-sects both agree on the Visishtadvaita philosophy of Ramanujacharya that characterizes the Sri Vaishnava belief syste...

@Tezz Yes. Mausala Parva.
@KeshavSrinivasan Tiru Venkata jeeyar. @TheDestroyer Yes
@SreeCharan Is that another name for Chinna Jeeyar Swami?
@TheDestroyer Ok I'm checking...
@KeshavSrinivasan Manavala maha muni initiated ashta diggajas(his eight disciples) and initiated mathas at different paces Thiru vengada jeyar was one of them. Chinna jeeyar swami is my acharya. He is the one in the acharya lineage of the matha.
@KeshavSrinivasan others are * Vanamamalai Jiyar,
* Bhattar Piraan jiyar,
* Koil kanthaadai annan,
* Prathivaadhi Bhayankaram annaa,
* Erumbi appaa,
* Appillai,
* Appillan. . Of these prathivadi bhayankara annan is famous for writing suprabhatam of Sri venkateshwara.
@TheDestroyer What is there in it to mind?
@SreeCharan Oh ok, I belong to Vanamamalai Matham.
@SreeCharan I know you don't mind but anyways mentioned as a part of formality. :)
@SreeCharan By the way, you may be interested in my question here about one of Chinna Jeeyar Swami's discourses:
Q: What scriptures describe Sadashiva carrying Vishnu in Vishnu's abode of Paramapadam?

Keshav SrinivasanAs I discuss in this question, the Sri Vaishnava sect (of which I am a member) places great importance on the Divya Desams, the 108 sacred places of Vishnu which are mentioned in the poems of the Alwars. Now two of the Divya Desams are not even on Earth! As I discuss here, there is Thiruparkada...

@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer @SreeCharan - you people are lucky to have such a varied arts , culture , temples , stories etc. (south india) ,here in Maharashtra people dont talk much abt.Spirituality , and dont have such variety of cultures , people here almost follw bhagvat dharma , nothing else. and becoming more commericial with time. Thats why i think i am the only one active member from Maharashtra.
@SreeCharan Also, do you know where I can find the full Parampara from the first Thiruvengadam Jeeyar all the way down to the present Chinna Jeeyar Swami?
@Tezz I just had a glance at Kamban Ramayana but couldn't find any such story
@KeshavSrinivasan There is a temple of paramapadanatha perumal along with kodandarama and ranganatha perumal at jeeyar math at shamshabad.
I too searched for it when i know about the ashtadiggajas. But it is not available on the internet. May be you can go to the math.
@TheDestroyer -chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/34104223#34104223 what I mean by the word "them" here is abt puranas & not abt ISKON :) a word mismatch here :)
@SwiftPushkar Ok.
7 hours later…
@TheDestroyer today a little different flavour.. He didn't say that Ayodhya lies in Nepal..😀😀
@Tezz haha. Yeah.
@Tezz But both Manasa lake and Rakshatal are present to same side of kaliash.
@TheDestroyer I don't know about that.. but I've heard people don't touch water of RakshasaTaal..
@Tezz ohh..Why?
Wiki doesn't say anything about rivers originating from Rakshastal.
Lake Rakshastal (Rakshas Tal; Sanskrit: राक्षस ताल; Wylie transliteration: lag-ngar mtsho; Chinese: 拉昂错, Pinyin: Lā'áng Cuò; La'nga Co) is a lake in Tibet, China, lying just west of Lake Manasarovar and south of Mount Kailash. The Sutlej River originates at Rakshastal's northwestern tip. Despite its close proximity to Lake Manasarovar (about 3.7 kilometres or 2.3 miles), Lake Rakshastal does not share the historic religious significance of its eastern neighbor. The name of the lake literally means "lake of the demon" in Sanskrit. It is also known as Ravana Tal, as it is considered to be the place...
@TheDestroyer I think they believe Rakshasa live under them..
I heard it while I was watching Kailash Mansaorvar Yatra in YouTube..
@Tezz ohh.. Rakshasa living near abode of Lord Shiva.
@TheDestroyer It isn't uncommon.. Lord Shiva lives with Pisachas also..
@Tezz Yeah. Does Kailasa have any cremation ground now?
@TheDestroyer I don't know.. I didn't saw in that video..I think only Bhuteshwara form of Mahadeva resides in crematorium .. not other forms...
@Tezz Devon ke Dev Mahadev says there's a cremation ground near Mount Kailasa. But i never read that in Shiva Purana.
@Tezz BTW, i remember a story of Indra kidnapping wife of Kubera near Manasa lake.
@TheDestroyer oh I also don't know.. but I read in Linga Purana that Lord Shiva lives in all 7 dwipas in his Saguna form also (not only in Kailash).. also he is present in Saguna form in Mandara mountain also...
Indra didn't leave any women in three worlds. 😁😁😁
@TheDestroyer haha..
@Tezz Ohh but I read in some puranas, Shiva Visits Mandara mountain with Parvati to sport. But other place where he lives always is Kashi.
@TheDestroyer you mean he lives always in Kashi.. means he also goes to Kailash only occasionally..?
@Tezz He lives always in Kasi and He is also present on Kailasa . But Shiva went to Kailasa so that he can stay close to Kubera. But Kubera prayed to Visweswara in Kasi before His arrival to Kailasa. Shiva from starting of creation stays in Kasi.
@TheDestroyer oh ok..
@Tezz BTW, when Visveswara with Annapurna Devi appeared before Kubera, kubera felt jealous on see beauty of Annapurna Devi. She cursed him to become deformed. Hence he got the name "Kubera".
@TheDestroyer yes I had heard this story.. but where is this story mentioned..?
@Tezz Shiva Purana. Wait. I will give the chapter link.
@TheDestroyer Ok.. also do you know scripture source of story where Kubera goes to rob Shiva temple..?
here for friendship of Kubera and Shiva.
tob Shiva Temple?
@Tezz No. I didn't read any such story.
@Tezz I think this is variant of same story of kubera getting boons from Visweswara.
@TheDestroyer oh ok.. yes, this is variant story.. but that story is interesting.. here is question on that...
@Tezz yeah. Saw that Question.
@TheDestroyer Ok..
@Tezz Do you have Uttarakhanda of Ramayana with Sanskrit verses?
@TheDestroyer yes..
@Tezz Verse by verse translation?
But only Sanskrit verses not with translation...
ohh ok. Can you give link for it?
@Tezz Hello. Good answer about karna today. I think he is asking the other way. The armour protects body. Which do kundalas protect?
@TheDestroyer it's avaliable in Maharshi Mahesh.. that vedic reserve site...
@SreeCharan Hi... as it contains Amrita it would not allow him to die in any condition.. and it's the protection..😀😀
@Tezz You may add that in your answer
@Tezz Then i think i have downloaded it. I should check.
@TheDestroyer Oh ok..
@SreeCharan Ok.. I'll add it..
@SreeCharan Done..
@TheDestroyer it's filename would be ramayana7_uttara.pdf
@Tezz Yeah. Downloaded. it's 620 kB
@Tezz "today a little different flavour.. He didn't say that Ayodhya lies in Nepal.." I think he's trying to lead up to a follow-up question where he'll try to show that the real Ayodhya isn't the one we know, but rather some place in Nepal, haha
@Tezz +10
196 pages..
@KeshavSrinivasan Yeah. He already believes Kailash is in Nepal.
@Tezz Haa.
@TheDestroyer Yeah, if he believes that Kailash is in Nepal, then he will also believe Manasarovar is in Nepal, and thus Sarayu and Ayodhya are in Nepal.
@KeshavSrinivasan Haha..😀😀
@KeshavSrinivasan lol..
@KeshavSrinivasan At least he is now saying it is not in india. But near tibet/china.
@KeshavSrinivasan @TheDestroyer but anyways his questions are interesting...
@KeshavSrinivasan oh so.. what does Parisista of Veda contains..?
@Tezz Yeah. I liked his Badrinath question. But he is asking the same kind of questions which looks like every Hindu Temple is in Nepal. Now, i started feeling somewhat annoying.
@Tezz @TheDestroyer I just hope he doesn't start claiming that the Keshav Srinivasan in America is fake, and the real Keshav Srinivasan lives in Nepal :-)
@TheDestroyer Haha.. I feel fun to read his questions.. so I open them as soon as I see them..😀😀
@KeshavSrinivasan haha. He may say "Krauncha Dvipa Aindra Kanda " is Nepal.
@TheDestroyer Haha
@KeshavSrinivasan you mean Venkateshwara by the name KeshavSrinivasan ... (double meaning)...😀😀
@Tezz I didn't get the joke.
For that it should have been "in India"..
@TheDestroyer Keshava is Vishnu and I think Srinivasan generally refers to Venkateshwara..
@Tezz The Parisishtas contain similar content to Grihya Sutras and Shrauta Sutras, i.e. details of rituals and types of fire altars and that sort of thing.
@Tezz ok. BTW, did you find jara as Vali in Southern Mahabharatha?
@KeshavSrinivasan Oh ok.. Thanks for the information!..
@TheDestroyer I haven't completely searched yet.. I'll search tomorrow...
@Tezz grace period is ending for this question.
Q: Do any scriptures say that the hunter Jara was a rebirth of Vali?

Keshav SrinivasanAs I discuss in this answer, Krishna departed the Earth after he was shot by a hunter named Jara. Now there's a popular story that this Jara was actually the next birth of Sugriva's brother Vali, whom Rama shot from behind. (Rama shooting Vali was fully morally justified, as I discuss here.) S...

@TheDestroyer oh ok.. so then I'll search before 8 hours.. I couldn't search today nicely because I had gone to a temple to attend a wedding today....
@Tezz Post immediately if you find it.
@TheDestroyer Ok.. I'm just reading chapter names now...
New users are offering bounties. That should be encouraged. For the first time since I've joined, I saw 3 featured questions.
@SreeCharan Yeah. These days many users are offering bounties. This is really encouraging.
@TheDestroyer I'm wondering why I'm not finding death of Krishna chapter...
@Tezz Be cool. Still we have time.
@TheDestroyer when I download Mausala parva it shows Aasramvasika Parva why?
@Tezz I think you can check web one.
41 chapters
@Tezz Yeah. It shows the same.
@TheDestroyer oh I found mausala parva.. they were mismatched.. upto now I was searching Aasharamika Parva ... haha...
In aashramika parva there is mausala parva..
@TheDestroyer I just checked.. It doesn't says Jara is rebirth of Vali.. It just says "Krishna sent that Hunter to heaven... "
@Tezz ohh ok. Then it must be folk tale.
@TheDestroyer can you give me link like that above for 15th parva...
i just changed 16 to 15 in URL..haha..
@TheDestroyer it just says this:
कृष्णेन शरीरत्यागाय योगेन शयनम्॥ 4 ॥ व्याधेन मृगबुद्ध्या कृष्णस्य पादतले सायकेन गाढवेधनम्॥ 5 ॥ कृष्णेन पश्चात्समीप मेत्य पश्चात्तापेन प्रणमतो व्याधस्य देवैः स्वर्गप्रापणम्॥ 6
Krishna to discard his body remained on Yoga।
@Tezz ok. I think we can check Bhagavatam from geeta press now. @SwiftPushkar can do that.
Hunter thinking as deer hit arrow on Krishnas foot ।
@Tezz Did you any difference between northern and Southern Mahabharathas?
When he regretted Krishna consoled him and provided him heaven।
Sacred texts say the same:
A fierce hunter of the name of Jara then came there, desirous of deer. The hunter, mistaking Keshava, who was stretched on the earth in high Yoga, for a deer, pierced him at the heel with a shaft and quickly came to that spot for capturing his prey. Coming up, Jara beheld a man dressed in yellow robes, rapt in Yoga and endued with many arms.

Regarding himself an offender, and filled with fear, he touched the feet of Keshava. The high-souled one comforted him and then ascended upwards, filling the entire welkin with splendour. When he reached Heaven, Vasava and the twin Ashvinis and Rudra a
Did Krishna die instantly?
@TheDestroyer yes, I observed some differences.. like it contains some texts in Sutra form also...
@TheDestroyer also I just checked Uma Maheswara Samvada of Anushahsana Parva.. there Maheshwara also teaches about Pashupata yoga to Uma.. and it isn't avaliable in Northern recension...
@Tezz ohh ok.
@Tezz Pasupata Yoga is good. Actually i like it. Linga Purana describes it in detail.
@TheDestroyer which chapter...?..
@Tezz Let me check whether it is Pasupata yoga or not.
I think it is Pasupata Yoga.
@TheDestroyer Ok...
@TheDestroyer internet connection is slow.. I can't open it.. can you give chapter no.?
34 of Linga Purana.
volume 1
@Tezz Whenever something tempts me, i remember it will ultimately becomes ashes, so why should it bother me.. Actually helping me 😀☺
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