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So, either way I think it would have to have a counter weight at the other end @aking1012
I'm in entirely too many stack-exchange rooms. But i think migrating to this one is for the best
@mateo_salta valid point
@aking1012 you are in only three rooms o.O
if it was balenced properly it would swing nicely, how many are you in?
yes. i need to finish that google bridge
just a note...you don't have to be logged in to a room to see posts...only to respond
Ah, okay then :)
speaking of oddball stuff...there was a great Tor video at CCC this year
yep, It's easy to stay logged in, but that sometimes happens when I restart, need to log in again, but after watching
there might be rooms i watch but don't post in at all.
Tor video?
@jokerdino i'm trying to atomize login/post/logout
@mateo_salta fetching a link
@aking1012 that might be weird to those in the room though.
yeah, but being the creepy guy is sometimes a bonus. like "you never know who's watching"
yeah google just puts up the tor network and "Copyright Clearance Center"
@aking1012 lol xD
user image
shameless repost of Roland's
heh xD
Adem might approve of this.
wonder if anyone is named @Everyone
@RolandTaylor oh you are here already.
@aking1012 speak of the .. Roland
and he appears?
You mean tag him?
okay...i did attribute...to be clear
No. As you mention Roland, he appeared in the General room.
oh...well i suppose i had auspicious timing
indeed lol
you never know who is watching
I just showed up at the same time
@mateo_salta I see the reference.
SNR is entirely too high on some social networks. I'm still looking for that link @mateosalta
yep, like static
it's like an hour long, but it's interesting AND entertaining
looks interesting, I'll book it for later
they talked about some whoopses they sort of exploited to do a kind of DoS against the filtering ppl...
o/ @EmersonHsieh
why do people keep leaving chat when i directly address them..
ahh, he saw my chat icon run!
<-- is off for a while due to some measure of frustration
yeah I was phasing out a bit
well later time to sleep
14 hours later…
I lolled so hard:
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4 hours later…
o/ @mateosalta
hi @aking1012

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