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@goldPseudo are you sunni?
I am Muslim.
Also... what is a association bonus?
new users get +100 rep if they're already have high rep on an account registered to another SE site.
it's supposed to offset the most basic limitations on a new account, since it's presumed you already know enough to comment and vote appropriately etc.
without unbalancing the whole rep system.
ok....back to my question....are you sunni or shia?
I am Muslim. why is that not good enough for you?
no but its the wrong answer....i asked sunni or shia....but you are saying "muslim"
ok another one
what is more halal ....beer or wine?
ok...whisky or wine (i know about non alcoholic beer)
whisky is halal?
it's more halal than wine.
halal is means "permitted"
u know that right?
i am aware of that, yes.
so whisky is more permitted than wine?
that's what i said, isn't it? you're going in circles here.
the question you should be asking is "Why do you consider whisky more halal than wine?"
No...i should be praying
praying for all the "leaders" that make halal haraam and haraam halal
i'll just go back to what i was doing then.
assalaamu 'alaykum.
walekum salaam wa rehmatullah
10 hours later…
I feel sorry, but I really have to write this
Sorry, I consider the Fiqh in Sunni school is of higher level. Btw, I'm neither going to accept your answer nor going to do an upvote, as I did clearly said I want answer from Sunni school. Also, I don't want to write anymore comment with you. — Anwar Shah 3 mins ago
Asalam Alaikum
Wa alaikum as salam
@Anwar what a comment
although I see previous comments bad I see this one very bad, this is not good manners {in my opinion} what I would have done is just say that you would not want to comment anymore
not the rest of it, keep the rest of it to your self, but that is my opinion
you see, the problem I see with the comment is, that it further divides and makes the shia members think they are not welcome
I hope you understand @Anwar
Q: Quickly turning into a Shia-Sunni debate site

AamirI am a user (read reader) of many SE sites and what I like about every SE site is that over time, the cream rises to the top. By that I mean that the people who are most knowledgeable in their respective fields and the ones who are inclined to help each other become the top answerers. The same ...

Q: Islam Self-Evaluation -- Let's Get Critical!

AarthiYou love your site and we love your site, but there is a whole world of people out there who might not even know it exists. When they do find it, their first impression will either scare them away or keep them around. Given this, let's take a hard look at the questions and answers here and make s...

@AlUmmat I understand you
but in my earlier comments, I made clear you him that, i was looking for a sunni solution.
But, he goes on further and tried to something...
I don't know, what he wanted. (but i can guess)
Thanks for the answer, but I thought I was clear that I needed an answer from Hanafi School. But, don't remove your answer, since it may help Shia visitors — Anwar Shah 22 hours ago
This ^^ comment is totally friendly and a closure comment
I see
I removed my last comment too
@Ahmadi OK. though I can't verify how correct the answer is, but I think the reference will be helpful for Shia visitors. +1 for the peach message :) — Anwar Shah 12 secs ago
Added this one
well you do not need to upvote it or accept it, but the sentence in your comment "I consider the Fiqh in Sunni school is of higher level" i find that it might be seen as a disrespect to the shia users by the shia users themselves, and I see it to be suggesting that the fiqh of other sects are higher, which suggest that if it is higher then the originating Imams must have been more knowledgeable than the others, and all the imamas of all the schools of Sunni and Shia were probably equal in
@AlUmmat You're correct. Thanks
I may be clearly wrong though
is he around here?
ignore it
the more you ponder over it the more you get irritated
Thanks for ^ this too
you mean is he in the chat?
I see, he isn't
but i think, he is on the site
you want to talk with him?
you can always invite him to chat through the recent comments or @ his user name
but I need to go, (power outage here)
oh, ok well he'll probably be still around :)
2 hours later…
@Ahmadi can we talk here?
May Allah reward you guys greatly @AlUmmat @Abdullah, your flags and close-votes are very, very useful for us.
Asalam Alaikum @ashes999 @goldPseudo
wa 'alaykum assalaam
wow, I forgot to give the salams today
wa'alikum as-salaam @AlUmmat
lol I feel like it's becoming our daily routine :)
I need critical feedback please. Does this make sense? Did I miss anything?
A: Did the prophet (SAW) himself fully adhere to the rules imposed on all Muslims?

ashes999The short answer to your question is yes, rasulullah did everything he taught his ummah to do. He was a leader who lead by example. The long answer to your question is, it's complicated. Very complicated. Therefore, permit me to indulge in a sample of the complexity belied by your question. Per...

@ashes999 I find it answers the question
Jazakumullahu khayran @AlUmmat. But like I said, I want more critical feedback :) where did I misstep? What did I miss? Is it clear, or too long?
it is kind of long but it is fine, you did not answer some of the questions though
"So this makes me ask this question, Did the prophet (SAW) strictly adhere to the rules that are imposed on all the people? For example we are told to pray even when we are bed ridden and cannot stand. Did he himself do so? Did he never miss a prayer? It is possible he woke up late one morning or was sick? Did he always lead the prayer? Did he ever combine two prayers for his ease? Are there any evidences that he took the hard route to fullfull his religious duties and not the easy one?"
Wow, I just read it again and I didn't even see that.
I think those are examples though; he doesn't want to know the answers -- he's using those as a basis for his (decent, general) question of "did rasulullah live by what he preached?"
otherwise, I would DV and say, ask one question per question! :)
ok I see now
But again, that's just my interpretation of his question. You interpreted it differently.
I think your answer is great
Thanks. Maybe it would be a good idea to add another answer that addresses all his individual questions ... I'm not sure.
I am preparing an answer
okay mashaAllah
looking forward to reading it!
@AlUmmat you were right
Good answer but sorry it lacks what I asked for. I asked for Real events / evidences that proved the prophet choose the difficult path and not the easy path + he obeyed by all the rules. Did he ever miss a prayer? Was he ever late? Did he follow all basic rules/etiquette in Islamic. I mentioned some violations above. Arguably he had not respect facing Kaba? — The crocodile hunter 2 mins ago
I am looking for a report or hadith I heard, it basically says that the Prophet when commanding people to do something, he has already done it or raced to it and done it. does anyone know the Hadith?
good question.
literally. good. question. to ask...
@ashes999 on the site?
do you mean the hadith about four characteristics which, if united in one person, indicate a person of paradise?
the report or hadith that says that whatever the Prophet commands, he has already done it himself
not familiar with it. would like to see it :)
search sunnah.com, if it's in the Six Books, you'll find it inshaAllah
I have already done, I could not find it, either wrong words or it is not there, I am asking it now on the site
Q: Report or Hadith about the Prophet

Al UmmatI am looking for a report or hadith I heard, it basically says that the Prophet {Peace Be upon Him} when commanding people to do something, he has already done it or raced to it and done it. I would like to know if this is a Hadith or a report, is it authentic? and what book is it in?

how is it, does it need editing?
what exactly do you mean by "is it a report"?
like in Shama'il Muhammadiyah, they are reports about the Prophet not actual hadiths from the Prophet {Peace Be Upon Him}
do you understand?
The definition of hadith is "a narration of the Prophet."
A hadith that does not have a companion in the chain is called "mursal," which is a weak hadith.
On the other hand, an "athaar" is a "hadith" (narration) of a companion that is not attributed to the Prophet (salallahu alayhi wa sallam)
did you mean, by report, a mursal hadith or did you mean an athaar?
I think I mean athaar, an example I can give is the report or hadith from Aa'ishah talking about the Prophet being a walking Quran, and the Hadith by her too about his charachtristic is the Quran
there's also this thing about "any narration about ilm al-ghayb from a sahaba is counted as a hadith" (where else would they learn about such things?) -- it's very tricky and complex
that example you gave would be a hadith, because hadith technically covers statements and actions, tacit (implicit) approvals of rasulullah
I feel like a textbook now :/
@ashes999 textbooks benefit people but I do not believe they are rewarded by Allah if they benefit, but you are alive and I pray Allah rewards you
inshaAllah ameen
actually I have a proof that Allah rewards textbook writers too :)
the famous hadith about sadaqah jaariyah -- "knowledge that benefits after the writer dies" -- would include, say, books of seerah and stuff too, no?
I did not mean the writer of it, but the textbook itself, and since you said you feel like a text book, I say I do not believe that textbooks themselves get rewarded, but you are alive and you know and you have benefited me so Insha'Allah you get rewarded :)
I am basically saying that even though you fell like a textbook you get rewarded but textbooks themselves don't
do you understand?
yeah I get it
(inshaAllah ameen)
@goldPseudo I saw your discussion above with islam101
how can certain types of alcohol be more halal than others?
I understand all Alcohol are haram to drink
here we go again...
"great question"? ;)
(I think goldPseudo was being, shall we say ... clever and precise, although not literal)
so all alcohol is the same level of haram?
I think I need to do some research on Alcohol
anyway, that looks like a very weird discussion
I'll let @goldPseudo answer for himself
I believe he was alluding to a relative level of "what is more (or less) permissible/haram," although he definitely did not say that any alcohol is permissible.
early hanafi opinion was that only wine was inherently haram; any other non-wine alcoholic drink is only haram if enough is consumed to intoxicate.
in addition, the question was vague; it didn't specify haram to drink, just haram.
there is difference of opinion on using alcohol for topical (i.e. non-drinking) applications.
what do you mean non-drinking?
@goldPseudo that's around the issue of alcohol being najas, not haram
@AlUmmat for example, in medicines
alcohol in mouthwashes, or in perfumes, for example.
haram means unlawful. it being haram to drink doesn't mean it's haram for other purposes.
similar to the issue of using leather from maitah.
the fact is, there are more valid scholarly arguments allowing the use of non-wine alcohol (for whatever reasons) than there is allowing the use of wine (for whatever reasons). thus, "more halal".
Ah, that's what you meant.
and if you go from a qur'an-only perspective, only khamr is explicitly mentioned.
he asked a vague question, he got a vague (but no less correct) answer. that's just how i roll.
+1 "that's how we roll" :)
Asalam Alaikum @NesreenA how are you today?
Assalamu 'alaykkum
not sure if modern hanafi opinion allows drinking of non-wine alcoholic beverages (insofar it's not enough to intoxicate), but just the fact that it was an established (albeit minority) opinion by a major school is enough to make it "more halal" in my eyes.
wa'alikum as-salaam @Abdullah
@Abdullah Wa Alaikum salam
wa3alekum isalam
@goldPseudo there is that hadith about "what's haram in large quantities is haram in small quantities"
sorry reading older messages
i am aware of the hadith. it's also possible that Imam Abu Hanifa was too.
Yes. It is possible he was not aware of it, or considered it not authentic, or abrogated, or something else. Fiqh is complicated :)
I heard something from someone that in the shafi school that the most smallest quantity of alcohol is haram, and if it goes into something it makes the whole thing haram
@ashes999 i didn't disappear, just started going to public school
MashaAllah @NesreenA
i come on saturdays though, today is the first day i didn't have homework, instead i did next weeks homework lol i'm a nerd
mashaAllah, awesome
afk, dhur time
me too its i3sha gtg sleep too salam alekum
wa'alikum as-salaam
Wa Alaikum salam
@ashes999 it's dhur time where you are?
yes @AlUmmat, perhaps a bit after dhur
it is also dhur time here
I wish there was a way to remove a flag. I had flagged an answer when it was really poor quality and not an answer at all. Then it was made into a proper answer
flags automatically expire after a few days.
Sorry I dont understand. My flag history shows - 30 moderator attention flags
29 deemed helpful
1 disputed
the 1 disputed is the one I am talking about
If I could, I would retract the flag
What does disputed mean? I think denied would be a better term
i'm not 100% sure. i think that means that one mod declined the flag, but the other mods still have a chance to look at it.
OMG, I just heard the US Embassy in my city was attacked by muslims by stones and they blocked the whole road..
at work, so no time to research it right now. might be something on meta.stackoverflow.com explaining it.
carry on @goldPseudo , it is not so important. Was just curious :)
Have you guys smelled musk?
not The Real Stuff, just 'itter named "musk" :)
I have smelled 'oud though, it's pretty amazing.
@Abdullah yes
Lol.. yeah.. I wonder how the real stuff smells like..
@AlUmmat Amazing is it?
@Abdullah better than the unreal one
Ma'asha Allah
in Syria there is a giant Masjid/university called Abu noor, you could find good oils there real and fake, and their pretty cheap in my opinion, you could see a whole crowed around them after Jum'a kutba
Wow, we get the ones from Pakistan.. most probably fake.. Allahu A'lam. I see there are options to buy these oils online.. but quite expensive
Usually when some of my relatives return from Umrah/Hajj, I get lot of 'ittars as gifts
I have observed that usually if you get real oils they are very expensive and if you get fake than very cheap, the real oils are also more expensive if you buys them form somewhere were they import it from another country
@AlUmmat Yup, true.
I like the bottles they come in though, when I was a kid, I used to collect them :)
I couldn't make out anything from that answer
neither can i
which is probably why it's deleted.
that was quick action
mashaAllah, goldPseudo is very quick :)
would it be better for mod deletion or -3 from the community? I tend to think the latter, although I'm not sure.
I was assuming that most visitors of Islam.SE are from other SE sites but now, I see the users from forums are coming.. and hence such answers
I should say comments
inshaAllah khayr, let's be encouraging and try to make them positive contributers for the site.
yup.. so I was wondering the psychology. Would deletion and downvoting scare them off?
Hey I always wanted to ask @Abdullah, are you a full-time student studying Islam by any chance, at some jaami'ah?
i prefer to leave things for the community to judge, but some posts are clearly not what we're looking for.
Probably :/
@goldPseudo deletion precludes the ability to curb answers into something more useful
if i felt the post was salvageable, i would've given a welcome comment and given the poster a chance to fix it.
ah, so that's how you distinguish.
and answers can still be edited when they're deleted, then flagged for undeletion (which admittedly not everyone just knows out of the box).
that post, i felt was way too "forumy" and did far more harm by being visible than it did by being deleted. subjective call, but i stand by it.
I'm not contesting it. I'm trying to figure out, as mods, how we can be more lurking in the shadows and let the community handle stuff like this itself.
@ashes999 Not at all, I learnt the basics of Islam only with a qualified teacher. Others are just uncoordinated learning with students of knowledge who actually study in a Jaami'ah.. and give/suggested me their books ...The ones who study in Jaam'iah are far knowledge and would answer most questions posted here..
MashaAllah, that's awesome
Maybe you can lure them into the site :)
Yes, Actually I am trying to.. There is one who is studying degree in Shari'ah.. we talk very often.. next time I am going to suggest him this site
i prefer to lurk, given the choice. wait for the flags to roll in before swinging the diamond hammer.
Yeah, we don't swing it often eh @goldPseudo
diamond deletions are irrevokable except by another diamond mod. it's a heavy hammer to swing.
God willing, we'll get enough high-rep users who can cast their own delete votes.
I think we have five. Although I think we're missing that semi-casual core of users, according to Area51.
i think deleting only requires three votes. but there's different criteria for deleting questions vs answers, i'm not sure exactly how it works.
and two of the top five users are already diamond mods, so they don't really "count" :)
"It takes 3 votes, minimum, to delete a closed question. However, the number of delete votes required scales to the number of votes on the question and all its answers."
don't think you can vote to delete answers at all until you hit 4k "trusted user".
Yes, it is said to be very rewarding
the two before Fajr
and there are two after Asr
I thought there was no rakats after asr until maghrib
@AlUmmat good...question...? ;)
There is a prohibition of praying after Asr (in general) because of the "forbidden time" (the time where people used to pray to the sun as it sets)
perhaps that plays into the answer.
what does this hadith mean?
Allahu a'lam, @AlUmmat, it seems to mean "we'll all be dead in 100 years"
this is in Sahih Bukari
I didn't study the whole Bukhari :) just 1% of it, roughly (75 ahadith)
no, I meant I don't understand the meaning, and since it is in Sahih bukari it must be authentic
does anyone know where I can get an online copy of Fathul Bari
at a reliable source
well here is one for those who are interested, but it is in Arabic, it is a summery of Fath ul bari
Fath ul Bari is one of the most beautiful books
have you ever seen all of it's books?
Nope.. some of them..I've
It is a wealth of knowledge
well if you get a chance you should see it in all of it's books, and not the summarized ones, but the full ones. I have been trying to obtain it, it is full of knowledge, it can fulfill the obligation of seeking knowledge for a few years
Totally agree..
have you ever thought what it would be like being in a giant library that contains all the written books by Islamic scholars ever?
I am pretty sure I won't leave until I die if there is such a place :P
Yup, I've seen them. And I wonder if I ever start reading them.. I would not leave it for rest of my life
There were some scholars who locked themselves up in libraries
And they study a particular issue for so many years.
Apparently, I read Imam Ahmad studied the fiqh of menstruation for 9 years.
that's nice to know
Yeah, that shows the complexity of fiqh
I have heard from a friend that in Africa {I don't recall the exact place in Africa} they discovered books under houses and stuff
because Africa was a center of knowledge and the scholars had written many books, but when Europeans came and started taking them as slaves they started burning the books
and so to keep them safe the people hid the books and texts under houses and buried them
Could be..yeah.. Africa once was a centre of knowledge... Ethiopia and regions.. may Allah aid the brothers and sisters in somalia
and they had discovered them again, and they are now trying to digitizing them for preservation
but when the burning of the books started when the slave trade started many many years ago
hundreds of years
but now since they are digitizing them, I wonder if they can be accessed online
did you hear about this {discovery} before?
you can find a lot of classic texts digitized at archive.org
No.. I haven't ...Allahu A'lam.. I have found some good books at the archive.org though.. some rare ones.. Not really old.
@goldPseudo :)
often straight scans, rather than searchable text. but still valuable.
I have some good links to some book site online, some are in Arabic though
here is one
Yes Islamweb is also good
I find this good
the name sounds fancy
multilingual wow
there is this, it can be translated into some languages including English
there is this it is in Arabic
Yup, this is King Fahd printing press' website
it has some online books on some of the sciences of the Qur'an
like Maki and Madani
Annasikh wal Mansookh
although it is not all of them
it is a good introduction
now there are some of the sciences that you got to know Arabic like Ilmul Tajweed and Irabul Quran
I tried to see if I could get these in english but I can't it would seem it is only in Arabic, that is fine for me but maybe not for someone else
Yes, there are many works that has not been translated into English in first place
Probably because it loses its original significance or meaning..
yeah, but there are some sciences that don't require the Arabic
like Maki and Madani
you could probably find some english copys online
yeah.. There is one
this is a nice site - al3arabiya.org
Ma'asha Allah .. Arabic is something.. you have to keep improving and learning.. and it has lot of things to study
has anybody tried cupping?
no, but I intend to
it's about time I do it
I want to as well..
but have to do with some who has experience
this is a very good site @Abdullah I think this might interest you I don't know, the site is: qibla.com
I intend to get my Ijazah for Qur'an here Insha'Allah
they are based in US?
I am not in US
I believe you can still access, actually I believe one can access from any where
like online degree?
I am not totally sure I know this site provide online degrees
and diplomas
@user791022 Wa Alaikum salam
@user791022 how are you?
I am good Alhamdolillah
How are you?
I need to decide my username lol
@user791022 Inhsa'Allah you think of a very good one, can I be of any help with your deciding?
Do you remember which hadith say Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) got married at the age of 9?
If you want :D
@user791022 Mine is from my name: Timothy Richard Green.
I do not believe Muhammad got married at nine
but Aisha did is that what you are looking for?
Sorry, I meant other way round.
Silly me
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