new users get +100 rep if they're already have high rep on an account registered to another SE site.
it's supposed to offset the most basic limitations on a new account, since it's presumed you already know enough to comment and vote appropriately etc.
Sorry, I consider the Fiqh in Sunni school is of higher level. Btw, I'm neither going to accept your answer nor going to do an upvote, as I did clearly said I want answer from Sunni school. Also, I don't want to write anymore comment with you. — Anwar Shah3 mins ago
although I see previous comments bad I see this one very bad, this is not good manners {in my opinion} what I would have done is just say that you would not want to comment anymore
not the rest of it, keep the rest of it to your self, but that is my opinion
you see, the problem I see with the comment is, that it further divides and makes the shia members think they are not welcome
I am a user (read reader) of many SE sites and what I like about every SE site is that over time, the cream rises to the top. By that I mean that the people who are most knowledgeable in their respective fields and the ones who are inclined to help each other become the top answerers.
The same ...
You love your site and we love your site, but there is a whole world of people out there who might not even know it exists. When they do find it, their first impression will either scare them away or keep them around. Given this, let's take a hard look at the questions and answers here and make s...
but in my earlier comments, I made clear you him that, i was looking for a sunni solution.
But, he goes on further and tried to something...
I don't know, what he wanted. (but i can guess)
Thanks for the answer, but I thought I was clear that I needed an answer from Hanafi School. But, don't remove your answer, since it may help Shia visitors — Anwar Shah22 hours ago
This ^^ comment is totally friendly and a closure comment
@Ahmadi OK. though I can't verify how correct the answer is, but I think the reference will be helpful for Shia visitors. +1 for the peach message :) — Anwar Shah12 secs ago
well you do not need to upvote it or accept it, but the sentence in your comment "I consider the Fiqh in Sunni school is of higher level" i find that it might be seen as a disrespect to the shia users by the shia users themselves, and I see it to be suggesting that the fiqh of other sects are higher, which suggest that if it is higher then the originating Imams must have been more knowledgeable than the others, and all the imamas of all the schools of Sunni and Shia were probably equal in
The short answer to your question is yes, rasulullah did everything he taught his ummah to do. He was a leader who lead by example.
The long answer to your question is, it's complicated. Very complicated. Therefore, permit me to indulge in a sample of the complexity belied by your question.
it is kind of long but it is fine, you did not answer some of the questions though
"So this makes me ask this question, Did the prophet (SAW) strictly adhere to the rules that are imposed on all the people? For example we are told to pray even when we are bed ridden and cannot stand. Did he himself do so? Did he never miss a prayer? It is possible he woke up late one morning or was sick? Did he always lead the prayer? Did he ever combine two prayers for his ease? Are there any evidences that he took the hard route to fullfull his religious duties and not the easy one?"
Wow, I just read it again and I didn't even see that.
I think those are examples though; he doesn't want to know the answers -- he's using those as a basis for his (decent, general) question of "did rasulullah live by what he preached?"
otherwise, I would DV and say, ask one question per question! :)
Good answer but sorry it lacks what I asked for. I asked for Real events / evidences that proved the prophet choose the difficult path and not the easy path + he obeyed by all the rules. Did he ever miss a prayer? Was he ever late? Did he follow all basic rules/etiquette in Islamic. I mentioned some violations above. Arguably he had not respect facing Kaba? — The crocodile hunter2 mins ago
I am looking for a report or hadith I heard, it basically says that the Prophet when commanding people to do something, he has already done it or raced to it and done it. does anyone know the Hadith?
I am looking for a report or hadith I heard, it basically says that the Prophet {Peace Be upon Him} when commanding people to do something, he has already done it or raced to it and done it. I would like to know if this is a Hadith or a report, is it authentic? and what book is it in?
I think I mean athaar, an example I can give is the report or hadith from Aa'ishah talking about the Prophet being a walking Quran, and the Hadith by her too about his charachtristic is the Quran
there's also this thing about "any narration about ilm al-ghayb from a sahaba is counted as a hadith" (where else would they learn about such things?) -- it's very tricky and complex
that example you gave would be a hadith, because hadith technically covers statements and actions, tacit (implicit) approvals of rasulullah
I did not mean the writer of it, but the textbook itself, and since you said you feel like a text book, I say I do not believe that textbooks themselves get rewarded, but you are alive and you know and you have benefited me so Insha'Allah you get rewarded :)
I am basically saying that even though you fell like a textbook you get rewarded but textbooks themselves don't
I believe he was alluding to a relative level of "what is more (or less) permissible/haram," although he definitely did not say that any alcohol is permissible.
the fact is, there are more valid scholarly arguments allowing the use of non-wine alcohol (for whatever reasons) than there is allowing the use of wine (for whatever reasons). thus, "more halal".
not sure if modern hanafi opinion allows drinking of non-wine alcoholic beverages (insofar it's not enough to intoxicate), but just the fact that it was an established (albeit minority) opinion by a major school is enough to make it "more halal" in my eyes.
I heard something from someone that in the shafi school that the most smallest quantity of alcohol is haram, and if it goes into something it makes the whole thing haram
I wish there was a way to remove a flag. I had flagged an answer when it was really poor quality and not an answer at all. Then it was made into a proper answer
in Syria there is a giant Masjid/university called Abu noor, you could find good oils there real and fake, and their pretty cheap in my opinion, you could see a whole crowed around them after Jum'a kutba
I have observed that usually if you get real oils they are very expensive and if you get fake than very cheap, the real oils are also more expensive if you buys them form somewhere were they import it from another country
I'm not contesting it. I'm trying to figure out, as mods, how we can be more lurking in the shadows and let the community handle stuff like this itself.
@ashes999 Not at all, I learnt the basics of Islam only with a qualified teacher. Others are just uncoordinated learning with students of knowledge who actually study in a Jaami'ah.. and give/suggested me their books ...The ones who study in Jaam'iah are far knowledge and would answer most questions posted here..
i think deleting only requires three votes. but there's different criteria for deleting questions vs answers, i'm not sure exactly how it works.
and two of the top five users are already diamond mods, so they don't really "count" :)
"It takes 3 votes, minimum, to delete a closed question. However, the number of delete votes required scales to the number of votes on the question and all its answers."
don't think you can vote to delete answers at all until you hit 4k "trusted user".
well if you get a chance you should see it in all of it's books, and not the summarized ones, but the full ones. I have been trying to obtain it, it is full of knowledge, it can fulfill the obligation of seeking knowledge for a few years
I have heard from a friend that in Africa {I don't recall the exact place in Africa} they discovered books under houses and stuff
because Africa was a center of knowledge and the scholars had written many books, but when Europeans came and started taking them as slaves they started burning the books
and so to keep them safe the people hid the books and texts under houses and buried them