we can only see 5% of what we think is there (we only think of 5% of what is probably there (we only imagine 5% of what is actually there (there is only 5% of reality (reality is only 5% of what is real (...
pretty amazing the range of loudness we have though, considering our evolution - you can just about hear the person you are talking with in a concert hall with 1000's of people and a band blaring.
occasionally someone leaves a dog outside the shop one door down and beneath my 1st floor flat. It starts whimpering and I can just about hear it under my blaring music... if I just say quietly, "it's ok" the dog stops whimpering.
Due to the occurrence of $0.4\overline{8}$ rather than $\frac{22}{45}$ I think it could be
An alternative, quirky one that I kind of like, but definitely not the intended one:
Or how about
I'll squeeze another in here...
There is a clock face with the correct (target) numbers written in circles. But somebody confused the clock face and created a crazy clock with numbers written in ellipses.
Your task is to repair the clock face by moving individual numbers one by one around the clock's perimeter and also usin...