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00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 00:00

_ _ _ _ a r d . someone difficult to accomodate
_ _ s s y . wuss
top one was d i e h a r d
you got it!
i had to look it up because you know what the only word i could think of was
is sissy chiefly British?
it works in USA too
possibly not as loaded though
My great Aunt Laura went by Sissy
must've been someone's sis
to my grandfather and his brother
done any good crosswords lately? made any?
I was trying to think of science puzzle, but drawing blanks
hard to know what is too technical
ive been saving one about thermodynamics but only the solution is neat
not sure i'll trot it out
right about technical
you mean the solve is not neat, only the answer?
both of those are very neat, but the presentation and example get lost in ugly fractions
when viewed as differential equations , no fractions
or is it fluid conductivity and the solution is neat (sigh)
^^^hgiggle giggle giggle ^^^^^^^...................................and just trying to describe thermodynamic equilibrium is a puzzle in itself
got the puzzle from a book called "mad about physics" a few years ago
and have a better solution than in the book
yeah I dunno how well needing to do O/P DEs would go down
otherwise I might bring out a stoch calc puzzle :p
yeah,,,i'd better let it sit... bring out the stochastic puzzle here?
i mean please
well I'd have to make one
when you're ready . . . .
but audience is pretty small
i'm conviced that there is a diehard handful of visitors here that would love it
probably like 5 users or something?
i was thinking about 6, yeah something like 5
you can count their votes at predictable puzzles
sometimes works sometimes don't
5 + random change
even random change is enough for me
^ even better?!
sometimes random change can undo a bad thing
just like the universe, though, only 5% of visitors might be visible
now ican't see a thing
what if this site had a back room for forbidden puzzles
wouldn't want to be seen entering or leaving
we can only see 5% of what we think is there (we only think of 5% of what is probably there (we only imagine 5% of what is actually there (there is only 5% of reality (reality is only 5% of what is real (...
5% for nothing (i think) is a Yes song, they were nowhere before we even got started
if i didn't know the song i'd think they were making it up, poorly
(huh, then it gets pretty good, at least the playing)
they are classy
schoolboys in disgrace
I imagine most people who stumble across this would stop listening in the first few seconds
.. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ surprised you're listening ......................manshu showed me how to load pictures quicker
you might've already noticed the [upload] button. i hadn't. sheesh
i swear on a playing field i have 720 degree vision; in front a screen, tunnelvision
oh I thought you meant code like \img=http... or some such :p
still finding the boundaries of what gets shown just by typing it in
all i know so far is that most special things here work only if they are isolated on their own lines
like **boldface**
doesn't work on multiline blats
(good time to continue later?)
getting heavy with it...
(rats, just got a phone call)
rats get phone calls? "Give me a Wensleydale!"
(sorry, a call i've been waiting for a couple of days)
(listening to music inthe meanwhile)
I've gone more musically mental since
verge of noise now
wonder how long a "normal" person would last before turning this off...
hah, got a break to to to the bathroom but have to call them back. am sneaking in checks on what you're putting up, here's one too:
"Drumcorps" is one guy BTW
Massacre reminding me a bit of Boris
works for this "normal" person, Annoying Ringtone is like a radio station without commercials, perfect during the phone call
now time to plug in the floor speakers and share with neighbors
it is blasting out my floor standers here and it's 2am... but neighbours are deaf.
hahaa at least it's a weekend there too
enjoying the bass, back to Drumocops for a reprise at volume
If you like Drumcorps I recommend listening to the whole album Girst as one piece...
let's see if it's easy to find
right there!
most people don't like stuff like that, but it's a masterpiece
where did this come from? or how did you find out?
It's a guy who produced stuff as Aaron Spectre. Introduced by my friend Adam Smith (not the one of economics infamy)
I have actually got it on CD :D
way to go word of mouth
this is just perfect for volume
Adam is addicted to music. He has been selling off physical stuff to make room for his baby (literally)
Annoying ringtone is gonna stop abrubtly at some point soon and it will sound totally empty in here
i have a couple of great record collections, though they might not see a needle again, thanks to friends like that
I got two needles right next to me.
one for each ear!
on a solid, heavy, desk, with a stand for the laptop and amp underneath
my turntable lost a channel, so i gained an oscilloscope to fix it, but haven't yet
oh - I need to replace the power switch in my amp - I've been using the switch on the wall..
need to get some solder (I have the switch)
in the meanwhile, when it rains it pours!
with music you get a light show and toast i guess
uhhh this must've reached 300bpm...
howz that?
or is it 75??
checking out another annoying ring tone, sounds even better loud and when i'm not on the phone
heh have it as hold-music ^^
and it's gone silent!
some of these notes give me an excuse to mention how interesting the aucoustic fusion constant (by one name or another) is
well makes my freeform hardcore mix just sound like commercial trance-fluff
it's where successive separate events become fused into a combined event
such as where beats become rapid enough to transform into a chord
yes, Jon Allan
a Jon Allan we know?
the same
ahaa now i remember this one
not so crazy as annoying ringtone :p
had i remembered it sooner i might've guessed more boldly about papaya etc
yeah does not phase me
still an earful of sound
somewhere in there there is a remix of Milkshake
the song from earlier today?
49:29 in
how do you know so exactly? are you a freak?
oh, you can read your own notes
now i can too
tricky thing, reading
not that you might not be a freak anyway
meant in the most positive sense
freak unique
i'm guessing you don't get confused in traffic if this much music doesn't phase you
( a correlation i've noticed, makes sense too)
almost a nonsequitor, did you recently mention that you live in London?
busy part?
i started out in a busy part of a big city and have a high tolerance for confusion
(Helsinki, in a different life)
London, yeah, quiet part! Way North. Used to live in the centre.
yeah almost feel uncomfortable if out of the hubbub too long
enjoy the peace and quiet now when you want, and the deaf neighbors when you don't want quiet!
deaf neighbours, thick walls and sound insulation!
one of these days, though, i'll learn to negotiate the confusion of typing and solving puzzles at the same time, like so many people in this room
just making me turn up the volume again
yeah I am not a multitasker :(
concentration is a hypnotic state, pretty much officially
forget if i asked last time if Chili & Lime is an actual radio show, or floor music
no just a mix
works like a radio show right now
among a million unfinished projects is an audio illusion i've been pinning down
heard of summation or difference tones?
they create ghost notes that are as real to our hearing as actual notes
and, back to beats and fusion into chords, those are actually summation/difference tones too
harmonics? :p
indeed, when summation tones line up with harmoics they become chords
every smooth chord is structured where things line up
dissonant chords add to that
ah yes, because our perception is a Fourier transform I guess
you got it...
remember how small AM and small FM are pretty much equivalent?
them's summation tones and in our hearing are real
limit to dc in both cases :p
but below ~30hz we only feel it
(not a laugh, aha x 2 convoluted)
our nyquist frequency is right in there
but Nyquist is wrong....
(too ready to go on and on about this)
how wrong????. to me it's an approximation, really a range
listen to your vinyl, then a CDm then the vinyl again, ...
(but don't need to bend your ear)
i agree with that comparison
In fact Adam has a machine that makes his CDs actually sound better :p
throw a bit of analogue electronics at it
CDs think they're playing it safe with something like a 2.5 ratio
it's the ghost sounds creeping in to our perception
good, we don't hear anytyhing like 4400000000 bits per second
our auditory data channel is actually very small, but what goes through it makes all the difference
something like 12 subchannels x 10 samples /sec (is what i've heard)
is Adam's machine off the shelf?
pretty amazing the range of loudness we have though, considering our evolution - you can just about hear the person you are talking with in a concert hall with 1000's of people and a band blaring.
yes off the shelf
cant recall name
nice to hear, would be too
this feral cat that comes by for food has whiskers like our ears (probably has ears like that too)
where they can be sooo sensitive but handle the rough stuff too
yeah cats and dogs hearing just crazy
ours too, just not quite in the same league,
only place where i really feel outpaced is smell
but i make up for that by producing it (of course)
a kind of jigsaw puzzle i've experimented with on paper is where the pieces are diffuse and can line up in many ways
occasionally someone leaves a dog outside the shop one door down and beneath my 1st floor flat. It starts whimpering and I can just about hear it under my blaring music... if I just say quietly, "it's ok" the dog stops whimpering.
and I don't think it's just the one dog :p
amazing multiplexing .... trying to think of the technical word for combining disparate signals
although they will generally whimper relatively soon after. But they definitely stop.
y I think multiplexing
with such different volumes even, just amazing
or is it the opposite?
demultiplexing? right, that's what it really takes
so with jigsaw pieces that individually are just visual noise, like sound itself often is,
they can form lines and curves with other pieces based on pretty much interference patterns (moire?)
a bunch of neurons can do some pretty amazing stuff
(even depleted ones) (not to mention otherwise hampered or altered) (wouldn't know, of course but believe what i'm told
and that ringing in your ears - enjoy it while it lasts, you'll never hear that frequency again, like one song....
yeah a guy lived with minor mental demage after having a scaffold pole go through his brain...
(just found out the other day that someone i know no longer hears the frequencies to distinguish "f" and "s")
is that old age?
in this persons case
rough about the pole case! were you going to mention a particular song?
no "it is like one song" - one and done
full music can work like those diffuse jigsaw pieces
or like an orchard as you move by, where features come and go just because there's a surplus of details
ah just remembered the all time most amazing use of moire interference: holograms
3-D --> 2-D --> 3-D
(probably didn't need to characterize it as moire')
finally got the formatting right on the addition of the deleted-comment to the answer
A: Find the odd number out (from math book)

Jonathan AllanDue to the occurrence of $0.4\overline{8}$ rather than $\frac{22}{45}$ I think it could be Because An alternative, quirky one that I kind of like, but definitely not the intended one: Because Or how about Because I'll squeeze another in here... Because

yeah holograms, pretty amazing
yahaahyaahayaeeee the more the merrier!!!! (your edit)
nice multitasking too
the align was being awkward but found \\[2ex]
hey that's actually a neater solution than you made it sound
or I found a neater explanation for my answer?
^^^^^^^^^^^ secret's out ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^i thought you had just abritrarily chosen 189 and could've chosen any of those product/sum quotients
no, product of other n / sum of other d :)
when you're right you're right
The answer I was commenting on was...
"0.37 because it is the only on that if you remove the others add up to (almost) a whole number - 6.999...)"
but it's nowhere near 6.99...
it was something like 2.62
teh, and that one, is it still there? that ends with "this answer is wrong because i'm not good at math"
so after commenting that I then added a comment say "/but/ 0.37 is the odd one out if...."
"...a whole number" :)
you just go around righting wrongs, don't you
sometimes I wrong rights too :(
mmmm cake...
rnrnrnrnrnrn cdce
you get to wrong two rights for each wrong righted, right?
cake does not last long in my house
cake the music group or the planet?
have a clice of carrot cake for me
any cake that fits in my pie-hole and consists of sugary floury stuff
is that confectionary powder on your keyboard?
when do the NSA release the materialiser/de-materialiser tech? It's been over 50 years since the microwave oven...
yeppers, creme fraiche icing
(that's two things to look up)
(second one looks yurnrnrnrnrnrnrnrny)
"creme fraiche icing"?
pretty standard for carrot cake AFAIWA
and yes very yummy
looks familiar enough, just not the name
back in a few
( )
coffeeeeeeeeeeee e
(went around to look more at long answers, good reading)
ah you ^v my Engle's Enigma answer I guess :p
the turnstile, can't just take in one gulp, ^^^ ats the one
have you run across rcampion before the pyraminx? they like to make full answers too
the solver is similar to two solvers for The Confused Clock placed back to back
yes I've seen some stuff
inspiring, not sure which confused clock, remember now
Q: Confused clock face puzzle

Vojtěch Dohnal There is a clock face with the correct (target) numbers written in circles. But somebody confused the clock face and created a crazy clock with numbers written in ellipses. Your task is to repair the clock face by moving individual numbers one by one around the clock's perimeter and also usin...

right, very similar in that way
00:00 - 03:0003:00 - 00:00

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