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Yeah, I tried questioning that one, manshu..
But after his responses, just gave up.
It looks like a bad attempt at a rep farm as both accounts were created, yesterday.
at least OP recognized that their question wasn't as foolproof as they had assumed
(As if you need to rep-farm on this site)
He only admitted to one line being iffy. lol
huh...fate is the universal answer to the question.
Cause Gordon kept poking him :P
also, unrelated-I-swear, I see that a certain cr*b*b* is still posting here
so much for taking one's ball and going home, I guess.
Now, as KK had called me to the stand...Now I would like to give my opinions.
please do, manshu
I doubt he'll get his acct deleted.
I found someone, yesterday named "please delete me" with a profile descriptino of "please delete me"
I suggest calling bad question with the name of "Plastic Bag" and bad answers as "Fate"
man, people are judging answers to that stupid graph puzzle really harshly
And they still exist =D
manshu: 'plastic bag' is for decent-seeming puzzles that turn out to be bad
omg, pixels.quantserve.com takes forever to load
I hate clicking into a puzzle and trying to expand comments, over and over, then realizing that it's not working because the page hasn't finished loading
@Khale_Kitha Are you using my internet?
'fate' should be for really vague puzzles with completely indefensible accepted answers
or maybe just really vague puzzles
@question_asker hmmm....nice suggestion.
I'll add this point in my next book on puzzles.
thanks, I'll make a meta post about it
@question_asker Please enlighten us with that post.
OK, informal poll: do you downvote every answer that isn't the right answer, or only answers that don't seem to put any effort in?
@question_asker the latter one
because, full disclosure, I upvote any answer that seems like an honest attempt at an answer
I rarely waste rep on downvoting an answer unless it's particularly bad or spam
or, at very least, I don't downvote them
I think I've done it twice.
yeah same here
And I think I got the rep back on both of those =D
I don't think I have ever downvoted an answer, I might downvote a bad question though.
I very often upvote questions and answers that seem to have used some effort though
I have downvoted some bad answers in last few days,
and got the rep back in most of them
I need to find a way to remember, more often, to upvote questions that I like
but two people have downvoted my answer, which a) was only invalidated after the fact, and b) i m h o totally reasonable
And I think I'm not the only one.
A question with 5 upvotes that has 45 upvotes on the answer is ridiculous, imo
yeah that seemed harsh, it looked disjoint to me until i read the comments
@Khale_Kitha same opinion here
I like that Hugh accepted Wesley's recent answer even though it wasn't what he had in mind, because it fit just as well =D
(To be fair, it was nearly the same)
@GordonAllocman nice new riddle btw
Horn could have been an answer but can't really fit the last clue. :(
Yeah, I wanted Atlas, but couldn't make it fit
I often find coming up with a title to be one of the hardest parts of riddle creation
^^^^^ ^^^^ And ^^^^
@GordonAllocman q_a knows this thing really well.
don't you, @question_asker
that's why I've never asked a question - can't come up with a good title
@question_asker post a question here. We won't ask for title.
OK here goes
"What am I thinking of"
Ice cream
so quick
Admit it. You were thinking of Frogs.
It is both exciting and frustrating when an answer on your question gets a few of the clues correct but then comes to the wrong conclusion >.>
OK am I losing my mind, or is the guy with the highest rated answer on that graph puzzle talking nonsense?
lol -someone posted correct answer and deleted it
"the values are all multiples of 2.5" well we don't really know that "well I'm alleging it" ok well you can't use an outside allegation to justify your answer, plus I could easily allege something similar about the other values "no you couldn't"
(lmao, I start typing "puzz" into my URL bar and the URL for the plastic bag puzzle is the first thing to autofill)
Yeah that guy's logic is all over the place "You must be experiencing an optical illusion, I definitely see it correctly"
Yeah, that's an odd justification
The new "Red" answer seems viable, if it's true - I didn't check
Is the graph puzzle a lateral thinking?
Red contains all integers from 1-36
No, manshu - so he shouldn't be trying to justify that way, probably
That red answer seems the most plausible
I don't think the deleted answer is actually the right answer
what was it? I can't see deleted answers
that yellow is the one because their last answer is "undefined"
but here's the thing about f'''s answer:
it also makes an assumption about the values
we have no indication of what the values actually are.
oh I can see that answer, but isn't yellows last point 50? looks pretty defined to me
oh weird, I can't see that answer anymore
that's weird, because I was just able to upvote it, unless the site is trolling me
oh shit!
I was totally wrong!
I forget what the deleted answer was, then
I was mixing them up in my head
meh, my interest in that question is pretty low anyways
yeah, I'm having a feeling it's veering into plastic bag territory
@cr0 that was entirely ffao, I only started after the LSB part was done
I've gotta find some way for my puzzles to not get forgotten after a day.
Though I've been wanting to make another in the series, that I have planned, but haven't had time.
Starting from the end, then the beginning, makes it interesting
I never forgot yours!!
that's why I offered bounties on them, and also pestered you until I solved the spy one
not even on active questions now
Ah, I see what you're saying, sry
If I am not getting much action on my questions I try to give small daily hints to point people in the right direction
Yeah, there's not much I can give as a hint on this one without completely giving it away, because the only difficult part has been solved.
Been trying to think of how I can give a hint, in one of the other puzzles in the series.
Yeah, coming up with hints that don't give too much is pretty hard. I usually try somewhat cryptic clues so they have to figure out the clue before they get any benefit
I always liked Hugh's clues (we just figured out hugh's clues...) because they always seemed like they didn't actually tell you anything useful until after the puzzle was solved, at which point they were forehead-smackingly obvious
Hugh's Clues...Hugh's Clues....
now it's stuck in your head too
Hugh just got a letter, Hugh just got a letter, I wonder who its from?
Considering I don't know the original song, I can evade it getting stuck in my head
but it was amusing :P
oh wow. I changed my answer on that stupid graph puzzle and people reversed their downvotes
lol that one made me bitter
Or it's possible..
That they changed their mind previously, and couldnt' change their vote til it was edited =D
I think the real answer is that he calls in Red, Blue, and Yellow, because they made horrible graphs for data analysis /s
maybe that's the "lateral thinking" answer
I'm having a problem with the spoiler on my puzzle-mobile, it keeps falling off
How do I create a multi-line spoiler? If I do >! text, linebreak, >! text, the spoiler doesn't work
in any case, I'm curious as to what the actual answer is, since I'm pretty sure this one is missing information
If I take out the linebreak, it puts the spoilers all on one line
you need 2 spaces after each line
>! text [two spaces]
right, what gordon said
thanks for solving that puzzle o mine
its really dumb and not mentioned anywhere
+15 awarded to gordon
It is actually mentioned somewhere
Though I don't remember where, offhand - because I found out about it from the site, not a person
oh, well not anywhere obvious/prominent. I took me a while to figure it out, I can't remember if I did a deep meta search or someone pointed it out
It's possible that I assumed it from this
that's where I got it
Since the first one mentioned line-break and I tried it in quoteblocks and spoilers, since it was supposed to work unconditionally
oh wow, that would have been useful had I not ctrl-f'ed to spoilers when trying to figure it out
Yeah, I did that first, just now, too
Then I ctrl-f'ed to "space" haha
oh boy, OP is now saying "unlikely is not impossible", so at least that rules out that "multiples of 2.5" answer
as with puzzles, knowing the answer always makes it easier to find the how-to
well my riddle got solved, the answer is still missing the second clue if anyone wants to give it a go puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/32087/…
I've actually never heard of whatever the answer's referring to - huh
Whic is odd.
I only know about it since I took an astronomy class and we had to learn stuff like that
Greek Mythology is one of my interests - but I'm not well-versed.
But I guess this has more to do with the actual star formations
Trying to work from your hint, though
oh yeah I never would've gotten that
but it's cool in any case
that was a fun riddle @Gordon
I keep coming up witht he reason that charfellow and cr0 gave =D
"second shot"... huh
I guess I need to know something of astrology for that to be a clue to me. But I know absolutely nothing at all.
oh, I wonder...for that second clue
all around town is referring to all around the world perhaps?
BestI can find is: "The modern-day festival of Halloween originates from an old Druid rite that coincided with the midnight culmination of the Pleiades cluster. It was believed that the veil dividing the living from the dead is at its thinnest when the Pleaides culminates – reaches its highest point in the sky – at midnight. "
nice worksheet on that drink one, @cr0
My comment about the clue was about my comment not his btw
Yeah, I figured you're referring to "second shot"
@question_asker thanks, hope it helps, as I think there's a math pattern in the sequence that I can't find. Gonna come back to that later
nowadays I just spend my time in here, cheering on good work, making fun of bad puzzles, and offering bounties
My hint was in this comment @Khale_Kitha "Good work, you only missed the second clue, maybe take a nice drive to clear your head for that one. I will accept this once you get that one (also of very little importance, the season depends on where in the world you live)"
morale booster
please, world: no more riddles where the answer is some abstract concept
we are full
(also it sucks that you can't search for anything that's behind a spoiler tag)
But it's Fate that we will get more abstract riddles
I am narrowing my eyes at you @GordonAllocman
oh, he answered his own riddle after less than one full day: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/32011/…
ah, misread
wow that moose clue was so obscure
oh geez, what was it?
I abandoned it, lol
@GordonAllocman that one really grinds me gears
So he just made up a connection, and used it as his clue....sigh
"a word" is different than "a word that fits in various forms"
It literally could have been anything. i.e. mittens because I am saddened a the loss of my cat mittens which you guys totally knew about
a plastic Møøse bag
got my left brain hating on my right brain
as the OP said, the Moose was a poorly executed red herring. Or maybe it was so well executed, that it threw everyone off.
what's really weird is that the word changed over the course of the puzzle
And gonna be one of the few answers I downvote
or rather, the way he wrote his answer involved the word changing
when it could have just been the word "lose" the whole time
We were supposed to guess what inductive reasoning his brain was using.
Mind you - I have mind connections like that, frequently, but I never expect someone else to get them, without explanation.
I think the question was the issue to be honest
he easily could have justified each clue with the word "lose"
I mean, as "justified" as you can be with the logic used
....must......not....make....puzzle....that does that!
it wouldn't have been any more or less ridiculous than what he did post
loose lost, lose loss, tomato tomato
I'll make a people puzzle and use 6 degrees of separation to prove all my points
(also, there are puzzles that start with a word and change it over the course - see HM's recent puzzle - but those explain to you that the word is changing)
wait isn't cr0's answer correct? why would he bother answering it
sorry, I'm being unnecessarily mean to this guy today
cr0's answer makes at least as much sense as the "official" answer
I'm confused... He says, on cr0's answer, that Moose is not lost - but then uses it on his own answer
Did I misread that?
he says that you don't need "outside knowledge"
And it clearly requires outside knowledge, if so.
Because his own answer says it's because of the character in Frasier.
(There was a dog in Frasier?)
which... how would you know what to do with a proper name if you didn't need outside knowledge?
@GordonAllocman my answer stuck with lost, as Eutherpy's did with loose/lose. At least Eutherpy made the jump to add/remove an o to change the word.
@Khale_Kitha I think he just used the Frasier dog example because I did
Moose could've been anyone
that is, in fact, a poorly-executed red herring all right
But how to get from moose to lost?
I just happened to make a stretch from Lost to Los Angeles to a famous dog actor who died in that city
@Khale_Kitha by making "lost" become "loss"
Famous Dog Actor was my nickname in high school
That goesn't get from Moose to lost, cr0
My nickname in high school was steve
And had you not used Moose from Frazier, what was the original answer?
the original poster's solution was
Moose is irrelevant
well I mean, clearly someone or something named Moose died
That's about as much of a red herring as me telling you that 43 + 23 + 77 = 120 because 23 is a red herring.
Damn since the site graduated I have to wait for my edits to go through :/ I just hit 1000 too
that was what was in the puzzle
@Khale_Kitha right, exactly
the word is loss, loose, and lost, all at once (which is why it grinds me gears that the question asked for a word
it could have been perfectly fine with "lose" as the word
because you could have put the reasoning into the answer for each one.
but this comes back to my aggravation with people who won't accept an answer that is correct but not """exactly""" correct
Please, oh, please, somebody write a puzzle about Flying Tree Sharks.
@feelinferrety that might be the first puzzle I write here
Reminds me of the restaurant from Sidekicks
given I've never written one, I'm puzzled as for where to begin, so, don't count on a fast turnaround...
that looks like the toaster puzzle
"The Frying Fish"
would it be frowned upon to use the word "damning" in a riddle?
Okay, so I was lurking some over the last few days and kept seeing references to some notorious plastic bag puzzle. Pray tell wtf?
I don't see why it should, Matt.
there's a puzzle about toasting three pieces of bread with a toaster that can only do two pieces (or one side or something) at a time
yeah I think "damning" is fine
I think cusses are OK as long as they're not the vulgar ones
or the hate speech ones
2 cents: "damning" is fine. For one, it's a legit verb outside of curses, and for two, American TV allows it.
(I know, I know, some nerd will try to get in my face about 'vulgar', but guess what: everybody knows what I mean by that)
20 hours ago, by Khale_Kitha
Two links:
Start here, feelinferrity
@feelinferrety yeah, that's basically my reasoning
American tv also allows a lot of stuff to be said to be honest
Quite frankly, if it's a word I wouldn't mind using in church I don't see why we can't have it on a puzzle..
They still disallow top nudity for females and certain other words.
But if damning isn't allowed i'd be very surprised
damning is pretty tame
That's why I love HBO, they can show two horses having sex for no reason other than comedic effect
If you'd feel comfortable using it in mixed company without knowing their disposition, it'd pretty much fly here.
I'm just saying: avoid slurs (which, you should be avoiding these in your daily life anyway, you monster), avoid profanity that could be used to describe sexual or bodily functions, otherwise go nuts
@Khale_Kitha now I get the "plastic Moose" comment smh lol
ill try to make sure my flying tree sharks don't come with plastic bags - gotta have clean oceans y'all
@Khale_Kitha noooooo. I was following that puzzle for a bit then gave up. THAT'S JUST.........
Flying plastic sharks, with lasers in their foreheads, being tossed at you, from a tree.
haha, feelinferrity
This is what "too broad" was MADE for.
So I suggested an edit on an answer to my question, it's pending review, but the suggested edits queue is empty
You can't see things that you aren't able to review
checks queue
my girlfriend and I, sometime many years ago, started referring to turds on the sidewalk (usually dog turds, but you never really know) as 'plastic bag' because sometimes there would be a plastic bag that had gotten all compressed into a small mass that sort of looked like a turd
that's my other association with plastic bag
nothing in edits for me, either, though, currently
TONS of other review items, though
4 Low quality Posts, 3 Close Votes, 2 First Posts
♫And a Partridge in a pear tree!!!!♪
On the 5th day of puzzling, my true love gave to me....
FIVE Plaaaastic baaaags.
Now I'm gonna have that stuck in my head ALL day.
I love/hate that song.
lmao "seems self-explanatory" puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/32012/look-for-the-answer ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
yeah, hated that one
Actually, I was amused by:
Gordon, if I hadn't seen you ask about the edit here and simply saw it in queue, I probably wouldn't have accepted it cuz it totally changed the answer. I had to go to the puzzle and read the comments to realize you were the author and already discussed changing it. Probably good practice to include a note in the edit saying something along those lines.
I wasn't sure why it was hard to figure out what they're asking
@Khale_Kitha yeah that one... was kind of borderline offensive to me, and the answer is dumb, but... the question is in the title, for what it's worth
@feelinferrety I will keep that in mind for the future
I haven't bothered trying to decrypt it yet, q_a - about about to, if it wasn't already done
why you do this to me??
oh, yeah, it's answered already
which makes the "unclear what you're asking" especially perplexing
You have...what....
"pretty much just meat"
why am I still watching this
Losing the ability to easily change tags.... ><
I actually love that, Matt.
I only recently ran into Veggietales, though I've been familiar with them for years.
That song happens in the intermission of the Little Drummer Boy movie that I let my son watch, a few months ago
Ahh the good old christian vegetable show
All you need to know, Gordon...
If it doesn't have a tail, it's not a monkey; It's an ape.
I think I posted that in a comment to a puzzle a few weeks ago, come to think of it...
A: A powerful drink

SQLnoobNext year you're going to have: The references are to:

@Deusovi and I agree with the comment you made 30s ago (that I was about t make)
... I enjoy some C&H myself, but there are better ways of going about getting the answer. It's like trying to get "South Park" as an answer. It'll get there, but most likely be crude and tasteless along the way. I'd personally recommend deletion, especially as the offensive part is super easy to get to.
yes, same here
(now that I just read it)

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