I hate clicking into a puzzle and trying to expand comments, over and over, then realizing that it's not working because the page hasn't finished loading
"the values are all multiples of 2.5" well we don't really know that "well I'm alleging it" ok well you can't use an outside allegation to justify your answer, plus I could easily allege something similar about the other values "no you couldn't"
(lmao, I start typing "puzz" into my URL bar and the URL for the plastic bag puzzle is the first thing to autofill)
Yeah, coming up with hints that don't give too much is pretty hard. I usually try somewhat cryptic clues so they have to figure out the clue before they get any benefit
I always liked Hugh's clues (we just figured out hugh's clues...) because they always seemed like they didn't actually tell you anything useful until after the puzzle was solved, at which point they were forehead-smackingly obvious
BestI can find is: "The modern-day festival of Halloween originates from an old Druid rite that coincided with the midnight culmination of the Pleiades cluster. It was believed that the veil dividing the living from the dead is at its thinnest when the Pleaides culminates – reaches its highest point in the sky – at midnight. "
My hint was in this comment @Khale_Kitha "Good work, you only missed the second clue, maybe take a nice drive to clear your head for that one. I will accept this once you get that one (also of very little importance, the season depends on where in the world you live)"
(also, there are puzzles that start with a word and change it over the course - see HM's recent puzzle - but those explain to you that the word is changing)
http://puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/31929/frying-three-steaks#comment95702_31929 Please, oh, please, somebody write a puzzle about Flying Tree Sharks.
I'm just saying: avoid slurs (which, you should be avoiding these in your daily life anyway, you monster), avoid profanity that could be used to describe sexual or bodily functions, otherwise go nuts
my girlfriend and I, sometime many years ago, started referring to turds on the sidewalk (usually dog turds, but you never really know) as 'plastic bag' because sometimes there would be a plastic bag that had gotten all compressed into a small mass that sort of looked like a turd
Gordon, if I hadn't seen you ask about the edit here and simply saw it in queue, I probably wouldn't have accepted it cuz it totally changed the answer. I had to go to the puzzle and read the comments to realize you were the author and already discussed changing it. Probably good practice to include a note in the edit saying something along those lines.
... I enjoy some C&H myself, but there are better ways of going about getting the answer. It's like trying to get "South Park" as an answer. It'll get there, but most likely be crude and tasteless along the way. I'd personally recommend deletion, especially as the offensive part is super easy to get to.