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05:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

How random. Apparently my Amazon Music Player switched to my Wild Arms OST. Oh well - no complaints, here. =D
...I wish I could sort answers, to a question, in date order.
Trying to figure out what order things happened in on a puzzle like Jon's (puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/31337/…) is annoying.
got HM's puzzle
aaaah, nice one
I don't think the hint was necessary
after his edit, I was also thinking about a word, but I stopped after SING -> GSIN ...
that was my firat thought too
god dammit
lol I look away for ten minutes and you get that puzzle
(agreed - I knew someone was going to get it quickly after he spelled it out like that)
(yeah, that hint was a bit too much)
I get puzzles fast though :P
I beat you to one that specifically called you out as a fast-puzzler-doer
oh yeah! I remember that one
It was a word square IIRC
6x6 I think?
In my defense, I was asleep at the time
excuses excuses
hahaha oh goodness, that "two is company" puzzle
Q: Two is company, three's a crowd

Gordon Allocman Should the northern wall serve beer The first of me and the last of a beloved voice Dark and flat on high A popular Dino and hard metal senator The beginning of a life without meaning and a song of a nation Lloyd Banks and change minus one, with a Y chromosome All of the lines/clue...

I haven't played Half-Life (because I scream like a baby when anything remotely scary happens) but it seems cool
hahaha yeah I'm similar. I managed to get though about 30 or so minutes of one of them, but gave up
@kk I can't see that - my school blocks Deviantart and I'm technically supposed to be paying attention right now
I know it's probably not considered a "horror game" but I can't do horror games, and long-form shooters tend to bore me after a while
Yeah, same - I mostly do puzzle games
@Khale_Kitha hahaa what is that!!!
Half-life head crab =D
oh, I guess I had never looked at their underside before
Nom Nom!
I followed a link from that one programming puzzle and I'm dying, just dying
it was just reopened
that whole twitter thread
oh boy a new hugh meyers puzzle I won't get
Did it just to annoy you. :-)
shakes fist hugh
I have to find a way to annoy Deusovi as well.
make a really broad puzzle
He did a whole meta post complaining about my low-effort riddles.
I'm the king of low effort.
I don't think that was about yours.
Can't do broad. Goes against my nature.
god, there's like six jokes I want to make in response to that, but none of them work in isolation
they won't work in this chatroom either
Just call him a New Jersey Caveman. =D
Boston Caveman?
Crossword Clues??
oh man a touhou puzzle
OK so I just read a bunch of meta posts over on PPCG (to follow up on Deusovi's comments on the programming puzzle) and I'm now more confused than ever
@HughMeyers: My meta post was NOT about your riddles. Yours are great.
Q: Slumdog millionaire (1)

HaobinMy Indian friend Jamal recently participated in the well-known TV quiz show "Who wants to be a millionaire?" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Who_Wants_to_Be_a_Millionaire). You might have heard or read about Jamal's spectacular success; the media reported on it extensively. Here is what Jamal to...

@question_asker: yeah, I don't get it either
Wow, that question had a LOT of sequels.
@Khale_Kitha yeah, I like those a lot
@Deusovi I mean, I don't even understand why pop-con is controversial
there was one meta post with a link but it led to a deleted post
admittedly I haven't even looked at PPCG in a while
anyway for some reason I have the Better Call Saul theme music stuck in my head
@HughMeyers He was referring to mine. :D
@Khale_Kitha: >:/
I knew it. I was right!
no, you weren't
Runs to go make a riddle about a cardboard box
all of the regulars in this room make generally good puzzles
(except q_a, whose username is a lie)
Okay, I apologize if it was anyone in this room, but...
Q: Please explain the solution to this?

user1849962I had hoped to attach an image but can't. So here goes: 1 set contains: 3,2,1 2nd set: 6,6,7 3rd set: 10, 9, ? What is ? Choose from: 7,8,11,12,13

Too Broad? Really??? He's asking a MENSA question to get help.
I'll admit that the question seems odd because he's asking for an explanation for something that doesn't exist (in the question), but I wonder why it was voted that way.
Sigh - losing the ability to do anything on this site, anymore, is getting frustrating.
I can't woorry about too broad votes anymore because I can't see them in the first place
This site does not, in general, have a high opinion of MENSA-style pattern-matching problems.
graduation is a liberating experience
and yes, most of these puzzles eventually get closed
That vote might have been before the image was included, too.
@Deusovi I'll have you know I've asked not one but TWO questions. On SO.
@kk I voted too broad since there are several different equally justifiable answers
@q_a Doesn't count. They have to be here.
@Khale_Kitha I haven't made a riddle about a cardboard box but this comes close: puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/28169/…
Hahaha - It's still no plastic bag, Hugh.
Hmm...I've been trying to figure out how I was going to do one of my puzzles....this may work...
I wonder if it'll be too broad...
(stops thinking out loud)
puzzling.stackexchange.com/questions/32010/the-hidden-truth oh my god somebody turned my joke riddle into a real riddle
@Khale_Kitha Can you make a puzzle like this one? phibrain.net/01/zai/chpzl15a.html , maybe with another layer added on top. It seems like it could be themed labyrinthy and catacombsish
I don't appear to have my language translation addon on this machine. Huh
guess I never got around to it
pretty much, where the o's match up, you can pass through
and you have to rotate 2 blocks to get through
I actually have something in mind that's roughly similar to this, in my current plans
I won't give any more away, though, for risk of revealing it.
oh t i t e duolingo has added vietnamese
(Btw, that webpage's puzzle is a simple pipe connection puzzle)
Sigh. I really do want to post that TV-related puzzle here, but I feel it'd necessarily be low-quality due to the fact there's no one screencap that shows everything nicely.
Btw, Wesley..
Is this correct?
Sheesh - Talk about the long way around.
the series had some more fun looking puzzles, but never really explained them, like this one abandonedfactory.files.wordpress.com/2012/01/phibrain-13-6.png
That one looks mostly self-explanatory - though difficult
Unless there happens to be a trick
dont know. i think its a magic square kinda thing
Yeah - it appears, at first glance, as though you need to input numbers into every field such that the operations are all true
And some of the numbers are partially filled (in LED format) to get you started.
The ideal place to start seems to be the lower-left quad
One of the numbers is definitely restricted to 2, 5, 8, 3, 6, or 9. Though that only helps a very small amount.
Another, in that quad, is restricted to 4, 5, 8, or 6 (on the far left)
from the other simpler version, the rules are, each expression evaluates to 10, and no digit can be used more than once per expression
What's considered an expression in the simpler version?
This one has too many fields in each "plus" to not re-use digits
Just decided to check out this chat room, and noticed my most recent puzzle was linked here, did you guys enjoy it?
@GordonAllocman I like your puzzles!
It was solved before I got to it, Gordon, so I didn't look at it too in-depth - sorry!
Totally stumped on the unsolved one though
And by engineered you mean..
....uh, yeah, sure. Okay. Whatever you say, OP. =D
I mean that there's the question, which is a super vague riddle, and then the answer, from someone who has no other posts here and doesn't understand the markup convention, and which has been marked correct
I agree, it does seem incredibly fishy to me
"You, in the crowd! I've never seen you before, have I?" "No sir, never in your life" "Well come on up and try my invigorating tonic"
Both of whom just signed up
That felt silly. Had to add more dots to the beginning and end of my comment so it fit the character limits.
Yeah, I just had to "smh" at that.
The most puzzling thing about that question and answer is why they have an upvote
And the comment about the definition.
Had it, perhaps, been - even remotely - the definition of the word...
Closes puzzle and pretends it never existed.
no no no,
the best part is
The one who falls below is a metaphor, meaning it's the least expected thing. Something you wouldn't guess. It Falls below other choices. — ImUniverseSE 47 secs ago
"Something you wouldn't guess" (The answer to this puzzle?)
Okay, actually closing it, this itme.
I don't mean to make fun, but it's just...well...I........i'm going over here, now.
Damn you, Gordon
I re-opened the puzzle to see his response to you
Now I'm dying laughing.
You're encouraging him... lol
What if I tell you that Fate will happen on the day next week that you least expect it
You mean...
...That FATEful day??
Nononono... We must not turn Fate into a plastic bag.
The Unexpected Fate.
The plastic bag comment literally made me choke.
Am I missing a reference about the plastic bag?
That is amazing
Anyone have any ideas on Hugh's newest puzzle, btw?
I'm terrible with the synonym ones.
Though I am, now, craving Cinnamon.
I still have an onsolved weighing problem
I was able to get his last one, but I couldn't get even the title of this one
I'm terrible at that type of puzzle, shoopi, so I haven't looked too far into solving it.
My thoughts on the title are phone number abbreviated => tel and heredity unit => gene but I can't connect them.
It tends to take more time than I can dole out, at once.
you know the find the lighter coin from 9 coins with 2 weighs problem?
Honestly, I hadn't even looked into the title, yet, Gordon
No, shoopi. It looks like a puzzle with a mechanic, but not one I've ever dealt with, before.
I personally avoid math problems since my intuition is usually way too basic
I imagine it involves dividing the piles in half, several times.
portion = ration, so the title ends with generation
hmm, i'm bad at math myself
Actually, iirc, that is how you solve it.
I believe it was an interview question I had, once. Heh.
@Will nice catch
Then I assume heredity unit must be Ra?
the solution is simple. test 3 coins against each other (balance with 2 pans). if one is lighter, it contains the light coin. if equal, it is the last 3 coins. Then from the suspect group of 3, try 2 coins against each other
Not familiar with the unit, if so
I hadn't realized "heredity unit" was together before, so I was trying to think of gene*ration words/phrases... /facepalm
Yeah, that's what I said :)
what kind of puzzles do you like
And yes - had it as an interview question, once. Didn't care for it then, though =D
I generally tend to work on the puzzles that I can solve, in pieces, as I have time to look at them, honestly.
the title is the next generation
So Gener is the heredity unit?
no, just gene
like dna gene
oh dang ext. hadn't thought of that
oh right - you said ration, earlier - sorry, was distracted
My guess on the "exclamation" has been "ah", but it could be a number of other things
or ow
But "Ah" lends itself to the beginning of a sentence, easier.
probably very off, but it could be open the window
o! pent hew in DOW (stock index)
open is exactly what I was thinking
the rest is... plausible
haha....seems legit.
i cant think of a good synonym for index
Yeah, I could only think of "count" or "i"
That seems like an excellent answer, Wesley
For some reason, I was thinking backward on "enclosed by" and trying to use "around"
I had thought enclosed was one and by index was another, but your's seems much more plausible
I'll post it and see. the last bit just seems weird because theres so many stock indices
True, but the Dow-Jones index is one of the most well-known
It fits the Knowledge tag (though weakly)
then maybe the entire phrase would be
Open the window, Jones!
hahah, it could be.... =D
Speaking of the knowledge tag, I have a question tagged music since it requires knowledge of music, should I also tag it knowledge or does the music tag suffice?
I'm mostly asking since someone earlier in chat suggested the knowledge tag be added
I would tag it music if it requires knowledge of musicians, music history, or composition theory. I would tag it music if it requires knowledge of songs, lyrics, artists, or music notes, in general.
i feel like knowledge is more trivia based, while music is more conceptual
(Note that musicians and artists overlap, somewhat)
alright, based of your description I believe it is appropriately tagged
Mind you, that's an arbitrary ruleset, from my head. =D
That's what I interpreted the tag description to be as well, just wanted to double check
...I should read the tag descriptions, before spouting off - sorry
Yeah - so slightly different from what I suggested, but similar
Honestly, if it was about a composer, I'd want to use both music and knowledge
is it possible to post audio files on SE?
If anyone is inclined, regarding my question sqlnoob figured out the answer but hasn't been able to get all the clues
Would you mind linking?
Q: One of the biggest of some boats, some trees, and pasta

Gordon Allocman When the final buffalo sings I'll most likely happen. I'm known to happen when you displace your faith. If you have a few minutes to rhyme under the boiling point, you might find me within myself I'm unwanted by those who have sought prime retribution What am I? Hint #1: Hint #2: ...

Also if I'm not mistaken, I recall a question that had an audio file a little while back, but I don't know for sure
Oh, when you asked about a puzzle, earlier..
Yes, there's been two that I know of - one being mine.
I did mean that puzzle earlier
There's not a good method to post them, though, sadly.
Ah, okay
Yeah after I posted that I noticed my other one was linked as well
This one's out of my wheelhouse, I think
Though it does, likely, need the knowledge tag.
For the same reason that it's out of my wheelhouse. I'm going to have to do a bunch of research to solve those clues.
actually now that I think about it, it has a small piece of non-musical knowledge so I will add the tag
as of right now, the only clues no accounted for are the last two
For the second clue, I assume you're looking for "losing"?
What are you actually looking for, regarding the clues?
How they relate to the answer?
What they mean, and how it relates to my answer, but mostly what they mean since how it relates should be fairly obvious
Ah - I know absolutely nothing about Fleetwood Mac other than being forced to listen to one of their music videos over and over for 4 hours.
None of the clues are super closely related in terms of music, but if you aren't into music it would probably be hard to figure out (the third line especially, is a bit of a stretch)
The answer and comments are a bit confusing.
The words "Hint" and "Line" are used, interchangeably, so I'm not sure what's being referenced.
I could simply be misreading somehting.
it's probably confusing because not all of the hints have been found yet
all of the lines found so far are of the form (synonyms for band name) - song name relates to dreams, or synonym for song name - band name relates to dreams
unfortunately I'm completely musically illiterate outside of video game osts, so I'm staying out of the music tag
I've been meaning to ask you who your avatar picture is.
She seems familiar, but I don't know her - I'm pretty sure.
it's angel from angel beats!
the ! is part of the title
four months have passed since Christmas and I still haven't gotten around to changing it :P
I was right, I haven't seen it yet (and it's not on Funimation, so I haven't noticed it, yet)
It is, however, on my Windows 8 AnimeTube app, so I'll check it out, soon :)
@WesleySitu Good job. Your answer was correct =D
And your first idea "Dow" was actually intended, hehe
@GordonAllocman I've got no other ideas on yours, just yet. :(
@Khale_Kitha Hey, whaddaya mean "depths"?
I'd have to see exactly what I said, yesterday, but I was probably referring to the "depths" of being gone. =D
yesterday, by Khale_Kitha
The new site design dug Rand out of the depths, and into the Sphinx chat room.
Haha, yeah =D
It was amusing to see your name appear up there, when I'd only seen it in older posts.
I'm not really gone - still keep an eye on things.
I noticed you hid puzzling from your profile so I can't remember what you said your rep was, but (iirc) in August, you'll still probably be one of the only 3 people who can delete things, due to the new requirements.
@Khale_Kitha Huh? What do you mean, hid puzzling?
When I checked, earlier, Puzzling wasn't accessible from your profile (checks again)
@Khale_Kitha Lines refers to the lines of the riddle itself, hints refer to the numbered hints
Yeah, nevermind - it was just scrolled off the list
Yeah, I figured, Gordon - I think that I mis-read one of the comments.
@Randal'Thor So yeah - my comment stands - I think there's only 2 others with high enough.
My hands aren't cooperating with me, right now.
(Cold in the office)
What does promotional content mean in his ban reason?
@Khale_Kitha That's part of the reason I don't have accounts on many sites: too much clutter on my accounts list.
Yeah, likewise - that combined with not having had a reason to really respond on many of them, yet.
I was on the site for 6 years before signing up a few months ago, finally. Haha
@Khale_Kitha Fixed that for you :-)
Fixed what? =D
@Khale_Kitha The typo you tried to fix when your hands weren't cooperating.
I've become irritated with my IM client, lately....
...due to my inability to press the Up arrow and fix typos. Hahaha
Q: Try to figure out what is it

Rima Hajou If you don't have one You wish to not have one. But if you have one, You wish to not lose it. What is it?

@Deusovi Found one for you - A perfect example of "Multiple Valid Answers" =D
I've not seen a clearer one (Though I do find the result answer amusing)
Q: I got an email threatening to DDOS me if I don't pay a ransom. What should I do?

alexwI received the following email, addressed to me at an email address on my personal domain (for which I run my own mail server on a VPS): FORWARD THIS MAIL TO WHOEVER IS IMPORTANT IN YOUR COMPANY AND CAN MAKE DECISION! We are Armada Collective. lmgtfy URL here Your network will be ...

The comment about "accelerating" actually made me laugh out loud. Hah!!
....tablespoon! Hahah
wow, the "lawsuit" one and the "fate" one are pretty funny
plastic bag pt ii and iii
See Star #4 on the right side. :P
on mobile, can't see it
2 hours ago, by Khale_Kitha
Nononono... We must not turn Fate into a plastic bag.
yeah, both of those riddles seem weirde
yeah, both of those riddles seem weirde
Yay cell phones..
that lawsuit one looks like badly executed rep farming
(yeah, I'll move to some other device soon)
Her other questions have been mostly that broad, too
(Depending on your POV of the flag ones)
yeah, those are both pretty bad
i don't see why they get so many upvotes
I have a mixed opinion on the flag ones.
Pattern matching makes it a little less broad, imo - but they're still broad.
the flag one could be great if executed well
problem is, it's usually not
and given her other puzzles...
Q: A quick cutesy riddle

Benjamin BraunI'm thinking of a word. It's money earned that you can't use Do this in a fight, you'll have a bruise Say it long or keep your shoes The death of poor old Moose...

Trying to figure out this one
anyone here good with anagrams?
like with 32 characters lol
Sorry, I only specialise in 36-character anagrams.
can i add spaces for the extra 4 characters
05:00 - 16:0016:00 - 22:00

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