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04:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

where do invitations show up?
@Maltysen or just go to the org page
Everybody join the team!!!
we need an avatar
an avocad
how's that?
brb making
@EasterlyIrk that is amazing
Alrighty guys, I added outputting capabilities to bitman!
@MamaFunRoll do you want to join the jQueryOS dev team?
@EasterlyIrk add OS to the end of that
other than that 8/10
@Downgoat Sure.
@EasterlyIrk -1 not enough comic sans
@Maltysen ^^
@MamaFunRoll you should get an email so you can join
@Downgoat Um I have one.
GH: molarmanful
@EasterlyIrk you might want to make the jquery smaller and add the "OS" in the same line as jQuery
@MamaFunRoll no like you will receive an emial in your inbox soon
@MamaFunRoll no, github will automatically send you can email
@Downgoat Lol le misunderstanding
@Maltysen But you need to redefine add as + etc
@MarsUltor so why a special keyboard needed?
@MamaFunRoll you should ask a mod to purge the revisions or something
if you know asm please help me code jquery in machine code
@Maltysen For the less obvious chars
@Downgoat kinda
Anyway, I should go to bed. I will start working on jQueryOS tomorrow.
@Downgoat Um. No, you need an asm.js to asm compiler
we should first get a basic overview of what we're gonna do first
@MarsUltor why
@MarsUltor halp, how juic asm.js, i tri fo 3 hour but no asm :(
So you can update jQuery straight from their website
we're writing js ground up in asm, right?
no idea
well first lets get a bootloader going
ok, how do you make a bootloader
idk, I though you knew how to do OS's.
I'm reading some tutorial right now
I thought you meant ostrich slime
ok, will read also
liking the comic sans
Comic Sans?
@Downgoat ^^^^^^
@EasterlyIrk beautiful :^)
Tried to get red text. shrugs
Should I change the color of the 'OS'?
I like JQueryOS.
@EasterlyIrk can you make it square?
@Dennis +1
@AlexA. thank you for the avocad meme starter.
@Downgoat yes brb
does anyone here know ASM?
Dead lizards always work for me.
@Downgoat @MarsUltor @Maltysen ^^^^^
@EasterlyIrk already updated github
@EasterlyIrk omg that scaling
@Maltysen it's perfect
The inaugural message.
ok, so I think I figured out how to make a hello world program in asm. Now I just have to program jQuery in ASM
@Downgoat you're already halfway there
in The Nineteenth Byte, 3 mins ago, by Maltysen
@EasterlyIrk omg that scaling
in The Nineteenth Byte, 30 secs ago, by Easterly Irk
@Maltysen good or bad?
@Maltysen ^
82 messages moved from The Nineteenth Byte
@EasterlyIrk reminds me of:
@ZachGates not anymore....
@Maltysen so bad?
not really
its fine
it was just funny
unfortunately I don't know asm
very good tutorial
if you know C you'll get the hang of it
don't know C either
don't worry, it's not that hard.
It is like js
well it's all stack-based
I have to go to bed now.
bai guys
@EasterlyIrk night!
oh, ping me pls after I leave so i remember tomorrow
@EasterlyIrk ping
Found the font
for the logo
Not sure if anyone wants to make a more jQuery-looking logo
Probably needs a different logo
@Downgoat, so basically, in the bootloader, we have to load up our actual file from the disc and execute it
Actual file?
because the bootloader is limited to 512 bytes
that starts the OS?
or the BIOS?
the BIOS calls the bootloader
which is the first 512 bytes of the disc
the bootloader is then supposed to call your OS stuff
we probably want to have js in one file
jquery in another
our interpreter in another
are we using V8?
and the OS in the last
@MarsUltor no we're writing our own
shouldn't jQuery be run by the OS?
why not?
it'll be run by the interpreter
OS -> interpreter -> jQuey?
it depends on how we want to structure it
we could just put the shell in the os file
Well, someone said it should break if there's no jQuery
well yes
wait, nvm
the shell won't be able to run any js commands like + and -
they'll be blocked
so just basic process commands?
idk node
js will have everything that it normally has
but you can't call + from the shell
probably need node as well
for filesystem access, imports etc
@MarsUltor what do we need to import?
and file i/o will be done through ajax
@Maltysen nothing, just assuming JS is the base language
which is part of jquery
@Maltysen How?
$.get("file:///myfile", function(data){console.log(data)})
@Downgoat read through the mikeos asm source files. they're very helpful
We just need a JS to asm compiler
then we can write the OS in JS
What kind of asm? x86?
okay, maybe not
but linux uses c, why are we using asm?
@MarsUltor we can use c
That is probably easier
we still need the bootloader in asm
and prolly some other boilerplate code to glue everything together in asm
i'm right now reading up on how all this works
and we can't use printf, fopen, etc.
have no idea why they only have three .asm files
16-bit mode?
^ We have two years to do this
Also, apparently this is how the kernel should be structured/what it should do.
is JS the best idea
many say JS is a bad language
Doesn't that have something to do with why you're making this in the first place?
But you can't have jQuery without JS ;)
If you really wanted, you could totally write all the JS stuff in a different programming language that transpiles down to Javascript (e.g. Typescript, or even something like Go or Scala)
Was gonna see how linux was written but encountered this
Useful resource #1: OSDev wiki
@Maltysen @Downgoat @ZachGates ping to make sure you remember
@MarsUltor there was also an operating system in 3,555 bytes of C with lots of whitespace written for 17th international obfuscated c contest (more details)
3 hours later…
@Everyone remember to make it a microkernel
Also try to make it small if it's possible. That way it will be very fast and customizable.
I've always wanted to make an OS.
2 hours later…
@PhiNotPi Should I then add you to the jQuery OS team?
How much have you guys already done? Almost nothing?
@PhiNotPi We've started on the bootloader but none of us know asm, so we're all learning along the way.
@PhiNotPi invited
Have you seen this article on the OSDev wiki:?
Is it even possible to compile JS to C or anything like that?
there is a C++ implementation of JavaScript so yes
I assume you are talking about
Spidermonkey is written in C/c++
Aren't all js interpreters written in c/c++?
Well, almost
well, Rhino is written in Java
Recompiling an existing interpreter to x86 won't work?
Btw, read the getting started section on osdev
/me hates using a windows phone
Also, apparently microkernels > hybrid > monolithic, just nobody's been bothered to create one that performs well
So, I guess the steps in loading the OS would look something like... boot loader calls a C program, which then has to implement all of the fancy functionality that the JS interpreter requires, and then we load up the interpreter, which we then feed the rest of the OS source?
And scroll up, there's some stuff about small OSes
@PhiNotPi any binary program will do, but we're probably using c
@PhiNotPi not sure if we can just recompile V8/spidermonkey
I'd honestly be really surprised if jQuery OS actually gets finished though
I think it should be renamed <something>.js because of XKCD. and node.js/os.js
@PhiNotPi fancy functionality?
@Downgoat but that doesn't end in .js :(
@MarsUltor I'm basing that assumption off of this...
Maybe jqueryos.js?
You should now
	# realize one of the profound truths about kernel mode: There is nothing
	# there unless you provide it yourself. There is no printf function. There
	# is no <stdio.h> header. If you want a function, you will have to code it
	# yourself. And that is one of the best things about kernel development:
	# you get to make the entire system yourself.
@PhiNotPi whaaaaat
is there still argc and argv?
@Downgoat c for OSes
My assumption is that, whatever is in the JS interpreter, it probably assumes a lot of OS functionality that we will have to provide it.
do I have to do asm to add to the output register then?
@Downgoat ?
there is no stdio so I don't know how to do input/output
If we want to print to screen, we will have to write directly to video memory:
oh my gosh
@Downgoat scroll up, apparently it's possible in 3kb
Someone made an 8086 emulator in 8086 bytes as well IIRC
people are crazy, but so are we
@Downgoat also, somewhere up there I linked to a small OS with nice graphics that fits in a floppy disk
@Downgoat interrupes
Also, since I hope we're gonna make it a microkernel, it should mean much of the stuff is not run by the kernel
hm, where is the stdio source code...
okai morning
did you go all through the night?
@EasterlyIrk monking
I'm writing a display thing right now...
What can I help with?
you can help write some IO stuff
or really anything
the bootloader has been barely started
Are we going to make our own or use a premade one?
we're going to make our own
we're going to use spidermonkey's JS engine though
/me has yet to sleep
What time is it for you @MarsUltor?
9:20am here.
I usually read webcomics from around 12 to 3, because I'm supposed to be asleep but I don't really feel like sleeping, and I can do hardly anything on my phone
You still have to deal with parents?
Has anyone here killed the Doom final boss on nightmare mode?
According to the site, that is harder than creating an os.
@EasterlyIrk ?
Are you a highschooler, college student, or adult?
@EasterlyIrk highschooler
Apparently a lot of people here seen to be highschoolers
Technically I am a middle schooler, but eh.
same thing
More specifically, 15-16
@MarsUltor A lot yeah
@EasterlyIrk Wait what
I think the majority is 20-25.
@MarsUltor I am a middle schooler.
Are you not american?
@EasterlyIrk what grade?
/me is too lazy to bring up SE rules
Btw, Australian
I am 13, so I am fine here.
@MarsUltor oh yeah
YOu made me think that Downgoat was australian when you were Upgoat.
That was really confusing.
@EasterlyIrk just no personal details allowed or something I think
yeah, that's right.
Minibits has an 'account' created with permission from his dad, Geobits.
@EasterlyIrk wait, minibits has an account?
brb finding
On PPCG and Arqade.
I think he is 7-8.
if anyone has a VM can you compile and test the OS?
brb getting VM
BTW, I kinda know how Americans are different, just I wasn't aware there were any <15 year olds here
@EasterlyIrk get virtualbox
Also might need NASM
got that
brew install nasm was ran last night.
7 rep?
2 answer up, 2 answer down.
screw grammar
He answered something to a guy using cheats, which got him into the original problem.
do we want to use BIOS for our I/O or make our own?
Start with BIOS.
and do we want graphic support or just plain text?
Plain text.
Figlet + Picascii.
I'll do GUI, that we we can admire the jquery in full HD
Also, how can I boot AvocadOS into VirtualBOx?
no idea
did you built it?
I think you have ot modify the master boot record
I think it needs a .iso.
I can do it tomorrow
Also, will this have a c9?
brb making
Booting avocados is a bad idea
A: Creating a bootable ISO image with custom bootloader

Michael PetchIt appears you found your example for creating a bootable ISO image from this StackOverflow Answer. Unfortunately you picked an accepted answer that is incorrect in many ways. Pretend you never saw that answer. On most Linux distros either a program called genisoimage or mkisofs exists. These da...

@EasterlyIrk ^
Okay, so I am working on testing it. Great.
I think I might have to fix the bootloader
yah, it errors
when I try to boot it
also, any windows users put a win8 .iso online for free pls?
I'll try to get the booting done before the display then
04:00 - 17:0017:00 - 00:00

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