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how are you testing it?
@PhiNotPi we're just trying to get it to compile for now. We would be able to put it into the MBR in a VM and test it but I haven't installed virtual box yet...
Hey, I'll start redesigning the website.
The site needs moar bad grammar and speling
@MamaFunRoll No.
@MarsUltor yes we haz to
Nah, but it needs a link and longer description.
@MamaFunRoll Seriously no.
@EasterlyIrk ok fine
Um... what about the "Goals" section? Should we... fix.. that?
Can we use this logo?
We will probably need to change the blue bit though
I would prefer not to use the jQuery logo.
@PhiNotPi I'm making one right now.
@MarsUltor Have you read this? brand.jquery.org/logos
@PhiNotPi Yeah
Wait :(
We'll need our own logo then
Not sure if the avocado font is a good idea
Just a mockup. Will probably need improvement.
Looks nice though IMO
Minimalistic font/avocado + avocado color = good
@PhiNotPi +1 = star
Has anyone managed to make a cross-compiler?
@PhiNotPi ?
get the packages there
Yes, I've been looking over that article.
Has anyone made one yet?
Not yet
I'm getting the binutils and gcc source
> Brooks' Law states that the more people on a project, the longer it takes
> The only way around this is to split the project into parts that you get people working on and only on that part. Good luck.
Anyone have the link to the original, deleted avocad meme?
No link to the original meme?
@MamaFunRoll A very nice image with errors, I guess
yeah, I'm getting an image error
It works if you view image and then refresh though
Huh. Weird.
I'll be using a SVG included in the folder though when I do the real thing, so no worries.
@MamaFunRoll could the stroke around the second "a" in the logo (the avacado) have a shorter line width at the end?
^- that works
Also, D: what is the background color behind the logo
@MarsUltor still an image error
I think it should be avocado flesh green or something
Could the "A" and "OS" also be in a slightly larger font?
@PhiNotPi Blame the cache?
@Downgoat *slightly larger font size
> What AvocadOS?
@MamaFunRoll s/avocado juice/advacado juice
the avocado could also be on the O
ack, wrong link
it's avocad
I know, that's just an example I found online
The way it currently is, you can just have avocad and the avocado is still there
@MamaFunRoll you need to link to 'how to add two numbers via jquery' question
Only jQuery, otherwise not enough jQuery! <- too much?
jQuery operators will be annoying
what's wrong with jQuery operators?
$.plus(1, 2) is more code than 1 + 2?
$.number($.array($.digit($.one), $.digit($.ten)))
that should be how we should make numbers
I'll go to dinner, then fix up all the things.
The boot animation should be peeling/cutting an avocad or something
that would be cool
but first we should make the bootloader
Also, fixed the spelling in ^^^^^
I don't know if there's enough memory to do that
Also, this subtitle might not be accurate: "A Revolutionary Browser Running jQuery"
@Downgoat ?
@MarsUltor there's a limited amount of memory allocated for all the boot stuff
@Downgoat Well, windows has a boot animation
The actual boot loader itself can only be 512 bytes or so. It's responsible for either loading the operating system or a more complex boot loader.
yes. Windows, Mac, and linux have very complicate boot setups.
So it will probably call a more complex bootloader. That will then call the animation, then do the initialization?
yeah, but that's far off
I'm running make on binutils right now.
Now I'm making gcc
Wow this takes a long time.
@PhiNotPi with the right command-line options?
I'm following the OSDev guide.
woo! cross compiler
now to test it out on something
Okay guys, I'm back. About the site: I just took the original site and copied most of the content onto the new site. There's still some proofreading to do.
@MamaFunRoll I'm still getting an image error
I also don't think "Browser" is the right term.
@PhiNotPi lolwow what am i thinking
YES! I got the "Bare Bones" example to work.
@PhiNotPi :O \o/
> The Linux kernel took over one year of very dedicated work to get into a semblance of usefulness
We need a roadmap
@MarsUltor how should we make one?
plan stuff
bootloader/bootstrap is first
for some reason my background is the avacados thing...
then bootloader, then work on getting a functional terminal environment
@Downgoat ?
BTW, the roadmap should be a page on the website
@MarsUltor yeah. The one thing I've been finding difficult is high-resolution displays. The video memory is too small to contain all the display stuff
@MamaFunRoll can you make the website a background an svg and add padding to the content?
oh it already is :/
this maybe?
@MamaFunRoll the logo isn't actually an SVG, just a embedded image in an svg, can you upload an actual svg?
@MamaFunRoll You embedded it again? ಠ_ಠ
@MarsUltor that uses video memory, it'll only work with very old / very low res monitors
> Assuming that you are in protected mode and not using the BIOS to write text to screen, you will have write directly to "video" memory.
we should do .set MAGIC, 0xA?0CAD05
idk what to replace the v with
or does the magic number have to be that?
The magic number isn't something we can pick and choose.
0x1BADB002 is magic.
I think it means "one bad boot"
from the grub manual thing:
does anyone know what font the logo is using?
>3.1.2 The magic fields of Multiboot header
>The field ‘magic’ is the magic number identifying the header, which must be the hexadecimal value 0x1BADB002.
D: no newline support
@MarsUltor #AB0CAD05
nevermind, it's Okojo
I'm sure we'll need our own magic number somewhere. Possibly.
@Downgoat ?
@MarsUltor This means we can pick our own newline format.
Since there's already \n and \r\n, I vote we use \a (the bell character)
@MamaFunRoll happened
use \n, it's more standards-compliant
I'm going to try to fix it
@Downgoat Damnit, ninja'd
@Downgoat It just is a raw copy of the jQuery logo, with OS drawn next to it.
What website are you talking about?
@zyabin101theHated no, the avacados
mama fun roll didn't upload an svg so I'm remaking the logo
And avocados covering the logo.
Um I'm using Jade.
The one-line HTML is compiled code.
Just look at the Jade file.
@MamaFunRoll can you upload the svg file for the logo?
Wait wat? Um okay.
@PhiNotPi Oh apparently it doesn't work anymore :P
use ppcg.lol
@zyabin101theHated Useless in this context. As I said, it's compiled from Jade.
@All: avocad.ppcg.lol auto-redirects to the avocad question! (now deleted)
But 10k+ can see it!
how's that?
Also, s/avocado fanatic/advacado fanatic
if (c  = '\n') {
     terminal_column = 0;
     //TODO: scrolling support, possibly
@Downgoat Still working on improving the logo
@Phi how do you build the cross-compiler?
@MarsUltor magic
@MarsUltor majik
that, and following the steps on this page: wiki.osdev.org/GCC_Cross-Compiler
@PhiNotPi ಠ_ಠ
@MarsUltor IKR?
majik not magic
what does ../binutils-x.y.z/configure do?
that's a path
(you have to substitute the x.y.z with the actual numbers)
> You need to use a cross-compiler unless you are developing on your own operating system.
yeah, but how does the configure even appear there?
we're developing our own OS aren't we?
But not developing while using.
But not on/with it yet
> developing on your own operating system
e.g. you can use a Linux compiler to develop Linux
@EasterlyIrk ?
2 mins ago, by Easterly Irk
majik not magic
IKR? = I know right?
oh that
The color scheme is a bit off I think.
Still looking for a better color combo...
Brown needs to be more brown/orange maybe?
Green then brown.
Try green = #030
try #F7ED8F
or #FEE6C2
@Downgoat add the github link and website link to the room description.
brown = #310 maybe?
@MamaFunRoll The brown is a bit yellow, and the green a bit grey IMO
I'm working on it!
16 mins ago, by Downgoat
user image
any feedback on that? ^
@Downgoat Black avocad = bad I think/inconsistent with the seed
It's good as is.
@MarsUltor I know, will fix
IDK, but the flesh could be a bit lighter?
I'll try to make a better avocad
@MarsUltor yeah
Pretty sure this dark green is a bit grey as well
Um... better?
Pure green would probably work better - #010, #020, #030 etc
perhaps add a bakcground color
@MamaFunRoll Wait, can you link the source?
@MamaFunRoll Green then brown.
@Downgoat No, the website will have the background
@MarsUltor None to link... that's straight from my desktop.
For the text.
We should discuss the tagline.
@MamaFunRoll can you review my jade?
Maybe "AvocadOS—the write less get more operating system"?
@MamaFunRoll if it's a SVG, can't you paste the source in pastebin or something?
I edited with a link, but idk if i has good jade syntax.
@zyabin101theHated Not really
@MarsUltor he has link
@zyabin101theHated Don't be walmart.
@EasterlyIrk ?
@MarsUltor No. Um... I'm editing a PNG right now.
@MamaFunRoll D:
@EasterlyIrk Um... you didn't compile the Jade.
idk how
@Downgoat pls give me the source
TBH, I think the only logo modification that we really needed was more space around the avocado.
Then "AvocadOS—the fast, small, and feature-rich but also compact OS?"
So that the green didn't show up on the inside of the C.
@zyabin101theHated Erm... nope. Oppose. No.
@zyabin101theHated Our main goal is to have jQuery.
@PhiNotPi Okay, I'll do that.
@zyabin101theHated We're using Spidermonkey, so the OS will not be compact
@zyabin101theHated no tagline yet.
Wait the original logo's green was okay or not?
And for god's sake, change your username!!!!!
@zyabin101*theHated* ^
@EasterlyIrk why?
zyabin101*theHated* is getting annoying.
@MamaFunRoll I prefer #020/#030, IDK about everyone else
@MarsUltor So the original green.
@EasterlyIrk How?
I liked the more vivid green (even if the new green is more realistic)
It makes it seem like he is trying to guilt us into something.
@PhiNotPi So the original green.
@EasterlyIrk They, in the Nineteenth Byte, froze me, so I had to reflect this.
@PhiNotPi Alrighty then... I'll change that real quick.
Original logo, just a tad more spacing around the actual avocad
I got newlines to work!
avocad != avocado
25 mins ago, by Mars Ultor
if (c  = '\n') {
     terminal_column = 0;
     //TODO: scrolling support, possibly
@MarsUltor I feel like those are basically the same thing.
forgot to add a return;
@PhiNotPi IDK, I always thought an avocad was an unusually hard-to-juice variety of avocado
@MamaFunRoll I don't like the larger OS though, personally. (IDK what others think)
Now that I look at it, I don't like the bigger lettering.
^ logo?
@MamaFunRoll The brown looks a little dark, maybe something more like #310?
@MarsUltor they are identical
Name changed. But if they freeze me for another--- oh, wait, I have enough rep on my parent site.
void terminal_newline() {
    terminal_column = 0;
    if (++terminal_row == VGA_HEIGHT) {
        terminal_row = 0;
    //TODO: scrolling support, possibly

void terminal_putchar(char c) {
    if (c  == '\n') {
    } else {
        terminal_putentryat(c, terminal_color, terminal_column, terminal_row);
        if (++terminal_column == VGA_WIDTH) {
^ how I changed the bare bones
@zyabin101 what do you mean freeze?
so this is looping?
@EasterlyIrk Suspend.
1 min ago, by Downgoat
user image
feedback pls
is good
@PhiNotPi After the bottom line it goes back to the top line?
@Downgoat +1
@MarsUltor there's no loops in that
@Downgoat 0/10 the top looks misshapen
@PhiNotPi I meant the output loops around the screen
@PhiNotPi Can you check other escape sequences?
@MarsUltor wadda you mean?
@MarsUltor yes, that's just the "simple" method, no scrolling yet
@Downgoat Looks weird because one side is pointier than the other.
will fix
@PhiNotPi So, how does scrolling work normally though? It seems the entire buffer would need to be changed
@MarsUltor That's what I assume, too.
Um, is the above logo the final logo?
@Downgoat I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's too detailed.
No really, it's got too many colors.
well that's it stylized, it'll look more simple when I take out the background
@MamaFunRoll But it can be used as a standalone/instantly recognizable logo
yeah, that was my goal
@MamaFunRoll 4 colors = too many?
@MarsUltor Oh, I thought it was going in the "Avocado" lettering.
@MamaFunRoll add 1 pixel or a couple between the DO?
nvm then, it's pretty good.
there's a relevant XKCD about kerning I'll only passively mention
@MamaFunRoll It probably means you'll need to use that in the logo though, just simplified
@PhiNotPi lol perfectionist much? I'll change it.
But seriously though, it actually looks professional.
Night guys!

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