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ok seems that og tag is working, however, FB was wined is is not a full url, so if fixed that, however, it was not that important as I got the impression(probably because of my slow connection) initially. so it not must fix, it good to be that way
@MolbOrg good. let me set aside trying to figure out my weird thing right now, and pull that
before i do that, let me note, that after i switched the branch i was on back to master, but before i ran make to rebuild the moonwards.com folder, when i refreshed the tab that was the local copy of index.html, finally it actually rendered some css changes i'd been playing with.
that could be the ravings of someone who hasn't noticed something that explains that, but i'd spent the previous 45 minutes trying to get it to do that, so it seems significant to me.
ok. now, for things that work.
hm, technically the property="og:image" is supposed to come before content="stuff" but it doesn't seem to be making any difference
@MolbOrg ok, it's on the website
but i'll probably change the default image.
in fact, i'm sure i will. that one looks good but doesn't describe Moonwards enough. i'll make one that includes the logo.
like maybe a cropped rearrangement of this one:
1 hour later…
that image which is used currently is eye candy - good colors, a lot of details for fantasy, fancy etc.
So you might think how to blend it with the image you have chosen.
Probably it is a good idea to have covers folder so to not mix images which are used as images and images which are used as covers.
as order I guess is just properties of meta, an array of key:value, so the order is deeply irrelevant
I would use the right bottom corner to blend with that stirling image.
like a road of solar collectors approaching and that red machinery details stuff
yeah. i'll take a look tomorrow to see if i can find a good angle in the actual colony that gets in the right things, and then put the logo on top somehow that fits.
or maybe a montage, like you are suggesting.
you know, GitHub isn't registering any of my commits, and hasn't for about 3 months.
it's really starting to look bad.
i finally sent a support request
2 hours later…
@kimholder Is your email in git the same as on Github? That could explain it.
3 hours later…
Tether width plot (steel):
Earth space elevator with anchor in geostationary altitude: (future carbon nanotubes)
6 hours later…
@Hohmannfan no, turns out is isn't. i have no memory at all of changing that.
@kimholder I have looked around, but it does not look like it is possible to reclaim those commits.
well, i noticed it a few weeks ago and did nothing about it. it just finally got to the point where i thought - hey, with more collaborators and more traffic, this sort of matters...
"She says she has a project, but look at her commit history! Better move on"
^like this?
:] yeah... just like that...
I have also watched some of those "The Tick" episodes. Better than a lot of such stuff, but not particularly my style. However, my taste might be questionable.
I wonder why Github still counts it as a single contributor though.
no, it doesn't even that.
They are just credited to the generic octocat.
@Hohmannfan i don't really get anime, so i can't judge.
well, it didn't go on too long...
Well, the chance of getting a bad show the first time is certainly very high.
i haven't watched them in a long time, there were just certain things about it i really liked. The new live action version is a lot better.
@kimholder Writing the tether illustration was a lot of fun, and I now have a lot of reusable code. Any other stuff that could need diagrams like that?
could you work again on the animation of how the lunar tether works?
i can't seem to find that - what is it called?
i can find the one that is on the website, but not the one i used at the conference
oh yeah... wow, that looks pretty good
the only thing with the other is that i think it is better for getting a sense of how it works
I think I have figured out how to expand upon it.
that's great. i have come to feel that presenting the tethers as something that would really work, and can really be done, is a pretty central point.
and they are certainly a magnet for the curious
thanks for removing the forum...
the cable scale thing - it seems counter-intuitive to me that it gets thicker when the tapering is lower.
i think it would be clearer if the part that is a taper extends from a representation of the cable that starts at a standard thickness
But then it can become way too large to display. I have a fixed max-width.
although, that would mean that if the taper ratio is very high, it goes out of the box
yes, just realized that
I can see if I can make it look a little nicer later.
it is really a matter of explanation, then
this is why i like having the option of putting in notes that only appear if you hover over something
The diagram is svg, so that is much easier to implement than if it was a canvas
well, maybe it is alright for the section that tapers outwards to extend out of the box if it doesn't fit, same as the planet
Either a <title> tag, or a <set> animation with begin="someID.mouseover"
oh, you meant that part. yeah - that sounds good
Still no wide support for the next stage of the svg documentation, so I still have to so ridiculous things like <rect x="-100%" y="-100%" width="200%" height="200%" fill="black"/>
i need to try to properly respond to each of the two answers to my tether foot capsule drop question
which is going to take me some time. i should have realized i was going to be expected to figure some things out and think about this on a higher level.
1 hour later…
according to system monitor, gedit is eating 12% of my cpu resources, and 12.4 GB of ram...
i have not, in fact, opened gedit
ending that process made no apparent difference to anything. i just installed the Wolfram CDF player, i wonder if that was the cause here.
and i had Geogebra open until just before that
funny site, but flash is not working for me, so can't tell if their research projects are accessible from front page

there are some funny ones
i pushed my blog changes dev branch to the repo. something is making it not register changes made to css, and i changed the makefile and build.sh so it would.
so, i'm stuck there, i can't change the css until that is fixed
ah - the problem is in the post layout...
at least partly
@kimholder Yo. Setting up a site. I have a domain. Next thing is finding a host, right?
yes. can you use the hosting i already have?
Not sure. I don't know this stuff. That is why I am asking.
But that would be very nice.
let me see if i can figure that out. i am not the best person to ask, but i'll see...
hm.... no, as soon as there is a different domain name, it has to be a separate hosting package, even though moonwards has plenty of space
it would only work if you set up a redirect and put it in hidden folders that are actually part of moonwards.com
I have bought "brendberg.no", and it essentially has two purposes.
1. Host my own creations so I can point to it with links so it is accessible.
2. Host my fathers articles in an archive, for the same reason.
Can you point me to a place to get started about hosting packages? You kinda know what I want (direct file upload, shell access, possibility for setting up a database, etc.)
you don't want to do it through github pages?
they restrict a lot of scripts, right?
oh yeah, and all that shell stuff... and databases...
I am a person that is sooner or later going to need a website anyway.
for sure
I have also got permission to format my sister's book as an ebook, so it is going there as well :D
oh wait - i was wrong.
log into the server and tell me what you see.
FileZilla or the dreamhost control panel?
(rest of conversation on email, future chat readers)
1 hour later…
so kind of you - future reader
@kimholder Ok I think we are done. This is always messy. Thank you for the help.
No problem. I need to find ways for my volunteers to benefit from their work here.
ok, my little problem with trying to make the css for the posts works is now both on the repo and the website, and it's bad.
the css just won't compile
seriously, i'm just going to go into the compiled version, edit the css, push it to the server, and figure this out later...
take that jekyll!!
I think there is a 45% chance that is my fault somehow.
hell, i don't know... i'm just happy i can now do something i am good at.
of course, we kind of need to figure this out soon.... otherwise i'll need to make this fix each time i push to the server after a make.
let me just save a backup version of that file...
aw, crap, i have to redo the nav links...
there on the blog pages. the folder structure breaks them.
Let me get this straight. It does not compile new css files when you change a sass file? I tested it, and that works.
yes, that is what was happening.
let me see...
sigvart@hoh:~/moonwards$ make
sass sass/404css.sass css/404css.nest.sass.css --sourcemap=none
jekyll build
Configuration file: /home/sigvart/moonwards/_config.yml
            Source: /home/sigvart/moonwards
       Destination: moonwards.com
 Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
                    done in 1.34 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
When I change the 404css.sass file.
i wonder if there was something that changed when i did a merge of that branch back to master...
i had already changed the build.sh and makefile to match the update, when i was working on the branch
I pulled the latest changes, and it still works.
The css is also no longer broken.
well, on my machine, i still can't get css to compile
Change the order of two elements in the 404css.sass file. Save it. Run make. Paste the output here.
oh wait - for posts, it always has to pull the css from the server, because of the file structure. That was a bad example.
but, i can show it...
in sass, background color is yellow. in the compiled version, it is black, like it was before
I requested terminal output. That is not terminal output. I can not figure out anything from viewing compiled results.
Again, make sure a sass file is changed a little, run make and give me the output.
oh sorry - i didn't see that, i was trying to make the image
`kim@kim-MS-7917:~/moonwards$ make
jekyll build
Configuration file: /home/kim/moonwards/_config.yml
Source: /home/kim/moonwards
Destination: moonwards.com
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
done in 0.608 seconds.
Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
kim@kim-MS-7917:~/moonwards$ `
hm, but that one built properly...
No. It didn't.
I see no sass compilation going on in that build.
Also, your link production is not working. The link points to "/201708/25/The-Mother-Ship.html", but the file is located at "/2017/08/25/The-Mothership.html"
oh... i did it wrong. god i'm bad at this - here, this compile had a sass change, and it compiled the sass. the last one was an html change.
kim@kim-MS-7917:~/moonwards$ make
sass sass/404css.sass css/404css.nest.sass.css --sourcemap=none
jekyll build
Configuration file: /home/kim/moonwards/_config.yml
Source: /home/kim/moonwards
Destination: moonwards.com
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
done in 0.61 seconds.
Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
@Hohmannfan that's a typo, that's easy to fix
Good. Sass confirmed to work.
but the changes in post were changes to sass too
Notice how there are two typos in there. Both the path and the file name is wrong.
The path error is systematic, it applies to all the posts.
I see how to fix that one.
Done. Pull it from github.
You have to fix the typo in the file name yourself.
Also, the blog structure is stable at /<year>/<month>/<day>/post, so the css can be at ../../../css/posts.nest.sass.css. I changed that as well.
Anything else?
posts sass still isn't building on my machine
hm, there was an extra space before it's name in the makefile...
no, that's not it..
Works for me (both with and without the extra space):
sigvart@hoh:~/moonwards$ make
sass sass/posts.sass css/posts.nest.sass.css --sourcemap=none
jekyll build
What happens if you delete the file "css/posts.nest.sass.css" and try to run make again? What does it output?
sorry - yes, it built it properly that time
kim@kim-MS-7917:~/moonwards$ make
jekyll build
Configuration file: /home/kim/moonwards/_config.yml
Source: /home/kim/moonwards
Destination: moonwards.com
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
done in 0.625 seconds.
Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
kim@kim-MS-7917:~/moonwards$ make
sass sass/posts.sass css/posts.nest.sass.css --sourcemap=none
jekyll build
Configuration file: /home/kim/moonwards/_config.yml
Source: /home/kim/moonwards
Test2. Add a few extra blank lines to "sass/posts.sass". Run make. What does it say now?
i changed the background from red to black. it didn't compile
kim@kim-MS-7917:~/moonwards$ make
jekyll build
Configuration file: /home/kim/moonwards/_config.yml
Source: /home/kim/moonwards
Destination: moonwards.com
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
done in 0.614 seconds.
Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
I see! Now I understand why!
for shake of nordic god's make the blog thing higher, at least 2-3 screens :D
@kimholder sass/posts.sass is not actually changed, it just consists of imports. Make looks at the file and thinks: "nope, nothing new here, not going to compile this"
I can try to think up a way to solve this.
ah - yes, that used to work though
everything except the 404 is like that
why does it work for you though?
It doesn't, I tested on the 404 :)
@MolbOrg :P
@Hohmannfan :P :P
Quick fix: make it always compile all the sass.
you mean, just like i always tell Filezilla to upload everything that has changed size, and make it check it all, even though i just changed one file? :)
It would increase build time, but that's ok if we avoid wasting time now.
we are talking about seconds, here
how about to clean git repo a bit
and to think about mindfulness to use git to store zip files?

All sizes are in kB. The pack column is the size of the object, compressed, inside the pack file.
size pack SHA location
94116 87117 f5f3682b8be5f00dfae66f8c85a47969f887d7ba GalleryLalandeStripped.blend.zip
45421 9630 db0864df9af68315819b63771902bd6e77779a53 archive/DugoutHab-Cutaway/DugoutHab-Cutaway.html
32167 6613 793757f0bc99bc29aef27ff98bcfc55b1fac6dc7 archive/DugoutHab-Cutaway/DugoutHab-Cutaway.bin
maybe separate it in 2 parts data and site. as long as github provides free space and trafic
oh - um, it is only me that might ever use those old files...
once again, i thought i'd cleaned those out
they are packed in git revision history, the same way as forum packed in it
yeah, that was part of my past, when i used the repo to back up lots of stuff
oh, interesting...
however, highly recommend doing backups of backups and the backups before messing with all that just in case
once upon a time, i uploaded the entire git record to the moonwards server
i did it by accident, but then i decided to just let it run its course
when Hoh found that, he was scandalized at the waste of space, and we chucked it out
i have 2 external drives with everything you've listed
@kimholder I wrote it in build.sh. git pull and test.
Now all the sass is always compiled.
Anything more then? Or can I go to bed?
merge conflict in makefile. but i can figure that out.
it's the theme of the week - learn to use git properly
you should really go to bed and dream of berries
oh, look, they're almost the same
it's supposed to have that SHELL line, huh?
kim@kim-MS-7917:~/moonwards$ make
sass sass/404css.sass css/404css.nest.sass.css --sourcemap=none
jekyll build
Configuration file: /home/kim/moonwards/_config.yml
Source: /home/kim/moonwards
Destination: moonwards.com
Incremental build: disabled. Enable with --incremental
done in 0.6 seconds.
Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.
is that right?
yes, it just compiled a change to sass/_post-styles.sass
doesn't list the sass check in the terminal, but it changed it
looks right. Yes, SHELL, just in case for later. Yes, that is like it should be.
I have resolved merge conflicts! I have rebased! I have checked out commits! I have created and merged branches!
I am powerful!!

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