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oh - but this week - diagrams
how speculative is OK? Do you have in mind a lower TLR limit. e.g. if you know (or can reasonably estimate) the thing is TLR-3 or higher, and it fits the requirements and constraints of Moonwards, then it's good to include a description of it.
BTW I just put a pic up on the Kilopower wiki page. It needs better cropping. But as a trial, it worked anyway.
TRL-3 would be a baseline, yes
yep, that's good
god, you know, someone at NASA has those models, just sitting there.
i have been thinking a little down the road i should mount a campaign to try to get access to a bunch of those.
there's nothing worthy of ITAR there.
i'm going to make the nuclear reactors article in the sidebar point to that
>my OS is ubuntu and i have a great tool for that
window also has a great tool for that, just forgot which one, people have shown it me a few years ago, and I even used it at win machine at work. won't do total recall for that, but they have tools
wow. that would be great. My requests and inquiries to Japanese entities have been summarily rejected, and probably gotten me on some kind of list.
the recipe seems to be good as for me http://davidensinger.com/2013/04/adding-open-graph-tags-to-jekyll/
but it needs an image, and also you might consider using featured images for articles
I like this one )
What's the caption on it? Is it the Kilopower system 3D rendering concept by you and Kim specific to Moonwards, or a NASA rendering?
that wasn't a nuclear system, that one is solar thermal
@MolbOrg that seems like an odd way to do it... maybe i'm missing somthing...
hm ^o?
that one is for much further in the future, so it is much more speculative
got it
it is for jekyll, to insert those og tags through its means. So you can mark any record with image variable and it should insert that image og tag with the value specified in header for jekyll
anyway ... lots of pics up on the wiki now. not sure if they're all in the right place - I kind of rushed through it. have to go to work now
@MolbOrg it seems simpler to make an include that lists each meta tag, and then enter the parameters you want as part of the front matter of each tag
you have to define each one anyhow, why do it with that convoluted code?
@550AU have a good day, i'll go take a look ;)
so each page could have its own cover image - each blog record and all that, different types different layouts
not needed for now, at least
yes, let me show you an example
I pushed it 3 lines of changes
yeah, like that, but i think it is clearer and easier to enter that in the code for the generated page by making it part of an include
<meta name="description" content="{{page.description}}">
that's from _includes/commonHeadElements.html
it can be empty, then there will be empty meta tag
which is then put in all the pages with a default layout, from the _layout folder, as its own include
if it's empty, you just don't put it in the front matter
the _posts folder files are good examples
layout: post
comments: true
title: The Mother Ship
date: 2017-08-25
url: 2017/08/25/The-Mother-Ship.html
identifier: 2017-08-25
the tags part is there actually so i remember at some point that should be filled in...
this way it won't change the behavior of old records but will react on image variable
idk feel free to change any way you like. currently, it seems to be correct ideologically and practically and probably even should show that image when some one share link to index page.
actually, probably i should resize it for the job, no?
i'm looking at the earlier related post now
idk there are some requirements for images, but more in the big side and proportions.
a good idea would be to have special default cover image, I used what is and which introduces minimal changes
@MolbOrg no, you go ahead. why don't you start a branch and set it up.
set it up?
it's better for you and Hoh to work these things out. it seemed a little like overkill to me, but maybe in the big picture it is a good idea.
well, that code for the template?
do you think you could adapt that?
i mean, don't if you don't want to, but you have it all thought through, and i have a bunch of images to create...
do you mean full blown twitter facebook all required tags - or what ?
i looked into it a little. They all default to reading the standard <title> tag if there isn't anything else
and twitter and google+ will both read og if their own aren't there
share for moonwards.com on facebook looks good except of laking an image - that all what was needed to fix for facebook sharing
other thing is to add images to posts - so when someone shares a post of you, then there would ne post specific image
yeah - we have title and description, image is important, and i can't decide about the others
but if you wish to have that it just require add image: "path/to/image.jpg" in header to those posts
it seems sort of excessive at this stage to set up an if / else condition
but then, as you say, many posts don't have an image
so an if / else there could be useful
I'll wait 5 minutes silently, until you accept :D
I wish to test if it works
I mean to test if og tag thing works
the squint is for predicting my impending acceptance
the only creature which is good at convincing you is you self :D
og:type should go in too...
i have to talk to you by typing a lot. i am much more reasonable in person.
atm there is nothing at all and fb is happy to guess things developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/…
and basically for everything that can be shared the type is website
i was just looking at the options they have for that
really you overcomplicate that. let's start it had no og at all, hopefully, it didn't something a little bit better. and added one potential tag to use.
instead of checking all previous records do they conform new tags and all that.
keep it simple
no, it's that i saw a list of possible values there that i now can't find, and it seemed possibly worthwhile to use it
you can specify website, or article, or video, or maybe something for the models
or blog
where was that...
Q: What are facebook's og:type's allowed values?

Robin ManoliI have found links to this page, but it does not supply the information I need: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/opengraph/#types What are the possible types?

wow. trippy....
ok fine. we'll just add the images
jeez, they accept huge images. they want huge images
well. that makes life easy.
ok. so... tomorrow i'll add images to a bunch of things
as part of their front matter
although... yeah, i should try to do that thing again about redoing things so blog posts open in a separate page
and then i'll add images to things
and then, i tackle the timeline...
huh, looks like GitHub doesn't count you as a contributor because your contributions are in the wiki, @550AU . So unfair.
7 hours later…
Cool, even viewBox can be animated in SMIL.
3 hours later…
@Hohmannfan after a pull and a make, the blog index is still unformatted for me.
@kimholder I don't know, css is your area of expertise.
the blog css isn't being built. maybe i need to reinsert it in the makefile...
that's the thing - it wasn't being formatted at all, not just wrong.
yeah, that's it...
that work you did yesteday figuring out how jekyll was building?...
looks like it wasn't even the problem :D
@kimholder I added a dynamic diagram to the tether tool. Take a look!
more details later.
:) looking good. i'm interested in the final product.
all now pushed to the website
The syntax for adding an animation to an svg with js is extremely wordy. You must write stuff like this:
var animation = document.createElementNS(svgNS,"animate");
animation.setAttributeNS(null,"dur", 1.5);
But I love svg anyway.
good time for autocomplete functionality.
Or write a few functions.
yes, better.
Not worth it at the moment though, not started to type movies in gedit yet.
just think what a GUI could do for you now... what's a few extra KB in file size?
Not size but control.
I think I have found a very bad way to write functions: Input the equation you want to solve into wolfram alpha, and then do search and replace to turn the solution into valid javascript.
that's clearly abusive :)
But it works, so what is wrong with it?
no, don't make me look at that...
although when i scan it, it's fairly readable...
not very understandable, but readable
It even works (after fixing the typo, see if you can find it :P)
Guess it is part of the code base now :D
Meh, replaced it with a numeric method. Maintainability is important.
yeah, it was the kind of thing you put in proprietary software that is maintained for an annual service fee :D
There. Now it outputs a list of minimum release altitudes.
It covers the parent, siblings and uncles. (so for a tether in orbit around Ganymede, you get Jupiter, [Io, Europa,...] and [Earth,Mars,Saturn,...]
Oh. The list does not reset itself.
just a moment....
^example using our Moon tether.
Markers added to the diagram. (top altitude 20000km):
That's enough work for today.
i sure like that. let me just push that...
@Hohmannfan the velocity to reach Earth from the Moon has dropped to 840 m/s. Was there a mistake, or something you didn't consider?
@Hohmannfan ignore last.... :P
i wasn't considering the altitude at release. wrong tab.
no wait...
yeah, whatever the release altitude, the figures in brackets of the minimum velocity to reach Earth from the Moon has dropped from 1030 to 840 m/s.
are you calculating it from a different altitude?
@kimholder The old number was just from some table online. Turns out it was not correct (discovered it while automating the release altitude calculations).
Wolfram alpha verification: "https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=moon+orbital+speed+-+sqrt(earth+mass*grav‌​itational+constant*(2%2Fmoon+semimajor+axis+-+2%2F(moon+semimajor+axis+%2B+earth+‌​radius)))"
:D huh. what do you know...
If fact slightly lower than that as you have to consider the atmosphere of Earth. Let me edit that.
In fact it should also use the equatorRadius property when it is available in planets.json.
truly you out-nerd me vastly.
hm - minor issue. When you put in data for an Earth tether, it shows you all the results, but they are so tiny you can't read them.
but - tomorrow
Implemented the atmosphere. Changed it from 838.119 to 836.706 m/s
there are variants on this issue for other bodies. the same parameters for charon causes a whole bunch of destinations to be printed all on top of each other.
That is because Earth is big. The viewBox is set to always be wide enough to show the planet.
on the other hand, it is extremely cool that charon is there at all
The issue with Charon is that it has some missing orbital data. That causes all the locations to be printed on top of each other.
That is probably the case with other bodies too. I do some filtering to only use those with enough data, but the best solution is to expand planets.json.
I also notice now that the list is not sorted alphabetically.
sure. i'm pretty sure you will be cut some slack while you tweak it.
yeah, neptune shows the destinations inside the planet.
but these things can be sorted out in time...
This is all the data for Neptune at the moment:
Compare that with the Moon:
wow... gee, i would never have expected that for something so big.
is it that is moves so slowly?
The lack of neptune.orbit.semiMajor is the issue, I think.
oh yeah. heh.
sorry, i didn't look before speaking.
A new Wikipedia copy paste party should solve that later.
i am jealous. i need to figure out why my css changes for the blogMain section aren't working. much less fun.
planets.json is still less than 1000 lines. Almost none of my tools use hardcoded data, so the more the file is extended, the better they are.
i added orbital data for neptune and pluto
@kimholder Thank you.
I can see if I can make the viewBox algorithm smarter.
well, one thing about it is i sent the link to a few people...
because i thought it was so cool. and it is, but that little thing detracts from the visuals...
they will still get it. and i told them to check back because it isn't finished. just sayin'.
in a bit i'll make a new rss post about it too
The viewBox has now become clever.
It now tries to get the planet into view, but gives up on that and falls back if it is too big compared to the tether.
Next is probably to draw a profile of the tether thickness.
excellent :)
@Hohmannfan that will get awkward with a lot of numbers
hey, can i make a request? can we set up some materials profiles for carbon nanotubes?
perfect nanotubes, and nanotubes someone might actually be able to make, which calls for some guesswork...
shall i practise a little and put that in? :D
though i don't know what to put for reasonably plausible nanotubes...
Also, the select list is not dynamic (I only had 4 materials :D), so:
meh, i'm still not at all used to thinking in terms of liquid
i'd rather just add 2 more
i'm already stressed about why the list of blog posts just won't stay inside its div
That should be ok for about 30 more. And in that case a select list is too long anyway.
@kimholder Still not found out why?
It looks fine to me.
i have been interrupted a few times today, i have only ever really focused on it for like 10 min at a time
i'm working on it on a branch
yeah, this is my own invisible branch. i suppose i could push it...
But what are you doing if the master branch already works?
i want to get the blog posts to each display on their own page, and so that means getting rid of the iframe
Wait, that is an iframe. I see
Don't push it, I don't want the broken stuff yet :P
> Although the strength of individual CNT shells is extremely high, weak shear interactions between adjacent shells and tubes lead to significant reduction in the effective strength of multi-walled carbon nanotubes and carbon nanotube bundles down to only a few GPa.[39] This limitation has been recently addressed by applying high-energy electron irradiation, which crosslinks inner shells and tubes, and effectively increases the strength of these materials to ≈60 GPa for multi-walled carbon nanotubes[37] and ≈17 GPa for double-walled carbon nanotube bundles.[39] CNTs are not nearly as strong
They can perhaps be named "Carbon nano tubes (40GPa)"
looking for that...
it's 1.3 to 1.4 for single-walled nanotubes, i suppose it would be similar, i'm not sure
it says something that this is searched for so often google has a snippet for it
so maybe we could say 1.8 g/cm3 for a touch of margin
Perhaps also "Scrith (fictional)". [4e15,2000]
heheheh - nah, i think i prefer good old perfect nanotubes. that's wild enough.
there is no explanation of what 'armchair' nanotubes are
personally, it took me a minute to realize SWNT means single-walled nanotubes
"Granite" [4,8e6,2700]
An excellent choice for a tether.
Uhm, maybe not:
hah - you've covered falling back to infinity. i like that.
Standard js number formatting.
At one point one must start to consider the gravitational effects of the tether itself.
@kimholder I have a little left on my internet quota, and it only lasts 30 more minutes. Do you have something that is worth the bandwidth?
you know the old series, right?
gosh, i bet you'd love the new The Tick series, but it's on Amazon Prime
Just have Crunchyroll and Daisuki.
What about software?
nah, haven't tried anything new in a while
Perhaps I could have seeded some of the GNU tools or Linux distros. But I don't have time to set that up.
And with movies and series you can choose two from "Downloadable", "Open format", "Legal".
I don't feel like starting my pirate career over this :)
the old episodes are just right there on youtube. they were made 20 years ago.
superhero humor
is that a genre?
I guess.
poking fun at the superhero paradigm
Download started.
Any reason for posting the 11th episode?
well, i was trying to find a good overall example
as with many series, it hit its stride only after a few episodes
it's interesting, the way media is done these days, it seems really slow paced
i find that to be the case with anything made before about 2000
pretty low-res too. but, very unique.
worth knowing about, i think, for a manga expert.
Not a manga expert. But worth knowing, yeah.
ok, pushed the new materials to the repo
sure is nice to have those carbon nanotubes...
1 hour later…
i'm having a build problem in my blog branch. I can't get the css to build, even after adding `mkdir -p css' to build.sh
and it was building fine for a while, and now it's stopped.

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