About Moonwards: I have been playing a lot around with canvas, and I am starting to get comfortable with it. If you wish, I can make some small interactive thingy for the learn page in a couple of weeks. Anything specific that could be nice to have?
About school: In the first year, everybody here gets the same basic courses. I made some modifications: 1. I speak a language that has only about 500 native speakers. That one is pretty obvious to fit into the schedule. 2. Math. I really needed it. 3. By chance, it was barely possible to cram in chemistry too. Then my schedule was stuffed. That is why I am starting with physics now.
If something can potentially move my focus away from Moonwards sometime in the future, it is if some big project related to my language turns up. Then it has priority.
related to the whole Moonwards project - i am only slowly really understanding exactly how much work it would take to make it what i think it needs to be in order to matter.
you are learning skills that are useful to you anyhow, and i am sure it is valuable to understand the guts of what you are doing, even if you use a game engine in the end to do most things for you.
i hardly know how to spend my time these days. finish models? fix models? research the design? learn drupal? learn blend4web? learn a bit of webgl? fix the website? write a blog entry? reply to email? pursue input from experts?
since you set a date of the end of the year (more or less) to have a basic environment, i want to have the skills to evaluate where to go from there by then. that sounds doable.
i have a pretty good card, and the work i've been doing for the last several weeks has been largely to make it a much smaller file while looking much better
if you have time to make a canvas, maybe you could either do up the radiation dose script for the radiation blind somehow, or maybe do something about the skyhook tether idea.
I honestly do not really know how much labour it is to push updates to the live site. I maintained a school website once, but that was pretty different.
it is very little labor, i just have to remember to do it.
However, there are things like the forum.
i guess that's it, just the forum... but if my feeling about this is right, and the right thing to do is move to a CMS, you having access to that control panel will be necessary.