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oh my god SketchFab is INSANELY AWESOME!!
(pant, pant...)
me 10 min ago: Ok, so actually uploading something to SketchFab is really easy and feature rich... but i'll lose all the markers annotating the models... Oh wait, it has a feature that does that exact thing way cooler than i could ever do myself!!
life feels too easy sometimes... is it alright that this is going to be so easy?
ok, to get a pro account free i need 5 people to sign up after an invite from me... i have a couple of names, and could of course rope in various relatives. Anyone up for that?
i feel like i should try to get them some folks who might actually use it...
2 hours later…
*Wakes up in the morning and is seeing a post about some 3D stuff he has never heard of before. Looks into it.
13 hours later…
3 hours later…
Signed up for 3D-thingy.
thanks :)
i think it is going to help a lot.
And now for something completely different: What is "Quark ice cream"? I feel I may slip a cultural reference in my translation.
quark ice cream?? you've got me...
wow, a lot of hits come up when i google it
i've been away from canada a long time...
I know there are a lot of hits, but they do not make sense to me.
I think I got it
it would seem someone decided to name a fruit 'quark'
A dairy-product, actually.
oh no - yeah, you beat me
I know what it is, it just has another name here.
who does these things? they must be stopped.
wait - i guess actually quarks were named after a dairy product...
I also now understand why "Our entire food supply is Quark Ice Cream" is a problem.
i have never, ever heard of any dairy product referred to as quark
...but for my translation, there should be plenty of crazy Norwegian dairy products to use instead.
is norway big on dairy products?
A bit.
low-sugar, raw quark ice-cream is probably something i could survive on for quite some time without detriment.
Actually, knowing the main character in that story, it could have been much, much worse.
it's from a story?
Freefall. Translating a few webcomics right now. Freefall is my most recent project.
Oh, translating into your own language? That is a cool project.
Well, you'll sure know the story after that :)
*Realizes he is going to be one of those people who can quote comics. Shrugs.
Anyway, can contributing to Moonwards be kind of an on-demand thing? At the moment, it is not entirely clear what is needed. But if you orders some calculation/simulation, I can have something ready within a week.
Yes, i am well aware of this weakness....
i'm working on the wiki on GitHub, hoping to sort it out enough to be clear
the one section done on the Plan page could be used to create such a section for other pieces - it's meant as a model
I am not a "big picture" kind of planner with any project. I make a lot of specific parts, and then stick them together with duct tape and JS.
Well, for instance, the TESS
you did work on that. i haven't built a model yet, but if i did, i'd probably import it into SketchFab, and then for instance you could annotate it
to explain it. or to point out things that need to be changed.
and we could work out how the final version should be through GitHub, using an issue page for that piece
then when it is done, i post it on the real site
i just keep getting sidetracked with other things i need to do, and backed up with more basic work on the site that only i can do...
and making the models, which only i can do at this point too
becoming moderator ate up close to half of last week
I'll indicate here, and on the forum, when i think i've gotten to a state where i need to talk to people about them taking on specific tasks
How many years ago would you have seen it as highly unlikely that you would ever become a space guru?
heehee, i'm going to say -2?
i think this project has amazing potential, and i'm still like a chicken with its head cut off, trying to sort it out so that might actually happen.
"Creating a moon base is a bit like being a headless chicken... in a way... sorta."
my faith was much renewed by the discovery of how powerful SketchFab is
learning to use it will be much, much faster than learning how to do walk-throughs in Blender and how to put that into a page with JS
Have you seen Randall's garden? The comic finally came out.
hehehe, yes. but i didn't play with it.
you'll be happy to know half a dozen moderators have been so taken with it they've been chatting about it in the Teacher's Lounge.
oh, that's great!
well, randall outdid himself. i can understand why it was tricky.
What do you think? People building a moon base in an URL-pin, accessing it once in a while, sharing the link with friends...
oh - absolutely
i thought of that a while ago. i've wanted it to be like a minecraft experience.
that's the thing - i have these ideas, but it is useless to talk about them right now.
unless somebody strolls in and says 'oh hey, i know exactly how to do that', there is a bunch of stuff to do first before i can even open the conversation
i do plan to start the Unity course Pearson recommended as soon as i have all the sections set up on the wiki on GitHub
and issue pages for each model
What might become true in the not-so-distant future is a "click here to play a text-based moon base management game".
It is not done yet though.
Hell, that might need it's own page...
The basic interface and game structure is mostly done, and a few elements of game-play added, but it needs some more weeks of dev time first.
JS/HTML as usual.
well, i'll think on how it could be given proper attention. It sounds like it would be great for piquing interest in the whole issue.
am i right that you are willing to put it on Moonwards, as opposed to your own site?
I do not have a site. Better putting it somewhere someone may play it.
considering how it is in such a partial state, and i don't spend time directly promoting it, i'm okay with the traffic right now
i'll push way harder once there is more infrastructure done
Is there data on Moonwards in that link?
this brings to mind again though the proper sharing of credit.
did it load properly? i've never shared an analytics page before.
it should be the page for moonwards.com, with a filter that gets rid of spam views.
I just get the ad from google.
i thought it was public
"Sell your soul to Google, and we give you some nice data back!"
aha! i can add you through your email
should i use the one you've used to send me stuff?
ok, you should get an email you've been added
I have to sign up though...
Walter gets this one.
:D how many things have i made you sign up for now?
will it still work with walter?
I can see.
(you should maybe delete the Trello thing...)
Meh, google can get another part of my soul for that analytics thing.
(is Trello not active anymore?)
it was replaced with GitHub
i don't plan to use it anymore
Moonwards spiked when i was on the space show - which i will be on again. and it should spike after the ISDC conference.
and it is doing not bad, for its current state.
shortly i'll begin contacting people whose business cards i've been sitting on, waiting to have something noteworthy to say to them.
Let me see: GitHub, Google analytics, Trello, Lunatalks, SketchFab, SE forum...
:D only two superfluous things you'll probably never use
Does this mean visitors are mostly us?
You do not see "41.44% Linux" every day.
hm, i've been excluded from the numbers - i think. let me check that.
no, apparently there is something wrong with that
but notice that there are no visits from norway
I am mostly registered as US and Russia :D
i've wondered how accurate it is, aside from that
there are a few people i know who likely ensure they aren't tracked
I am tricking GA on purpose though, it seems like I have succeeded with my browser too.
i'm sure Tildal does the same thing
I am never ever going to put the google spyware on any page of mine.
it's all over moonwards...
It is no problem for you...
But now it is getting late. Night.
Goodnight, Sig

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