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@exitingcorpse Rest assured that I am not offended by your misinterpretation. It happens to me a lot, because I'm (at times vehemently) opposing the communis opinio on this matter.
@BenjaLim: Hi, can you see deleted answers?
@Gigili You can do that with high rep.
Now I'm off to uni.
@Gigili yea.
@Lord_Farin i'm glad you have a thick skin, it was wrong of me to be so cynical (especially when i didn't even ask you first about it).
I believe "thick skins" should be required attire :-)
i worked as a cleaner in a bakery for a while, and had to do lots of washing up with my arms half buried in industrial chemicals
it made the skin on my forearms so thin that even scratching myself would cause bleeding
@exitingcorpse Sadly, the human race has as of yet been unable to stop making errors. At least, it is good to see that you display to have taken the nontrivial hurdle of being able to admit you make mistakes at times. :)
@exitingcorpse That sounds awful.
if you ever see me trying to split a bill, you'll see just how prone to errors i am!
the obvious solution would be to wear washing up gloves, but they were too short, so the water would just get in anyway
@exitingcorpse Oh, you're "if you are on a mac, there's a program called 'grapher', it's perfect when you don't want to think!" guy.
hah, will this be my claim to fame
@exitingcorpse Is it a metaphor? Why did you work there?
nah, it's an application bundled with os x
@exitingcorpse I'm replying to another message.
oh woops
i worked there when i was in school
3 hours weekdays, 8 hours saturday woooo
I have the slight impression the math students are mostly from families of good wealth and education.
i grew up on a cattle farm with separated parents, i'm the first member of my family to go to university
it varies i guess
I also grew up in a farm.
In and on.
You know, sometimes you just enter the house. Sometimes you get out.
@exitingcorpse If you're the first of the familiy to go to university, why mathematics?
i'm basically useless at everything, just slightly less useless at mathematics than other things
In Brazil, Programming, medicine, law and engineering are the choices when you want to get rich.
BRIC represent represent
I was thinking that if you were the first one to go to the uni, your family would force you to a "wealth generator course".
haha, i had more of a laissez-faire upbringing
they're basically just happy i'm not doing heroin
I'm not sure, but I guess mathematicians are internacionally poor (except for finance, I guess)
@exitingcorpse XD
i don't think i've got the soul (or lack of it) for finance
Same to me. I'll just work and make some investments in stocks.
@exitingcorpse Same here.
both my parents own their own houses, my dad lives off an air force disability pension, my mum still works a bit
so acquiring more capital isn't really a huge drive for them
In fact, my lack of care for money probably indicates that I'll (try to) stick to academia.
@Lord_Farin I don't know if you feel the same, but the idea of working with finance seems boring.
You invent ways of making rich people richer. Meanwhile mankind is in the same putrid state it ever was.
i think the work can be very challenging, but the hours seem just insane to me
@exitingcorpse Good. Too many people become total jerks when it is a huge drive for them.
@BandeiraGustavo +1. :)
and of course, i have the good fortune of being australian
it's not called "the lucky country" for nothing
@exitingcorpse I remember a meme.
@exitingcorpse This one.
our country is always at least one of: on fire, in drought, ravaged by a tropical storm
@BandeiraGustavo What about Mexico?
A friend of mine told me something (don't know if he was joking), that in australia, everything is poisonous.
i remember reading an article in the economist once that said the drug cartels in mexico drop its GDP by at least 1%
Even a cute little cat is poisonous in australia.
hah, a good example is mushroom hunting. apparently in australia it is very dangerous, as the mushrooms can look very much like european ones, but be poisonous
@Lord_Farin I guess it's a neutral zone - Perhaps we start there, then the difficulty menu appear in front of us and when we choose, we go from Mexico to the chosen country.
@PeterTamaroff Even a two-year old child knows that. I asked him to show me what the deleted answer is. It's not difficult to get, but neither you nor him get the point. Interesting.
@Gigili Did you run out of politeness for the day?
@Lord_Farin I didn't @ mention you anywhere, as far as I recall. The other people are able to respond on their own.
Two two-year olds who don't get the point don't add up to one four-year old who does.
What about $\sqrt{-1}$-year old children?
I always forget that the plural is children.
@BandeiraGustavo How did you know that I was going to comment on that mistake? :D
Are you imagining what it is like to have children?
@Lord_Farin I always forget that. One day I wanted to say $\text{I'm a child}$, I said $\text{I am a children}$.
$\text{I AM A LOT OF KIDS!}$
"When my mother was pregnant with me, they did an ultrasound and found she was having twins. When they did another ultrasound a few weeks later, they discovered that I had adsorbed the other fetus. Do I regret this? No, I believe his tissue has made me stronger. I now have the strength of a grown man and a little baby."
@Lord_Farin Also, first I remembered that it's wrong. When I corrected, I thougt: "I guess Farin os Skull were almost typing their corrections to that" XD
@exitingcorpse Aphex Twin?
dwight schrute
What a coincidence. Right after our dear friend @Gigili left, I incurred a downvote on one of my questions.
@Lord_Farin Can I make a confesion?
(It wasn't me who downvoted, it's about another thing).
@BandeiraGustavo Naturally.
@BandeiraGustavo How could you downvote my pal Lordy?
@BandeiraGustavo I'm afraid I don't get it.
@Lord_Farin It's a meme, do you know the original one?
@Lord_Farin I imagined you saying that to Gigili. xD
@BandeiraGustavo I know barely any memes.
@skullpatrol I didn't do that.
Yes. I said I didn't downvote him.
Ok, sorry I meant gigili
@Gigili How could you downvote my pal Lordy?
Allow me to continue working on my thesis. Should anyone of you run out of ideas on what to do, join the Crusade! :)
Bye all.
@skullpatrol She'll come back, say mean words for you and your family, get pissed and then GTFO. Then Matt Nott Madd Kiddo will come and say: "Oh, another one went away because of skullpatrol, we gonna cry-ay-ay - PLIS, do something! :"(
Be careful, bro.
Thanks for the heads up :-)
@skullpatrol BTW, there are two links there. There's another link in the PLIS. =D
@skullpatrol This reminded me of you. "There's a serious accusation that I'm making users go away..."
@BandeiraGustavo Yeah, nice double link pal :-) I'll just tell'em all you want a piece of me?
Hey @amWhy you want a piece of me?
@skullpatrol What? Say again... :-)
@amWhy It's a joke, just like Britney :D
@skullpatrol hahahaha...Just played it...(the video)...
@skullpatrol (She's) a joke, yes indeed.
How are you, @skull ?
@amWhy Fine thanks, how are you?
@skullpatrol hmmmm.... Official word, I'm fine (I think?)
Hey @JayeshBadwaik you want a piece of me?
@Gigili where?
at first i was impressed that they typed it all out, until i noticed these kind of sentences "PART 3 5 X 4 = 20 MARKS IN THE SECTION, SOLVE ANY FOUR OF YOUR CHOICE 1. "
Are questions like that allowed?
my guess is they've just straightup copied the pdf or whatever and pasted it into the box
Shake head, this post, shake head again, sigh...
Does that make it plagiarism?
new lows in readability wooo
@skull Ahhhhh....missed it! I thought it was just me. It got an upvote?
i can't believe that until this day, i did not know the \mid command
my life has been a sham
1 hour later…
Uhm, if I have a surjective simplicial map between simplicial complexes i.e. every simplex in K' is the image of a simplex K under f: K -> K' for f simplicial map, is f_* surjective in homology?
(finite simplicial complexes)
if K is a disjoint union of four triangles, and K' is a tetrahedron, can't you map the triangles to the faces?
(or start with a disjoint union of subdivided simplices or whatever, i'm used to delta complexes)
basically start with a K that has trivial homology, and a K' that doesn't
But then it wouldn't be surjective?
or, sorry.
you are correct, thanks
i'm just happy to finally be able to answer a question that's above calculus level!
@blob Hello there.
hi Lord_Farin
@blob How are you doing today?
Now I am studying probability calculus
and you?
@blob Working on my thesis, as usual.
@Lord_Farin what is the topic of your thesis
@blob Logic in category theory, with some applications.
it seems complex
@Lord_Farin do you know any topos stuff?
@blob I guess it is. It has taken me quite a bit of time to get familiar with it.
@exitingcorpse My entire thesis revolves around them (specifically, Grothendieck topoi).
ah cool. are you familiar with Robert Goldblatt's book on it? i went to the library the other day and they didn't have the book i was after, i saw the name (i recognise it from his book on nonstandard analysis)
it's got one of the most sinfully ugly covers i've seen in maths
this is another possible contender fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn2/…
@exitingcorpse I have that book (presuming you mean "Topoi - the categorial analysis of logic").
yep, that's the one
@exitingcorpse Hey
@exitingcorpse New to math.se?
@Lord_Farin: what does "Farin" mean?
yeah, finally signed up the other day
are you a grad student by any chance?
notionally, i'm here in budapest but i've had to take a break (woo mental illness)
@exitingcorpse Have you had any experience with Borel weil bott? I have a question about references
ask me no questions, i'll tell no Lies
that was wittier in my head
(i don't know any lie stuff)
@exitingcorpse There is something wrong with my simplicial structure of $S^1$ here: math.stackexchange.com/a/411877/38268
I don't know why I have to reverse the orientation on one of the $1$ - simplices
the mspaint diagram you mean?
Nice post on meta, @exitingcorpse I appreciate your desire to see more gender-neutrality on main!
Thank you sir! (i kid, i kid)
it was feeling a little lonely on that thread
@exitingcorpse Maybe I'll post an answer. I get tired of how dismissive users are about any concern to address gender/gender neutrality on the site.
@amWhy: I am too. :-(
@BabakS. Hi, Babak!! :-)
i've seen a lot worse things in maths departments, but for this site it's the only hurdle i can think of
@amWhy: ;-) Hiii
@BabakS. how are you?
@amWhy Did you see my question?
@somaye Hello'
@BandeiraGustavo hello
@BandeiraGustavo what are you doing?
i was going out of room i come back for you
@somaye well. Thinking about waking up. Bed is so confortable.
@amWhy I would like to stress that I am not dismissive of gender neutrality concerns.
@BandeiraGustavo you want to tell that you just got up?
@BandeiraGustavo Siesta?
@amWhy It's a comment I posted in your answer to my question on biconditional plots.
@BandeiraGustavo No, not yet...here? on chat?
@somaye yep.
@BandeiraGustavo you are busy here
i got to go
but come back after 1 hour
@Lord_Farin Kinda. :-P
@somaye oky. Ill be on ym.
@Lord_Farin Got it. Glad to hear. The post just struck me as somewhat dismissive of the OP's concern, etc. No offense taken!!
@BandeiraGustavo ok :)
@amWhy Your last comment to my answer indicates that we think alike. Such seems to happen a lot lately. :)
@amWhy Hm, I hope you didn't read the comment from which it was distilled... // I did actually attempt (in parenthetical comments) to indicate that it is not the issue that I object to, but the method. Apparently, I didn't fully succeed.
@Lord_Farin Yes, I do not think "imposing" reform on others is the route to go...I try to lead by example, so to speak, or comment, to bring attention to the matter when I see it, and usually, the author of a comment or answer that I address in a comment is very receptive/acknowledging.
@BandeiraGustavo You CAN do good things in finance. But then, very few people do it, so there's that.
..I do wonder, though, for those who are dismissive of the issue, of addressing such a user, say it happens to be "Bruce Manford" that is dismissive. countering with something like "When Bruce stated____________she meant...", or "Bruce's comment upsets me: her use of _________________" :)
that's a pretty interesting idea @amWhy
@BandeiraGustavo Replied. Let me know if my reply makes sense.
@Jayesh But those who do good things in finance become poorer than mathematicians, isn't it?
@BandeiraGustavo Not necessarily... You can earn well...
@exitingcorpse "turn the tables, so to speak"
@amWhy Yep.
@Lord_Farin :-)
@JayeshBadwaik :)
@Lord_Farin childs!
@amWhy I am not very sure. Recently, I have read books by many authors who by default use "she" instead of "he" and I have never even noticed it. And if you were to pass a directive saying that, in case the gender is not known, by default use "she", I would not care. And yes, edits only on gender neutrality shift focus away from more important edits as Lord Farin said. And there is already too much information to be processed on MSE.
@amWhy do you remember that there was one guy who answered about a mac app called grapher? He's here in the chat, it's @exitingcorpse
@JayeshBadwaik I think the "she" default is pedantic and liable to hypocrisy.
such a directive would be fine! it's more about "not seeing yourself" in the things you read
@exitingcorpse I do not understand... "Not seeing yourself"? But then that is how sometimes you visualize your reading. You put yourself in the shoes of people who post the question and then imagine how you would solve it.
well, an analogous example (text: books :: actors : movies) is the general male dominance in films. you might like to read about the bechdel test, for instance
@Jayesh What if they're not using shoes? This is a deep question.
They could be using this, for example.
@exitingcorpse Uh, male dominator! Whip me please.
@BabakS., in case you are still here, does it seem possible to post in Farsi here on Chat, or at least mix English and farsi? I have seen other languages/alphabets here, some going right to left...
@amWhy "contaminatorics" - so that's why I sometimes feel dirty after counting money...
@somaye, if you return this evening, could you please see whether you are able to type anything here in Chat in the Persian alphabet?
@WillJagy Charlie says hello.
@BandeiraGustavo, Say hello to Charlie. She has my email address, but not everyone likes email.
so, charlie left chat?
همگی خوب هستید؟
خوشحال هستید؟
@somaye excellent! And these are real phrases in Persian and make sense and all?
@somaye, very good, that gives some extra options.
@WillJagy :)
@somaye, alright, I think two of them have question marks.
@0x4A4D When did you change gravatars and your user?
@WillJagy همگی خوب هستید =are you fine ?
@WillJagy خوشحال هستید؟=are you happy?
@amWhy A few weeks ago, in that other site I hang around in. Since I need that to be my main account for modly purposes... here we are.
I've seen you, but didn't "make the connection" ... but noted I hadn't seen J.M. for awhile...So good, now I can get A.J.M. back? ;-)
@somaye, I get it, the second and third lines. Easy answers, I am fine but not usually happy. The fine part will be tested this week, twice a year I get checked for too much cholesterol and the possibility of diabetes. So, this week I go to the place and they take a little blood, send that to a medical/chemistry laboratory. Then on June 19 I see my medical doctor and she tells me how i am doing.
@amWhy Well, I still have that name in math's main site, but don't let me stop ya. :)
@anon, Charlie told me in general terms that she was fed up with Chat. She does not seem to like email either, just individual chat features as part of Facebook or Gmail or the like.
@WillJagy then it means that you must care more about what you eating
@0x4A4D Just kidding...I've grown attached to "amWhy" ;-)
@somaye, well, yes. The first tests, in 2007, were very bad. Then I completely changed my diet, on advice from a friend who is a gastroenterologist. I think the thing that helps the most is the fish oil pills. I take five pills each morning, each 1100mg (big), providing 300 mg EPA and 200 mg DHA. I also take three pills of flaxseed oil, each providing 540 mg of ALA. These are the three important "Omega-3" fatty acids that Americans do not get enough of.
Omega-3 fatty acids (also called ω−3 fatty acids or n−3 fatty acids) refers to a group of three fats called ALA (found in plant oils), EPA, and DHA (both commonly found in marine oils). Common sources of animal omega–3 EPA and DHA fatty acids include fish oils, algal oil, egg oil, squid oils, krill oil and some plant oils contain the omega 3 ALA fatty acid such as seabuckthorn seed and berry oils, flaxseed oil, Sacha Inchi oil, Echium oil, and hemp oil. Omega-3 fatty acids are vital for normal metabolism but some of the potential health benefits of supplementation are controversial. Omeg...
@WillJagy you are better now :) i is too hard for me that i do not eat some think
as candy and oil food
you do it!
@somaye, you are young, so your doctors are not going to pressure you too much, yet. After age 50 they get very aggressive. It is better to eat actual fish, but I really, really, really hate that fishy taste. So, I take the pills instead. I had difficulty digesting the pills, it took more than three years to gradually increase the dosage to the current level.
@WillJagy i must teach you how i cook fish then you will like it
@somaye, I am a poor cook. You will need to visit California and cook it for me.
@WillJagy Ok But i am a good teacher you can learn
@somaye, alright, but a recipe is a long thing for a Chat window. Maybe you could write a (short) lesson and email me that. I do not promise to put in much effort, though. My mother sometimes cooked swordfish I never liked it.
@WillJagy :) i still am eating my mom food
but i like cooking
@somaye is your mother a good cook?
but i 'll send for you
@WillJagy She is great
for cooking
@WillJagy some fish food and some persain food
@somaye, John Wordsworth, who was called Old John before, has been putting pictures of barbecue on Facebook, Persian style, on an outdoor babecue (fire) grill. I will try to copy the names of the dishes
John: I now follow the Iranians when it comes to barbecuing food. I reckon they have several thousand years experience
John: Planning a barbecue tonight ... with kabob koobideh and shish tawook - hope it all works out well!
@WillJagy fesenjun do you hear it's name?
fesenjun is very compelete food
@WillJagy yes i like it too much
@somaye, I will see if I can find it somewhere. Meanwhile, Charlie is on email complaining that I take too long to answer, which is why she prefers chat. i am trying to explain that sometimes i do not really want to explain why there is a delay, at least not publically. So it seems better to me to use a facility where such explanantions are not necessary. I will be back in ten minutes or so...
@WillJagy what type of logic deals with like variables in proposition
Like statements of the form $x$ has $y$ cars today
@WillJagy i got sleep now
@WillJagy and @BandeiraGustavo and other friends good night:)
@somaye good night
@somaye im gonna eat brb
@amWhy 77 is not a prime
or err, it's only a grothendieck prime
I was thinking of G being abelian (jumped to that conclusion), so $\gcd(7, 11) = 1$: therefore G is cyclic...flip flopped assumptions!
@amwhy hah wow so reading comprehension is not really My Thing
sorry about that
@exitingcorpse Don't worry...I've been second-guessing myself a lot lately, and certainly did when I read your comment, so rushed to delete my answer...all is good...I'd rather be corrected "wrongly" than not corrected, when I'm wrong!
even the best make mistakes, i made a mistake, therefore i am the best
let's not think too critically about that sentence
Preparing for my last math test ever to be taken (unless I declare a math minor...)! How exciting! It's at 8:00AM tomorrow morning.
is anyone thats good at topology around?
@DanZimm depends on the level
@JulianKuelshammer how come $\{0\}$ is open?
open is a relative thing, open in which ambient space
open to $\mathbb{R}^n$, sorry
Hmm - which topology on $\mathbb{R}^n$ are we talking about?
from what I understand, it isn't open (I'm using the 'normal') topology
@JohnWordsworth heh got to it before I got to type enter. The family of all open intervals
in the standard topology it is a non-open closed set
@JulianKuelshammer ok just making sure
can someone explain to me this then? math.stackexchange.com/questions/417851/…
@DanZimm But you need to be a bit careful: the family of all open intervals is not a topology - but it does generate a topology
@JohnWordsworth ah ok, the topology is the pair of the family and the space itself, right?
a topology is really a collection of sets - the open sets
@DanZimm in this case you are not talking about $\mathbb{R}^n$ as ambient space, but about $X$ equipped with the subspace topology from $\mathbb{R}^n$.
@JulianKuelshammer ah ok!
makes sense now
the family of open intervals is not a topology since the union of 2 intervals is not always an interval
@JohnWordsworth ok, I'm sorry, a bit new to topology and the such, haven't read up on the rigorous definitions of a topological space
@DanZimm No problem. But I would suggest that a rigorous definition is probably a good place to start
@JohnWordsworth yea, all the knowledge I know is from the basic topology chapter in baby rudin
it introduces metric spaces and the such
That is probably rigorous enough :)
@JohnWordsworth he doesn't mention a topological space anywhere in that chapter
so my knowledge is simply from the inter webs at this point
Ah - I see - I am not very familiar with baby Rudin, but I reckon you could master the essentials of a rigorous definition for topological spaces in half an hour from an introduction to topology.
I mananged to do so - and I am not a a topologist (just use it sometimes)
@JulianKuelshammer so we are considering $\{0\}$ open with respect to $X$ in that case? or am I still misunderstanding and I need to go read more? :P
formally, it's with respect to X and its induced topology
i think the two most basic notions to get acclimated with is "sets are not doors" (they can be both open and closed) and the definition (or characterisation, depending on your axiomitisation) of continuity in terms of "closeness"
@exitingcorpse I've never heard the second thing you said
basically there's a version of the definition (equivalent, of course) of a topological space in terms of a "closure operator"
then a continuous function, in this formalism, says "a continuous map maps close points to close points"
Does anyone have a clue about linear function of more than 1 variable ?
For example, take f(x,y)
what does linearity mean for f ?
Can i only talk, f is linear regarding some variable ? Or can i talk f is generally linear in that case ?
the usual definition takes as a basic concept "open sets", and says that "the preimage of an open set is open". a lot of people get confused why it isn't the other way around
@nerdy you can talk about both. f(x,y) would have the form f(x,y) = ax + by, where a and b are constants
in that case f would be linear for what variables ?
for both x and y ?
well, if it just says "linear" then what i've written would probably be the usual interpretation
"linear in x" would mean something like f(x,y) = ax + g(y), where g is some other function
could it be
a(y)x + g(y)
like, f(x,y) = y²x + 3y
linear for x
woops, yep
then, how would we test it ?
i mean, f(x,y) is linear for x if
f(c1x1 + c2x2,y) = c1f(x1,y) + c2f(x2,y) ?
maybe ?
but then a(y)x + g(y) wouldnt satisfy it
I just need 3 more rep to cap today! :) (this will be my first time to cap, if I do so!)
(In other news, so much for trying to quit the site.)
f(c1x1 + c2x2,y) = f(c1x1,y) + f(c2x2,y) would'nt satisfy it as well
urgh, i am clearly very drunk, sorry
exitingcorpse, the problem is that my differnetial equastion book
drop the g(y) and it's fine
is saying the same thing
i know
my diff equation book says
which particular book is it?
generally a differential equation can be written as
f(y(n),y(n-1),...,y',y,t1,t2,...,tn) = 0
if y is the dependent variable
t is the independent variable
and y(n) is the nth derivative of y
then he goes saying
we say that this differential equation is linear iff
it is linear for y(n),y(n-1),...y',y
then it would have the form
f(y(n),y(n-1),...,y',y,t1,t2,...,tn) = a(t)y(n) + b(t)y(n-1) + ... + c(t)y' + d(t)y + e(t)
which is similar to what we were discussing
but then f wouldnt be linear for y(n),y(n-1),...,y',y
i think i'm gonna post in Main
hang on
if you don't have the e(t), it's fine right?
no e(t) means you call it homogenous (linear)
with the e(t), it's inhomogenous
kind of like the difference between solving Ax = 0 and Ax = b
my main problem is, he says that f is linear for y(n),y(n-1),...,y',y if
f(y(n),y(n-1),...,y',y,t1,t2,...,tn) = a(t)y(n) + b(t)y(n-1) + ... + c(t)y' + d(t)y + e(t)
is that a correct statement ?
yes, that's the terminology
the main important part ist he stuff in front of the y and its derivatives

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