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...and what makes his/her "crap" holy?
@Faust7 what happened?
@skull the pope. The pope make things holy
@skullpatrol faust didn't talk to me. I think mephisto didn't let him.
@Charlie Who is "mephisto"?
@skullpatrol from Faust.
@Charlie Hahahaha
@Charlie -_-
@Charlie O.o
@JayeshBadwaik ;)
@skullpatrol do you know the story?
@skullpatrol google it, Faust
@Charlie This?
Faust is the best in German.
+0 was distracted making breakfast
@Charlie and this ... now I get it.
i was mocking chat cause when i said that ever line was @ insert random name here for a page or so
@skullpatrol great
@MichaelGreinecker Goethe?
I remember this from the Deutsche Welle german course.
@Gustavo Yes.
Faust studied philosophy, law, medicine, and theology. No mathematics. Faust was not the best...
I more easily meet medical specialists socially than through my family doctor. Does that imply she is a bitch?
It means she is doing her job instead of playing mathcmaker.
She does it awfully wrong then.
Given the responses of the others.
@MichaelGreinecker *matchmaker
@skullpatrol Well spotted.
@skullpatrol You so sharp.
@JonasTeuwen how are you?
I have trouble walking and sitting hurts like a motherfucker. So I need to program.
@skullpatrol you didn't forget about the event next week did you?
@JonasTeuwen :-/
@Charlie no
@skullpatrol Excellent
@Charlie 4,3,2,1
@skullpatrol yes!
Anyone know where i can find some lower level analysis type problems with answers?
What is lower level analysis?
im struggleing hard with this 3rd analysis class
the equivlant of 2+2 = 4
3rd year*
i have never taken a cours ein analysis before
and my prof is moving much too quickly for me to keep up
How do I explain to my advisor my spine is too messed up to do maths, while I still look okay? Usually people then assume I am just bitching.
@JonasTeuwen do you have exams that prove you are not ok?
Like a sanity test?
The most basic analysis problems can be fund in Spipavak's Calculus, for which a solution manual exists. Bith can be found in dark places online.
I am not in a court room, I give no medical documents.
(The company doctor has them, but they do not state 'unable to do <...>', just facts.)
@JonasTeuwen Cancel som appointment because you have to go to the hospital. That shuld send a strong message.
He is on a sabbatical.
I cancelled three conferences, does that count?
got will wonder into the dark places of the online
@JonasTeuwen Maybe your advisor is a bit...uhm...slow outside the mathematical realm.
@MichaelGreinecker Sankyuu
@MichaelGreinecker I think he is very aware, but still.
Keep cancelling
Next week Madrid, I go even if I have to crawl.
Crawl for no one
that wasnt really a dark place... was the first link on google.
Does it work with trains you lie down in?
@Faust7 I did not write that you can find it only in dar places.
@MichaelGreinecker No.
Ouch, that sucks.
Here I would be in pain, but so would I be in Madrid. No difference there. But the airplane is a bit tricky! In the worst case I am only a couple of hours in unendurable pain.
So I take the risk!
you are the KING of Pain
there's always someone worse...
just get some storng pain meds n take alittle trip
Your doctor can't give you havy pain medication for conferences, or are you allready fully loaed.
think Jonas, at least you can still walk
The latter.
Yes, so what?
you are not trapped on a bed
It's like saying 'well at least you've got only one brain tumor, the guy next door has two'.
I just found a book called: Nietzche's Gay Science
Be happy!
I was once trapped on a bed for 8 months, that was better than this. So why?
(Pain killers have very little effect on nerve pain.)
@Jonas Who is TWK (the quote on your homepage).
Tom Körner.
Thanx. Körner is awsome
@skullpatrol Bye,Skull, I may back later
@Charlie rating please
@MichaelGreinecker Yeah.
@Charlie later
@skullpatrol 9,0
@Charlie nice
byes, later
@skullpatrol Dude... A duck is just a chicken that swims.
ducks can fly too...
and quack
I have tried my best to convert an old rocker to classical music today.
He was Indian too.
@Faust7 Actually this is a lie told by the new world order.
O.o riight of course crazy people would be in a math chat =) nods and smiles of course ducks don't fly =)
Nowadays, even orchestras play rock. There is no way back..
@MichaelGreinecker Only sucky ones.
@MichaelGreinecker Don't look back
Yes, and classical violinists play techno. What the heck.
But not Joshua Bell.
You will become a party member too.
If I am simplyfing a quotient don't I want to avoid having a square root on the bottom? My book has it going from the top to the bottom so I don't see what the point is
@MichaelGreinecker I am the chairman of the party.
The 'PhD party'. I got slaughtered in the debate with the rectors.
@Jordan Sometimes we do, sometimes we don't care. I would have to see what you're talking about explicitly to say more.
I remember you posting a campaign commercial or something like that.
$\frac{\sqrt{4+h} - 2}{h}$
@Lord_Farin You are obviously unaware of Alex Comfort :-)
@Jonas And now there is no future?
@Jordan so by "going from top to bottom" I imagine you mean "multiplying by conjugate and the result has square roots in the bottom but not in the top." They key is that your task is presumably to take a limit, not to "simplify" it. Two different goals may call for two different methods.
Anyway. It was the debate on the future of PhDs in NL.
@MichaelGreinecker Sets, Cats, and so on...
The level difference in terms of debating between the PhD associations is like between me and a 4 year old.
(and the university boards).
You can just ask me to say it again if you really like to read it?
@anon yes I multiplied by a conujagte, the result is $\frac{1}{\sqrt{4+h} 2} $ which is the answer
@JonasTeuwen XD
@MichaelGreinecker They just have a different opinion on future.
@JonasTeuwen were you talking to me pal?
@JonasTeuwen Hmmm?
@Jonas You should work for transnational companies in a successful private-plublic partnership?
@Jordan that's "the answer"? so you're not taking any limits and that's the answer given by the text? then it looks like the text is preparing you for taking limits by warming you up with those manipulations. (the point is not to simplify it, but to massage it into a form in which you can plug in h=0)
@anon I am just suppose to simplify
@skullpatrol "You" is the name of his doctor, which he is not very happy with.
I took about a year long break from math, it was incredibly relaxing but I forgot all the math
@MichaelGreinecker ok
so now I need to learn about 15 years of math in 1 month
good luck
It was worth it, even if I fail my class
life is so much better without math
no stress, no frustration, so relaxing
for you pal
yeah of course
I also forgot the best part, no condescending elitist math people to talk shit to me all the time because I don't memorize every rule from everything
so keep it "nice" please

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