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ok great so how do we now show the next bit converges to zero
the next thing is to show that $x^{p-1}\equiv1\bmod p$, which is equivalent to saying that the $p$-adic expansion of $x^{p-1}$ begins as $\color{Green}{1}+\square p+\square p^2+\cdots$.
after that, we will show that if $z\equiv1\bmod p$ (where $z$ is any $p$-adic integer), then $z^{p^n}-1\to0$.
the reason these two things gets us what we want is because $x^{p^n(p-1)}-1=(x^{p-1})^{p^n}-1=(1+\square p+\cdots)^{p^n}-1\to0$ will follow
i get you
that's very interesting
Now, $x\bmod p$ is just some integer residue mod $p$, so we can apply Fermat's little theorem and obtain $x^{p-1}\equiv1\bmod p$.
@anon well isn't $p^n(p-1)=\varphi(p^{n+1})$?
One question, if I have a measurable function f with bounded support, exists M such that the lebesgue measure of the set K = {x such that f(x) > M} is less than epsilon?
@robjohn yes, that is even quicker, let's go that route
Let $p(D)=D^2+aD+b$

The weight function is given by $\displaystyle W(s)=\frac{1}{s^2+as+b}$
Let $w(t)$ be the inverse laplace transform of $W(s)$

If I find an expression for $\displaystyle W(s)=\frac{\lambda}{s^2+as+b}$, what will be $p(D)$ ?
so then, by Fermat's little theorem, we have $x^{p^n(p-1)}=x^{\varphi(p^n)}\equiv1\bmod p^n$ (when $x\not\equiv0$ mod $p$, which we handle as a special case), which is to say that $|x^{p^n(p-1)}-1|_p\le\frac{1}{p^n}$
@robjohn I should edit that into my answer, which used the binomial theorem :(
@anon Speaking of the binomial theorem, I just came up with a simple way to show that $\frac1{2^n}\sum\limits_{k=0}^{\alpha n}\binom{n}{k}\to0$ exponentially for $\alpha\lt\frac12$ today.
It might not be new, but I had not seen it before
that isn't too surprising, but haven't seen it before and I don't have the tools for that sort of thing
@robjohn Share! I command you!
Since $t^{\alpha n}\le t^k$ for $k\le\alpha n$ and $t\in[0,1]$, we have the bound
t^{\alpha n}\sum_{k=0}^{\alpha n}\binom{n}{k}
\frac1{2^n}\sum_{k=0}^{\alpha n}\binom{n}{k}
when $t=\frac{\alpha}{1-\alpha}$. Note that to ensure $t\in[0,1]$, we need $\alpha\in[0,1/2]$.
@PeterTamaroff Can you help me now please?
how did you get that inequality?
@MathproofP. do you know how to respond to chat messages? when you hover over the message, there is a small gray arrow in the right-hand corner of it that you can click.
Hey guys, I got some brain lag - how do you call it when the function is the inverse of its inverse? :(
@MathproofP. I got it from $a\equiv b\bmod p^n\iff p^n\mid(a-b)\iff |a-b|_p\le\frac{1}{p^n}$, where with $a=x^{(p-1)p^n}=x^{\varphi(p^n)}$ and $b=1$.
@WojciechMorawiec I would call it a compositional involution
Involution! Right, thank you so much XD
@WojciechMorawiec injective?
@anon ok i got it
@rob Pardon? Whether my function is injective?
@WojciechMorawiec every injective function is the inverse of its inverse (defined as a function on the original function's image). an involution is something that is its own inverse (this is how I read your question)
@WojciechMorawiec I was asking if injective was the term you were looking for.
Nope, my wording was kinda wrong - I meant its own inverse ;)
Words are bad - f(f(x)) = x is what I was looking for and that should be an involution
@WojciechMorawiec ah, then what anon said :-)
@MathproofP. so, we have now that $x^{p^n}$ converges (when $x\not\equiv0$) $p$-adically since the difference between consecutive terms tends to zero. If $x\equiv0\bmod p$, then $|x|\le\frac{1}{p}$, hence $|x^{p^n}|\le\frac{1}{p^{p^n}}\to0$, so $x^{p^n}\to0$ in such a case. Follow?
@anon yes excellent the x=pk case is a lot easier.
@Carpediem With what?
so we've done part (a). it's actually easier at this point, in my opinion to do part (c) before we do part (b). @MathproofP. ready?
@Carpediem I have no idea what you're asking. Could you define what you're talking about?
@anon ok great yes lets go
that part a proof was great thank you
@MathproofP. In ${\bf Z}_p$, addition and multiplication are continuous, so more generally every polynomial is continuous. In particular, $x\mapsto x^p$ is continuous. As a consequence, it preserves limits. So, defining $\omega(x):=\lim_{n\to\infty}x^{p^n}$, we must have $$\omega(x)^p=(\lim_{n\to\infty}x^{p^n})^p=\lim_{n\to\infty}x^{p^{n+1}}=\omega(x‌​)$$
@robjohn This question of mine is dead
@PeterTamaroff So look. I have a function $w(t)= 100e^{3t}\sin t$
I found it's Laplace transform which is $\frac{100}{s^2-6s+10}$
@Carpediem OK, good.
$But I need to find p(D)=D^2+aD+b$
Why not write $$\frac{100}{(s-3)^2+1}$$ though?
@PeterTamaroff sos440 killed it?
Makes things more orderedly.
@PeterTamaroff Because p(D) is in a developped form
@Carpediem What is p(D)?
When I have W(s)=\frac{1}{s^2+as+b}
Then p(D) is of the above form
@anon yes offcourse
@Carpediem is $p(D)$ a constant coefficient operator?
@PeterTamaroff p(D) is the differential operator
@Carpediem yes, but are $a$ and $b$ constants?
@robjohn Oh, right. It is an old question of mine, so I didn't really read the comments.
a and b are constants
@PeterTamaroff why do you say that it is dead?
@Carpediem Oh, OK.
@robjohn I meant it has no answer and is really old.
@robjohn I'll add one.
@PeterTamaroff It seems hard to read through... quite long.
@robjohn What do you suggest?
I was merely describing the context.
@PeterTamaroff I don't know... I haven't read through it yet :-)
@robjohn LOL ok
I'm a man without conviction.
@MathproofP. now, $x\equiv x^p\bmod p$, so $x\equiv x^p\equiv x^{p^2}\equiv x^{p^3}\equiv\cdots\bmod p$. Hence $x\equiv\omega(x)\bmod p$. (This is hard to explain without saying "the reduction-mod-$p$ ring homomorphism ${\bf Z}_p\to{\bf F}_p$ is continuous, where ${\bf F}_p$ has the discrete topology.")
@JonasTeuwen three convictions and you have mandatory jail time here.
That's not so wicked if you have two of those already!
@JonasTeuwen You were flagged?
@robjohn @PeterTamaroff What do you suggest ?
@Carpediem I still don't know what you're asking =)
I'm a man who doesn't know.
Well what will be the form of p(D)
@anon $x\equiv x^p\pmod{p}$ uses fermat thm right? then you go inductively
@MathproofP. the parenthetical I just put forth is a fancy way of saying that reducing-mod-$p$ and taking limits in the $p$-adics can be done in either order
@MathproofP. correct
@Carpediem Isn't $p(D)$ fixed? I still don't understand what you're asking.
@robjohn I need to find p(D) basically
Here $D=\frac d{dx}$ yes?
Yes and we have p(D) of the form D^2+aD+b
And I know that when W(s)=\frac{1}{s^2+as+b}
Then p(D) is of the above form
but in this case we have: \frac{100}{s^2+as+b}
so what is p(D) ?
@anon ok
the reason $x\equiv\omega(x)\bmod p$ is useful is because then we know that $\omega(x)\equiv0\bmod p\implies x\equiv0\bmod p\implies\omega(x)=0$, so either $\omega(x)$ is zero or it is a unit in ${\bf Z}_p$. If it's not zero, then $\omega(x)^p=\omega(x)\implies\omega(x)^{p-1}=1$, i.e. $\omega(x)$ is a $(p-1)$st root of unity.
@Carpediem $p(D)$ would be the operator that works on a one the yield your function, yes?
For example
If $y=\sin z$, then $y''+y=0$ is $(D^2+1)y=0$
And $\mathcal L(\sin z)(s)=\frac 1{1+s^2}$
Is that what you're asking?
In said case, constants do no harm since $Dcy=cDy$ for any function $y$.
So your differential equation will remain unchanged.
@anon ow that's excellent, that proves it then.
I have to leave now.
So it's: p(D)=100(D^2-6D+10) ?
Be back in 10'. Munch time.
@MathproofP. And since $1,2,\cdots,p-1$ are all distinct mod $p$, $\omega(1),\omega(2),\cdots,\omega(p-1)$ are all distinct mod $p$, hence they are distinct as $p$-adic integers, hence we have at least $p-1$ different $(p-1)$st roots of unity. But a field cannot contain more than $n$ different $n$th roots of unity, so then we know that the number of $(p-1)$s roots of unity in ${\bf Z}_p$ is $(p-1)$. And ${\bf Z}_p\subseteq{\bf Q}_p$, so this proves the claim.
@Carpediem No, just the same.
The constant $100$ plays to role in the ODE.
Oh so it's just D^2-6D+10
@Carpediem I thinks so. But I'm not sure about what your definitions are.
See you later.
see you
@MathproofP. Note that the problem said "the" roots of unity, which meant we had to show it had a full set (i.e. precisely p-1 in count) roots of unity.
@anon yes exactly, that's great is there any way for me to save this chat? I think I need to go over it in more rigour before we attempt the last bit and it's awfully late and I need to get up early to study tomorrow.
@MathproofP. the last bit follows pretty easily from (c) and the stuff we've shown so far. you can Ctrl+PrntScrn to take a screenshot (it will be in your "clipboard," meaning you can then Paste it into mspaint say). I use a google chrome extension to save long webpages as images.
actually, I could probably screenshot our discussion and post it for you, hang on
thank you ever so much for the help it made things much clearer for me
well, my extension is buggy, you'll have to figure out out yourself
yeah sure I'm print screening it. goodnight. I will also try do c when I wake up tomnorrow and get back to you.

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