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@OldJohn In winter my topiary turns to taupiary?
You can only choose blue, steelblue or dodgerblue.
Is it a bad sign that when typing the "*.pdf" file extension, you think in your head, "probability density function"?
@anorton No, it is very common.
Good. What about for people who haven't taken a probability and/or statistics course? :P
@BrianM.Scott :)
Apples are not pears henceforth I will eat an apple.
Speaking of topiary, I recently fell in love with the idea of "cloud pruning" - but not sure if I am going to live long enough to actually carry it out on a real tree!
Given the naive view of heaven, plenty of cloud pruning for you left to do!
@JonasTeuwen They are certainly not bananas.
How do you know?
Bananas are yellow. Apples are red. Pears are green. QED.
Of course, there are also red bananas and green apples, so not QED.
@JasonBourne Bananas come in an astonishing variety of colors. Some bananas are yellow.
@BrianM.Scott I don't like the red bananas.
@JasonBourne So they don’t exist? Neat trick!
Bananas always turn black with me.
I don't know why.
@JonasTeuwen You’re too slow! You don’t eat them fast enough.
But you can store that like a couple of weeks right?
@JonasTeuwen I try to buy mine a little on the green side, and I find that they’re already getting pretty soft in a week or less; in two weeks I’d expect them to be almost turning to liquid.
The green ones... I tried to eat them once.
It's like... what the!
I'd rather burn my eyes out of my sockets than having to eat green bananas for the rest of my life.
@JonasTeuwen Not completely green, but definitely with green at the tips, and perhaps a hint of green along the ridges.
@BrianM.Scott Ah you are a banana man too!
Basically, if the banana will peel, meaning that the peel can be separated from the meat, then I consider it edible. And I like them best at the green end of edible.
I'm probably a grocer's nightmare. I pick varying shades of ripeness (green, greenish-yellow, yellow), so I end up breaking up "bunches" to do so...that way, they they ripen at different rates...
@amWhy I sent you an email.
@JasonBourne The clerks at the grocery are shocked if I don’t have a couple of hands of bananas at checkout. :-)
Hey @anon!
@JasonBourne I just found two more of your posts...
@old I see you have switched back to your cartoon self!
@BrianM.Scott Alright, you seem like you are semi-professional in handling bananas.
How can I show that
$$\lim_{s\to 1}\frac{1}{\zeta(s)}\sum_{k=0}^\infty\frac{\ln(ak+r)\mu(ak+r)}{(ak+r)^s}=0, \text{ for any 0< r <a ,
is it equivilent too?$$\lim_{s\to 1}\frac{L'(s,\chi)}{L(s,\chi)^2\zeta(s)}=0$$
anon is obviously here so you need to say something else.
@JasonBourne Ah yes - just a temporary thing :)
The saint has reappeared
@JonasTeuwen You tried to eat green bananas?
I tried, yes.
@math101 Who is the saint?
@math101 Hey you still haven't thought of the exercises?
I advise against eating green bananas.
@JasonBourne watching that movie
@BrianM.Scott Are there red bananas?
That's a good question. Some bananas are indeed red.
@math101 Oh I see. Matt Damon is so cute eh?
@GustavoBandeira Yes, there are.
@BrianM.Scott Where?
Red bananas, also known as Red Dacca bananas in Australia, are a variety of banana with reddish-purple skin. They are smaller and plumper than the common Cavendish banana. When ripe, raw red bananas have a flesh that is cream to light pink in color. They are also softer and sweeter than the yellow Cavendish varieties, with a slight raspberry flavor. Many red bananas are imported from producers in Asia and South America. They are a favorite in Central America but are sold throughout the world. Taxonomy and nomenclature The Red banana is a triploid cultivar of the wild banana Musa ac...
@anon - I see you edited the question, and it has more views, but still no answers, unfortunately
@GustavoBandeira I used to know a Canadian woman who had grown up in Brazil and who very much missed the variety of colors and flavors of banana that she’d known as a child: in Canada she got only the common yellow ones.
I am going to ask a more recreational and accessible question on MSE for fun.
@BrianM.Scott I've eaten only a few varieties of bananas here. They were different only in size and format, not in color
@GustavoBandeira I think that the greatest variety is in East and Southeast Asia, but I’m not sure.
I like this quotation: There are fuzzy bananas whose skins are bubblegum pink; green-and-white striped bananas with pulp the color of orange sherbet; bananas that, when cooked, taste like strawberries. The Double Mahoi plant can produce two bunches at once. The Chinese name of the aromatic Go San Heong banana means 'You can smell it from the next mountain.' The fingers on one banana plant grow fused; another produces bunches of a thousand fingers, each only an inch long.
@anon Wow wow wow.
@BrianM.Scott Haha
@anon Can dirichlet L functions, $L(s,\chi)$, equal zero at s=1?
I don't think so.
That's part of the proof of DT, if I recall.
Done by factoring a dedekind zeta into dirichlet zetas, or somesuch.
And please remember, if you forget what to do, just ask yourself "What would Jesus do?"
I think I can clear up the problem you had with my last argument
if I can show that
that they cant equal zero
@JonasTeuwen Rather, what would Jonas do? What would Jasper do? What would John do?
@JasonBourne What would Erdős do? What would Euler do?
@math101 Tell me what you think of it when you are done! I have seen it 9000 times!
@JasonBourne I am loving it
@BrianM.Scott What would Brian do? =)
@math101 Of course, I appear in it. =)
@JasonBourne That is the good order, Sir, indeed, Sir.
@JasonBourne Be difficult?
Punch you on the nose, and then answer the question.
A good old shaggin' with the nose.
Q: Summation of $i \cdot j$ from $ 1$ to$ 3$

DaveI want evaluate the sum. I'm not sure if I'm doing it the right way. $\sum\limits_{1\le i<j\le 3}{ij} $ my answer : $1(2)+2(3)$ $i$ starts at $1$, $j$ starts at $2$, I multiply them, then $i$ goes to $2$ and $j$ to $3$ and we stop. Right? Thanks.

Geezis, why does this have 5 answers?
Five billion stars for... green guy.
OK, I am one of the culprits. I posted within a few seconsds of Iuli. =)
Alright! You deserve a lollipop. You can even chose the color.
I choose red lollipop.
A fine choice.
I think maybe I should change from blue to red.
Too late.
This is not a candy shop.
I mean my square.
Red square and red lollipop.
@JasonBourne Красная площадь!
@BrianM.Scott The wonders of google search.
Nah I like the blue @JasonBourne
@JasonBourne In this case it’s actually the wonders of human memory.
@math101 You like the blue? Hmm OK, I think I will keep it then.
@BrianM.Scott I was referring to myself. =)
@JasonBourne Ah, okay; the other interpretation was also reasonable.
@BrianM.Scott Yes. I am not too precise in chat!
Also, I am not too precise in set theoretic matters. My knowledge of logic and set theory now is mostly a naive one.
@JasonBourne That works fine for an awful lot of mathematics.
@anon I see your question using your other account!
Wait a second... anon has another account?
@BrianM.Scott How did you type that, Brian?
@amWhy I used the Windows character map to do so.
@anorton Well, I leave it to him to disclose his secret.
@JasonBourne Ok. I'm not asking for the username, just was surprised that there was (potentially) another acct... :)
@anorton But you can probably guess and it is not really a secret.
@anorton There are probably 9000 "secrets" if you read the entire transcript carefully and then analyse it. =)
@BrianM.Scott I've got to do some serious work in learning such tools, not to mention finally working with my installation for LaTeK (and installed-yet-to-be-used software of various sorts).
@amWhy What is LaTeK?
@JasonBourne oops...yes, a typo
Haha, I thought it was specially for Russian!
@BrianM.Scott Yes, indeed...
@JasonBourne hahahahaha
I am not a TeXpert but I did get 2,000 points on my deleted TeX account.
So maybe I can help you with some installation problems.
@JasonBourne deleted? why?
@amWhy Oh, I have deleted all my accounts except math, don't you know?
The whole universe has known that for 9000 years!
@JasonBourne Yeah, I'm keeping you in mind when I finally get around to working with the installation or re-installation.
@amWhy Did you do MikTeX or TeX Live?
@JasonBourne I guess I must be in some black hole of the universe! I did not know.
@amWhy Yes, you only recently learnt how to edit and delete in chat.
@JasonBourne I have MikTeX installed, and ProText...but not TeX Live, which I think you said you preferred, if I remember.
@JasonBourne When I decided to get some form of it, I just installed LyX, so I have MiKTeK.
@BrianM.Scott Oh, you mean installing LyX installs MikTeX automatically? Hmm, I never used LyX.
Whee! That was fun!
@JasonBourne As I recall, it did.
@amWhy ProTeXt is really just a customised MikTeX install with other add-ons.
I rarely use it, though: this site is almost the only place that I use $\LaTeX$.
@JasonBourne okay...I may have conflicting packages...anyway, I don't think I installed it correctly...I can't seem to get documents up and running...I know the math formatting, but not how to begin documents, etc...
@BrianM.Scott pretty much here, too, but I'd like to use it for papers/documents, etc.
@amWhy Join the club. That’s one reason I decided to go with LyX: it takes care of that reasonably well automatically and makes it a little less daunting to learn how to modify things to get what you really want.
@amWhy First of all, is your internet connection unlimited broadband or do you pay by the minute?
@BrianM.Scott I'll look into it.
@JasonBourne Unlimited broadband (DSL)
@BrianM.Scott OMG, a real prof using LyX! The world is ending!
@amWhy Ah OK, then I don't need to worry about you wasting your dollars. Now if you are not sure you installed properly or if the existing install is corrupt the best is to uninstall everything and reinstall properly.
@JasonBourne When I installed it, mine was neither of those: it was unlimited dial-up.
@JasonBourne I didn’t use $\LaTeX$ in any form before I retired.
@BrianM.Scott OMG, this is news to me...
@JasonBourne probably will do just that, uninstall and reinstall.
@JasonBourne I’m old enough, and I stopped publishing long enough ago, that I had no reason to learn $\LaTeX$.
@amWhy Yeah it's pretty fun. I read many web pages before finally getting all the bits and pieces together to do my own install.
@JasonBourne I'll do the same. I really didn't know what I was doing when I downloaded everything!
@amWhy Yeah it's confusing, and there is still lots of new TeX engines being developed now.
If you want to use LyX well you end up learning LaTeX anyway 8-)).
@BrianM.Scott Do you have a list on what you published?
I use the same editor as the great anon! =)
Oh man, I am aiming for lower and lower fruit, to the point where I feel a little embarrassed.
I am going to bed. Emacs is releasing steam... it can rest for a couple of hours. Need to refuel.
@JonasTeuwen See you in your dreams!
@GustavoBandeira I probably have one somewhere; it’s only about two dozen papers.
Sure thing.
@BrianM.Scott Twenty is a lot.
@JasonBourne It’s certainly above the median, though I think that the median has increased over the years.
I have lots of toilet papers.
@JasonBourne They’re more useful than paper toilets.
@BrianM.Scott Haha, though paper toilet can be used as toilet paper. =)
Ye gods and little fishes; look at these.
I don't like doing these integrals or sums.
Most of them are quite meaningless to me.
Some arise naturally.
Some seem to be conjured from thin air.
@JasonBourne I do, however, admire some people’s ability to work them quickly; Marvis comes to mind.
@BrianM.Scott Marvis is very mysterious. I only know he is a toothpaste.
@JasonBourne Why is everything either a banana, or now toothpaste, to you?
@anorton HAHAHA, but do you know why I called him a toothpaste?
Do a google search.
@anorton Search on marvis toothpaste
on toothpaste?
Oh. ok. :)
Just do an image search for marvis and you will see him. =)
@anorton Maybe he’s hung up on soft phallic symbols? :-)
Hi @barbara welcome to this chat.
@Barbara: I’m in the other room as well now. Or we can talk here.
@BrianM.Scott Did you publish them in the internet?
@GustavoBandeira No. Some are in the proceedings of the annual Spring Topology Conference, one is in Fundamenta Mathematicae, at least one is in the Amer. Math. Monthly, a couple are in the proceedings of a couple of workshops sponsored by NATO, and I think a couple are in the Procs. of the AMS.
Glas is a 1974 book by Jacques Derrida. It combines a reading of Hegel's philosophical works and of Jean Genet's autobiographical writing. "One of Derrida's more inscrutable books," its form and content invite a reflection on the nature of literary genre and of writing. Structure and content Columns Following the structure of Jean Genet's Ce qui est resté d'un Rembrandt déchiré en petits carrés bien réguliers, et foutu aux chiottes ["What Remains of a Rembrandt Torn Into Four Equal Pieces and Flushed Down the Toilet"], the book is written in two columns in different type sizes. The left...
This is amazing!
@JasonBourne I love itttttttt
@math101 Hehe. =) Aren't you sleeping yet?
@JasonBourne Its only 9 pm. I waste my days and then dont head to bed until 3 am :\
@BrianM.Scott I came to this site initially to contribute to a question about integrals, and N3bu... had a great list of integrals.
@math101 That’s too early to be going to bed.
@math101 Ah OK time for real analysis!
@BrianM.Scott I agree :)
@JasonBourne Not yet. I gotta finish the movie :P
@BrianM.Scott I wanna have enough brain to read it.
Just some random facts that came to mind, when I was just browsing through the transcript.
@math101 One of the good things about retirement is that I can keep my own damn’ schedule!
@robjohn Hello! Are you there? :)
@math101 Oh OK!
@BrianM.Scott Cant wait to retire!!!!
@math101 Might as well say, can't wait to die!
@math101 The funny thing is that I’m probably putting in more hours teaching here than I was before I retired.
Well, I assume he is away. Bye, folks.
@BrianM.Scott yes, but at least here you don't get paid for it!
@DavidWheeler Very true.
as homer simpson would say: woo-hoo!
I know it's kinda frowned upon to copy/paste to chat a link to a question you've just asked, but I figured that there were a couple of people on here that could help (probably)... I've run into a problem somewhere solving a DE, and was wondering if someone could look over my work.
@BrianM.Scott better that way. It keeps you young.
@anorton Looks like someone was quick off the mark.
@math101 Are you watching the movie on your computer? I guess so since you are chatting at the same time!
@JasonBourne was watching on my ipad and sitting in front of my comp
@anorton Hey it's fine if you have waited a while and don't do that all the time. Nobody will frown at you. Don't be paranoid!
@math101 Are you done yet?
@JasonBourne Yaaaaaaa
@math101 So ready to think about the exercise?
@JasonBourne Alrighty, Back to business
@math101 Yeah, I will sleep in about an hour from now.
Ya i am getting to work. Let me see what I come up with
Yeah you can just email me. I am leaving this chat now.
Alrighty, I will :)
Hello there
Hello mathematicians
2 hours later…
@kan I am now.
@RustynYazdanpour hey there. What's up?
not too much.
I learned a lot about elliptic curves today.
@RustynYazdanpour never looked into them.
How can I get a conjugate of fourier series? I mean $\bar{\hat{f(j)}}$
wait...euler :D
@hhh You mean just the complex conjugate?
@RustynYazdanpour what did you learn?
Yes but I already proved what I was going to prove, the moment I wrote it I realized how to do it.
Thanks for asking :)
@Ethan I learned how to obtain rational solutions to them and analyze them a little bit.
@Ethan Mostly, I worked on this problem and read about elliptic curves in Silverman's friendly introduction to number theory text, as well as other sources.
@RustynYazdanpour lol no way Im reading the same book
@RustynYazdanpour im about half way done, on quadratic reciprocity atm
@Ethan Yeah, it was my number theory book from about 3 years back
I am not sure if it was a good one to get though, the author is sometimes annoying
I am not good at chosing books lol
I haven't dabbled in number theory much since except for in tutoring
Yeah the author
does a lot of examples
very annoying
And then he introduces ideas, and then shows them to be false lol
like "so and so could guess this is true" but we see it is not
i took discrete math and number theory at the same time
so it was helpful back then
when i had little exposure
I realize I am lacking in abstract algebra a lot
same lol, otherwise I probably would have gotten a more advanced book
Like, i took point-set topology
and then couldn't continue onward
because i didn't have the abstract algebra pre-req
so now that I'm graduated, I have to teach myself I guess
@Ethan are you going to study math @ university ?
@RustynYazdanpour my bad, yes probably
@RustynYazdanpour have you studied any analytic number theory?
@Ethan No, but I'm trying to master the proof technique of vieta jumping for problems with integers
oh, for what? diophantine equations?
I don't know much about diophantine equations yet, but the parametric equations people find to aid them in solving such equations are amazing
like $(a+b+c)^5+(a-b-c)^5-(a-b+c)^5-(a+b-c)^5=80abc(a^2+b^2+c^2)$
@Ethan We did a problem in topology that involved dirichlet's theorem, we used it to prove that the integers were not compact under the arithmetic progression topology
5 hours later…
Help me please, why if group $G = \langle a_1, a_2, \ldots, a_n \rangle$ then $G / [G,G]$ can't have element of finite order $k>1$?
Oh, $G = \langle a_1,\ldots, a_n \mid w(a_1,\ldots,a_n) = 1 \rangle$, sorry :)
ah, it's not true! :))))))))
@user58512 that is quite an impressive collection.
@Nimza Just out of curiosity, what is $w(a_1,\dots,a_n)$?
@peoplepower some word, for example $a_1$ or $a_1 a_2 a_1$
@peoplepower are you good in algebra? I have another easy question, why $\langle a_1,\ldots, a_n | w_1(a_1,\ldots,a_n) = 1 \rangle$ can't be isomorphic to $\langle a_1,\ldots, a_m \mid w_2(a_1,\ldots,a_m) =1 \rangle$ if $m \neq n$? I think that's very easy, but I didn't have abstract algebra course :(
@Nimza Hm, maybe try assuming $n>m$ and proving that the kernel of any homomorphism from the first to the second is nontrivial.
Although I suspect that there are counterexamples.
if w_1 isn't 1 does that mean the group has dimension n-1?
@peoplepower Do you think it isn't true in general?
$\langle a,b \mid ab=1\rangle\cong\langle a\rangle$.
Right? Since $b=a^{-1}$.
Although, does the word need to be nontrivial?
@peoplepower but there are no conditions on the RHS
@peoplepower aha
@peoplepower ah, look: if $\phi$ is such isomorphism, then $\phi(w_1) = 1$, so $w_2 = \phi(w_1)$ or equivalent to it, then $G_2 = G_1 * \mathbb{Z}$
Yes, nice.
do you know about dirichlet convolution of arithmetic functions?
@user58512 That's a nice site.
Haha, my line got starred too? This must be free star day, not star free day.
@JasonBourne, what math are you interested in
@JonasTeuwen How are your arrangements coming along?
@JasonBourne Yo!
@user58512 Well, I am interested in everything but not good in anything. On this site, my speciality is algebra-precalculus, LOL.
@OrangeHarvester Yo! The orange looks ugly to me, but it is fine if you like it.
@JasonBourne You don't like the oranges or the picture looks ugly?
@OrangeHarvester Well, both.
@JasonBourne Okay.
Deep Refresh
Exact duplicate of Pete's answer! — julien 7 mins ago
... which was what I suggested. — lhf 5 mins ago
Oh well, if different people post similar answers around the same time I think it is fine as long as they are all phrased differently. It's just a few minutes difference. This is not a swimming contest.
I find this kind of comment to be more noise for the site.
I shall just ignore these comments from now.
I want to make a table of $\varphi$ applied to ideals of Z[i]
but I would need a list of Gaussian primes and write a script to do it :/
1 hour later…
@JasonBourne it seems a strange comment coming from as high rep user as lhf.
@math101 Hello.
@OrangeHarvester Hey :)
@math101 Wassup?
@OrangeHarvester On my way to work fashionably late
@math101 you work too?
@OrangeHarvester Yaa.
@math101 where?
At a media company
Ahh, cool, part time?
Its whatever I want it to be :)
Its nearly midday here so I guess you can call it part time
The earliest I show up is at 10 am
Okay. So you are working and studying at the same time?
I study online
Ohh. Okay.
And hence, your question about the tutor. Hmm.
If I may ask, how old are you?
and you?
okkiieeeeeee. Time for me to go to work before my colleagues are ready to killl me
@OrangeHarvester Yes, very weird. I don't know what his intention was. Maybe he just wants to chit chat with me.
may be monday-tuesday grumpiness.
I just hope he doesn't think I am copying his answers.
Suppose $(m,x)=1$, $(n,y)=1$ and $(m,n)=1$.
Does this imply $(mn,xy)=1$?
$(m,x) = (2,3)$, $(n,y) = 3,4$
@PeterTamaroff Yeah!
I want to help a guy in showing that $\phi(m)\phi(n)=\phi(mn)$
$$M=\{x:(m,x)=1\}$$ $$N=\{y:(n,y)=1\}$$ $$MN=\{z:(mn,z)=1\}$$

Here $1<x<m,1<y<n$.
COnsdier those sets.
I wanna show $|MN|=|M||N|=|M\times N|$.
Typo. $1\leq x <m$,$1\leq y<n$.
So I want to produce a bijection among those sets.
I first thought about $(x,y)\mapsto xy$ but apparently it doesn't work.
Remember $(m,n)=1$.
okay. I am eating right now, so only napkins I have, but I would like to try using prime factorization of n and m, and taking the complement set.
@OrangeHarvester Could you give me a $5\times 5$ matrix array code?
@PeterTamaroff ??
like \begin{matrix} blah....
dude, I am eating..... no special characters
Generate one yourself. Why do you want it though?
I don't know how ...
Could i please ask someone a quick question about subgroups?
@bobdylan OK.
ahh okay. Try between p and b prefix to find what suits you.

a &b &c &d &e \\
a &b &c &d &e \\
a &b &c &d &e \\
a &b &c &d &e \\
a &b &c &d &e \\
Im trying to show that $H=(a in g|a^2 = e)$, a subset of D_6 is not a subspace, ive found that elements in H take the form of $r^is for i\ge0$. so multiplication of two elements r^is and r^js where i does not equal j is a rotation, so it is not in H.
is that logic correct?
@bobdylan what do you mean by subspace?
@peter Where have you been? I miss seeing you in this chat!
@JasonBourne Vacations, my friend.
@PeterTamaroff Aha! Aren't you gonna change out of that Xmas attire?
@JasonBourne I should. Too lazy now.
sweet heavenly dosbox delights
There is an issue with the MSE coffee mug design. The logo is on the left side of the handle, which means for right-handed people only the drinker will be able to see it. Not much of an advertisement then!
Man, sometimes engineering mathematics is.... unrigorous
@anon Hey people see the mug from all directions OK?
Real right-handed mathematicians drink coffee with their left hand -- their right hand is busy proving theorems.
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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