@Ben In general, if you have a (pointed) map $f\colon X\rightarrow Y$ and consider the the Barratt-Puppe sequence $X\rightarrow Y\rightarrow C_f\rightarrow\Sigma X\rightarrow\dotsc$, there is also a coaction $C_f\rightarrow\Sigma X\vee C_f$ obtained by collapsing a horizontal copy of $X$ in $C_f$ to a point.
If you now consider (pointed) maps into a space $T$, you obtain the usual LES of pointed sets, but also a map $[\Sigma X,T]\times[C_f,T]\rightarrow[C_f,T]$, which turns out to be a group action. You can check that the orbits of this action are precisely the fibers of the restriction map…