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@ILikeMathematics are you assuming those spaces are finite-dimensional?
Oh. I didn't see the basis $B$
@Jakobian My idea is basically this: $(\tilde \psi \circ \tilde \sigma^{-1})(\varphi) = \tilde \psi(\tilde \sigma^{-1}(\varphi)) = \tilde \psi(\varphi \otimes 1_V) = \varphi(1_V)$ but I'm not sure what this $1_V$ exactly is, haha
@Jakobian Does this approach look right to you, i.e. if we pick some 'good' $1_V$, could we get the trace with this?
Consider the map $\varphi:\sum a_iv_i\mapsto a_jv_k$. Those maps form a basis of $\text{Hom}(V, V)$. Then $\tilde{\sigma}^{-1}(\varphi) = \pi_j \otimes v_k$ where $\pi_j(\sum a_i v_i) = a_j$. So $\tilde{\psi}(\pi_j \otimes v_k) = \pi_j(v_k) = \delta_{jk} = \text{trace}(\varphi)$.
Since both of these maps are linear, they must be equal
@psie the outer measure is such that the $\mu^*$-measurable sets include the algebra $\mathcal{A}$. So they also include their countable intersections, and countable unions of their countable intersections.
@Jakobian yup, I was just about to write. All the sets in $\mathcal A$ are $\mu^\ast$-measurable. Sometimes you forget.
Maybe you aren't sure if $\mu^*$-measurable sets form a $\sigma$-algebra?
@Jakobian Is it supposed to be $\varphi: \sum a_i v_i \mapsto \sum a_j v_k$?
@ILikeMathematics no
Why can we describe every $\varphi$ by that, then?
what do you mean by every $\varphi$
This statement is supposed to hold for all $\varphi \in \operatorname{End}(V)$
and it does
@Jakobian I'm reviewing this stuff, so I feel a bit forgetful :) this is Caratheodory's theorem, that the $\mu^\ast$-measurable sets form a $\sigma$-algebra and the restriction of the outer measure to this $\sigma$-algebra is a complete measure.
@psie yes. In geometric measure theory it's actually more important to keep the outer measure than forget about it how it's often done
that's why outer measures are sometimes called "measures"
Oh, you are arguing by linearity
yes. I never claimed that a map $\varphi\in \text{Hom}(V, V)$ needs to be of this specific form
@Jakobian Thank you, that's elegant. Is there also a more direct way - without considering these special $\varphi$ first - right away doing it in full generality?
We can also consider the general $\varphi: \sum a_i v_i \mapsto \sum b_i v_i$ right away, then we just need to 'pull apart' the tensor product and basically argue analogously, right?
Nevermind, that won't work
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