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I intend to study 12 hours a day next year.
@JonasTeuwen It depends what you mean by that. I do like puppies. I don't like having it sniff around me all day, cleaning it up and washing my hands 20 times a day (since every time I touch it I wash cause it eats cow shit, cat shit and other dogs' shit, too)
But when I am able to it improves my well-being.
Too gross.
That being said, do you have some analysis or combinatorics you work on? I need to write papers.
@MattN. Hehe, but that is how puppies are 8-) (and you knew that before you got it...)
@JonasTeuwen I know : ) But I'm stupid. Honestly: IRL I make every mistake several times before I get it.
But you get it in the end, most people don't 8-(.
@MattN. What kind? Math mistake or other kinds?
@JasperLoy All kinds.
@MattN. Hmm, it is not your fault. This is my favourite line from Good Will Hunting "It is not your fault"
Papers! I need people to write papers with.
@JonasTeuwen You can't do it yourself?
Well, depends on what you mean with "can't do".
I probably can, but I leave stuff unfinished.
Also, collaborations can be useful in motivating each other and learning new things.
@JonasTeuwen Me! Me!
But I need to learn stuff first.
Need some time.
Okay! What is your favorite subject?
Need my 8 hours of undisturbed time :,(
@MattN. Mmm, I think you know enough to write papers.
@JonasTeuwen Functional analysis.
There is some time you should stop reading books and books.
I think.
And just write some papers.
Not yet. I'm sure.
Okay! That is kinda broad. Probability in infinite dimensions?
@MattN. Hmm OK, anything in particular in functional analysis?
I am sure there are things you can already solve that are publishable.
I seem to be a member of the group "functional analysis" here.
@JonasTeuwen Haha, no, I meant I liked Einsiedler's notes. (after getting used to him)
Holy cow.
Yes, those notes are quite enough to do some PDE things.
@JonasTeuwen Well. If you have something, let's discuss it!
I have plenty of things actually...
Oh my. I just roped myself into something.
@JonasTeuwen Do you have them compiled and ready to email?
I am doing something in light-matter interaction (scattering) with a student (he writes).
Or available online?
@MattN. Kind of, but unbrushed.
@JonasTeuwen No problem, let's have a look!
I'll push them in your mailbox but first I'll add some comments so you are not like "wadafuq".
Not really sure I dig PDEs, btw. The part of FA I liked was the part involving general topology or the bits about Fourier stuff. That was only contained in traces though.
@JonasTeuwen k!
@MattN. PDEs aren’t functional analysis: they’re an invention of the devil.
@MattN. It is strongly related.
@BrianM.Scott They seem to use techniques from all bracnhes of math!
For instance, if $\Delta u = 0$ with $u(x, 0) = u_0$ the solution is given by $u = e^{t \Delta} u_0$.
And $e^{t\Delta}$ is again a thing from functional analysis (operator semigroup).
Working on some function space. The functions spaces there can be lovely described by Fourier analysis.
@BrianM.Scott How so? 8-).
See, harmonic analysis is actually the study of potentials (solutions to the Laplacian) kinda.
@JonasTeuwen <SHUDDER!!!>
@jonas What do you think of the Evans PDE book?
I like PDEs, they require lots of creativity.
@JasperLoy It is okay, but perhaps you fancy Krylov more.
@JonasTeuwen Title? Never heard of Krylov!
"Sobolev spaces" and "Hölder spaces", I think.
They are much more... formal.
Oh, no wonder.
The reason that functional analysis isn’t horrible is that parts of it are really fancy topology. :-)
And BMS=Topology!
@BrianM.Scott The fancy Grothendieck thingies? 8-).
Espace Nucleaire.
No, that’s a different direction altogether.
I had to take some time to wrap my head around those...
The topological vector space stuff in tensor products?
@BrianM.Scott Couldn't have said it better!
Does anyone here know the whereabouts of Grothendieck?
To me PDEs are functional analysis. Actually.
@JasperLoy Well, not precisely :-).
@BrianM.Scott : ) I don't know that yet. Though if the devil doesn't exist, how can he invent stuff?
But I know some people that seem to know. Somewhere in the south of France.
I don't know why people dislike PDEs so much, usually their reasons are a reason for me to like them.
Hmm, I wonder what made him do whatever he did. Someone must have upset him terribly.
Some reasons might be... you change the equation slightly and the behavior changes unpredictably. I like that, requires lots of creativity to wrap your head around what is happening!
@MattN. Never underestimate the power of sheer, bloody-minded evil!
@JasperLoy Pierre Deligne's ad hoc proof of the Weil conjecture?
@MattN. The devil certainly exists metaphorically! Same for God.
@JonasTeuwen Are you a secret Bourbaki member? You seem to be...
But you have really cool questions like the one by Weyl (I think) Can one hear the shape of a drum?.
@JasperLoy No. 8-(.
Most of them are pushing up the daisies right?
Do you know that Bourbaki has another name?
My advisor in physics has Laurent Schwartz as his scientific grandfather 8-).
I think it is Arthur Besse.
@JasperLoy :,( God and devil and stuff does not exist.
I spent some years working on potential theory - which ought to have been all about PDE's ... but I side-stepped them, and worked on measure theory and topology instead :)
Just like homeopathy can't cure and astrology can't predict.
@OldJohn Very sensible!
I remember we were talking about initials and how BMS would become BS if the M was removed.
@OldJohn I have quite some intricate measure theory issues in my PDE analysis...
Someone! Give me a sensible reason why PDEs are not a good object of study!
@OldJohn If PDE's are devil, then I will not be worried about being Faust.
The paper by Felix Otto (et al) of formulating the Fokker-Planck equation (a field model) as a flow in a metric space is A+++.
Hah, Faust.
@JonasTeuwen I give you one: they are pretty random in pattern, just formulations from nature.
@BrianM.Scott do you happen to know anything about unicoherent spaces?
@JasperLoy First part: yes, second part: no!
First part makes it a challenge to find the reason why.
@JonasTeuwen No rational reason - I just disliked them for reasons I find hard to make concrete
@JonasTeuwen No? Don't PDEs arise from physics?
Sometimes they do, but often not.
@OldJohn The name doesn’t ring a bell, but I’m taking a look.
This is unrelated but I'm currently having an epiphany: Quotient groups $G/N$ make sense as a group if and only if they have a product that is well defined i.e. the product of cosets and this product is well defined if and only every element of $G$ normalizes $N$ if and only if $N$ is normal in $G$....wow.
@BrianM.Scott Thanks
They often arise from a physical model which is a tremendous simplification.
@JayeshBadwaik oh !!!
My phone book almost came apart even though I don't browse it much.
And then they get modified mathematically to encompass a larger class.
And then enlarge the space so you can talk about them mathematically (the so called distributional solutions).
@Charlie Hi!!!
And then I guess we are back at the nifty topology in functional analysis.
@jmi4 Well done!
@BrianM.Scott What was the topology you were aiming at, not the one in Grothendiecks way, then what?
@JayeshBadwaik hello!!!
@jmi4 Mm... isn't that the definition basically? Or... I miss.
I might fail to grasp.
I wanted to ask Argon whether there is a song for every day of the week, since the RB song is only for Friday.
@JonasTeuwen I never had a great deal to do with the subject, but if you can dig up Compact-like operators and the Biare category theorem, J.J. Buoni, A. Klein, B.M. Scott, & B. Wadhwa, Integral Equations and Operator Theory 7 (1984), you’ll get an idea.
You published something in an operator theory journal? Kickass.
Got it!
@PeterTamaroff It's just about the meaning of .4999... really, which is .5. End of story.
@OldJohn: Ah, now I recognize the term. No, I don’t know anything about them: I left continua theory to the geometric topologists as much as I could.
@BrianM.Scott That was before I was born... 8-).
@BrianM.Scott Look who's up.
IntegrateDisNutsSucka, that's a bad choice of a username.
@BrianM.Scott OK - thanks for looking - it is just a niggling problem that has annoyed me for about 12 years ...
@JasperLoy No, that’s the easy part. The real story is how one should round the midpoint numbers.
There were some crazy topologists here last week, some man, named "Alan Dow", I thought he was Woody Allen.
At least, that is how he looked to me.
@PeterTamaroff I see Peter's name hidden there. It's in the proof.
@JonasTeuwen I’ve not seen Alan in years; is he still a long drink of water?
The proof is in the eating of the pudding.
@JasperLoy Where?
@JonasTeuwen and he is almost an anagram, too :)
Reading a book twice is good. Teaches you everything you didn't understand when reading it the first time.
@BrianM.Scott Yes, but I am taller! 8-).
@OldJohn Yes!
Truth needs no proof, but proof needs truth.
@JonasTeuwen I forget: how tall are you?
@BrianM.Scott About 2m.
@JonasTeuwen It was 1.8 m the last time.
@JonasTeuwen LOL
@JonasTeuwen You are a giant.
@JonasTeuwen holy holy holy monkey.
What? I am a tiny boy 8-(.
Guess my height? I am a shortie.
Need to eat. Time to scavenge. See you all later!
See you!
@JasperLoy 166?
@JayeshBadwaik 168!
@JasperLoy okay, I some centimeters taller than you.
@JasperLoy even smaller than me at 175
@BrianM.Scott Hmm, is there even the word "topology" mentioned in that paper?
@OldJohn Well, I am Asian after all. Asians are short and have small ... .
But. I love PDEs.
@JasperLoy feet? :))
You actually have to understand what is going on to be able to proceed.
Unlike some other problems.
@MattN. "Amen" to that.
I don't like to read books. Destroys creative thinking and drains my mental energy.
@PeterTamaroff He doesn't do amen.
@JasperLoy Niether do I.
@PeterTamaroff Actually I say it just to mean so be it in a non-religious manner.
@PeterTamaroff neither
@JonasTeuwen I’ve known a couple of fellows about your height; but you’re right, Alan’s not one of them. My first year in grad school I lived in a rooming house with a fellow who stood about 2.06 m and weighed only a little over 80 kg.
@JonasTeuwen that's interesting
@JasperLoy I konw.
@BrianM.Scott Hah, he must have been quite slim.
It is a large disadvantage actually, unless you play basketball.
It is too tall, and the human anatomy does not seem to have such lengths as optimal points...
@JasperLoy Hmph! You’re not short: I’m 161.
@JonasTeuwen This is true.
@BrianM.Scott What? A Caucasian at 161?
I have a lot of back aches and other issues due to my length (which is actually not that tall).
@Charlie Why?
@JasperLoy Yep.
I think that about 1.80 is optimal, at least if I look around :-).
Perhaps 1.85 because then you are taller than average 8-).
Don't underestimate the power of nonaverageness!
As long as you and your partner have about the same height it is OK.
I have a couple of friends and family members with lengths above 1m95, and many of them have quite severe spine issues (or just pain). Discus herniations...
I have never seen a woman standing 2m tall.
@JonasTeuwen spine or spline?
@JonasTeuwen I have - and it is a scary experience :)
A friend of mine, 1,98m his wife is 1,58m :-).
@OldJohn Hah.
@JonasTeuwen Erm, how do they do it?
@JonasTeuwen you have your own creativity.but don't like to penetrate the creativity of someone else and maybe get a little inspired?
Previous year, I had an experience... I looked at the guy and I was like OMG THAT GUY IS FUQIN TALL.
I never had that feeling before, really.
@JasperLoy I used to know a delightful (and happy) couple who were 178 (him) and and 150 (her). They were one hell of a good mixed doubles badminton team, too.
It was the tallest guy in the country :-).
@JonasTeuwen :)
@Charlie Yes, that is fine. Does not require you to read the whole book.
@OldJohn It was really strange, I never had to look up to see somebody's face :-))).
@JonasTeuwen Actually now that you say it that way, I don't like to read books either. I just read the results/general directions and try to prove them / develop the subject my way.
The guy is about 2,25m I believe...
@Charlie I think one has to read a minimum number of books first to reach Jonas's level, for example, 9 books.
@JonasTeuwen I don’t even notice. I notice when I look down.
He looks like if he would give you a slap on the back you would break your spine.
@BrianM.Scott Ah, so the same as what I have probably :-).
There is a professor here that is about 1.40m :-).
It is pretty awesome when he is walking with the giant professor next to him.
@JonasTeuwen Pretty much, yes. It does mean that I’m not intimidated by height, though! :-)
(About my length)
OK, so now I hear the ping one minute after the message, again how bad Chrome is.
They are in the same physics department 8-). Professor #1 about 1.4m the other #2 about 2m.
I once saw them both in costume, going to a meeting or so. Looked so cool.
@JasperLoy i could only read ten books this year.
The giant and his dwarf. Kinda.
@Charlie That is a lot, if they are math books.
@JasperLoy only two were about math :)
I wanna ask an interesting question again. Anyone notice that e=2.718281828... but the 1828 does not recur?
Hey. If anyone wants to help out a poor soul then please take a look at my question
I wonder if there is a natural explanation for this.
@JasperLoy pure fluke of base 10 representation
Perhaps take another base.
Perhaps this is a question that will get 100 votes?
It's just some apophenia.
@JasperLoy Like that $\pi$ question? I’d never have guessed that it would explode like that.
@JonasTeuwen lovely word - I must find a situation for using it :)
I just found one 8-))).
@JonasTeuwen :)))
Perhaps, you can take another random number and notice the same!
But, it is true that many nice things have come from the fact that people try to investigate something that seems just "random".
@BrianM.Scott I think I will post it now.
Like the guy that injected urine of bipolar patients into rats and notice it is way more toxic.
@JasperLoy "You aren't" and "You're not" are the same thing! Let's make that into "Yarn't".
@OldJohn Pareidolia is also nice 8-).
I use to use (phonetic representations) of εἴδωλον as a nickname when I was a teenager.
My favourite thing that might be random, but really has an underlying cause is $e^{\pi \sqrt{163}}$
@OldJohn H. Lenstra will be able to give you hours and hours of talks about the properties of a certain number...
@JonasTeuwen lovely word! - did you study Greek at school?
Q: Why decimal expansion of e has two copies of 1828

Jasper LoyThe value of the transcendental $e$ is $2.718281828459\ldots$. Is there any explanation why $1828$ occurs twice but is not recurring?

@OldJohn No.
I'm pretty much an autodidact.
@JonasTeuwen me too :)
I hardly learnt anything at school, I didn't know already.
Plus, they declared me retarded at age 4 8-(.
@JonasTeuwen lol
Which seemed to pop up some time ago when I had to do some administrative things, and had the remark "hmm, this can't be right... you said you graduated as engineer?" I was like "yep".
"Wow, education must have terribly degraded then! 8-)"
@JonasTeuwen You are an engineer? Which one?
@OldJohn Was not so much fun! My father decided to believe that.
@JayeshBadwaik Physics/applied mathematics.
@JonasTeuwen that's an engineer over in NL?
@JonasTeuwen darn
@JayeshBadwaik The degree...
@JayeshBadwaik When you append applied to it, yes.
And in one of the "Institutes of technology".
You can also do applied mathematics in a normal university, but you need a "technical" one, to get an engineering degree.
Is mostly historically based, I suppose.
Delft started as a mining engineering school.
@OldJohn But I guess he changed his mind at my graduation 8-)).
I thought there would be 10 votes on my question by now, but it is still at 0. =)
@JonasTeuwen :))
@JonasTeuwen Awesome! You have 5 years to Masters (3+2)?
@JonasTeuwen If I could start life over, perhaps I would be an accountant instead.
@JayeshBadwaik Yes.
@JasperLoy Mmm, but you can't.
So you'll have to do with this one.
back later
@JayeshBadwaik But I decided to do 6 + 1 8-(.
@OldJohn Bye!
@JonasTeuwen Yes, and in this one I don't feel like doing accounting. The other Jasper Loy is an accountant though.
@JonasTeuwen Ohh.
That's the guy on linkedin.
@JonasTeuwen So the Loy books are balanced. So to speak.
Some people mistake me for the linkedin guy.
@BrianM.Scott Hah, mm. "Commutative algebra with applications to accounting"?
Sounds like a book TWK could write.
@JonasTeuwen That’s just ... strange. :-)
Now I have a feeling my question on e would get 0 answers, but you never know.
@JasperLoy Someone will probably eventually point out that it’s a coincidence, noticeable only because we use base ten.
@JayeshBadwaik Not on purpose, the circumstanced kinda worked not to my advantage.
@JasperLoy Well... that's harder than clicking.
@BrianM.Scott It's got no less than 3 comments already!
@JonasTeuwen Ohh. 8-(
@JasperLoy I love joriki's comment!
@JayeshBadwaik No no, it is fine now.
Also, most people seem to do about 8 years!
@JonasTeuwen Good. In any case, you are a kickass analyst now. 8-)
The 3 + 2 is only in "theory".
If I accept the premise then that is largely also due to my advisor who never compromises on "quality".
Either you did it well, or you have to do it over (or stop it completely).
Only the last thing is not really an option for me. Usually.
Hmm. But seriously, sub-par quality is more detrimental than not doing the work, since it adds to the boredom of repeating the thing.
I have trouble accepting I am ok at analysis as this would have far fetching consequences.
After I leave the room, log out and restart comp, I still haven't left the room? Amazing!
need some help with modular arithmetic math.stackexchange.com/questions/218193/…
@JayeshBadwaik I also like the comment/quote from Doron Zeilberger
@OldJohn Yes, that’s one of his reasonable opinions. He has some others that verge on crackpottery.
@BrianM.Scott Interesting - I must look into his site a bit more in that case :)
So my question has 118 views now, but mostly from myself I think. =)
@OldJohn Try this one.
@JasperLoy I suspect that it inspired this question. And that’s a lot of comments if you count the upvotes.
@BrianM.Scott Yes, I hate it when the comments are more upvoted than the post!
@OldJohn Haha, Zeilberger rocks.
Only fish burger rocks.
@BrianM.Scott Brilliant! - I want to see that proof by Jacob Fox now ...
I need some Scotch, a bottle or so.
As a consolation, my meta post has two upvotes, phew!
@JasperLoy which?
It turns out that the person bumping the post that inspired the meta post is none other than our mean square.
@JonasTeuwen ‘I’d rather have a bottle in front of me than a pre-frontal lobotomy.’
@JayeshBadwaik Actually just now when I plus oned your tex question and said hint hint, you did not get my hint, but never mind. =)
@JasperLoy hmm. now i get it.
@JayeshBadwaik My sentences are all very deep. You need to read between between the lines.
@JasperLoy but, but I have LCD.
With me too.
I usually don't feel like explaining.
@JonasTeuwen With me three.
Hmmm... you act peculiar. Do you mean LSD instead of LCD?
1 min ago, by Jonas Teuwen
I usually don't feel like explaining.
That is Feynman.
Feynman? I wrote some stuff about Feynman diagrams in my thesis :-)).
@JonasTeuwen holly molly
Holly molly? What?
The only paper that I touch every day now is toilet paper.
I use relatively paperless.
TP for my bunghole!
@JonasTeuwen You steal your relatives’ TP?
10 comments now!
@BrianM.Scott Need all the TP I can get... 8-).
Moar TP.
Some toilet paper is so thin that they are useless. They break too easily.
You need five layer with silk addition TP.
You will want to sit on the potty all day, so soft!
This chat is degenerating fast.
And there is only one offending party...
Henceforth, I have proven I need a brew.
@JonasTeuwen Oh, I don’t know. My mind has to stand on a box to see out of the gutter.
Sigh, I can't figure out something simple. Suppose $f$ is holomorphic with zero of order $k$ at $a$, then obviously,
$$\frac{f'}{f} = \frac{k}{z - a} + \frac{g'(z)}{g(z)}$$
where $g$ is a non-zero function on the domain we work on.
Now I wonder if $g'$ cannot have zeros.
(if $0$ is kicked out)
Probably not, good.
I think I write down about 20 times as much as what I actually deem useful 8-).
I threw out a couple of thousand pieces of scrap paper today.
Aaaa, good evening! Please, help me, "Study of the generalized Radon transform and its economical applications." - is it normal for title of paper or should I change "study" on something other?
maybe research ...
@JayeshBadwaik, @JonasTeuwen what do you think?
@Nimza Is it a paper for publication in a journal?
@OldJohn yes
Then I would tend to think that the use of "study" or "research" is superfluous - what is wrong with just " The generalized Radon transform and its economical applications"?
@OldJohn oh, thanks! I had such variant in my mind
@Nimza Although I am not an expert - not having published many papers myself :)
I'll wait a little for different variants then)
5 hours ago, by Jayesh Badwaik
@JonasTeuwen I am a kiddie currently.
so, you cannot expect research paper titles from me
@Nimza do you have an abstract of the paper you could share with us?
@Nimza Kickass. What is it about?
Did you solve the problem?
The first part sounds like it is within my area of expertise!
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.
Good evening, Matt, bro.
@MattN. Hi Matt
@MattN. this question (if I could understand it!) might be connected to the coins problem we solved recently
@OldJohn It might but I'm too tired to think about it properly.
@MattN. and I'm too tired to try to work out what on earth he means ... life is too short for some things :)
@OldJohn It is!
Night everyone!
@MattN. night Matt
@OldJohn no, I haven't an abstract
@JonasTeuwen its about Radon transform over level surfaces of positive homogenous concave functions, motivated by economics of course
@JonasTeuwen I obtained for example the explicit inversion formula
@JonasTeuwen so what about the title?
"of course" - why? Are you a pupil of Aliprantis?
Because it was told in title!)
You probably do not want to show it to me to help you determine a title before it is published and after it is not needed.
@JonasTeuwen it isn't ready yet
Oh, then no title yet.
"On some mathematics"
I have to tell a title to my faculty
Oh, then it is fine.
Can always change it when you publish.
ok, thanks

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