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@ZhenLin Hello. Do you have any Linear Algebra book you'd recommend?
@skullpatrol Come again?
:6456594 "Come again?" means something like "paraphrase" =D Why "high and mighty"?
@PeterTamaroff Wait and find out...
@skullpatrol You made him leave!
@PeterTamaroff I'm not the one who ignored you.
@PeterTamaroff Gilbert Strang from MIT writes great Linear Algebra books.
Wow, elliptic integrals are so weird!!
@PeterTamaroff He is also a Rhodes Scholar.
@skullpatrol Nice.
@PeterTamaroff I now recommend you Petersen's Linear Algebra.
@skullpatrol I hope that's not because he's from MIT. I don't find the MIT OCW particularly great.
Why isn't there a math class or tutorials for made specifically for programmers.
@W3Geek It all depends on what you want to learn.
Where you could learn math applications and extend off them. I want to learn math for games development but I only want to learn the math I needs... @JasperLoy
I've searched on Google for this a million times and haven't found anything relevant.
@W3Geek Ah, then I don't know. It's not exactly clear what math game developers would need. In fact, I have also never heard of a course for such.
So in such cases, one finds out specifically what topics one needs, and then one learns them one by one in the right order.
Order is important. Some people try to learn algebraic geometry without knowing how to solve a quadratic equation.
I'm surprised they don't offer something of that matter. :\ I do not know what I need therefore I'm unable to learn. I don't want to go on khanacademy.org and learn it all because I don't need all of it.
@W3Geek Ah, but then if you don't know what you need, how do you know you need something?
Perhaps you are already complete!
Because lol when I look at all these calculations in open-source games, I'm like how in the **** did he do that. I can't look it up because I don't know what kind of formula is being applied.
@skullpatrol I think I won't try to talk to him either since he does not really like to chat, so it might not be just you.
@W3Geek Haha, from the way you describe, I can definitely tell you, nobody can answer your question. You need to know what that particular thing in that particular code is about. It can be one of 9000 things.
Exactly... It just upsets me because I am able to apply like 15 calculations to my code... The rest is just solid trial and error. I've been programming for like 6 years now. I have came a long way... I guess its just experience thing.
@W3Geek Sometimes, trial and error is part of solving a problem.
Maybe if you have a particular problem to solve, you can then ask which topic it belongs to.
Hmm I don't have any particular questions. Half the resources on the web I look at confuse me because I don't understand the symbols they give.
@W3Geek Ah, symbols are just symbols. Just need to understand basic stuff and then check out their definitions.
@peter What is it you removed? =)
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Hola, Mariano.
@JasperLoy I had pinged anon.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Como va?
todo tranquilo
cansado! :-0
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Bien. Hoy fue un buen dia.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Para mi te estresó subir tantas algerias sobre el pais al FB =P
Creo que a veces es sano olvidarlas, por lo menos por un rato!
recién subí una hermosa canción
para variar :-)
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Ahh! A ver. Yo estoy con esto
me encanta el primer comentario :D
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Jeje, la gente se explaya muuuuucho en YouTube.
«Are you high?»
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Jaja =) si, pero digo, ese contesta a "guys.... I thought I was listening to the movie of life itself (...)"
sip, los comentarios de youtube son un espectáculo en sí mismo
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez JAJAJJAJA
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Entre otros temas, tengo un agujero en una demostración. Y lo que sigue de esa demostracion es sobre Bolzano Weierstrass, continudiad de una $f$, continuidad uniforme de $f$, y otras cosas interestantes.
Es mas, es algo que me habias contado vos.
cual es el problema
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Demostrar que dado $A\subset \mathbb R$, entonces $x$ es un piunto de acum de $A$ sii para cada $\epsilon >0$ existen infintos $a\in A$ con $|x-a|<\epsilon$
Tengo algo hecho, pero no se si es totalmente correcto.
cual es tu definición de punto de acumulación?
(...) si para todo $\epsilon >0$ existe $a\in A$ tal que $0<|x-a|<\epsilon$.
supongamos que $x$ de acumulación de $A$
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Puedo yo? =)
Sea $x$ un p. de acuml. Entonces para cada $\epsilon>0$ y en part para cada $n\in\Bbb N$ existe un $a_n\in A$ tal que $|a_n-x|<1/n$. Luego, dado $\epsilon>0$, sea $N\in \Bbb N$ tal que $1/n<\epsilon$ si $n>N$. Entonces todo $a\in \{a_n:n>N\}$ cumple que $|a_n-x|<\epsilon$
@PeterTamaroff If there exists infinitely many points in the neighbourhood, there must be infinitely many points in the deleted neighbourhood.
Lo que no puedo asegurar es $\{ a_n:n>N\}$ no tenga repeticiones que lo conviertan en finito.
Al menos, tendria que probarlo.
To define a limit point one may talk about there being a point in every deleted nbhd. This is to prevent the point itself being used.
If one of those points were repeated infinitely many times, say $a$, then you'd have $|x-a|<1/n$ for infinitely many different values of $n$
Also, different authors will define things like limit point, accumulation point, frontier, boundary slightly differently. They are not always equivalent.
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Pero la idea no es mostrar que existe, para cada $\epsilon$, un (sub)conjunto infinto de puntos de $A$ con $|x-a|<\epsilon$?
Digo: si el conjunto $\{a_n:n\in\mathbb N\}$ fueese finito, existiria uno de sus elementos que es igual a $a_n$ para infinitos valores de $n$
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Claro.
y entonces, si $a$ es ese elemento, tendríamos $|x-a|<1/n$ para infinitos valores de $n$
Esto último solo es posible si $a=x$, y eso es imposible
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Ah, claro!
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez BTW, encontre lo de sucesiones equidistribuidas que te dije.
Hehe, I am guessing the meaning of all this without using google translate.
Esta en el Spivak.
mathese is always easy, @JasperLoy :-)
@PeterTamaroff After his super slow Calculus, his Calculus on Manifolds will be super fast!
Who would think that the second book is much shorter than the first!
@JasperLoy Super slow? Why so?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Ahi estalo que estoy haciendo ahora. 30. 31 y 32 en un rato
@PeterTamaroff Well, simply because it has many pages. Hey I did not know you read Spivak in Spanish!
@JasperLoy I didn't find it in English, but even so, I prefer Spanish.
@PeterTamaroff Hmm, but your English is very good. Better than many people here already.
@JasperLoy And does that mean I have to read math in English? I mean, I do read most math in english...
@PeterTamaroff Nope. Of course, I am biased towards English. =)
@JasperLoy Can you read Spanish?
Darn. Gotta go.
I'll be back in a while.
Oh, nevermind. I'm back.
@PeterTamaroff so hi then!
@leo Knew you'd log in sooner or later
@leo Español?
@PeterTamaroff si
@leo Mira la pagina arriba del Spivak
Voy a demostrar la $(c)$ ahora.
@leo Que hora es ahi?
@PeterTamaroff 9:13pm
tengo clases mañana a las 7
@leo de que?
@PeterTamaroff de la mañana. Que hora es allá?
@leo Jaja pero digo la materia!
@leo Son las 12:15 pm
@PeterTamaroff ya la estoy viendo
@PeterTamaroff je je, disculpa, de Geo. Diferencial
@PeterTamaroff a cual teorema de Bolzano-Weierstrass se refiere en la 31.?
sucesión acotada y monótona $\implies$ convergente?
@leo "La forma usual..."
@leo No no, pero "casi" continua
@leo Ese es el tma de la convergencia monotona.
B-W es que toda sucesion acotada tiene una subsucesion convergente.
Que segun leí se traduce a nociones de compacidad.
@PeterTamaroff ah cierto! muy importante ese
@PeterTamaroff y cuál de ésos ejercicios estas haciendo?
@leo Ahora el $(c)$
@PeterTamaroff y que es el lim con la raya arriba?
@leo Es una definicion medio engorrosa. Dado un conjunto infinito $A$ de los reales, decimos que $x$ is un casi cota superior de $A$ si existen solo finitos $y$ de $A$ con $y\geq x$.
Entonces si $A^*$ es el conjunto de todas las casi cotas superiores, $\overline{\lim}\;A=\inf A^*$
El otro es el analogo para casi cotas inferiores.
Es el analogo para conjuntos de $\limsup \; a_n$ para sucesiones.
Es mas, si es $A=\{a_n:n\in \Bbb N\}$, Spivak pide probar que estos numeros coinciden.
(siempre que $a_n\neq a_m$ para $m\neq n$
@PeterTamaroff ya veo
@leo Es medio molesta la definicion, pero bueno.
@leo Creo que me voy a dormir. Este $(c)$ me va a tomar un tiempillo y mañana no tengo mucho tiempolibre para siestas!
@PeterTamaroff ya te acostumbraras :-)
@leo Jejeje si, me imagino. =)
@PeterTamaroff entonces buenas noches!
yo tambien estoy por dormir
@leo Buenas noches. Que estés bien.@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez IDEM!
@skullpatrol cool :-)
say gnite to Peter
@leo Ya, was I surprised :-)
@skullpatrol I suppose. sup?
@leo Not much, just chillin'... you?
@skullpatrol where are you? are you about to sleep as well?
@skullpatrol about to sleep
No, I just woke up :-)
@leo With Google translate I was able to read the entire transcipt :-D
@skullpatrol is it morning there?
@leo Yup.
@skullpatrol I see. I think math can be more transparent because the names of the things are similar
@skullpatrol so you are in some place in the other side
@leo Now I have google translate turned on for this room :-) when I mouse over anything I get the translations.
@skullpatrol cool
hi @peoplepower
@skullpatrol Why hello there.
hi @AlexanderGruber
hi there @skullpatrol
If I had a dollar for every dollar sign I typed...
Would you be a millionaire?
2 hours later…
Just the owners and I are left, after everybody else left the math chat room :-D
@BenjaLim Whatz up?
hi @Chris'ssister
Hi all. Hi @skullpatrol!
@Chris'ssister How do like my double meaning "left" sentence above and below?
36 mins ago, by skullpatrol
Just the owners and I are left, after everybody else left the math chat room :-D
@skullpatrol: hmmm, since I'm not so good at English it's a bit hard to give you a good answer.
It sounds interesting!
@Chris'ssister That's OK neither am I :)
Has anyone else just experience a weird spat of down voting behavior?
I'm downvoted almost every day by DonAntonio.
Four of my questions were just down-voted in the span of less than a minute. They were chosen seemingly at random.
Not suer what to make of this.
@Potato: just be careless about that.
@Chris'ssister Indeed, I don't care, but it seems strange to me.
I was just wondering if I was being specifically targeted or if others have notice something similar.
Or some users were removed and then you lose your points.
(the points they gave you)
@Chris'ssister These show up as down votes on my profile. It's not users being removed.
@Potato: I never ever thought of downvoting a question just because the question seemed bad. There is no bad question. All of them are absolutely precious!
But people think differently.
@Chris'ssister Are you a math teacher?
@skullpatrol: No. But I suppose my brother will be. He's so brilliant.
@Chris'ssister With this kind of attitude: "There is no bad question. All of them are absolutely precious!" you would make a great teacher.
@skullpatrol: The attitude is very important. Any question is in fact a good opportunity to open the gates for great answers.
@anon Hey do you think my answer here is sufficient?
@JonasTeuwen Okay. Thanks. :-) Will get it up and running. Even I trust Mendeley more.
@JayeshBadwaik wassup
@BenjaLim I was trying to decipher it before you came in the room. The chronology of the invocations seems a bit strange...
@BenjaLim Good.I.Am.
Wassup with you?
@JayeshBadwaik Been addicted to representation theory
really addictive
@anon I can improve it?
For instance, you have to relate $T$ to $z,f$ somehow so the reader knows what's going on, and should you set $f$ to be a linear map on the alternating power from the get-go or should you show that any map out of the alternating power will happen to be of that form?
@BenjaLim Haha. Okay. I haven't got there yet. Right now, still doing problems on Todd-Coceter Algorithm.
@anon I just said that if we have any alternating map $f : V \times \ldots \times V \to \Bbb{C} \cong \wedge^n V$
then it must be multiplication by a scalar
that scalar given by the determinant.
@BenjaLim The guy is going through his first chapter in Artin, and you gave him endomorphisms!
@JayeshBadwaik It's not so bad
I'd say "here is an arbitrary alternating multilinear map $f$, then by universal property there is a unique endomorphism $L$ of the alternating power such that $f:V^n\to \Bbb C\cong \Lambda^n V$ and $V^n\to \Lambda^n V\xrightarrow{T}\Lambda^nV$ are the same, since the alternating power is dim=1 the map must be scalar multiplication, and then said scalar is uniquely determined by where the identity matrix gets sent," in that chronological order
@BenjaLim Hmm. Probably. Anyway, gotta go. Lunch. BBL.
@anon Feel free to edit my answer
@anon I think you want that $T$ to be $L$, and then conclude later that
$T = L$
you talk about the universal property after you forced $f$ to be a scalar multiplication, but I think it should go the other way around to make sense
I agree.
Do you know about the Mackey decomposition theorem? I'm trying to digest a proof of it, but I can't visualize the isomorphism $$k(HgK)\otimes_{kK}M\cong kH\otimes_{k(H\cap K^g)}M^g|_{H\cap K^g},$$ as given in (ii) of page 2 here
In any case, I'll still upvote.
@anon I am editing my answer. I
will get back to you. Hold on.
Also, if you know how to make tall up and down arrows in $\LaTeX$ that mark induction and restriction of modules (representations in particular), I'd love to know.
Then Mackey decomposition would look good like $$M\big\uparrow^G\big\downarrow_H\cong\bigoplus_{HgK}M^g\big\downarrow_{H\cap K^g}\big\uparrow^H.$$ (Checking to see how that looks.) Edit: Aha! \big seems to work nicely enough.
@anon I am trying to read the paper now
what is $M^g$?
hi @JonasTeuwen
M^g is defined right before the statement of the theorem on pg1
@anon I am confused as to what is $kx$
When they say $k(HgK) = \sum kx$
the vector subspace of k[G] generated by x is kx, and the sum of these subspaces over x in HgK will be k(HgK). essentially it means the subspace of k[G] spanned linearly by the elements of the double coset HgK.
@anon Ok so $kx$ is one dimensional
@anon Are you confused as to why $\varphi_g$ is well - defined?
let's go with that
But once you show $\varphi_g$ is surjective and count dimension you're done
how did the subscript of the tensor product go from $k(H\cap K^g)$ to $kK$?
(and why did the restriction on $M$ disappear)
ok let me see
Ok do we know that $kH$ is a right $k(H \cap K^g)$ module?
$M_g$ a left $k(H \cap K^g)$ module?
hi @warl0ck
Just one thing: $\sum_{x \in HgK} kx$ that is a direct sum yes?
it is in fact direct
yes because we want to say that our group algebra is now a direct sum of one dimensional subspaces
you mean the module induced from the double coset space that is the codomain of the map?
technically I don't think it's an algebra
cause HgK need not be closed under the group operation
anyway I need to go to bed, I will review it in the morning
@anon good night
We can define a $k(H \cap K^g)$ balanced map from $kH \times M^g|_{stuff} \to k(HgK) \otimes_{kK} M$
that sends $(h,m) \to hg\otimes m$
Now this map I just checked is $k(H \cap K^g)$ balanced
The reason is if we take $l \in k(H \cap K^g)$
by linearity assume that $l$ is just "in" $(H\cap K^g)$
$f(hl,m) = hlg \otimes m$
And now $f(h, l \cdot m) = hg \otimes l\cdot m = hg \otimes (g^{-1}lg) m = hg(g^{-1}lg) \otimes m = hlg \otimes m = f(hl,m)$
Where I can move $g^{-1}lg$ to the left of the elementary tensor because it is in $kK$
okay, I see.
Did you get this bit?
I see now.
Because now the universal property of tensor products tells me that I have a unique group homomorphism of abelian groups from $kH \otimes_{k(H \cap K^g)} M^g|_{k(H \cap K^g)} \to k(HgK) \otimes_{kK} M$
@anon But we're not done yet because this is just a group homomorphism.
Now for the tensor product on the right
It makes sense to say that $M$ is a left $kK$ module because a priori $M$ is a left $K$ module
and also I think it is clear that $k(HgK)$ is a right $kK$ module
so we can form their tensor product over $kK$
@anon Maybe I should have said this earlier...
But I think the point now is the map that we have is not just a group homomorphism
This may sound stupid but $kH$ is a ring yes?
We can view it as a left module over itself
so that now $kH$ is a $kH - k(H \cap K^g)$ bimodule
and I believe that the map now is not just a group homomorphism but also a homomorphism of left $kH$ - modules
Hmm but why should $k(HgK)$ be a left $kH$ module...
@anon But at least we know the existence of such a $\varphi$.
Oh maybe it actually makes sense
@JonasTeuwen Why did you leave the room?
This^ is not really a "room." ;-)
Hmm, I just got a copy of Coddington's ODE book since I don't really have any good ODE books.
Also, got 4 pairs of socks since my old ones all have holes.
Also, got a haircut. As usual the barber asked why I dropped so much hair, and I told her she would be shocked if I told her.
@BenjaLim Check out Constantin Teleman's lecture notes on representation theory. Also look at Andrew Baker's notes.
Hey @jayesh I am trying to sleep normal hours now. Today I woke up at 9. I'll try sleeping from 1 to 9 everyday.
@BenjaLim Dude, anon needs to sleep man. He is already lacking in sleep. Let's not bother the great man too much.
@BenjaLim Leave it?
@JonasTeuwen Hey bro! How are you feeling today?
Could be worse, could be better. Kinda "okay". You?
Very bad. But I am not going to die without a PhD like you said.
@skullpatrol I'm here now, WTF are you?
Hello @Chris'ssister how is your studying coming along?
@JasperLoy: Hi. I'm learning so much stuff. Moreover, I like to create new problems.
@JasperLoy: thanks for your question.
@Chris'ssister Hey this is the most fun chat room on SE! =)
It appears from the above two lines that skull=Chris.
@JasperLoy Correction: Chris's sister.
3 hours ago, by skullpatrol
Just the owners and I are left, after everybody else left the math chat room :-D
Just Jonas, robjohn and I are left, after everybody left the math chat room.
@JasperLoy Good!
@JayeshBadwaik I am using scons to compile JT-thesis.pdf. Much... better.
At least it remembers checksums and such in a sqlite db.
I also use xetex.
Now my main dir is not polluted with auxiliary stuff.
@skullpatrol No, I meant Chris. Nobody corrects JLO. =)
All I need is latexmk, pdflatex and texworks.
Hello @matt!
Yup, scons is good. There was a consideration to use it in my thesis project, but then I prefered CMake.
Xetex? Hmm. I never really tried using it. However, I guess I should start using it soon, due to the native UTF-8 support. But I do not ever use non-english alphabet. Are there any advantages still?
Does anyone remember the question about upper bound of size of sigma algebra containing a set? I'm asking because of this. If anyone can, please help out and post a link. Thank you!
Hey @robjohn. You not sleeping there yet?
@JayeshBadwaik It has a sane font support (can use all fonts) ánd, it is not in Pascal.
@JasperLoy Hello there!
I got to go again.
See you all later!
Also, stuff like names can have é etc.
@MattN. Bye!
@JayeshBadwaik Also biber + biblatex.
@JonasTeuwen Hey even that can be done using pdflatex, no need for xetex.
@JonasTeuwen Hmm. Good! Yup, sane font support is nice.
@JasperLoy That's messy, xelatex has native support.
@JasperLoy Duh. But it is an ugly hack.
@JayeshBadwaik xetex does not support all features of microtype yet.
@JasperLoy It does now.
As of a year or two.
@JonasTeuwen Really? Hmm, I am not in touch. These things change really fast. I would think it supports only a little, not all.
Also, it is much easier to handle and more "modern".
@JasperLoy It does support it.
@JayeshBadwaik I mean "ALL".
I need to check this out...
The main reason is inertia, and the fact that the TeX Live people work on LuaTeX.
Yes, LuaTex is the future.
@JonasTeuwen Yeah.
And pstricks is still better than pgf.
In future, three of us will make JTeX, one TeX to rule them all.
Mmm, LuaTeX is also quite okay. But anyway, it is already much easier to handle certain issues with XeTeX. (protrusion works). The layout it at the end, eh.
In JTeX one just thinks of the equation and it appears in pdf immediately. One needs to connect electrodes to the brain for this to work.
But UTF-8 native support instead of a hack is much better.
@JasperLoy That is not the task of the typesetting engine right!
That is more like JFetchBrain.
How come nobody is starring my JTeX?
@JasperLoy There you go.

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