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00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

@OldJohn Ah, I selected the relevant paragraphs for you already. I think it is 38-44.
@JasperLoy aha - I lost that info - thanks, that will certainly narrow it down :)
@OldJohn Yes, now the reading will only take 1 minute. =)
reading now :)
@JasperLoy takes a minute to read - and a day to digest!
very interesting stuff
@OldJohn When I read them, suddenly every religion in the world started to make sense. It was like an epiphany!
@JasperLoy I have not had that experience yet - but maybe when I re-read them at a quieter time, I might :)
@OldJohn I am surprised this is not often quoted. I guess maybe it is to avoid possibly offending other religions' followers.
I have never personally felt that need :)))
I have a dim view of most of the traditonal western religious attitudes
my avatar is even based on a comic produced by an Iranian atheist group
When they burnt some buildings to protest against the inclusion of the Prophet in comics in the Netherlands, that was extreme.
Your believes does not make you a good person, your actions does.
@N3buchadnezzar agreed
But then, those who included it in the comics should know better not to do that either.
So people should learn to show consideration for one another.
@JasperLoy the comic I am talking about was not the infamous one that caused the burnings etc.
@N3buchadnezzar beliefs is the plural form of the noun
@N3buchadnezzar i like buddism.what does it have?
@Charlie If they don't have cookies, it's not worth it.
I studied in a catholic school but we studied all religions
@Charlie Serenity
@n3b I visited the nerdnirvana.org!
@N3buchadnezzar I try to follow the 4 noble truth.
the truth is :it's really hard to do so
@Charlie Do you still call yourself a Catholic then? Officially, I have no religion. Unofficially, I study them all.
What I do like about Buddhists is that they mind their own business, they work for themselves. Not to provoke, displease, fight etc.
I mean Buddhists also have fought, killed and burned down villages. But not to the extent the other big religions have.
@JasperLoy I , officially, don't like to talk about religion...I follow my heart and try to have some peace...question everything...etc.I have a religion , but , like you said, i like to read about others.like i told you, even judaism.
@JasperLoy we are very similar there
I try to study life instead...
It is much more fun!
@Argon Hey Argon, If a scream with you, you wont react.
@N3buchadnezzar nice!
@Charlie :)
@Argon love these jokes!
I love chemical jokes, but all the good ones Argon.
I just understood the argon thing. I am slow.
I like only stupid jokes, those that are not too deep.
@JasperLoy "Are gone"
@N3buchadnezzar Ba dum tss
@PeterTamaroff Pedro!
@N3buchadnezzar Ouch.
@JasperLoy Dude, just be quiet for a sec and see this:
$$\frac{1}{{1 + {x^2}}} = \frac{1}{{1 + {x^{4n + 2}}}}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}{x^{2k}}} $$
@N3buchadnezzar man, in school i was full of scientifical jokes!!no one liked...i was the only one who used to laugh...
$$\int\limits_0^a {\frac{{dx}}{{1 + {x^2}}}} = \int\limits_0^a {\frac{1}{{1 + {x^{4n + 2}}}}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}{x^{2k}}} } dx$$
I love when he does it
Our lecturer usually tells us a joke every lesson
By the IVT for integrals
Again for those interested in what I shared with oldjohn, it is the brahmajala sutta, paragraphs 38-44. You can find it here. accesstoinsight.org/tipitaka/dn/dn.01.0.bodh.html
& \int\limits_0^a {\frac{1}{{1 + {x^{4n + 2}}}}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}{x^{2k}}} } dx = \frac{1}{{1 + {c^{4n + 2}}}}\int\limits_0^a {\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}{x^{2k}}} } dx \cr
& = \frac{1}{{1 + {c^{4n + 2}}}}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}\frac{{{a^{2k + 1}}}}{{2k + 1}}} \cr} $$
But then....
Proof that $\pi$ is irrational
Since both $\sqrt{2}$ and $\sqrt{3}$ is irrational, so is $\pi$.
@N3buchadnezzar nice!my real analysis prof told a lot.i used to laugh more than the others.i even ilustrated one.
$$\frac{1}{{1 + {a^{4n + 2}}}}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}\frac{{{a^{2k + 1}}}}{{2k + 1}}} \leqslant \int\limits_0^a {\frac{{dx}}{{1 + {x^2}}}} \leqslant \sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}\frac{{{a^{2k + 1}}}}{{2k + 1}}} $$
Assume $|a|<1$
Then taking $n\to\infty $ means....
& \mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \frac{1}{{1 + {a^{4n + 2}}}}\sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}\frac{{{a^{2k + 1}}}}{{2k + 1}}} \leqslant \mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \int\limits_0^a {\frac{{dx}}{{1 + {x^2}}}} \leqslant \mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}\frac{{{a^{2k + 1}}}}{{2k + 1}}} \cr
& \mathop {\lim }\limits_{n \to \infty } \sum\limits_{k = 0}^{2n} {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}\frac{{{a^{2k + 1}}}}{{2k + 1}}} \leqslant \int\limits_0^a {\frac{{dx}}{{1 + {x^2}}}} \leqslant \ma
$$\int\limits_0^a {\frac{{dx}}{{1 + {x^2}}}} = \sum\limits_{k = 0}^\infty {{{\left( { - 1} \right)}^k}\frac{{{a^{2k + 1}}}}{{2k + 1}}} $$
@JasperLoy KAPOW.
Wait, is that the arctangent!? =)
@jayesh I got your beautiful sayings, thanks!
@PeterTamaroff Can't think now dude, can't think now. Let the other bros help you.
@JasperLoy I'm not asking for help, just showing you that...
@PeterTamaroff OK OK. =)
user image
@N3buchadnezzar here it is
@Charlie WOW
@Charlie What is that drawing about?
When I was a kid my best friend was $\sqrt{-8}$, too bad nobody else could see him..
@JasperLoy my prof was talking about contradiction proof.then he said, to help us that, to deny quantifiers :"is the travel of no in the land of quantifiers"
@JasperLoy my prof
@Charlie As you can see, I need to keep refreshing Chrome for chat.
@JasperLoy damn it
This is a very serious bug in functionality!
No your mum
@JasperLoy don't understand it - I always use Chrome or Chromium (under Linux) and never have to refresh
@Charlie Lets just take all these chemistry jokes, and barium.
@Argon :DD
@Argon in portuguese some good jokes appear
@Charlie Unfortunately, I'm not able to speak this language.
I would tell you a chemistry joke, but I doubt I would get any reaction..
@N3buchadnezzar Haaa
@N3buchadnezzar haha
You are in your element
enough with all the chemistry puns already!
Good thing I have never taken any chemestry ever.
@N3buchadnezzar I gave it up at the earliest opportunity
That bad?
this is full of jokes about chemistry.it's portuguese..but it's fun!
what's the sound of chemist falling from a building?IUUUPAC
@Charlie :)
IUPAC has made my life miserable
@Argon why?
@Charlie Nomenclature
@Argon oh.
@Charlie I blame them for my misery.
@Argon hehehe
@Argon Today I had chemistry at my uni...
@PeterTamaroff And how was it? Loads of fun, I'm sure?
@Argon Not really, we had some organic nomenclature and structures and formulas, chirality, esteroisometry, diax-something, levo something
@PeterTamaroff Sounds complicated. Organic chem is not too fun.
@Argon Yeah, then talked about polihidroxialehydes and polihidroxiketonesmaking up sugars and stuff
midtermis this Thursday
@PeterTamaroff Do you lose marks for spelling?
@Argon Hehehe, it is in Spanish, don't worry! I'm searching how they are called en english, though,
I know only how to name basic hydrocarbons, really
@Argon In Spanish we use "hidro" instead of "hydro"... I'm kinda lazy minded now, long day
@PeterTamaroff No problem
@PeterTamaroff Spanish? Where are you from?
@Argon Argentina.
@PeterTamaroff I have some family there
Say we have a group G which is the integers under the operation of subtraction...In that case is every g in G its own inverse?
@Argon where are you from?
@Argon Really? Where?
@PeterTamaroff Buenos Aires, I think
@JayeshBadwaik Basically none. Just different point of view. But there are distributions which are not measures.
@OldJohn Hi.
Many South Americans here, eh?
So say I see $t^n$ combinatorically as a ordered set of $n$ elements. Then products are concatenations. What are integer products? Disjoint copies?
@JonasTeuwen Hi Jonas
@Argon many?i thhought it was only Pedro and I...
Has there already been shown a picture of "Charlie"?
@Charlie I thought there were a few more regulars.
Maybe I was mistaken
@JonasTeuwen what you mean?
@OldJohn I always wonder if it is my settings. I have launched it using the incognito flag.
@Charlie Where are you from?
Gummy bears!
@N3buchadnezzar gummy bears are cool
@Charlie That I have not seen a picture of you! Perhaps you don't want to (which is fine), but if there has been one I want to see it.
@N3buchadnezzar What? I just had beer.
@JasperLoy Maybe the incognito flag is the problem - I don't use it here
At the chess club (cheap, like 1 euro) and at the bar!
@JonasTeuwen ok.I let you know.
@JonasTeuwen Gummy bears does not contain beer, geesh. They contain vodka!
@N3buchadnezzar That's why I don't eat them 8-(.
Vodka is for Sovjets.
@OldJohn Without the flag, I would not want to use Chrome at all!
I like my stuff Scottish.
I have never seen something offensive here. Except the time I got compared with Hitler.
Rum oder Whisky?
I like my stuff Jonas.
@JonasTeuwen All the Vokda to the Soviets!
@JonasTeuwen ah - but were you compared favourably with him? :)))
@OldJohn Is that possible?
@JonasTeuwen You are a terrible painter Jonas.
I think Hitler's moustache looks stupid.
@PeterTamaroff I have Russian in-laws - and they certainly know how to drink vodka ...
I feel like pulling out Hitler's whiskers one by one.
@N3buchadnezzar Yea, I know.
@JasperLoy Mm... he got burnt.
@OldJohn I was once told by a russian he had a chunk of butter before going to business meeting where they toasted with vodka...
@OldJohn Heheh, yes.
@PeterTamaroff What does butter do?
@OldJohn I drank with some Finns on friday, We drank quite an amount..
I mostly drink tea and water.
@PeterTamaroff the cure sounds more disgusting than the disease :)
@JasperLoy I think alcohol and butter react in some manner, no idea though...
@N3buchadnezzar Finns are great - but drink way too much
@PeterTamaroff Fail your chemistry!
(Usually, it is better to drink with a full stomach!)
Nooo, a perfect amount. Just a bottle each
I like to count things, why am I getting a PhD in analysis and not combinatorics? 8-(.
@OldJohn Until you feel the aftermath of the disease 8-).
@JonasTeuwen You can do both like Timothy Gowers!
I have heard and experienced Oil/butter makes you feel the effect of alcohol later. But when you feel it you get it 120 percent.
@JonasTeuwen True
@JasperLoy Yea, doing that.
@JonasTeuwen Drinking and counting is not a good combination.
@JonasTeuwen I followed your advice and unleashed Emacs again on my machines - I remember now why I liked it so much in the past
@N3buchadnezzar I am not allowed to count, therefore I drink.
@OldJohn 8-)! Good.
But my paper will be sent to a combinatorics journal... it is something to start with 8-).
@JonasTeuwen I think I would like to do something in fourier analysis or riemannian geometry.
I have some problems in especially the first.
there was a brazilian singer/composer who drank brandy with beer for beer don't be alone
Also in the latter one.
Was Villa Lobos Brazilian or Argentinian?
The guys in the TeX room tell me that Brazil has the most beautiful women in the world. Is that true?
@OldJohn brazil
incredible composer
@JasperLoy Sweeds are nice too
@N3buchadnezzar Good for you.
@Charlie yep - just realised my question was stupid - I remembered "bachianas brazilieras" :(((
It boils down to preferences as everything else.
I remember the 3 tenors singing Brazil.
@N3buchadnezzar LOL i can't stop lauging...:DDDD
@Charlie So many D's. How many mouths do you have?
@JasperLoy just one.but capable to give many smiles
He is talking about counting obviously
@Charlie :))))
@Charlie My mouth is very small. I had to take out two teeth because there was not enough space.
Thats what ...
So without any wisdom teeth, I now have 26 visible teeth in my mouth.
@JasperLoy I had one wisdom tooth taken out
It was not fun
@JasperLoy i still don't have wisdom teeth
@Charlie Yay!
@Charlie Read more math!
Wisdom teeth are painful.
@N3buchadnezzar ba dum tss i have to eat the books
With 4 wisdom teeth, one would have 32 teeth.
That means I have very few teeth.
@JasperLoy when i was a child ,i was called monica because of my incinsive
@Charlie Why?
@JasperLoy it's a charcter from a comic book
Some people called me Chicken Little.
Some called me Spongebob.
@JasperLoy my brother says that sometimes i give a bugs bunny look
anyone willy nilly to look at a PED? =)
Why not post on main?
It's better to post on main so we get rep for answering, and more people will see. =)
I did
Hmm, don't know anything about DEs.
The last time I touched DEs seriously was in high school.
We did up to second order.
I think I will just continue tomorow
I have a hand in for thursday with 6 problems. I was not able to complete a single problem today
Been sitting for a few hours now
@N3buchadnezzar Do you have difficulty in the classes?
What topic you find hardest?
@JasperLoy ?
I mean are you able to follow your courses well?
It deppends, they are all difficult in their own right.
Linear methods, a course about banach spaces, linearity and cauchy sequences is tough. Because of all the proofs.
I find the computations tough. =)
I can't solve differential equations...
4k, A course about PEDs, transformations, and so on is tough because of the computations.
Wave physics is just physics and complicated Peds, along with theory.
Looking back, I took all the wrong courses in undergrad.
I should have just taken ALL the math courses.
Thats what I am sort of doing..
So advice to those in undergrad: try to take ALL math courses.
Anyway I asked about this problem, showed my work and said this is where I am stuck.
The only reply I got was: Use that your solution satisfies the laplacian $\nabla^2 u = 0$. Which was what I had started by doing...
Hmm, I don't know what robjohn looks like.
It is like you have problems solving $Ax + B$ for x. And the only help you get is that you have to use math.
I have seen oldjohn before though.
@N3buchadnezzar Well, maybe someone will post an answer in a few hours.
@JasperLoy =)
I know, I am just frustrated. I have a lot on my mind now, where as schoolwork is only a small part.
@N3buchadnezzar Sounds bad... I hope you are not going crazy...
Ogeli bogeli boo, i LiKe to Eat PoO!
25.22, 24.51, 21.56, 21.11, 16.50, 20.93
@N3buchadnezzar is there a reason for these number or just kidding?please tell me before i get crazy trying to find a pattern
@Charlie Rubiks cube 3x3 times
talking about pattern,i felt a little dumb today.after a while, few years, i only realized that the tiles in the bathroom had a problem in the pattern.one tile didn't fit messing up the pattern
@N3buchadnezzar oh
@Charlie Sorry I will try to do faster..
when i was a child i got frustrated for not solving rubik cube...
still can't
i even disassembled it once.to see how it worked
i'm nuts
@Charlie Of course - we all are, that's why we are here :)
@OldJohn that comforts me :D
19.66, 17.89, 17.53, 17.68, 14.88, 22.83
@Charlie I bought one of the first Rubik's cubes to be imported into the UK (in about 1977) and made a couple of moves to see what changes it made - and spent 2 weeks getting it back to the start :(
Blow my whistle
darn - are there really 7 billion on planet earth? Last I heard it was 6 billion ... are they reproducing THAT fast? :((
@Charlie OEIS
@Argon i didn't know that..
@Charlie "Decimal expansion of shortest length of segment from side AB through incenter to side AC in right triangle ABC with sidelengths (a,b,c)=(3,4,5); i.e., decimal expansion of 2*sqrt(10)/3."
@Argon that's sexy
that changed my life forever :')
@Charlie Glad to hear it. It's great.
@Argon :D
@Charlie What it changed your sex life =)
@N3buchadnezzar ???
I read your last message wrong, it was funny.
you are debauched
@N3buchadnezzar that count censored almost killed me
I lost my breath laughing
good that you removed
Terrible joke.
By hypothesis of course.
better control your happines,@N3buchadnezzar...
I like miserably jokes. @N3buchadnezzar Hit me!
G'night all
@OldJohn night!
@Charlie night!
@JonasTeuwen let's put a limit for these jokes in this chat...
In an exercise in Isaacs' Algebra, that minimal normal subgroups of supersolvable groups are cyclic, I gave a much easier/shorter proof than what was hinted at, leading me to suspect that I have erred. Is anyone willing to help me see my mistake?
Well,Have agood night, day Everyone!!Bye!
@Charlie Bye!
@Argon bye!
What did I miss? What was the removed message?
Haha @n3b. I see you have been suspended from chat for an hour. Well, an hour will pass soon!
I once got suspended too for saying something about a pussy being a cat and Dick being your neighbour.
Hey @N3buchadnezzar welcome back to chat!
@peoplepower Just post on main.
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