Suppose that B[a,b] is the metric space of all bounded real valued functions on [a,b], a<b with the sup metric. I want to prove that B[a,b] is NOT separable. Let $U=\{1_{\{t\}}: t\in [a,b]\}$. It is plain that U is uncountable. Let D be any dense subset of B[a,b]. Then there exists some $\phi_t\in D$ such that $d(1_{\{t\}}, \phi_t)=\sup | 1_{\{t\}}(x)- \phi_t(x)|<1/2$. Note that since $d(1_{\{t\}},1_{\{t'\}})=1$ for all $t\ne t'$, it follows that the map $g: U\to D$ defined by
$g(1_{\{t\}})= \phi_t$ is 1-1.