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@EdGorcenski Arg, happens every time.
Alright, beer and Rudin time. See you folks shortly.
@J.M. Are you there?
@ZhenLin Hello.
I have a simple question. Yes or no, basically.
Is the $\limsup$ and $\liminf$ of a set defined for bounded sets only?
(of course, you can tell me some more after the "Yes" or "No" =D)
@PeterTamaroff I'm here, but I'm about to leave in a few...
@J.M. Just that question up there.
@J.M. 'bout $\limsup$ and $\liminf$
@PeterTamaroff Sure, if the sequence is unbounded from above, the limit superior is $\infty$...
If the sequence is unbounded from below, then the limit inferior is $-\infty$.
@J.M. Hmmmm. I have this definition of $\limsup$: We call $x$ "almost an upper bound" of a set $A$ if for only a finite number of elements $y$ of $A$, it is $y\geq x$. Let $B$ be the set of all almost upper bounds of $A$. Then $\limsup A \; \mathop=\limits^{\text{def}}\;\inf B$
@PeterTamaroff That seems to be a definition of the infimum, not limit superior...
@J.M. Sorry, the limsup of A is defined to be the infimum of B.
Ah, you had it backwards.
@J.M. The thing is I have proven that $\inf B$ exists using the hypothesis that $A$ is bounded both from above and below.
Hence the question.
Ah. The bit about unbounded sequences is by convention. If you've shown that the sequence under consideration is bounded on both sides, then you're golden, and you've nothing to worry...
@J.M. But how is then the limsup of a set A defined if it is bounded from above only?
@MeAndMath Acordei.
@PeterTamaroff It's bounded from above, so you're still supposed to have a finite limit superior. (Unfortunately I can't be more elaborate, since I do not have a textbook on hand...)
Its limit inferior would be $-\infty$, tho.
@J.M. For example, if the set is $(-\infty,1)\cup \{1,2,3\}$ then $\limsup A=1$?
@anon OK. Seems strange. How do we use the $\limsup$?
I've only seen it used for sequences (which e.g. give statistical arithmetic results in analytic number theory that cannot otherwise be expressed with just limits).
Well, gotta go. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful, @Pete.
@J.M. Hehehe, no problem. Thanks.
Hi @anon.
...and, see y'all later.
@anon Dude.
Say I have a subset of the reals that is bounded from above but not from below.
@anon Let $B$ be the set of all almost upper bound of $A$.
$B$ is nonempty for it contains all upper bounds of $A$.
Now, I want to show $B$ is bounded from below.
But this might not be true, I think.
For example, let $A=\{\dots,-3,-2,-1,0\}$
correct, like negative integers
or nonpositive, I'm not picky
@anon Hhehe well.
Then what is $\limsup A$???
Well B=A in that case; what's the inf of A? DNE.
Seems like $B=A$ in this case.
does not exist
@anon Oh, OK. So we "really" define the limsup and liminf of a set when it is bounded.
actually B=$\Bbb R$, what am I thinking
@anon Oh, right!
not necessarily bounded.
@anon I had the silly idea the a.u.b.'s had to be taken from $A$.
$(-\infty,-1)\cup\{0\}$ ain't bounded but its limsup is -1.
@anon Right.
@anon OK. NOw I have to prove that $\liminf A\leq \limsup A$.
$\limsup A\leq \sup A$ and $\liminf A\leq \inf A$
If limsupA<liminfA then pick x in between these two values. By limsupA<x we find that A and (x,inf) have finite intersection; symmetrically by x<liminfA we know that A and (-inf,x) have finite intersection. So A is finite...
@anon I just found that $\limsup \{1/n:n\in\Bbb N\}=0$. Am I crazy?
correct on both counts
@anon Seems like the set of "almost lower bounds" of $\{1/n:n\in\Bbb N\}$ is $\{x:x\leq 0\}$ so that $\liminf =0$, too.
< not $\le$
oh never mind
@anon No. $0$ is also an "alb"
@anon Oh,OK.
@anon Now I gotta do the same for $n\in \Bbb Z-\{0\}$
@anon I got the same results... same sets of aub and alb, same limsup and liminf, 0.
@anon Now I $\{1/n\}\cup\{0\}$ =P
@anon This one is odd.
Let $A=\{x:0\leq x\leq \sqrt 2 ,x\in\Bbb Q\}$, then $\limsup A=\sqrt 2$ and $\liminf A=0$.
Well, not really odd.
Here $\limsup A=\sup A$
and $\liminf A =\inf A$, unlike the other cases.
@anon Could you elaborate on that?
@anon Don't you mean something like $(x,\sup A)$ and $(\inf A,x)$?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Estás?
Suppose $\limsup A<x<\liminf A$. Then $\limsup A<x$ so $x$ is an almost bound, i.e. the number of elements of $A$ in $(x,\infty)$ is finite, ie the intersection of A with (x,inf) is finite. Symmetrically for $x<\liminf A$.
I mean, the intersection with (x,supA) and (infA,x) will also be finite, but who cares.
@anon OH! You meant "inf" as $\infty$...
@anon Use $\LaTeX$!!!
I was :confus:
@anon I just proved that $\inf A\leq \liminf A$ and that $\limsup A\leq \sup A$, so I'm missing the middle part.
@anon Tell me what you think of this argument:
What do you mean by "middle part"?
@anon The inequality between limsup and liminf.
That's just the negation of what you want to prove.
@anon What?
limsupA<liminfA is the negation of $\liminf A\le \limsup A$, the latter of which you are trying to prove. the idea is to use contradiction.
@anon I know that. Dunno what you understood I said.
@anon Given an infinite bounded set $A$; let $\overline A$ be the set of upper bounds,and $A^*$ the set of almost upper bounds. Then $\overline A\subseteq A^*$, and since $\inf A^*=\limsup A$ and $\inf \overline A=\sup A$, we must have $\limsup A\leq \sup A$
Similarily, for $\underline A$ and $A_*$, we have $\underline A\subseteq A_*$ and since the situation is with $\sup$s, we have the reversed ineq.
Wait. Are you trying to prove $\liminf A\le \limsup A$ or are you tryint to prove limsup<=sup and liminf<=inf? You wrote the former above.
1 hour ago, by Peter Tamaroff
@anon OK. NOw I have to prove that $\liminf A\leq \limsup A$.
@anon I'm not trying to do the latter, I succeded (I guess). I'm missing the former.
@anon Is the argument OK?
Your argument is for limsup<=sup, right? Looks right.
@anon Yes. And for inf <= liminf
So what's up now?
@anon I just got your proof. Very neat.
@anon I think I'll call it a day!
@anon Bye byes.
@anon Hey
Can I ask you something?
uh okay
Suppose $\Bbb{C}^3$ is the standard rep of the lie algebra $sl_3(C)$
Write $V = C^3$
In fulton and Harris they claim that $V^\ast$ is isomorphic to $\Lambda^2 V$
@anon Now I tried to write out how this is possible
Suppose the dual is spanned by the row vectors like $(1 0 0 ),(0 1 0)$ and $(0 0 1)$
can you give a page #?
I tried to send these respectively to $e_1 \wedge e_2, e_2 \wedge e_3$ and $e_1 \wedge e_3$
Let me just write out for the moment
that the Cartan Subalgebra is spanned by $H_1,H_2$
where $H_1 = diag(1,-1,0)$ and $H_2 = diag(0,1,-1)$
@anon Did you find it?
I don't even know what a cartan subalgebra is man.
Ok but do you know why $V^\ast$ is isomorphic to $\wedge^2 V$?
can't see why atm
@anon Ok
Hey guys
Its dead
I killed it with my mind tricks.
I have a really stupid question that no one has been answering
idk it must be really annoying because I have posted it all over and everyone just skips over it
@peoplepower Its time to revive the dead
@math101 For one thing , both versions have lousy titles.
@MJD haha What shld I be titling them. I am awful at that
I think the answer that Milikan provided is incorrect. I am still working on it though
Hey @JayeshBadwaik
@math101 Hello.
How are things?
Things are going okay. Not particularly great, but I think I will survive. :-)
I hope they get better
What about you?
Just trying to catch up in my math which isnt working
My MAthJAX SVG renderer is not workin. I will try to restart my browser to see what the problem is. Will be back in a bit.
MathJaX Test: $\lim\sup \{1/n : n\in \Bbb N\}=0$
I think I am gonna head to bed. Its 1:30 am here
@math101 good night.
MAthJAX : $\limsup \{1/n:n\in\Bbb N\}=0$
Good Night
$\liminf x$
@robjohn I get this kind of rendering while using SVG renderer instead of HTML-CSS.
$\lim \sup$ is supported while $\limsup$ is not. Probably not important, just a heads up. If it works for you, then I will have to check if there is a problem with my browser.
I'm grading homework for modern algebra 2. One of the problems is to show I+J is an ideal when I and J are ideals (and both are subrings of R). Most of the students are showing d*(a+b) is in I+J when d is in R and a+b is in I+J. Are they also supposed to show (a+b)d is in I + J? Why?
No, distributive law.
that's what I thought. For some reason the professor mentioned both in his solution.
I'd say they should mention that it holds.
Yea, that's what I'm doing for students who didn't mention it, but I'm not taking off points for that. I'll cut 'em some slack...this time.
2 hours later…
My immune system decides to take a drop again 8-(. Pain pain paaaain.
@GustavoBandeira I like to walk in that area after midnight.
@WillHunting Which book did you suggest for probability sometime ago? I would like a second book apart from Feller that I am currently trying to finish.
@WillHunting =)
Same here, I usually go to walk after midnight.
@JayeshBadwaik Knill's Probability and stochastic processes.
@JonasTeuwen Go see your doc again, take care bro.
@GustavoBandeira There is a huge shopping centre there that takes two hours just to walk around every shop. It is nice at night when the shops are closed and the lights are dimmed and the music plays.
@WillHunting Yep. According to your description, it seems really nice. =)
2 hours later…
Hi everyone. Question: $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ is a $\mu$-measurable function. What are the properties of $F(t)=\int_{[0,t]}f(\tau)\mathrm{d}\mu(\tau)$?
Note: The integral in the definition of $F$ is the Lebesgue integral w.r.t. $\mu$.
Hell yeah.
@JonasTeuwen I am here with you bro, even in hell!
@WillHunting Hell Yeah!!
@JonasTeuwen I am going through hell too!
@JonasTeuwen How are you doing?
@Matt Your avatar changed yet again!
@Matt Ill.
Matt has become change-an-avatar-a-day!
@JonasTeuwen Sucks. Anything you can do about it? (I have food poisoning, so I'm with you, although it's not that bad, I guess)
@WillHunting It's out of my control.
@Matt Why does it happen anyway?
@Matt Oh, go see a doc too.
@WillHunting No.
@WillHunting It happens when you delete your email address from your profile.
@Matt You should, in case it is something more serious than you think.
@WillHunting Trust me, it's nothing serious. It was much worse 2 days ago, I'll be fine in 2 days.
@Matt OK, there was once my stomach was so pain that I had to recite some mantra to desensitize myself.
@JohnJunior Well, you know what I mean!
Hey Junior, no need to delete such things, really.
You need to relax Junior...
$\Huge\text{Yes Sir.}$
@WillHunting Is that relaxed enough for you Sir?
@JohnJunior Yes, Madam.
@WillHunting That was John Senior who you used to call "madam" Sir.
@PantelisSopasakis Perhaps you could ask this on the site. I'd upvote, it's a good question.
@JohnJunior OK OK, but perhaps you are really a madam, I don't know!
@WillHunting And you shouldn't really care Sir.
@JohnJunior OK OK.
I am a madam.
Who asked you?
An invisible participant.
"Madam" is a palindrome.
Yes. =)
"Nurses run" is another.
It also reveals a nive pattern with a small reorganization of the letters: MMAAD -> Mad.
madam I'm adam
Do you huys know these books:
I'm with a mathematical reading list from the university of Cambridge.
They recommend one of them.
@GustavoBandeira Which one?
@GustavoBandeira I recommend none, just start with the math already!
What’s Happening in the Mathematical Sciences B. Cipra (AMS, 1993, ’94, ’96,
’99, ’02)
@WillHunting I've started.
I'm stuck with a little problem, I asked yesterday.
@GustavoBandeira Hola!
What's up?
The opposite of down.
Nothing, just woke up.
I woke up 3 hours ago.
@JohnJunior =)
Why did you guys star Jonas's pain message? It is not funny, it is real.
Wasn't me.
But never mind, just a thought.
Hi all.
@WillHunting I did not star it either.
Jonas: I hope you get fine man. I don't know if pinging will disturb him so rather I won't ping him.
@ParthKohli Dude, its almost late evening. Took a really long afternoon nap it seems. :P
Yep, @Jayesh.
@WillHunting I am converting to Emacs as fast as possible. This is the reason
@JayeshBadwaik What do you use now?
@JayeshBadwaik Jonas will be pleased to know.
@WillHunting I use multitude of things. Vim for small scripts, emacs for programming, and kile for latex, since I always thought Kile was better at certain latex functions. However, now Kile for LaTeX it is.
@JayeshBadwaik I'd just stick to the HTML-CSS renderer then. I don't know what kind of SVG support is in browsers currently
@JayeshBadwaik I will stick to TeXworks for life. My second choice is Texmaker.
@robjohn Yup, but HTML-CSS in my browser does not display colors :-(. And you guys were having so much fun with colors recently, I had to switch to SVG to get it.
Note that the author of Texmaker does not call it TeXmaker. Perhaps I should email him.
@WillHunting Kile does what TeXworks does with the on-the-side preview thing, but you have to admit emacs preview-latex is infinitely cooler, even though I don't use it as of now, I guess it is.
I think TeXworks is really neat. Simple and does the job.
I just configure latexmk to compile any document with one click.
Conclusion: TeXworks works.
@ParthKohli What do you use?
Oh, I use WinEDT.
@ParthKohli Is that free?
@WillHunting the only problem with emacs is lack of kde integration.
@JayeshBadwaik KDE is too complex for me.
I've failed so far in finding a MathJax document maker. MathJax is simple.
@WillHunting Hmm, it is powerful for me. Very few other DE's are as powerful and stable as KDE.
@JayeshBadwaik GNOME rocks.
@WillHunting Probably. A very funny thing happened some six months ago. My friend was starting out on Linux and I was going to advise him that stay away from GNOME 3, I have heard bad reviews about it. But somehow, I couldn't tell him in time and forgot. Later, he calls me one day and says, Linux is not bad, GNOME 3 is awesome, other things can use some improvement. and I was like "whaaaaaaa?"
going off for dinner, see you guys later.
I have no idea why I have Australia Tourism's song in my iTunes playlist. Must be my poor music taste, perhaps?
Is C++ even used in computational mathematics and physics?
@JayeshBadwaik Yes, GNOME 3 is the only truly revolutionary desktop. I thought I would hate it but I have grown to love it.
@ParthKohli Oh, I don't even know what iTunes are. :-)
It's a software, and *is.
@Evan No idea, depends on what you want to compute. Choose the best tool for the job.
@JayeshBadwaik That's odd. Are you on a PC, Mac, Linux?
@rob I think our orange and blue complement each other very well. We also form the colours of this chat room. :-)
@robjohn AFAIK all real browsers (i.e. except IE;) handle SVG quite well...
Hello guys
@DantheMan Are you going to ask your question of the day now?
Yes! Hahaha
@DantheMan I know you so well...
@WillHunting Indeed
When I factor $x^3-x^2-8x+12=0$ I got $(x+3)(x-2)(x-2)=0$
Thus the zeros are $-3,+2,+2$
My question is, what do I do when there is a double zero?
And what does it mean?
@DantheMan You do nothing. If you have factorised it this way you have gotten all its solutions.
@DantheMan It means the curve looks different from when there are three distinct roots.
@Will Ok
@DantheMan You should learn how to sketch cubic curves first and then you will know what I mean.
@robjohn: Hey, I found your picture fancy, so it's my display photo on another website. Is that okay with you? Thanks.
Does it mean that it only intersects the x-origin twice?
@ParthKohli OMG!
What you do in a situation depends on what your objective is. The multiplicity of a zero $r$ is the number of times the linear factor $x-r$ occurs in the factorization (this should be clear...). Roots having multiplicity can have effects on field structure when you study things like extensions, or effects in analyzing other polynomial features.
@DantheMan Yes, because the points of intersection are exactly the zeroes.
That OMG makes me shiver.
@anon ok
@anon All roots have multiplicity. :-)
@WillHunting ok
If you want the geometric meaning of a double root, it means not only does it intersect the x-axis at the zero, it is also tangent to the x-axis at the zero.
thanks guys
@ParthKohli which picture?
Your picture on this site. That angry orange face.
@ParthKohli It is called the mean square.
Oh, now I get his description.
@ParthKohli I am the blue plane. Feel free to use my picture as well.
@WIllHunting: the blue plane is... too plain.
@ParthKohli Yes, simple like TeXworks. It just works.
@ParthKohli Since I am the only one using it (to my knowledge) and I am probably not on that site, I wouldn't want someone to be confused.
OK, then I'd just stick with another V.
@WillHunting Yours is so unique :-)
I don't think someone on that site visits this one. They all are dumb minds (including me). :-(
@Bill Dubuque: Hi, I just want to say that the $\sqrt{\text{trace}}$ and $\sqrt{\text{norm}}$ technique is very effective for denesting radicals. Thanks.
Hey Parth
Math101: Hello.
@ParthKohli I agree I have a dumb mind
No, you don't. lol
I don't think someone on that site visits this one. They all are dumb minds (including me). :-(
I am one of those dumb minds
Are you from the site that I am thinking of?
ya lol
OK, say out loud its first letter.
Very good, very good.
You are not dumb because you know about rings.
I definitely don't
Just for confirmation, its second letter please.
Parthy enough lol
nope :P
Aw, the suspense kills me.
across would be my final guess.
lol ok swiss
Wow, Pippa.
That's the weirdest coincidence ever.
Do you chat here often?
Interesting when I go to Google Images and enter "mean square robjohn" I see a lot of the images that I have used here (mixed in with a lot of unrelated images, of course).
That is interesting
Then how did you happen to be here? Wow.
OK, another confirmation: what does JFL mean, math101?
just for laughs ?
OK, that was too obvious. :-P
Another: what does 47 mean? @math101
@robjohn I have a simple question but for some reason I can't figure it out
Agent 47
You have passed.
Can you please help me?????
@math101 What.... is your question?
@math101 What.... is your favorite color?
Where's Bah today, Pip?
Q: Terms of a Sequence

math101Construct a sequence of interpolating values $Y_n, to,f(1 + \sqrt{10})$, where $f(x) = (1 + X^2)^{-1}$ for $-5 \leq X \leq 5$, as follows: For each n = 1,2, ... ,10, let $h = \frac{10} {n}$ $x_j^n= -5 + jh$, for each j = 0, 1,2, ... ,n. What would my sequence be exactly. I have come up with...

He is at school
This site now feels homely. :-)
Earlier, I was surrounded by some Math strangers.
@math101 what kind of interpolatoin are you using?
Lagrange interpolation / Neville's Method but that is the easy part. I just can figure out what my x-values are so I cant figure out the rest
Hello again
I cut out half the question since I tought it was irrelevant and MSE is quite strict with the wordiness of a question

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