I have to determine if this is a smooth curve.
$F(x,y) = y^2 - x^3 - x^2 = 0$
$DF(x,y) = [-3x^2 - 2x, 2y]$
The two scenarios where $DF(x,y) = [0,0]$ are:
$x = 0, \frac{2}{3}$ and $y = 0$ or more cleanly $(0,0)$ and $(\frac{2}{3},0)$.
So now I inquire on whether these points are on my surface. $(0,0)$ is on the surface because it satisfies the equation, but $(\frac{2}{3},0)$ does not satisfy my equation so I can conclude it is not on the surface. But since $(0,0)$ is on the surface, this means that the equation $F(x,y)$ cannot be expressed as a $1$ dimensional manifold.