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@John_Krampf sry, i haven't followed the full thread, so prob out of place. i often look for one liners when experimenting ('apl' mode :-))
I do not think py folks like terseness. in a python console type `import this` and you will get the zen of python which includes:
Explicit is better than implicit.
Simple is better than complex.
Readability counts.
@John_Krampf It's alright, thanks a lot. Sometimes it's good to be thrown into the deep end, and learn to swim. I think in JavaScript an array with a null value evaluates to false, I'm not sure about this, I need to confirm.
So this has turned into a python style argument room?
I miss mathematics.
@BlackPanther I think you would love python, I strongly recommend learning it. I would only use C# or Java if a very particular application demanded it, but for exploration, especially the math kind, you really should use python
@John_Krampf i'm not exactly a newbie dev...
@BlackPanther I'm not javascript expert but I think you're right
@copper.hat This executes places_to_check.add(p) for each p in the array of tuples, right?
If so, then the part places_to_check.add(p) in places_to_check.add(p) for p in [(x+1, y), (x-1, y), (x, y+1), (x, y-1)] is like the select clause in C# LINQ
@BlackPanther yes. i am not recommending it (and this is the wrong forum) it was just a terse expression if you are doing interactive exploration.
@Ted: Reading the section on curves in your differential geometry notes.
@John_Krampf After today, I absolutely have to learn Python. Do you know any books or written MOOCs or courses that I could use to learn Python considering I already know C# and I'm not a beginner?
I doubt you're finding much new in there, @Balarka.
@BlackPanther There's a video you should see, just a sec looking for it
No I find it interesting. We haven't seen the local canonical form so I'd like to read through that and try some exercises.
@BlackPanther This is a straight dive into the beautiful expressiveness of python, I think it will inspire you youtube.com/watch?v=wf-BqAjZb8M , It's a video called "Beyond Pep8" (For context, Pep8 refers to the official Python style guide).
Ah, we've talked about the local canonical form.
Hi all.
I would watch several videos by Raymond Hettinger to get the idea of how to write expressive python code
Hey guys, me again looking for someone with a fresh pair of eyes to look at some probably stupid issue with linear algebra/quadratic optimization
no fresh eyes here :-)
@BlackPanther this may be a better first video on beautiful python youtube.com/watch?v=OSGv2VnC0go
Yeah, @copper, I saw that your eyes confused quotient space with complement :P
@John_Krampf Thanks. I usually don't learn by watching videos but I'll give this one a try. Perhaps the video you linked will change my mind. I was thinking of learning python from this data analysis course or this Python developer course, which of these two courses do you think is a better Python course and which course do you think is better for a C#/java guy like myself to learn Python?
@BlackPanther Since you're hanging around on Math.SE I think the data analysis one would be better
@BlackPanther my only warning on data analysis courses is they emphasize pandas a lot, which is fine for the use case, but I have met many python programmers who inject pandas into any project when more simple idiomatic python would do
@TedShifrin thanks, i got stuck at the first sentence :-)
Yup, quotient.
@John_Krampf I think you're right. The Python Developer course seems to be geared towards web/full stack development. I really wanted to learn Python properly from the ground up, and have a solid understanding of it so that I can use it to attack math problems instead of trying to express a mathematical solution in C# or Java.
Every time I read about "Axiom of choice" it makes me so uncertain about mathematics. For example, Banach–Taraski paradox is counterintuitive. One of my professors says that every time that I say it in my class, It is still weird to me! Existing such a counterintuitive in mathematics, How can we care about our proofs that seem very simple and straight?
Of course Banach-Tarski is counterintuitive. Non-measurable sets are totally counterintuitive.
Do you meant measure zero by "Non-measurable"?
@John_Krampf I see. From those two courses, which do you think would give me a stronger base/understanding of python? Frameworks/libraries like Pandas are something I can forego or don't need to be an expert at
@BlackPanther What will you be using Python for?
No, I mean non-measurable.
We (meaning me) have little natural intuition for infinities
Measure zero is perfectly intuitive ;)
@BlackPanther They both teach frameworks and libraries. from the description it's hard to tell. I'd say for an understanding of the language itself then I can't find much better than pycon talks like Raymond Hettinger's. But for practice then if you're interested in math the data analysis will probably be marginally more directly applicable but the python developer course will be more well rounded.
@TedShifrin Well, So how can we care about our proofs?
@TedShifrin I've seen enough people struggling with the concept of "probability 0, but not impossible"
@John_Krampf the video is entertaining, i like the bit about p vs np.
where's a good place to share heavy metal dark elixir music?
@Thor: Yes, I suppose that distinction can be difficult.
I don't see your point, @C.F.G. Although I've taught students who would not allow the axiom of choice, I personally have never used it in my research, but I don't quibble over it.
@copper.hat yep :) he's a good speaker
@John_Krampf by the way this problem/puzzle we are working on, is this what is called Path finding?
@TedShifrin hi
Hi, Karim.
@TobiasKildetoft Sorry, my wifi or internet disconnected.
Another question: How mathematicians decide that an statement is a postulate or a theorem or not? This bother me a lot!!
I don't think the term postulate is used much in mathematics
if we have a proof, it's a theorem, if not, it's a conjecture
Just a quick question. Is $|\zeta'(s)| \geq 1$ for all $s \in \mathbb{C}$?
What do you mean "decide"? One wants as few postulates as possible. For example, with the ring axioms, you prove that $0\cdot a = 0$ for every $a$ in the ring. This is not yet another axiom.
@Lukas: Well, we have axioms/postulates all over the place when we define structures.
Path finding you usually have as input your start and end point already known and then find a path between them.

Here we don't really know what the end point is and what I implemented is an uninformed search strategy for doing an exhaustive search for points reachable from the origin. I didn't record the path from the origin to each point but we could have built that if we wanted though another thing to add to the program would be choosing just one path from the origin to a point which we didn't worry about here because we don't care if there's multiple paths from the origin to a point.
@Ted okay, I hadn't heard the term postulate for axioms
but those axioms are actually just definitions
not qualitatively the same thing as, say, ZFC axioms
How is the parallel postulate different from a definition? :D
It's a semantic difference, not a mathematical difference.
Thorgott was saying that axioms are just definitions
I thought Thor was distinguishing.
Of course, this sort of pedantic stuff is precisely what I hate.
@TobiasKildetoft Great question. I would not be using Python for web development, instead I would be using Python for the kind of problem we have just been working on, maybe AI, working with/processing data (for example, this, and robotics too if Python is useful there, etc.
Ahh, I suppose Python is indeed the goto for many when it comes to AI
at least as the outer layer
@BlackPanther check out this aima.cs.berkeley.edu
yeah, I was trying to distinguish
just add everything you can't prove as an axiom
@TedShifrin Quick question. If $S$ is a regular surface, $p$ is an umbilic, then we can choose coordinates $(u, v)$ around $p$ such that $\partial_u$ and $\partial_v$ form a basis of eigenvectors for the shape operator. In particular $\mathbf{n}_u = -k_1 \partial_u$ and $\mathbf{n}_v = -k_2 \partial_v$. Equating mix partials and using $k_1(p) = k_2(p)$, I get $\partial_u k_2(p) = \partial_v k_1(p) = 0$.
I don't think an axiom such as "there exists a set" is structurally the same thing as a definition
Do you understand this in an intuitive way or is it just some identity
but of course, I'm not a logician, so I probably better keep shut
@John_Krampf I see, that makes it hard because now I have 3 good resources to choose from :D.
@BlackPanther You should also check out mit.edu/~puzzle/2020/puzzle/hackin_the_beanstalk (not that you will learn anything, but it is fun to try to solve)
@BlackPanther look trhough AIMA first, it's the best textbook on AI and although the principles are language neutral, the code they use to implement their AI algorithms is written in python
@Balarka: The beginning is wrong. Oh, are you assuming every point is an umbilic? Or just some point? If every point is an umbilic, then any coordinates work. If it's an isolated point, you cannot necessarily choose coordinates.
If every point is an umbilic, why are you writing $k_1$ and $k_2$ when it's just $k$?
are umbilic points related to the umbilical cord?
Only $p$ is an isolated umbilic. Why not? You're saying coordinates under which the coordinate lines are lines of curvature does not exist in general?
Yes, @Lukas ... equally curved in all directions, like the umbilus.
Yeah, when you have an umbilic, you do not necessarily have local coordinates adapted.
You can blow up the point and then do it.
But why? You can still choose a frame of principal directions, and locally that should integrate to a chart, in my mind.
I don't understand the obstruction I think.
@John_Krampf Yes, I'll be starting this MIT programming competition in a couple of weeks, which I suspect uses path finding, so I'm hoping what I learned today from you would be relevant to that MIT programming competition, or at least a building block for anything I have to learn or do when I compete.
What says the frame extends smoothly across $p$?
I see your point.
This is actually a big deal and one of the failures of moving frames. :P
Simultaneous diagonalization for a family of quadratic forms should be problematic precisely when your eigenvalues are crossing, I see.
If you look at my paper with McCrory that I sent you, this sort of problem is why we had to pass to a double-cover to do stuff with asymptotic directions (projective geometry).
@TedShifrin Ah OK
Well, diagonalizing one when the eigenvalues come together is the issue.
@John_Krampf Wow, thanks for the link. I've not heard of that book until you linked to it. Is that a book on just AI or does it teach you Python too?
@TobiasKildetoft Thanks, I'm not sure what that is, but it looks fun.
@TedShifrin But yeah I was wondering about where I get stuck trying to say something about an isolated umbilic in the proof that all points umbilic => part of sphere
@TedShifrin The point is just that there is no smooth map $D: \text{DMat}_{2 \times 2} \to \Bbb R^2$, where the first is the space of diagonalizable 2 x 2 matrices, and the latter the space of diagonal 2 x 2 matrices, so that $D(M)$ is conjugate to $M$.
@Balarka: We should be able to make an example where the principal directions spiral as you come in to the origin.
@BlackPanther It's a book on AI, the code repo examples happen to be in Python
@BlackPanther That is pretty much the feeling any puzzle from the mystery hunt gives you
(looking forward to next years hunt which will be fully online)
@John_Krampf You mean I can learn Python through this book you linked?
@TobiasKildetoft I forgot about that math puzzle website, Ill go back there after grading is doone
@MikeM: Yeah, smoothness is definitely an issue, but I'm not even sure you can do it continuously in general. I haven't thought about this recently.
@BlackPanther Given you already know C# then I think yes you can learn python by reading the example code as you learn more about AI. For example the book covers path finding
@MikeMiller I never really got around to looking at it either
@Balarka: How is there is an isolated point if every point is such?
@TedShifrin I think you can do it continuously in the 2 x 2 case but not after that.
I'm not even sure of that, @MikeM. I think I can visualize a spiraling road up to the top of a mountain.
@TedShifrin No I mean to say it seemed like the proof should say $(k_2)_u = (k_1)_v = 0$ but I was wrong.
At an isolated umbilic
I wasn't trying to specialize
Nevermind, this fails in the 2 x 2 case.
@John_Krampf Thanks :D. I am really interested in AI, if I can learn AI and at the same time learn Python then I will definitely read AIMA from start to finish.
I appreciate that viewpoint, though, @MikeM.
I remember the example now.
[x x]
[x x]

for positive x.

[x 0]
[0 0]
for negative x.
@Balarka: If you have coordinates, it probably does. I guess we can look at Codazzi-Mainardi and see what comes out.
@John_Krampf the book is free, right?
@BlackPanther nope
Every book is free at the russian bookstore
@MikeM: So the point is that the eigenvectors do not patch continuously at the origin. Right.
Very instructive for Balarka :D
Right. The eigenvalues do. But not the eigenvectors in any useful sense.
This is the sort of thing that got me into singularity theory, @Balarka.
Trying to do differential geometry where things drop rank.
Yeah that's good stuff
Too bad it died
Yeah, this is automatically my favorite thing of the week now.
I don't think it's completely dead, @MikeM, but it was never exactly main-stream.
Too bad we'll both die @Mike
Too bad we never wrote our final series of papers ... years of work never published.
"good stuff" - living people about dead us
More of a compliment than I expect to receive
I found a write-up that explicitly mentions the above example. I wonder if that's where I first saw it
@Ted: An inspiring quote from the foreword of Eliashberg-Mishachev: "Dedicated to V. I. Arnold, who introduced us to the world of singularities, and M. Gromov, who taught us how to remove them"
Anyhow, @Balarka, do you agree with me that you can construct a surface with an isolated umbilic (presumably a planar point, but I'm not even sure)?
Nice quote :)
Yeah I agree. I'll have to construct one which shows this kind of behavior but it shouldn't be too hard.
Thanks @MikeMiller
I tried to be pretty careful in my text, @Balarka, about explicitly referring to the ODE result when you are away from umbilic points, but I didn't go into details why.
i think a lot of authors 'assume away' awkward issues like singularities.
You have to, @copper. They're a whole mess of trouble.
@MikeMiller: Hi. Which Russian bookstore?
the phrasing "russian bookstore" was a joke I have seen before
Now we see how long until someone flags that link into oblivion
I have given up objecting to illegal s***.
But it isn't illegal?
I mean, when the whole government engages in it ...
Yes, @C.F.G, absolutely.
And they certainly do not have the permission of the authors or publishers.
@TedShifrin Thanks, I'll check the precise statement from your text tomorrow.
It was Alessandro's expression at first I believe
At one point, I asked my publisher to go after one of those sites, but eventually I gave up.
I'm sure I've been using this expression for a long time, but I don't remember whether I saw it somewhere or I came up with it
People are flagging Mike's messages
@MikeMiller It has been flagged btw
I didn't do it.
I didn't too.
Feb 28 '18 at 10:24, by Alessandro Codenotti
How fortunate, my favourite Russian bookstore had a copy with fast delivery, it just arrived
@C.F.G This message has been flagged too
first mention in the logs
Q: McDuff Groups and McDuff Factors

user193319Let $G$ be a countable, infinite conjugacy class (ICC) group (i.e., if $g \in G \setminus \{1\}$, then the conjugacy class of $g$ is infinite). This will insure that the group von Neumann algebra $L(G)$ is a so-called $II_1$ factor von Neumann algebra. Recall that a $II_1$ factor von Neumann alge...

@TedShifrin I am sorry to hear that.
Is this question more suitable for mathoverflow?
@John_Krampf This is partly why I turned down about 6 offers to turn my free diff geo book into a published book.
Under which jurisdiction is this chat anyway ?
@TedShifrin I think it's terrible that your hard work was stolen from you without consent. It disincentivizes people from producing great work when they aren't allowed to productize it how they want.
Yeah, but the flip side is that publishers charge six arms and three legs for books. When my coauthor and I wrote our linear algebra book, our editor swore that they would keep the price at the bottom of the range of prices for such books. A year later, it flew up, and he innocently said that his bosses would not allow it.
Yeah, math books on introductory topics are a strange breed. Many of them are clearly being essentially exploited by the publishers who put out new editions with just enough changes to be incompatible with previous ones, but no actual new content
That's in every field, @Tobias. Every field.
@TedShifrin And all that money magically disappeared between the publisher and you leaving cents per copy as it often happens?
In things like biology and political science, where things are changing every week, I can see its validity. But ...
Unfortunately, this has made a lot of people think that it is OK to skip the paying part
@TedShifrin I want to be empathetic about price but I feel that good presentations of technical topics really are worth that much. Take someone who understand linear algebra vs someone who doesn't, they have so much more technical (and career $$$ if that matters) potential
@Alessandro: Well, our royalties may have gone up a little. I honestly do not remember.
@TedShifrin No doubt (I just have only seen it in math myself)
The sad thing, @John_Krampf, is how many horrible books there are. And many of them sell better than the good ones. pats self on back
Hats do not show up on the attendee board.
Did they used to?
@TedShifrin I think when this happens it is often because some publishers aggressively market their books including with kickbacks to decision makers. But stealing IP and putting it for free on the net mainly punishes the honest author who puts effort into their book instead of their marketing. The marketing focused people can always print up a new edition that switches question order to keep the money flowing
unfortunately the market for math books is not like the market for mp3s...
Anyhow, I never started in the book business expecting it to make me wealthy. I just wanted to contribute some high-quality texts. Some of the students haven't necessarily appreciated said "high quality."
@TedShifrin I don't remember. I was just looking at the board and I noticed that it was not showing.
I don't think they ever did but I'm not sure
@TedShifrin For me money is just a guide to help me focus on one activity vs another. Math activities don't make me rich at all but I'm not picky so instead of working on recreational problem X I can work on problem Y if there's an incentive attached to it
I kept being surprised how hard it was to write good exposition. Even when I knew the topic really well
Ah, I don't think I ever did that, @John_Krampf, but very interesting.
@Tobias: My view is that most math authors do not write well. Papers, books, whatever.
But the culture of journals discourages good exposition, sadly.
Yeah. I was certainly never really satisfied with any of the expository stuff I wrote
@TobiasKildetoft Yeah that's why having a good exposition from someone who knows what they're talking about is worth its weight in... silver
The research stuff I found to be fine generally
Oh, I've struggled through some horridly written papers.
unfortunately there is the reality of publish or perish.
@TedShifrin Yeah of course my definition of what I consider mathematical is pretty broad, so if someone is stuck on only focusing on their favorite subarea of their favorite subdiscipline then there might not be any money to be found.
Yes, but quality of writing isn't part of that.
perhaps the quality quantity product is some sort of publishing uncertainty principle...
Sure, I have struggled through terrible writing too. But for my own writing I was mostly satisfied with the research stuff and never really with the expository stuff.
How would you guys describe the difference between Math.SE and MathOverflow?
One is research grade, the other has ignorant people like me contributing
MathOverflow is supposed to be advanced grad students and researchers. I have answered only one question on MO. I've answered zillions here.
(But that's mostly because I just don't hang out at MO much at all.)
My background is in analysis so I rarely see anything of interest on MO, which seems to be about algebra, number theory, maybe some combinatorics problems? It seems weird to me to tackle research questions in such a format but perhaps in those disciplines research happens in shorter cycles? When I was in grad school the top analysis professors published 2-3 papers a year and the top combinatorics professors seemed to put out 1 every 6 weeks.
Oh, there's plenty of analysis and geometric analysis on MO, too.
@John_Krampf if I read and understand that AIMA book from start to finish will I be able to get a job in the AI field in robotics etc.?
@John_Krampf And how much time should it take me to get through that book?
there is a big gap between reading and getting a job!
I meant understanding what I read
Maybe not a super high paying job, but at least entry level or something
Reading (and even understanding) any book will not be enough to land a job
Employers look for something that actually demonstrates that you can do stuff. And anyone can claim to have read and understood a book
an employer needs to have some idea that you can actually apply stuff, unfortunately just declaring that you understand will not convince many. no judgement on you, just a reality.
So generally it will take more to get an interview. But once at such an interview, having understood the book will obviously be a great bonus
@copper.hat No worries, I'll just have to practice the concepts I learn from that book
@TobiasKildetoft Maybe I'll put exercises I do on GitHub.
That is certainly a good idea, yes
Anything (of decent quality) on GitHub is a big plus for getting an interview
As for how long the book should take me, what do you think?
good luck. i don't know you so take the following with a grain of salt, but getting any software work would be a good start. unfortunately the 'learn it and they will see it' is not a good approach.
(I have some stuff on GitHub, and that does not qualify as being of decent quality)
Understood. I better not put all my eggs in one basket then
Nowadays it's better to be a generalist, than a specialist
whoa boy the snow is here
Where you at?
Being a specialist can be fine, as long as you specialize in something a lot of people want
@BlackPanther Long Island (NY)
I see just rain :(
@TobiasKildetoft Very true.
just to get a job, someone needs to know that you know stuff :-)
@BlackPanther I find the book fascinating and keep going back to it. Could take a few weeks if it's sporading nights and weekends like I do. I guess if you have literally nothing else to do and amazing focus you could read it in a few days.
@John_Krampf The snow arrived for you just before Christmas :). Happy days
@BlackPanther I would hire someone who read that books 10 x over someone from a data analysis course. That being said I'm not hiring and people with the money to hire are often more impressed by buzzwords than understanding.
@John_Krampf :D Reading it is one thing, comprehending and retaining what you read at that speed is very difficult, in fact I would like to see someone do it just to know it's possible. Of course if you have already covered the topic before then it's not impossible to do.
@BlackPanther By "reading" I definitely think you should program the things in the books for yourself, also try to do some of the exercises as you go, they will confirm that you understood what you read
@John_Krampf That's good to know :). Yup, your soft skills take you further, without it you're not getting promoted to management positions which always pay more.
@John_Krampf I see, a practical approach.
If I'm reading that book then I guess I'll be here a lot more often.
Thank you everyone, and have a nice day. I have a phone call to make, and an early day tomorrow
there may be better rooms for data science type discussions?
@BlackPanther good luck have fun!
@copper.hat depends on the data science. if it's the kind of data science where you want to understand what you're doing then math people are second to none. but conversation about "what pre-fabricated library and I plug and play with" then that's for somewhere else
@John_Krampf makes sense, but things here tend to a little more topological/analysis focused...
or random comments as in my case :-)
@copper.hat I'm one of those people who sees very rigorous reasoning as equivalent to math. If anyone has a differing conception of math I would like to know it.
@John_Krampf this is more of a discussion over a bottle of wine... i have found that i have two modes in this regard: a 'math mode' and a 'developer mode'. both are rigorous, but require (for me!!!, not generalising) a different way of thinking and it takes me time (hours+) to switch.
@copper.hat hm... have you ever written code in prolog? it bridges the gap between the two modes
@John_Krampf back in the 80's :-(. my preferred coding is lisp (well scheme really) which worked for me as a bridge.
generally i prefer exploratory programming...
@copper.hat 80's were a wild time for prolog. I'm jealous I wish I could have been there. I liked prolog a lot recently but the support just isn't there. I'm just happy that python is pretty and well supported. Great video on prolog for those unfamiliar youtube.com/watch?v=G_eYTctGZw8
@copper.hat lisp, python, and some others are good for this. Prolog is good for this too (I love how search algorithms are a built-in primitive) though it can be tricky to inspect a result if you don't plan for that in advance.
For the record I was there in the 80s but a little too young to be programming prolog
@John_Krampf that was the unexpected thing for me with s/w, that for any 'real' work you need libraries and fairly active support (commercial or community).
(unexpected in the 80's timeframe i mean :-). i have done commercial dev in scheme, but its harder to come by now :-(
a lot of chips are still designed with a system that has lisp as its 'extension language'.
@copper.hat " i have done commercial dev in scheme, but its harder to come by now" you're giving me nostalgia for a time I wasn't around in. " that was the unexpected thing for me with s/w, that for any 'real' work you need libraries and fairly active support" Yep for all the cool features another language can give you, nothing beats googling your problem and having 5 stack overflow responses of people working through the same problem
@John_Krampf i like the symbolic nature of lisp which py doesn't really have. (actually my most recent scheme dev was maybe 5 years ago). also, keep in mind that i do contract/consulting work, so it is easy to misconstrue some of my comments :-)
I'm just thankful I got into my career in such a way that I can work in Python and not have to work in the statically typed compiled languages. that workflow sounds so painful and code so obtuse.
i have developed in c++ for decades and thoroughly hate the way it has evolved.
@copper.hat " i like the symbolic nature of lisp which py doesn't really have." yep from not having macros to even small things like not having symbols. Some recent code I wrote is using interned strings instead of symbols which I guess is ok but really out of the way method of doing things
Of course, macros are a double edged sword, I do some work in R and there's already enough syntax hackery they're doing there where it's difficult to interpret what the code is doing
@John_Krampf a lot of what i did would be fairly described as grunt work, and the symbolic nature of lisp meant a lot of stuff could be done or experimented with really quickly. but it is much slower than compiled for intensive stuff (which should be pushed to c++ and its ilk).
i can't really discuss it here, but i did have a lisp->py project, and it was painful.
I disagree that intensive stuff should be pushed to c++. I mean, _maybe_ one person should do this every 10 years, but in my experience I go with what Norvig says in points 21 to 24 here https://norvig.com/Lisp-retro.html

There are four general techniques for speeding up an algorithm: caching, compiling, delaying computation, and indexing. [p. 269]
We can write a compiler as a set of macros. [p. 277]
Compilation and memoization can yield 100-fold speed-ups. [p. 307]
Low-level efficiency concerns can yield 40-fold speed-ups. [p. 315]
@John_Krampf nice article! the speed discussion is too involved to get into here. but you need low level (even assembler and/or gpus) to handle some tasks (place & route, design rule checking, formal verification, simulation) in a commercial environment. this includes being able to hire people who know the stuff.
@copper.hat haha I will defer to you on that. For my work though I find a much bigger problem than execution speed is making sure my subordinates don't get distracted going down rabbit holes as if something being asked of them requires them to go out and learn C in order to speed up their code instead of just not using double for loops where they aren't necessary
@John_Krampf no question there. order of magnitude first before constants :-)
@copper.hat it's the curse of working in tech startups when we hire inexperienced 20 somethings who will look for any excuse to play with new technology rather than build new features or fix bugs on an existing code base
this could be a very interesting discussion , but the right forum involves wine :-)
@John_Krampf this is true, but unfortunately you need to go with the flow unless you have a large supply of hires :-)
@copper.hat If only Everyone Listened To Me!!
@John_Krampf there are a lot of great analysts on MO from what I've seen; the people who ask questions there tend to ask about the topics you mentioned, though. So be the change you want to see in the world and ask good analysis questions on MO
@John_Krampf interestingly, my logic professor had to program a lot in prolog and hated it
@user2103480 yeah... "logic programming" is a bit of a pipe dream forcing logic on to programmers and programming onto logicians. I wish people just learned prolog as a programming language with cool features as opposed to the AI friend you wished existed but really doesn't
Why learn something technical if you don't need it, or the skills attached to it, regularly?
Or why learn it when the abstract skills you gain can also be learned from a topic that's more useful to oneself
good question, why did I learn measure theory again
@Thorgott of all things I learned measure theory is one of the most useful
@Thorgott not only did you learn it, I think you learned it and remember it pretty well for just taking one course (and analysis III)
@user2103480 pretty fair to be honest. unless you find some intrinsic beauty to it, though there's a limit to that because learning something for its intrinsic beauty is a luxury

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