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@Knight Hi.
@MatsGranvik Hello!
I don't know the answer to your question. I can try it in Mathematica after I finish eating this sandwich.
@MatsGranvik Okay, please do that.
How was the sandwich :-) ?
It is a baguette.
Mathematica says that it can't do the limit, but it leaves it unevaluated so the limit should exist:
Clear[n, x, k];
x = 2;
Limit[x/n*Sum[Log[1 + k^2*x^2/n^2], {k, 1, n}], n -> Infinity]
The limit gives me for x=2 and n=10^6:

While the integral gives me for N[Integrate[Log[x], {x, 1, 2 + 1}], 12]
@MatsGranvik I’m sorry but I really don’t know about Mathematica
What are your conclusions ?
@Knight Can't say for sure, but they seem to be not equal. Also why do you have x+1 in the upper integration limit? Did you mean to write some other number there equal to x in the limit like: $\int_{1}^{X+1} ln(x) dx$
Or: $\int_{1}^{x_1+1} ln(x) dx$
Because that limit of sum was equal to $f(x)$
Can we convert that limit into an integral in any other way?
I can't say, I don't know.
Thanks for your time.
Did you take coffee or tea with that sandwich ?
@Knight Neither, I quit coffee and tea about 5 or 6 years ago.
@MatsGranvik WHY?
Because my boss does not drink coffee or tea, and I thought it was a good idea to follow his example.
$$\int_1^{x+1} \log (x) \, dx = ConditionalExpression[(x+1) (log(x+1)-1)+1,Re(x)>=-1[Or]x[NotElement][DoubleStruckCapitalR]]$$
This is what Mathematica says when you have x+1 in your upper integration limit.
What does it mean?
I have never used Mathematica, just heard about it
ConditionalExpression[1 + (1 + x) (-1 + Log[1 + x]), Re[x] >= -1 || x \[NotElement] Reals]

|| is the word Or
The latex got messed up, but a conditional answer to the integral anyways.
Re[x]= Real part of x
x does not belong to the reals.
@Knight Write $1 + \frac{k^2}{n^2}$ as $\left( 1 + \frac{k}{n} \right)^2 - \frac{2k}{n}$.
@feynhat I tried but it didn’t help
Do you guys add "A Geometric Approach" after everything? : A Geometric Approach
I think I should've written "A Recursive Approach"...
@LeakyNun How do we know that any discrete subgroup of $\Bbb R$ is isomorphic to $\Bbb Z$?
@feynhat the first positive element is a generator
How do we know there is a least positive element?
Can they come very close to 0, like 1/n.
They can't because discrete.
But still is there a way to argue that there is a least positive element?
can't happen, because they contain $0$
so if they get arbitrarily close to $0$, they contain a limit point
by translation you can obtain that any such non-discrete subgroup is in fact dense
@Thorgott Neat.
@Thorgott Are you familiar with stochastic approximation theory?
@Knight $\int_0^x\log\left(1+t^2\right)\mathrm{d}t$
What is in general meant by a generator of a free group? For example here: "Given a set S, there is a function i: S → F(S), known as the canonical inclusion, sending each
element of S to the corresponding generator of F(S)." .
@user736948 Are you familiar with how the free group is defined?
Set of equivalence classes of words with letters in S. Group operation being concatenation.
Right, and those letters are the generators
Hei, does anyone here knows Solomonoff Induction?
Solomonoff Induction - Why that is even called Induction?
Mathematically speaking, Induction is defined as a method which proves a statement is true for all Natural Numbers.
But, Solomonoff thing does completely different...
@abhas_RewCie No, induction does not need to be about natural numbers
So the canonical inclusion mentioned in my previous post just sends each letter to it's corresponding equivalence class
@TobiasKildetoft Why?
To be precise... the generators are the equivalence classes of each letter, no? @TobiasKildetoft
no, I'm not
@user736948 Right, though it is usually not very frtuiful to think in terms of equivalence classes for free groups
@abhas_RewCie Just because some tutorial site claims it does not make it true
induction is a technique that applies to any well-ordered set
@TobiasKildetoft Thanks! That clarifies things for me.
@TobiasKildetoft means?
@user736948 It is easier for most purposes to think in terms of reduced words
@abhas_RewCie Not sure what you mean.
Since each equivalence class contains a unique reduced word
@TobiasKildetoft You told that induction isn't for Natural Numbers, it can be for other sets too? Is that what you told na?
Yes, it can be used for any set with a suitable relation
(a bit of extra care needs to be taken though)
@TobiasKildetoft Okay... So, Induction is a technique for proving statements? right.?
right, usually
@TobiasKildetoft usually? means? I thought it's always...
Well, as a mathematician I am loath to make absolute statements
I mean, there is no categorical definition for "induction", is there?
Anyway, I wrote a blog post about the general version of induction here math.blogoverflow.com/2015/03/10/when-can-we-do-induction back when MSE had a blog
@TobiasKildetoft Then, what Solomonoff Induction even does? It just assigns probability distribution to functions, it isn't any close to induction.
@Thorgott Not one that I know at least (and if there were, then probably it would be the other sort of induction anyway)
@abhas_RewCie Ahh, that is probably a case of the other sort of induction then, where the word derives from "inducing"
so you induce from something to something else
usually it means to expand the range of applicability of something to something larger, but often not in a way where you can just restrict to get back the original
@TobiasKildetoft Totally didn't get it. Can you please explain with an example or references please?
I have no idea what the specific example you mention is, so unfortunately not
@TobiasKildetoft references?
not for your example, no. And other references might be too far from the topic to be useful
Hmm... Okay. Thanks :-)
Ah... some info here - Algorithmic Probability
Elon Musk is gone crazy on Twitter.
Oh My god. What has happened to him...
@TedShifrin Did you see my latest question?
@abhas_RewCie Bye
If $U\subseteq S^1$ is open and $U=-U$, then $U^2$ is open in $S^1$
@Thorgott so you used both additive and multiplicative notation
each to be interpreted pointwise
anyone ever come across the hadamard product of matrices?
In mathematics, the Hadamard product (also known as the element-wise, entrywise or Schur product) is a binary operation that takes two matrices of the same dimensions and produces another matrix of the same dimension as the operands where each element i, j is the product of elements i, j of the original two matrices. It should not be confused with the more common matrix product. It is attributed to, and named after, either French mathematician Jacques Hadamard or German mathematician Issai Schur. The Hadamard product is associative and distributive. Unlike the matrix product, it is also commutative...
anyone know how to fibrate something?
@Thorgott $z \mapsto z^n$ is an open map on $S^1$, no?
no, that's the same as saying $z\mapsto\sqrt[n]{z}$ is continuous, which fails if you move around the circle once
or wait, it's not the same as saying that
what does $\sqrt[n]{z}$ even mean?
say, $e^{i\theta}\mapsto e^{i\theta/n}$
who is writing nLab? they are so advanced. (nvm it's an organization so multiple folks are probably writing for it)
but if you look at where a small open strip of the circle around $1$ is mapped, the image isn't open
@Thorgott I can't see this. If I take an open arc about 1 and square it, would I get another longer open arc?
@feynhat: And fatter.
does anyone want to do the pre-calculus AND can you even do precalc on manifolds?
Yes, $z\mapsto z^n$ is an open map. It's a local diffeomorphism.
@TedShifrin fatter? We are in S^1. There is no width.
oh, I'm being stupid
Thorgott was talking about strips around the unit circle. Sorry.
I shouldn't jump into middles of conversations.
Salut @Astyx
how do you fatten something?
like that's exactly what I need for the fibrations.
hi astyx.
not that that matters to it being an open map $S^1\rightarrow S^1$, but is it a local diffeomorphism around $0$ too? @TedShifrin
No, of course not.
hi thorgott
It is if you remove $0$, but not in an actual neighborhood of $0$.
$0$ is a branch point, as the $n$ sheets all meet there.
If we think of $S^1$ as $\Bbb R / \Bbb Z$. The map $t \mapsto nt$ induces $z \mapsto z^n$. I start with an open set in $S^1$ and lift it to $\Bbb R$ (it is open because quotient), $t \mapsto nt$ is open. Then I project back to $S^1$ (this map is open, right?).
@EnjoysMath what?
I have a prophecy that you will solve the twin primes conjecture in less than 5 years
* Maybe we need $t \mapsto 2\pi nt$ on $\Bbb R$.
@geocalc33 I don't think so. It's probably impossible to solve :)
yeah I know. I dropped the glass orb afterwards and it caused you not to :(
Covering maps are open maps, @feynhat
Oh. Right.
So, we're done.
foliation on the punctured plane $X=\Bbb R/\{0\}.$ S Say you fatten each $y_k=k/x$ for $k \in \Bbb R$. You fatten the $y_k.$ To fatten them you have to embedd into $\Bbb R^3$ correct?
so you could define a radius now on the $y_k.$ in the following manner. $y_k=x$
so slice the hyperbola with $f(x)=x$
and then revolve the $y_k$ around the fixed points i suppose.
then you get these tori
that are infinitely long basically.
Hi @Balarka
I listened to the Ulver album, but it didn't fully convince me
Hi @ShaVuklia
Night @BalarkaSen @TedShifrin @Thorgott @AlessandroCodenotti
@Alessandro not even Eos?
olas @Astyx
How are you ?
@AlessandroCodenotti Aw
Night @feynhat
@Astyx I'm doing fine. Had a stressful week in fact due to deadlines 'n stuff, but today is pretty relaxed. You?
Cool ! Pretty much the same for me, my last exam was today
@EdwardEvans That's good, the whole album is really, it just didn't convince completely for some reason
Fair one lol
Might just be because I'm enjoying heavier stuff lately
O, nice
I discovered some very heavy Opeth
Opeth are great
it's an old album called "My Arms, Your Hearse"
Do you guys know Rolo Tomassi?
who's he
They're a british band. They make a very heavy and experimental mix of post hardcore and mathcore
Don't know them lol
I've been listening to polyphia recently
sounds like a parody of animals as leaders
Polyphia's very similar to animals as leaders
yeah I'm not a big fan of Polyphia
I never listened to AAL
@EdwardEvans Nah I would say that AAL make "modern" instrumental progressive metal
They're pretty good
@Alessandro I was just making a dumb joke about the name Rolo Tomassi
I heard them live once
They were e x c e l l e n t live
Oh ok
Yeah they're incredible musicians
I spent about 7 years trying to play the start of Tempting Time
And they had Plini and Intervals opening who were both incredible as well
yeah we must've seen them on the same tour
Plini is great
Tosin Abasi - Rolo Tomassi
aye hahaha
@EdwardEvans Oh the first song or two might trick you
hahahaha I just hit Aftermath
and I'm like
iS tHiS AlEkSaNdRa DjElMaSh
i have been listening to classic death metal lmao
shade empire and stuff
You have 9 string guitar ?
very classic corn
I have an 8 string lol
You have to wait until she starts screaming
@EdwardEvans A true djentleman
death metal aint kvlt envvgh
hot take
I only have a 5 strings bass :C
It's a fretless one tho
bassist who does analysis, anything else you wanna do to destroy yourself?
hahaha jkjk
@EdwardEvans which one?
wait which what
which song am I on?
which guitar
Like which model
I can't English
I have a Schecter Omen 8
fairly entry level 8 string but I'm a bedroom guitarist
@EdwardEvans i like how these old power-influenced death metal songs all start with some epic keyboard intro, and ends with some techno shit happenins
its the same structure lolol
Schecter basses are pretty good so I assume their guitars are too
@EdwardEvans Anyway you might notice a slight change in Rituals (the third song)
Yeah this is fokken cool
(also note that they only have one singer, she is doing both the clean and the scream)
@Balarka I don't really know much death metal, I just hate on it because Varg killed Jeremy Epstein
Yeah it's great
"Death" is a good death metal band (loool)
ohh yeah I know Death
and Morbid Angel?
havent listened to much by them
@Alessandro really loving this album man
I'm glad, it's great
Yeah I have seen this argument before
New to me is all
Wondering if there's a geometric argument that $[\Bbb{RP}^n, \Bbb{RP}^n] = \Bbb Z/\chi(\Bbb{RP}^n)$, determined by degree
I answered a question on math stack exchange!
My day is done
but I don't understand the question very well so maybe I should not have answered it
$\displaystyle \inf_{f \in \bar{C}} \sup_{x\in [0,1]} \frac{x f(x)}{\int_0^1 f(t) dt}$
what does that exactly mean
you want the max f for the max x right?
infimum (supremum)
@MikeMiller Is that what you meant? If $n = 2$ the right hand side of your equation is $\Bbb Z/1$, the trivial group, which is not right.
Given a map $f : \Bbb{RP}^n \to \Bbb{RP}^n$, restrict to $\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}$. We know $[\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}, \Bbb{RP}^n] = [\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}, \Bbb{RP}^\infty] = H^1(\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}, \Bbb Z_2) = \Bbb Z_2$, so there are exactly two such maps upto homotopy, standard inclusion or collapse. By homotopy extension property we can homotopy $f$ so that $f|\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}$ is either standard inclusion or collapse as well.
If $f|\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}$ is a collapse, then $f$ gives rise to a class in $[S^n, \Bbb{RP}^n] = \pi_n \Bbb{RP}^n = \Bbb Z$.
If $f|\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}$ is the standard inclusion, then $f$ is a map of pairs $(\Bbb{RP}^n, \Bbb{RP}^{n-1}) \to (\Bbb{RP}^n, \Bbb{RP}^{n-1})$ which is identity on $\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}$, so lifts to a map $(D^n, \partial D^n) \to (D^n, \partial D^n)$ which is identity on $\partial D^n$. Such a map has to be relatively homotopic to the identity, right? By coning it off.
I meant Z/2 or Z, lol. My bad
@BalarkaSen In the first case you have to show which of those maps are homotopic as maps on RP^n. I'm a little confused about the second case though.
Right, so I think all that needs to be understood is the kernel of $[S^n, \Bbb{RP}^n] \to [\Bbb{RP}^n, \Bbb{RP}^n]$ given by precomposing with $\Bbb{RP}^n \to \Bbb{RP}^n/\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}$
Unsure how to go about doing that.
I am really confused about the second case though! For n odd there should be Z many
These should be the maps of odd degree
I think the kernel of the map above is trivial or $2\Bbb Z$ depending on dimension? The second case doesn't matter it seems, all it contains is identity - if that's the case it doesn't contradict what you said.
What you get seems to be that it lifts to a map which is +-1 on the boundary, but whatever, not a big difference
Yeah, I meant to correct myself on that
Should i use the Puppe sequence to compute the kernel of $[\Bbb{RP}^n/\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}, \Bbb{RP}^n] \to [\Bbb{RP}^n, \Bbb{RP}^n]$? Guess so
No I think there's something wrong with the second case.
The however many fold suspension of z^k induces a map of S^n of degree k, which descends to a selfmap of RP^n of degree k
What is degree if $n$ is even
mod 2 degree I guess
Hi, Any person can give any suggestion on this one?math.stackexchange.com/questions/3654195/…
in Calculus and analysis, yesterday, by Simple
Let $\Omega$ be an open subset of $\mathbb{C}$ and let $T \subset\Omega$ be a triangle whose interior is also contained in $\Omega$. Suppose that $f$ is a function holomorphic in $\Omega$ except possibly at a point $w$ inside $T$. Prove that if $f$ is bounded near $w$, then $\int_{T}f(z)dz=0$
Let $D_{\epsilon}(w)$ be an open disk of radius $\epsilon$ centered at $w$. There exists a $\epsilon_0>\epsilon>0$ such that the closure of $D_{\epsilon}(w)$ of $\mathbb{C}$ in $\Omega$. For any triangle $T$ in $\Omega$, let $T_{\epsilon}$ be the contour which is the union of $T\setminus\,D_{\epsilon}(w)$ and the boundary of $D_{\epsilon}(w)$ that is inside in the triangle $T$ is enclosed by $T$. Since $f$ is holomorphic in $T\setminus\,D_{\epsilon}(w)$, by Cauchy's Theorem, we have
any comments are appreciated
Still here? @Balarka
Do you want to listen to some GGT stuff and tell me if it sounds sensible? I'm getting very confused by some stuff and I think explaining it to someone would be helpful
Rubber duck debugging
Feel free to rant on garbology, I'll listen in from time to time. No guarantees I can help though
@BalarkaSen Sorry, when n is even I bet I agree there's only the identity in the second case but I'm not sure how to prove it
But when n is odd, the odd degree maps descend to odd degree maps of RP^n, which must induce 1 on pi_1
Whereas my first class of maps all induce 0 on pi_1
So they can't come from the first class
Hi, Anyone can offer any help on this? (1/t^3)'=100t'', May you find all t constant that satisfy this equation?
Annoying. How do you compute these things generally?
I don't really know. I was hoping that in this simple case we could work just a little harder than Hopf's theorem.
@Victor What variable are you taking derivatives with respect to? And what do you mean by $t$ constant?
@BalarkaSen Oh, here's the point. You can get a map $(D^n, \partial D^n) \to \Bbb{RP}^n$ which is the double cover of the usual inclusion on the boundary. But why should you be able to lift it up to the disc as codomain?
Oh ok no
Let's see. A map $\Bbb{RP}^n \to \Bbb{RP}^n$ which is identity on $\Bbb{RP}^{n-1}$ lifts to a map $(S^n, S^{n-1}) \to (S^n, S^{n-1})$ by map lifting lemma
On the $S^{n-1}$ factor it definitely has to be identity on antipodal though
Hello, I can't think of an example of a singular matrix $M$ that a unique has LU factorization. can someone suggest an example $3\times 3$?
@BalarkaSen Yeah. And it's not hard to imagine those of any degree n
yeah it doesnt give me anything
how did you compute the Z/2, Z thing
it annoys me that i cannot do basic computations haha
It's stated somewhere
I don't have any clean argument but there should be one
My idea is that if n is odd you can distinguish between all the different possible maps using the degree, while if n is even there should be some trick to cancel out the maps of even degree
it does seem that it's determined by degree if n is odd and degree mod 2 if n is even yeah
Like pushing a point around an orientation reversing loop to change its sign and then cancelling them
Maybe try $n = 2$ like this? If $f : \Bbb{RP}^2 \to \Bbb{RP}^2$ is a smooth map, make $f$ transverse to $\Bbb{RP}^1$. The preimage is a bunch of closed curves in $\Bbb{RP}^2$ with Mobius normal bundle. These kind of guys upto cobordism in $\Bbb{RP}^2$ maybe determines the homotopy classes?
If you have a single Moebius loop collapsing the exterior gives a map to RP^2 for sure
Coalescing multiple Moebius loops might give trivial loops, in which case I expect the map to be trivial in the first place
This sounds finicky. I don't like it
Am revisiting abstract algebra after a bit of time
any idea to this *) Let R be a ring and A,B are ideals of R such that AIB = (0)
I think I is also an ideal
@MikeMiller I think I see why, for example, the degree 2 map $S^n \to S^n$, when descended to $S^n \to \Bbb{RP}^n$ and precomposed by $\Bbb{RP}^n \to \Bbb{RP}^n/\Bbb{RP}^{n-1} = S^n$ to get $\Bbb{RP}^n \to \Bbb{RP}^n$, is always nullhomotopic.
It's because if you lift it up, you get $S^n \to S^n$, the map which folds the two hemispheres of the domain sphere to the upper hemisphere.
So I think the first case always gives me $\Bbb Z_2$'s worth of maps
No, the first case includes all even degree maps in the case that n is odd
It'll be either Z in each case or 1 in each case
Oh, right.
I give up
I'm really sure this is Hopfy
I have run out of ideas to calculate. Tell me if you find a way
We agree that
@BAYMAX A and B can have nontrivially intersecting annihilators and you choose a nonzero element from there, call the singleton set I. Are you given additional hypotheses?
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